
Z/Justin Event IC3

May 4th, 2018
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  1. 5:08 PM <DarthLupin> Victor is in Containment
  2. 5:09 PM <Sax> As is Leon.
  3. 5:09 PM <Sax> He's fully geared.
  4. 5:09 PM <Odocoileus> Opal heads in showing up a bit late
  5. 5:09 PM <taylor_itkin> ConSec lets you into Z's viewing area. She's still restrained to the chair, slumped over, asleep. Seems no one untied her.
  6. 5:10 PM <Sax> Leon's face is -.-
  7. 5:10 PM <Sax> "Are you kidding me."
  8. 5:10 PM <DarthLupin> Victor face palms. "Goddamit."
  9. 5:12 PM <Odocoileus> "seriously?" She rubs her temples.
  10. 5:13 PM <DarthLupin> "Right, we need to untie her. Can't believe they left her like that all night."
  11. 5:13 PM <Sax> "Victor, I have a feeling this is going to end with us downing shots all night long."
  12. 5:13 PM <Sax> "You want to, or I?"
  13. 5:14 PM <DarthLupin> "I get that same feeling. I'll do it, I can resist better." (Let's just assume we all have our ears covered)
  14. 5:14 PM <taylor_itkin> (with gauze?)
  15. 5:14 PM <Sax> "Alright."
  16. 5:14 PM <Sax> Leon's upgraded to FOAM.
  17. 5:14 PM <DarthLupin> (Yeah, Victor would have handed it out)
  18. 5:14 PM <Odocoileus> She crosses her arms, "be careful."
  19. 5:14 PM <taylor_itkin> Leon's FOAM only has the same +2, unfortunately :D
  20. 5:15 PM <taylor_itkin> ConSec opens the door for Victor.
  21. 5:15 PM <DarthLupin> "I will, don't worry." He enters in. "Z, wake up, I'm gonna untie you."
  22. 5:15 PM <DarthLupin> He says this gently, trying not to scare her
  23. 5:15 PM <Sax> Leon looks at ConSec. "Why'd you leave the anahuman like that."
  24. 5:15 PM <taylor_itkin> "Hu, wha?"
  25. 5:16 PM <taylor_itkin> ConSec looks at Leon. "We weren't authorized to go in. We tried."
  26. 5:16 PM <Sax> "Who made that call to leave them like that."
  27. 5:16 PM <Odocoileus> She glares at ConSec.
  28. 5:16 PM <Sax> "We're running a scientific expedition, not a torture circus."
  29. 5:17 PM <DarthLupin> He puts on gloves and starts loosening her restraints. "I'm so sorry about leaving you in here like this. I had no idea they were going to leave you." He sounds legitimately sorry.
  30. 5:17 PM <taylor_itkin> "She made the call," they tell Leon.
  31. 5:17 PM <taylor_itkin> "...I asked to be," she tells Vitor.
  32. 5:17 PM <taylor_itkin> Victor.
  33. 5:17 PM <taylor_itkin> *
  34. 5:17 PM <Sax> "And you listened?"
  35. 5:18 PM <taylor_itkin> "She asked to be left like that. No one saw any reason to not let her."
  36. 5:18 PM <Sax> "And you did not call for instructions from Containment Command?"
  37. 5:18 PM <DarthLupin> "Why? It couldn't have been comfortable." His tone has done a complete shift from yesterday, it's much more emotional and has more emotion in it."
  38. 5:19 PM <taylor_itkin> "Containment Command told us it was fine."
  39. 5:19 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks down, Victor. "...I didn't want to be able to touch anyone, not even by accident."
  40. 5:19 PM <taylor_itkin> "I got Kieran in trouble."
  41. 5:19 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks ashamed.
  42. 5:20 PM <Sax> "... we need to seriously overhaul how things are done here."
  43. 5:20 PM <Sax> Leon looks a mix between disappointed, straight-up pissed, and amazed.
  44. 5:20 PM <Odocoileus> Opal watches Z, "whatever happened, it's over for now."
  45. 5:20 PM <taylor_itkin> One of the guards shrugs, Leon. "She made the request, and Command told us there was no reason to not grant said request. I don't see the problem."
  46. 5:21 PM <DarthLupin> "He's not in trouble, he just had to go to Containment for a bit. I'm sorry that we pulled him out by the way, we need to find the extent of your powers before anything else."
  47. 5:22 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods, still ashamed.
  48. 5:22 PM <taylor_itkin> "Is Leon there?"
  49. 5:22 PM <Sax> "You're the jailor. You make the decisions, not her."
  50. 5:23 PM <taylor_itkin> "You've got a weird outlook on how we should handle our division," ConSec tells Leon. "We're the jailor but we're not cruel. And she made a request."
  51. 5:23 PM <DarthLupin> "Yeah, he's out there." He finishes the last of her restraints and stands up straight. "There you go."
  52. 5:23 PM <taylor_itkin> She stands, slowly.
  53. 5:24 PM → Elisa joined (Apillant@In.A.Sea.Of.Loneliness)
  54. 5:24 PM <taylor_itkin> Victor, you'll notice, much like Leon did the other day, that the wall close to Justin's chamber is scratched to hell.
  55. 5:24 PM <taylor_itkin> She stays a bit far away from Victor. "Thank you..."
