

Feb 22nd, 2015
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  1. 08:10:20 <InkDream46> 18:48:42 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Damn....He should just leave...Taking a step back he placed a hand on the handle-*
  2. 08:10:20 <InkDream46> 18:50:00 <CarlKindle> Architect: A lot of interesting writings and books in here Overseer Kindle . It would be such a same for the Abbey to find it
  3. 08:10:31 <CarlKindle> ((you are a goddess))
  4. 08:11:17 <CarlKindle> Carl: *hissed under his breath* *It was either die to this man or the Abbey? Well he knew what the abbey would do....might as well see what he had in store*
  5. 08:14:32 <CarlKindle> *He entered the room to find a man sitting at his desk. Carl couldn't make outthe face behind the mask he wore. [link]
  6. 08:14:51 <artybluegirl> ((doesnt open D:))
  7. 08:14:58 <CarlKindle> Carl: *His hand still hovered close to his sword*..You know F--Fugue has past, Sir?
  8. 08:17:17 <CarlKindle> Architect: Ah...humor. *He stood as Carl entered the room, eyeing him over...scrutinizing him.* You should stand up straighter. That posture is terrible for you back.
  9. 08:17:39 <CarlKindle> Carl: *And surprisingly enough he obeyed* Why are you h-here?
  10. 08:19:15 <CarlKindle> Architect: Believe or not...I'm on your side, but only if you and the abbey stay out of the way. I know if you are not persuaded the right way you will turn that little location across the street into your Overseers, but if you do then they might find this little place. What a shame would that be?
  11. 08:19:35 <CarlKindle> Carl: *he took a deep breath* It has been a long week for me....p-lease get to a point.
  12. 08:20:09 <artybluegirl> ((you go Carl, you tell him))
  13. 08:21:55 <CarlKindle> Architect: I wasn't finished yet boy. *He took a step closer* You and your Abbey are about to fall into a mess you are not ready to clean up
  14. 08:22:41 <CarlKindle> Architect: If you wish to resolve this quickly and with your life and reputation in order you will listen to what I have to say. Now...
  15. 08:22:50 <CarlKindle> Carl: *gulp*
  16. 08:23:35 <artybluegirl> ((jesus dude dont speak to carl like that!))
  17. 08:24:38 <CarlKindle> Architect: ...The man you are after is named "Doctor" West Flamel Nickols. He's a..what you call an alchemist. A very good one. He's becaoming a bit of trouble for me and it would actually benefit us both if he is removed from the picture.
  18. 08:25:37 <CarlKindle> Architect: If you go to your little pub you will a package waiting in the inn section first door to the left at the top of the stairs. *he offers a key which Carl takes after a moment*
  19. 08:27:26 <CarlKindle> Architect: I believe the Abbey would be interested in some solid proof of West's activity. That way that house and your "library" can stay out of the Abbey's eyes for the moment.
  20. 08:28:04 <CarlKindle> Carl:...*no this seems far too easy*.....That's it? You w-want nothing in return?
  21. 08:30:40 <CarlKindle> Architect: *He smiles behind his mask pushing past Carl towards the door* Trust me Carlyle....this is more of a return on a favor to you. *and he was gone leaving a very shaken Carl holdign the room key*
  22. 08:33:35 <CarlKindle> *So he rushes to the bar, taking a look around to see if anyone out of place is lurking there*
  23. 08:33:56 <artybluegirl> ((need anyone in specific?))
  24. 08:35:00 <CarlKindle> ((not really if any wants to be there they can join the paniked baby))
  25. 08:35:33 <artybluegirl> *Arabella lives at the pub for now so you may find her dancing around the room*
  26. 08:36:05 <CarlKindle> Carl: Ella! *that's definately a scream*
  27. 08:38:01 <artybluegirl> Ella: *Somewhat startled she misses a step and her feet almost catch on the other* Carl? Carl! What's the matter?
  28. 08:38:18 <artybluegirl> Ella: *She goes to him, frowning at the ugly, ugly mask*
  29. 08:40:37 <CarlKindle> Carl: *yanks it off* Has anyone unfamiliar b-b-been in here today?
  30. 08:42:10 <artybluegirl> Ella: Just this one man but he was in and out just as quickly, why?
  31. 08:42:51 <CarlKindle> Carl: :|...Shit..C-can you se through walls?
  32. 08:42:53 <CarlKindle> see*
  33. 08:43:19 <InkDream46> {{ ... Do you need Olivia? }}
  34. 08:44:01 <artybluegirl> Ella: *Shakes her head* I'm sorry, i can only hear if... magic is around.
  35. 08:44:41 <CarlKindle> ((not nessisiarily. it might calm Carl though to know the room his going is isn't booby trapped)
  36. 08:46:37 <CarlKindle> Carl: Well...then ...o-okay...*heads for the stairs* This is about that guy who s-stole your flower.
  37. 08:47:21 <artybluegirl> Ella: *She follows him, a bit anxious that that strange men was one of them* Oh, no. Did they... come to take something? I should've known, I should've trapped the pub but the little guy...
  38. 08:47:28 <artybluegirl> Ella: He looks at me funy, the little boy.
  39. 08:47:55 <InkDream46> {{ Well, I want to use the little asshole anyways. So. }}
  40. 08:48:28 <CarlKindle> Carl: A man in a p--phoenix mask s-said he left me something on Doc...something I could give to the abbey so I would give them the clinic
  41. 08:48:33 <CarlKindle> ((yaya liv!))
  42. 08:48:58 <artybluegirl> Ella: That's... good but why?
  43. 08:49:14 <InkDream46> *Arabella will probably hear the disorted whoosh of a Blink finishing, and then the singing of runes from the rooftop*
  44. 08:49:41 <artybluegirl> ella: *Her head jerks up* Someone's here. Heretic.
  45. 08:49:44 <InkDream46> *Bone charms. Not runes.
  46. 08:49:53 <artybluegirl> *sorry move that heretic with Magic
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