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Sep 15th, 2019
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #This script will rename files for the given directory. Removing all illegal characters.
  3. #Usage ./ /directory/to/run
  4. verbose=1
  6. #Set/clear variables
  7. folder=$1
  8. loop=0
  9. loopnum=0
  10. #Rotate Logs
  11. logfile=~/Library/Logs/sanitizelog
  12. archlog=~/Library/Logs/sanitizelogarch
  13. progress=/private/var/tmp/sanitizeprogress
  14. cat $logfile >> $archlog
  15. rm $logfile
  16. touch $logfile
  17. touch $progress
  19. osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "tail -f ~/Library/Logs/sanitizelog"'\
  20. -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "tail -f /private/var/tmp/sanitizeprogress"'\
  21. -e 'tell application "Terminal" to activate'\
  22. -e 'tell application "Terminal" to set position of window 1 to {1, 1}'\
  23. -e 'tell application "Terminal" to set position of window 2 to {600, 1}'
  25. sleep 2
  26. date=$(date)
  27. echo Sanitize Script >> $logfile
  28. echo Script run date: $date >> $logfile
  29. echo >> $logfile
  31. #Only line break on new line
  32. OIFS="$IFS"
  33. IFS=$'\n'
  35. while [ $loop = 0 ]; do
  36. for fulldir in $(find $folder | grep -v ".DS_Store"); do
  37. old=$fulldir #$(echo $fulldir | sed -e 's/[ ]/\\ /g')
  38. file=$(basename "$old")
  39. rootdir=$(dirname "$fulldir")
  40. extension=$(echo $file | awk -F . '{print $NF}')
  41. noext=0
  42. if [ $file = $extension ]; then
  43. noext=1
  44. fi
  45. # Swap Syntax file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[FIND]/REPLACE/g')
  46. # Remove #%*\/?
  47. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[#%*\\\/?\"]//g')
  48. # Repeat of above line with " and ' inverted
  49. file=$(echo $file | sed -e "s/[#%*\\\/?\']//g")
  50. # Swap : and | for _
  51. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[:|]/_/g')
  52. # Swap & with and
  53. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[&]/and/g')
  54. # Swap < { with (
  55. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[<{]/(/g')
  56. # Swap > } with )
  57. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[}>]/)/g')
  58. # Swap ~ with -
  59. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[~]/-/g')
  60. #escape trailing *
  61. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/[*]/\\*/g')
  62. #remove extension
  63. file="${file%.*}"
  64. #remove trailing and leading spaces
  65. file=$(echo $file | xargs )
  66. #remove trailing .
  67. file=$(echo $file | sed -e 's/\.$//g')
  68. #remove trailing and leading spaces again
  69. file=$(echo $file | xargs )
  70. #remove leading .
  71. file=$(echo $file | sed 's/\.*//')
  72. file2=$(basename $old)
  73. if [ $noext = 1 ]; then
  74. echo file has no extension
  75. else
  76. #re add extension if not a directory
  77. file=$file.$extension
  78. fi
  79. # Construct new file path
  80. new=$rootdir/$file
  81. #Rename
  82. if [ $old != $new ]; then
  83. mv $old $new
  84. echo renamed $old to $new >> $logfile
  85. fi
  86. if [ $verbose = 1 ]; then
  87. echo "fulldir:$fulldir"
  88. echo "file:$file"
  89. echo "rootdir: $rootdir"
  90. echo "old: $old" >> $progress
  91. echo "new: $new" >> $progress
  92. echo "extension: $extension"
  93. fi
  94. lastline=$(tail -n 1 ~/Library/Logs/sanitizelog)
  95. echo Processed file $file >> $progress
  96. done
  97. if [ $lastline = "loopcomplete" ]; then
  98. loop=1
  99. echo Last loop modified 0 files - Exiting >> $progress
  100. fi
  102. loopnum=$((loopnum+1))
  103. echo Loop# $loopnum complete >> $logfile
  104. echo loopcomplete >> $logfile
  105. done
  106. echo "
  108. ----------Script Complete----------
  109. You can now close this window" >> $logfile
  110. killall tail
  111. rm $progress
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