  56. 5:25 PM <DarthLupin> He nods and takes an lollipop out of his pocket and pops it in his mouth. "It
  57. 5:25 PM <DarthLupin> 's no problem. Want a lollipop?"
  58. 5:25 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods and reaches for it before shrinking her hand away quickly.
  59. 5:25 PM <taylor_itkin> She hesitates.
  60. 5:26 PM <Sax> "Leaving someone in that position is cruel."
  61. 5:26 PM <Sax> Leon doesn't press the issue further.
  62. 5:26 PM <DarthLupin> He walks up, takes her hand, and puts the lollipop in it. He's wearing gloves remember.
  63. 5:26 PM <taylor_itkin> "Take it up with command," they tell him, sighing.
  64. 5:26 PM <Sax> He watches, taking notes of anything he can see in the cell.
  65. 5:27 PM <taylor_itkin> She watches, still somewhat afraid. "...Thank you." She unwraps it and puts it in her mouth.
  66. 5:28 PM <Odocoileus> She rubs her forehead, "this better go well."
  67. 5:28 PM <DarthLupin> "Again, it's no problem. I'm sorry if I came off a bit clinical before, it's a bad habit of mine."
  68. 5:28 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods.
  69. 5:28 PM <taylor_itkin> "...Where are Kieran and Leon?"
  70. 5:29 PM <Odocoileus> "leon, " she doesn't take her eyes off of Z. " We need to talk at some point after this."
  71. 5:29 PM <Sax> "Yes. We do."
  72. 5:29 PM <Sax> Leon's voice is stern.
  73. 5:29 PM <DarthLupin> "Kieran is busy I believe, and Leon is outside."
  74. 5:29 PM <taylor_itkin> "Can I talk to him?"
  75. 5:29 PM <taylor_itkin> "He promised me ice cream..."
  76. 5:30 PM <DarthLupin> "Sure thing, one moment." He steps outside the cell once he's let out."
  77. 5:30 PM <taylor_itkin> He is let out.
  78. 5:31 PM <DarthLupin> "She wants to talk to you Leon. I also believe we should give in to her request a little and all go in there at some point. She is shaken still so we should try to calm her down as much as possible."
  79. 5:31 PM <Sax> Leon nods.
  80. 5:31 PM <Sax> He leaves the mask off.
  81. 5:31 PM <Sax> "Also, I promised her candy today. You beat me to it, you slick son of a bitch." Leon grins.
  82. 5:32 PM <DarthLupin> He gives him a mischievous grin. "Everyone knows I'm the candy man."
  83. 5:34 PM <Sax> "I concede to that."
  84. 5:34 PM <Sax> Leon moves to enter the cell.
  85. 5:34 PM <Odocoileus> Opal stays silent and narrows her eyes as she watches leon enter.
  86. 5:34 PM <taylor_itkin> He's let in.
  87. 5:35 PM <taylor_itkin> Z looks a little happier with him in the room.
  88. 5:36 PM <Sax> Leon nods. "Good evening."
  89. 5:36 PM <Sax> Cool and collected and neutral.
  90. 5:36 PM <taylor_itkin> "Hi."
  91. 5:37 PM <Sax> "I trust you enjoyed your ice cream treat after last night?"
  92. 5:37 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods enthusiastically.
  93. 5:38 PM <Odocoileus> She stands close to Victor, "i assume leon talked with Kieran...he and I are going to a have a chat later."
  94. 5:39 PM <Sax> "Good, good."
  95. 5:39 PM <Sax> "... did you really request for them to leave you like that? THat cannot have been comfortable."
  96. 5:40 PM <DarthLupin> He nods. "Let me know how that goes. I tried acting nicer and she seemed a tad more receptive to me."
  97. 5:41 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods. "I...did not want the chance of touching anyone again. I got Kieran in trouble...but Victor told me that I didn't?"
  98. 5:41 PM <Odocoileus> "i will, and that seems good."
  99. 5:41 PM <Sax> "He's not in trouble."
  100. 5:42 PM <Sax> "I'm sorry you had to witness that last night... that entire drag-out was over the top."
  101. 5:42 PM <taylor_itkin> "It's ok..."
  102. 5:43 PM <Sax> Leon looks to the scratched out wall.
  103. 5:43 PM <Sax> "... did you do that?"
  104. 5:43 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks. "...Maybe..."
  105. 5:43 PM <Sax> "Can I see your hands for a moment?"
  106. 5:44 PM <taylor_itkin> She holds out her hands - which are covered in unremovable gloves.
  107. 5:44 PM <taylor_itkin> PERC if you investigate them.
  108. 5:45 PM <Sax> 4df+4 Leon's checking to see if she fucked up her fingers doing so
  109. 5:45 PM <Glacon> Sax: Leon's checking to see if she fucked up her fingers doing so: 3 (4df+4=-, +, -, 0)
  110. 5:45 PM <taylor_itkin> She has indeed fucked up her fingers a little bit - there's some blood stains on the top of the fingers of the gloves, and they're worn down there.
  111. 5:45 PM → @Orionbasher (was Orionbi_Wan; opped) joined ⇐ @DSJ quit
  112. 5:50 PM <Sax> <<Victor, I need you in here, as well as a guard or two.>>
  113. 5:50 PM <Sax> <<She hurt herself managing to scratch the walls.>>
  114. 5:50 PM <Sax> He's not wearing a mask, so he can key in clearly, and Zee can hear this.
