

Mar 14th, 2015
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  1. Patrick Anderson:
  2. Age: 34
  3. Backstory: Patrick was originally the captain of a military vessel that's duty was battling against rebellions and terrorists of the Federations. After a few years of burning down towns and cities across star systems, Patrick grew dissatisfied with his life and left the Federation navy after refusing an order to shoot a ship of refugees down because administration thought they were a smuggling ship. Stripped of his rank and duties and nearly court marshaled, the captain fled his ship into a nearby back alley starsystem in an escape pod and has been looking to fight against the federation by smuggling and privateering, and generally live against the lifestyle instilled in him, namely to be free.
  5. Physical Description: Patrick is a taller gentleman, coming to about 6'3" in height. His light brown hair is trimmed exactly, as trained by his naval school but beard is now kept untrimmed and loose, jagging across his face and lips. His eyes are green and skin pale, with multiple scars across his chest and face, even including a missing right arm and left leg. Each of the limbs is replaced with an effective, but clunky pair of prosthetics.
  7. For Clothing Patrick wears an old, dusted, faded, and mostly ruined Naval uniform and cap, cleared of any badges and torn in many places. At this point it's somewhat outdated even, but the Cap'n just can't let it go.
  9. Weapons:
  10. Laser Pistol
  11. Plasma Shotgun
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