  115. 5:51 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks down. "...I'm fine."
  116. 5:52 PM <Sax> "Those can get infected."
  117. 5:52 PM <taylor_itkin> "I'm fine!"
  118. 5:52 PM <Sax> "... I'm not trying to hurt you or anything. I'm just calling the medic, to have a second look, alright?"
  119. 5:52 PM <Odocoileus> She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
  120. 5:52 PM <DarthLupin> <<Got it.>> He takes his medical kit and asks for the guards to come in with him
  121. 5:53 PM <taylor_itkin> She makes a dissatisfied sound.
  122. 5:53 PM <taylor_itkin> Victor, you're let in.
  123. 5:53 PM <DarthLupin> "Is it possible to take these gloves off?"
  124. 5:54 PM <taylor_itkin> ConSec keys in. <<No.>>
  125. 5:55 PM <DarthLupin> He makes an annoyed noise and grabs her hand and pushes into the fingertip lightly
  126. 5:55 PM TaffeTARDIS → %TAFKeta
  127. 5:56 PM <taylor_itkin> She winces.
  128. 5:57 PM <DarthLupin> He nods. "That's not good. This can get infected very easily."
  129. 5:57 PM <taylor_itkin> "I'm fine."
  130. 5:57 PM <Sax> Leon looks to the others.
  131. 5:58 PM <Sax> "Victor, can I leave you and Opaline to her?"
  132. 5:58 PM <Sax> "I need to talk to someone."
  133. 5:58 PM <DarthLupin> "Sure, I'm guessing it's important so you can trust us."
  134. 5:59 PM <DarthLupin> He turns back to Z. "We can't leave this. We can't be sure how your body reacts to antibiotics so we have to prevent an infection otherwise we may not be able to treat it."
  135. 5:59 PM <taylor_itkin> 4df+6 "I'm fine..."
  136. 5:59 PM <Glacon> taylor_itkin: "I'm fine...": 7 (4df+6=+, +, 0, -)
  137. 5:59 PM <taylor_itkin> MDEF +2 for gauze
  138. 6:00 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+7 MDEF
  139. 6:00 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: MDEF: 7 (4df+7=-, 0, 0, +)
  140. 6:00 PM <taylor_itkin> It's just another sentence, then.
  141. 6:01 PM <DarthLupin> "Z, in a worst case scenario, this can kill you. Please."
  142. 6:01 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks slightly ashamed.
  143. 6:02 PM <DarthLupin> "Will you let us treat you?"
  144. 6:02 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods.
  145. 6:03 PM <Sax> Leon moves to talk to Justin... presumably in another IC.
  146. 6:03 PM <taylor_itkin> TT
  147. 6:04 PM <DarthLupin> He gives her a smile and heads over to the mic. <<I would like to request she be transferred to a secure room for treating anomalies temporarily. She has hurt her fingers to an unknown extent and it needs to be disinfected and treated.>>
  148. 6:05 PM <taylor_itkin> <<One moment.>>
  149. 6:05 PM <taylor_itkin> There's some scuttling and Opal would see them talking into the radio. <<Approved.>>
  150. 6:05 PM <taylor_itkin> One enters the cell and moves her to one and guides you two with them.
  151. 6:05 PM <DarthLupin> He follows
  152. 6:06 PM <Odocoileus> She pinches the bridge of her nose as she follows.
  153. 6:07 PM <taylor_itkin> She's set up in the room and is allowed to take off her containment garb.
  154. 6:07 PM <taylor_itkin> She's handed a medical gown and she puts it on.
  155. 6:07 PM <DarthLupin> Victor hands Opal a pair of gloves. He looks at Z's fingers
  156. 6:08 PM <taylor_itkin> MED
  157. 6:08 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+5 MED
  158. 6:08 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: MED: 7 (4df+5=0, 0, +, +)
  159. 6:09 PM <taylor_itkin> You see the nails are worn down and the beds slightly bloody. They are bright, angry red.
  160. 6:09 PM <Odocoileus> Is opal still separate from victor and Z?
  161. 6:09 PM <taylor_itkin> Not if she decided to go in.
  162. 6:09 PM <taylor_itkin> She was allowed in.
  163. 6:10 PM <Odocoileus> She is going to hang back for now.
  164. 6:10 PM <taylor_itkin> Then yep
  165. 6:11 PM <DarthLupin> "I know you hate the man, but you need to take care of yourself." He takes Peroxide and cotton balls out of his kit
  166. 6:11 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks ashamed.
  167. 6:12 PM <DarthLupin> He puts the peroxide on the cotton and walks up to Z. "Let me see your hands."
  168. 6:12 PM <taylor_itkin> She slowly holds them out.
  169. 6:12 PM <taylor_itkin> Is Victor wearing gloves?
  170. 6:12 PM <DarthLupin> Yes
  171. 6:12 PM <taylor_itkin> Cool.
  172. 6:13 PM <DarthLupin> He takes one of her hands. "Alright, this is going to sting a bit, but it's necessary, alright?"
  173. 6:13 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks a little afraid.
  174. 6:13 PM <taylor_itkin> But she nods.
  175. 6:14 PM <DarthLupin> He takes a piece of cotton without peroxide on it and wipes away the blood before disinfecting them with the peroxide cotton. He tries to be as gentle as he can
  176. 6:14 PM <taylor_itkin> She hisses in pain.
  177. 6:15 PM <DarthLupin> He looks at the fingers once he's done. Are they still bleeding?
  178. 6:15 PM <taylor_itkin> Not still bleeding.
  179. 6:15 PM <taylor_itkin> Definitely still angry and red.
  180. 6:17 PM <Odocoileus> Watches patiently and scans Z a few times.
  181. 6:17 PM <DarthLupin> "Hmm, it's inflamed. One moment." He grabs an ice pack and hands it to her. "Apply this to all of your fingers, it should help with the swelling."
  182. 6:17 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks afraid but does as he says.
  183. 6:18 PM <DarthLupin> "Alright, you should be fine but we should keep you here a little longer to let the swelling go down. Thank you for your cooperation."
  184. 6:18 PM <taylor_itkin> The swelling will be slowly going down.
  185. 6:18 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods again. "...Thank you for helping."
  186. 6:19 PM <DarthLupin> He smiles. "I could never let someone be in pain and not help. I'm just glad it wasn't serious."
  187. 6:19 PM <taylor_itkin> She looks really sad all the sudden.
  188. 6:19 PM <DarthLupin> "Are you alright?"
  189. 6:20 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods. It is unconvincing.
  190. 6:20 PM <DarthLupin> "Z, we can't help you if you don't tell us what's wrong."
  191. 6:20 PM <taylor_itkin> "It's nothing."
  192. 6:21 PM <DarthLupin> "Please? I want to help you." (May I roll PERS?)
  193. 6:21 PM ⇐ Elisa quit (Apillant@In.A.Sea.Of.Loneliness) Quit: Good night friends.
  194. 6:22 PM <taylor_itkin> sure
  195. 6:22 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+4 Trust me I'm a "Doctor"
  196. 6:22 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: Trust me I'm a "Doctor": 1 (4df+4=-, 0, -, -)
  197. 6:22 PM <DarthLupin> (Nope)
  198. 6:22 PM <taylor_itkin> 4df+4
  199. 6:22 PM <Glacon> taylor_itkin: 6 (4df+4=0, +, 0, +)
  200. 6:22 PM <Odocoileus> (Jesus)
  201. 6:22 PM <taylor_itkin> "...It's stupid."
  202. 6:22 PM → &Roget (promoted to admin, opped) joined
  203. 6:23 PM <DarthLupin> "I don't mind listening anyways. Please?"
  204. 6:23 PM <taylor_itkin> "I just..."
  205. 6:24 PM <taylor_itkin> "N...No one's...helped me. For a very long time."
  206. 6:25 PM <DarthLupin> He puts a gloved hand on her shoulder. "Well that's going to come to an end. We're here to help you, and bring Marco to justice." He gives her a warm smile
  207. 6:25 PM <taylor_itkin> 4df+4
  208. 6:25 PM <Glacon> taylor_itkin: 2 (4df+4=0, -, 0, -)
  209. 6:26 PM <taylor_itkin> Her lower lip starts to tremble and she shakes a little.
  210. 6:28 PM <Odocoileus> Opal is practically up against the glass with her arms crossed.
  211. 6:28 PM <DarthLupin> "It's all going to be okay. You're safe here."
  212. 6:29 PM <taylor_itkin> PERS
  213. 6:29 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+4 PERS
  214. 6:29 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: PERS: 3 (4df+4=+, -, 0, -)
  215. 6:29 PM <DarthLupin> (Damn you Glac!)
  216. 6:29 PM <taylor_itkin> She nods, still a little unsure.
  217. 6:30 PM <DarthLupin> He smiles. "Do you like reading or anything like that? A hobby of some kind?"
  218. 6:30 PM taylor_itkin → taylor_sithkin
  219. 6:31 PM <taylor_sithkin> "...I used to paint before...him."
  220. 6:32 PM <DarthLupin> "Would you want me to have them send some painting supplies into your cell later?"
  221. 6:32 PM <taylor_sithkin> "You..could do that?"
  222. 6:33 PM <DarthLupin> "I don't see why not. No harm in letting you do something you enjoy."
  223. 6:33 PM <taylor_sithkin> She looks like a child who has just been given a puppy on christmas.
  224. 6:34 PM <DarthLupin> "Anything else you enjoy doing?"
  225. 6:35 PM <taylor_sithkin> "...I sculpted, too..."
  226. 6:35 PM <DarthLupin> "We could probably arrange some clay to be sent in as well then."
  227. 6:35 PM <taylor_sithkin> Now she looks like she's been sent two puppies.
  228. 6:36 PM <DarthLupin> He smiles, she's like a little kid. "How do your hands feel?"
  229. 6:36 PM → @DSJ (opped) joined
  230. 6:37 PM <taylor_sithkin> "They hurt a little..."
  231. 6:37 PM <DarthLupin> "Do you want painkillers?"
  232. 6:38 PM <taylor_sithkin> She shakes her head. "They don't work."
  233. 6:38 PM <DarthLupin> "Had a hunch. Keep on with the ice then."
  234. 6:38 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods. "Thank you!"
  235. 6:39 PM taylor_sithkin → taylor_sithkin
  236. 6:40 PM <DarthLupin> "You're very welcome. If I can be honest, you're more well behaved than a lot of the people I've treated before."
  237. 6:40 PM <taylor_sithkin> "...I don't believe that, I...almost made one of you shoot the other."
  238. 6:41 PM <DarthLupin> "That was before and you were scared. Besides, a paitent drew a knife on me once. Just don't try anything like that again alright?"
  239. 6:42 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods.
  240. 6:42 PM <taylor_sithkin> She starts to step forward for a hug but stops herself.
  241. 6:42 PM <taylor_sithkin> "...Sorry."
  242. 6:43 PM <DarthLupin> His outfit leaves very little skin showing except for around his head and neck. Would it be reasonable safe to hug her?
  243. 6:44 PM <taylor_sithkin> Not by Containment's point of view.
  244. 6:44 PM <DarthLupin> Is containment here?
  245. 6:45 PM <taylor_sithkin> They're keeping watch, yes.,
  246. 6:45 PM <DarthLupin> He nods. "It's alright. If you want I could give you a hug once the suit is back on."
  247. 6:45 PM <taylor_sithkin> "...Really?"
  248. 6:46 PM <DarthLupin> "Yeah, it should be safe. Your anomaly activates on skin to skin contact correct?"
  249. 6:46 PM <taylor_sithkin> "I have no idea."
  250. 6:47 PM <DarthLupin> "Well it will be a good test then. Worst case I get contained for a bit. Seems your mental link only lasts for an hour."
  251. 6:47 PM <taylor_sithkin> She looks scared at that. "I don't want to get anyone else in trouble."
  252. 6:47 PM → GraemeCracker joined (
  253. 6:48 PM <DarthLupin> "Containment doean't mean you're in trouble. It's for observation mostly when it comes to agents."
  254. 6:48 PM <taylor_sithkin> "Really?"
  255. 6:48 PM <taylor_sithkin> "So...what does it mean for me?"
  256. 6:49 PM <DarthLupin> "For you, it's a place to keep you out of the public eye to keep the veil of normalcy. If we can manage to remove the anomaly that has been given to you, staying here will not be required."
  257. 6:51 PM <taylor_sithkin> "Oh..."
  258. 6:52 PM <DarthLupin> "It's well within the realm of possibility honestly. If you anomaly can be forced upon you, it stands to reason it can be removed."
  259. 6:53 PM <taylor_sithkin> She looks...disappointed. Like she doesn't believe it's possible.
  260. 6:54 PM <DarthLupin> "Z, I have studied Anahumans like you before, and you are a very unique case in the big picture. Your anomaly was given through needles correct?"
  261. 6:55 PM <taylor_sithkin> "I...think..."
  262. 6:56 PM <DarthLupin> "If that's true, an antidote might be concocted if we find what he put into you."
  263. 6:56 PM <taylor_sithkin> "R-really?"
  264. 6:57 PM <DarthLupin> "It's a definite possibility. Chemicals can be counteracted with other chemicals "
  265. 6:57 PM <taylor_sithkin> There's a spark of hope.
  266. 6:58 PM <DarthLupin> "We're going to need your help of course."
  267. 6:59 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods.
  268. 6:59 PM <taylor_sithkin> "How?"
  269. 7:00 PM <Odocoileus> (wait can opal hear them or is it still sound proof?)
  270. 7:00 PM <DarthLupin> "I read the reports from your conversation with Leon, you said you were purchased and escaped correct?"
  271. 7:00 PM <taylor_sithkin> (she can hear)
  272. 7:00 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods.
  273. 7:00 PM <DarthLupin> "How did you escape?"
  274. 7:00 PM <taylor_sithkin> "..."
  275. 7:00 PM <taylor_sithkin> 4df+3 "I just...ran."
  276. 7:00 PM <Glacon> taylor_sithkin: "I just...ran.": 4 (4df+3=+, -, 0, +)
  277. 7:00 PM <taylor_sithkin> PERC
  278. 7:01 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+4 Perc
  279. 7:01 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: Perc: 0 (4df+4=-, -, -, -)
  280. 7:01 PM <DarthLupin> (Wow)
  281. 7:01 PM <Odocoileus> (can I try)
  282. 7:01 PM <taylor_sithkin> (sure)
  283. 7:01 PM <Odocoileus> 4df+4
  284. 7:01 PM <Glacon> Odocoileus: 3 (4df+4=-, 0, +, -)
  285. 7:01 PM <Odocoileus> (pfft)
  286. 7:01 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal, she...did she run? She says she ran...
  287. 7:03 PM <Odocoileus> Opal requests to enter with ConSec with her.
  288. 7:03 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal is let in with them.
  289. 7:04 PM <Odocoileus> "hi, Z." She smiles sweetly,only taking a few steps from the door.
  290. 7:04 PM <DarthLupin> He turns. "Z, this is Opal. I don't believe you two have formally met."
  291. 7:05 PM <taylor_sithkin> "...Hi..." she seems a little scared.
  292. 7:06 PM <Odocoileus> "dont worry, I am just here because I have a couple questions. Then i can leave if you want me to."
  293. 7:13 PM <taylor_sithkin> "Ok.."
  294. 7:16 PM <Odocoileus> "right, now if you let me, i can maybe synthesize an antidote, if you let me get a blood sample. Would you be willing for that?" She speaks softly.
  295. 7:17 PM <taylor_sithkin> "W-with a n-needle?!" She shrinks into Victor, not even considering her touching him.
  296. 7:18 PM <taylor_sithkin> ConSec bristles.
  297. 7:18 PM <DarthLupin> Touching his coat?
  298. 7:20 PM Roget → &rogettingfood
  299. 7:22 PM <taylor_sithkin> Just shrinking into him.
  300. 7:22 PM <taylor_sithkin> Probably not his skin if it isn't exposed below the neck.
  301. 7:23 PM <Odocoileus> Opal shoots ConSec a glare, "stop." She looks back to Z, "i can promise you it wouldnt hurt." She crosses her heart. "You can hold Victor's hand if that may help." She has a genuinely kind smile.
  302. 7:24 PM <DarthLupin> He nods. "We can use anaesthetics, you won't feel a thing."
  303. 7:24 PM <taylor_sithkin> Victor, she is SHAKING.
  304. 7:24 PM <taylor_sithkin> Like, a frightening level of shaking.
  305. 7:24 PM <taylor_sithkin> A level that might make you think she's having a seizure if she was convulsing as well.
  306. 7:25 PM <DarthLupin> He pats her back. "Hmm, we could take it elsewhere if you like, but it might be a bit messier and hurt a bit more."
  307. 7:25 PM <taylor_sithkin> Victor, PERC
  308. 7:25 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal too if you want
  309. 7:25 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+4 Perc
  310. 7:25 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: Perc: 7 (4df+4=+, +, 0, +)
  311. 7:26 PM <Odocoileus> 4df+4 o.o
  312. 7:26 PM <Glacon> Odocoileus: o.o: 6 (4df+4=+, +, -, +)
  313. 7:26 PM <DarthLupin> (We see all)
  314. 7:26 PM <taylor_sithkin> Now that she doesn't have every inch of skin covered, you can see more:
  315. 7:26 PM <taylor_sithkin> There are needle sores //everywhere//.
  316. 7:26 PM <taylor_sithkin> The insides of her arms, the backs of her legs, her biceps, her wrists...
  317. 7:26 PM <DarthLupin> "I could make a small cut and draw the blood thay way. No needles needed."
  318. 7:27 PM <taylor_sithkin> "N-none?"
  319. 7:28 PM <DarthLupin> "None. Like I said, a bit messier but I get the feeling you'd prefer that."
  320. 7:28 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods frantically.
  321. 7:28 PM <taylor_sithkin> She's still shaking.
  322. 7:29 PM <DarthLupin> "Alright, Opal, could you do it? I'll hold her hand to keep her calm."
  323. 7:30 PM <Odocoileus> She nods, " is that okay Z?" She tilts her head slightly
  324. 7:30 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods, still terrified.
  325. 7:31 PM <DarthLupin> Victor sits her down and holds her hand. "It's gonna be alright. Just a little bit of pain and that's it."
  326. 7:32 PM <taylor_sithkin> She's still shaking violently.
  327. 7:32 PM <DarthLupin> He gives her a small hug, being careful not to make skin contact
  328. 7:33 PM <taylor_sithkin> She shakes slightly less, but is still shaking.
  329. 7:33 PM <Odocoileus> Opal kneels down next to her and holds out her hand for Z. "Are you ready?" She grabs a wipe ready to clean her arm.
  330. 7:33 PM <taylor_sithkin> She nods.
  331. 7:35 PM <Odocoileus> She takes Z's hand holding it softly as she cleans a small section of her arm, can opal see how old the needle marks are on her arm?
  332. 7:35 PM <taylor_sithkin> Roll MED
  333. 7:36 PM <Odocoileus> 4df+5
  334. 7:36 PM <Glacon> Odocoileus: 6 (4df+5=0, +, 0, 0)
  335. 7:37 PM <taylor_sithkin> Some of the marks are fairly recent - you'd say maybe even some from as early as a couple months ago. Others are very old - but they were given with enough force and skillessness that they created permanent marks.
  336. 7:38 PM <Odocoileus> She narrows her eyes and applies an local anesthetic and lets it set. She taps her skin a few times, "you feel that?"
  337. 7:43 PM ⇐ Smaugnolia quit ( Quit: Leaving.
  338. 7:47 PM <DarthLupin> (Taylor?)
  339. 7:47 PM <taylor_sithkin> (FUCK I THOUGHT I REPLIED)
  340. 7:47 PM <taylor_sithkin> She shakes her head.
  341. 7:50 PM <Odocoileus> She makes a quick nick, and it starts bleeding. She puts an open vile to her skin, letting it fill. Once it is filled, she fills one more vile and then puts a gause pad on her arm to stop the bleeding. "That wasnt so bad, right?" She smiles sweetly at her as she bandages her arm.
  342. 7:50 PM <taylor_sithkin> She's paled.
  343. 7:51 PM <DarthLupin> Victor is still holding her hand and pats her arm. "You did great, thank you."
  344. 7:51 PM <taylor_sithkin> She says nothing, just shakes.
  345. 7:52 PM <Odocoileus> "victor, she probably deserves candy? She did amazing."
  346. 7:52 PM <taylor_sithkin> AGI to catch her as she crumples to the floor.
  347. 7:52 PM <Odocoileus> (redact my biz)
  348. 7:52 PM <taylor_sithkin> Either can roll
  349. 7:52 PM <Odocoileus> 4df+3 she tries to catch her
  350. 7:52 PM <Glacon> Odocoileus: she tries to catch her: 1 (4df+3=-, 0, -, 0)
  351. 7:52 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+3 agi
  352. 7:52 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: agi: 2 (4df+3=-, +, -, 0)
  353. 7:52 PM <DarthLupin> (God we suck)
  354. 7:53 PM <taylor_sithkin> She falls and hits the floor, hard.
  355. 7:53 PM <Odocoileus> (they are terrible)
  356. 7:53 PM <Odocoileus> She smacks her face. "Fuck."
  357. 7:53 PM <taylor_sithkin> She groans, passed out.
  358. 7:53 PM <DarthLupin> "Opal, help me get her on a table."
  359. 7:54 PM <Odocoileus> "we should put on suits, she might be to much for both of us."
  360. 7:54 PM <taylor_sithkin> ConSec is right there.
  361. 7:55 PM <DarthLupin> Victor calls them in. "Get her on the table." He grabs another ice pack
  362. 7:55 PM <Odocoileus> She looks at ConSec, " put her on the table, /carefully/."
  363. 7:56 PM <taylor_sithkin> ConSec lifts her onto the table carefully.
  364. 7:57 PM <DarthLupin> Can they tell where she hit the floor? As in which body part got hurt
  365. 7:57 PM <taylor_sithkin> .ch h,t,a,b
  366. 7:57 PM <Glacon> taylor_sithkin: b
  367. 7:57 PM <taylor_sithkin> She fell on her back.
  368. 7:58 PM <Odocoileus> She gathers her things, "since she is out we have make sure she isnt scared when she wakes. Do you have smelling salts?"
  369. 7:58 PM rogettingfood → &Roget
  370. 7:59 PM <DarthLupin> "I have some in my office. We could have ConSec get them." He puts the ice pack under her to ice her back
  371. 8:00 PM <taylor_sithkin> ConSec gets them.
  372. 8:02 PM <Odocoileus> Opal takes the salts and waves it under Z's nose. She holds her head gently if she tries to get up.
  373. 8:02 PM <taylor_sithkin> She begins to stir.
  374. 8:03 PM <taylor_sithkin> "Wha..."
  375. 8:03 PM <taylor_sithkin> Her eyes flutter open.
  376. 8:03 PM <taylor_sithkin> Is Opal wearing gloves?
  377. 8:03 PM <Odocoileus> "victor," she motions with a hand for him, "lollipop?" She smiles at her gently. (Yup)
  378. 8:04 PM <DarthLupin> He kneels down a bit. "Hey Z, you fainted a bit. You did great though. Want another lollipop for your trouble?" He says this very gently
  379. 8:05 PM <taylor_sithkin> (darn)
  380. 8:05 PM <taylor_sithkin> "Where...?"
  381. 8:05 PM <taylor_sithkin> Then her head clears, and, well.
  382. 8:06 PM <taylor_sithkin> She sees she's lying on a table.
  383. 8:06 PM <taylor_sithkin> With people staring down at her.
  384. 8:06 PM <taylor_sithkin> And holding her.
  385. 8:06 PM <taylor_sithkin> Are they both holding her?
  386. 8:06 PM <DarthLupin> Victor wasn't, he was kneeling at eye level next to her
  387. 8:07 PM <taylor_sithkin> She flails.
  388. 8:07 PM <Odocoileus> Opal just has a hand lightly behind her head to stabilize it
  389. 8:07 PM <taylor_sithkin> 4df+4
  390. 8:07 PM <Glacon> taylor_sithkin: 2 (4df+4=0, -, 0, -)
  391. 8:07 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal, AGI
  392. 8:07 PM <taylor_sithkin> Victor, AGI
  393. 8:07 PM <Odocoileus> 4df+3
  394. 8:07 PM <Glacon> Odocoileus: 1 (4df+3=0, 0, -, -)
  395. 8:07 PM <DarthLupin> 4df+3 shit
  396. 8:07 PM <Glacon> DarthLupin: shit: 4 (4df+3=0, 0, +, 0)
  397. 8:07 PM <Odocoileus> (Everytime)
  398. 8:08 PM <taylor_sithkin> Victor manages to get out of the way, but Opal catches a hand to the cheek as she flails in fear.
  399. 8:09 PM <Odocoileus> Opal backs up and sighs, holding her cheek. "Fuck.." she mumbles.
  400. 8:09 PM <DarthLupin> Victor steps back. "Z, it"s alright, calm down."
  401. 8:09 PM <DarthLupin> He puts a hand out to stop the inevitable ConSec entrance
  402. 8:10 PM <taylor_sithkin> ConSec is already there, and they point their guns at her.
  403. 8:10 PM <taylor_sithkin> She calms down at Victor's voice, slowly.
  404. 8:11 PM <DarthLupin> "Opal, are you alright?"
  405. 8:11 PM <taylor_sithkin> "What happened??"
  406. 8:11 PM <taylor_sithkin> She looks over at Opal.
  407. 8:11 PM <Odocoileus> Opal pinches the bridge of her nose and huffs, "I am fine." She looks at Z.
  408. 8:11 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal, you hear something.
  409. 8:11 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~No...I didn't...~
  410. 8:12 PM <Odocoileus> ~its okay, its my fault.~ "are you okay?"
  411. 8:12 PM → GraemeCracker_ joined (
  412. 8:12 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~NO! I DID~
  413. 8:12 PM <taylor_sithkin> She's staring at Opal, horrified.
  414. 8:13 PM <DarthLupin> "Has a link been established? It's fine if it has."
  415. 8:13 PM <Odocoileus> She gives victor a look and sighs.
  416. 8:14 PM <taylor_sithkin> Z looks horrified.
  417. 8:14 PM ⇐ GraemeCracker quit ( Ping timeout: 181 seconds
  418. 8:14 PM <Odocoileus> "Z, it is fine. Just take a few deep breaths." She says calmly.
  419. 8:15 PM <Odocoileus> She tries to keep her head clear.
  420. 8:15 PM <DarthLupin> Victor steps forwards and puts a hand on her shoulder
  421. 8:15 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~I'm so sorry!~
  422. 8:15 PM ⇐ &Roget quit (whose@the.saurus) Quit: ajax IRC Client
  423. 8:16 PM <Odocoileus> She tilts her head. "Id rather you speak."
  424. 8:16 PM <taylor_sithkin> "I-" her voice breaks. "I'm so sorry!"
  425. 8:16 PM <Sax> Leon returns.
  426. 8:16 PM <Sax> Carrying some paperwork.
  427. 8:17 PM <Odocoileus> She gives her a soft smile, "its okay."
  428. 8:17 PM ⇐ Prior quit (laughing@ur.dum.faic) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
  429. 8:17 PM <taylor_sithkin> She shakes her head. "No, take me back to my cell, I can't be trusted."
  430. 8:17 PM <Sax> "... what happened?"
  431. 8:17 PM <taylor_sithkin> Z looks like she hates herself and is also about to burst into tears.
  432. 8:18 PM <Odocoileus> "you cant think that about-" opal freezes up. ~fuck~
  433. 8:18 PM <DarthLupin> "Z, it's fine. We're understanding your anomaly more and more."
  434. 8:18 PM <Sax> "Opaline?"
  435. 8:18 PM <Odocoileus> She turns to leon, "yes?"
  436. 8:18 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal, she hasn't started crying
  437. 8:18 PM <taylor_sithkin> She LOOKS like she might.
  438. 8:19 PM <Sax> "You froze up."
  439. 8:19 PM <Sax> "Is everything alright?"
  440. 8:19 PM <Odocoileus> "you spooked me, sorry."
  441. 8:19 PM <Sax> "Ah, my bad."
  442. 8:19 PM <Sax> "I thought I was visible enough."
  443. 8:19 PM <DarthLupin> Victor gives Z another hug. "It's alright, you were through a lot, and I'm sure you had a bit of a flashback. No one blames you."
  444. 8:20 PM <Sax> "Guys, what happened?"
  445. 8:20 PM <taylor_sithkin> Oh, Victor, she looks so ashamed...
  446. 8:22 PM <Odocoileus> Opal gives victor a look, "well, she is an artist, we have a blood sample, and she passed out. Would you like to elaborate further?"
  447. 8:23 PM <DarthLupin> He pats her on the shoulder one last time and turns to Leon. "When Z woke up she got scared and touched Opal by accident."
  448. 8:24 PM → Salem joined (
  449. 8:25 PM <Odocoileus> She has a calm face, and stares at Leon.
  450. 8:25 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~What did Marco do to me...~
  451. 8:26 PM <Sax> "..."
  452. 8:26 PM <Sax> "... great."
  453. 8:26 PM <Sax> "You're asking me to make the decision here, aren't you."
  454. 8:26 PM <Odocoileus> ~he abused you and we will make sure he pays.~hee face never changes
  455. 8:27 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~...You can hear /all/ my thoughts?~
  456. 8:27 PM <DarthLupin> "We're not asking you to do anything Leon."
  457. 8:27 PM <taylor_sithkin> "There is no decision," says ConSec.
  458. 8:27 PM <taylor_sithkin> "She's staying in Containment overnight."
  459. 8:27 PM <Sax> "Good."
  460. 8:27 PM <Odocoileus> ~only the ones directed at me. Keep calm.~
  461. 8:27 PM <Sax> "To asking me to do anything, that is."
  462. 8:27 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~I didn't direct that one at you!~
  463. 8:28 PM <Sax> Leon slumps against the wall, clearly exhausted.
  464. 8:28 PM <Sax> "... I've a location lead."
  465. 8:29 PM <Odocoileus> Her eyes widen for a moment.~im sorry i dont mean to be intrusive~
  466. 8:29 PM <DarthLupin> "I have to ask, is overnight necessary? Keiran confirmed that the link only lasts for an hour." He's not trying to get them to change their mind, he's simply curious
  467. 8:31 PM <taylor_sithkin> ~No....~
  468. 8:31 PM <taylor_sithkin> "Precautionary."
  469. 8:31 PM <DarthLupin> He nods
  470. 8:32 PM <Sax> "Opal, we can talk tomorrow."
  471. 8:32 PM <Sax> Leon nods.
  472. 8:33 PM <Odocoileus> She crosses her arms, "why not while I am contained?"
  473. 8:35 PM <taylor_sithkin> Opal is ushered to Containment and Z back to her chamber. "That's all for tonight. Physical and mental distress requires we end this for now."
  474. 8:36 PM <Sax> ~BEcause I'd rather be able to talk to you normally, instead of what you did to Kieran~
  475. 8:36 PM <Sax> Leon remains silent.
  476. 8:36 PM <Sax> "Victor, I've a location lead from Justin."
  477. 8:36 PM <taylor_sithkin> (FIN for event, feel free to keep going)
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