Guest User


a guest
Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. {
  2. "bot.errors.disabled_command":"This command has been disabled.",
  3. "bot.errors.owner_only":"This command can only be ran by the bot owner.",
  4. "bot.errors.dev_only":"This command can only be ran by the bot developers.",
  5. "bot.errors.support_only":"This command can only be ran by the bot's support team.",
  6. "bot.errors.not_nsfw_channel":"This command can only be ran in NSFW channels.",
  7. "bot.errors.not_guild_owner":"Only the server owner (`{0}`) can use this command.",
  8. "bot.errors.no_permission":"You do not have permission to use this command.",
  9. "bot.errors.no_private_message":"This command can only be ran on servers.",
  10. "bot.errors.command_error_dm_channel":"An error occured while trying to run this command, this is most likely because it was ran in a private message channel. Please try running this command on a server.",
  11. "bot.errors.command_error":"An error occured while processing this command: `{0}`",
  12. "bot.dev_notify":"You have sent the developers a message! The message you sent was: `{0}`",
  13. "bot.dev_suggest":"You have sent the developers a suggestion! The suggestion you sent was: `{0}`",
  14. "bot.status_locked":"The status is currently locked.",
  15. "bot.now_streaming":"Now streaming `{0}`",
  16. "bot.forbidden_status_type":"You can not use the status type `{0}`",
  17. "bot.valid_status_types":"`{0}` is not a valid status type, valid status types are `online`, `idle`, `do_not_disturb`, and `dnd`",
  18. "bot.status_change_with_name":"Changed game name to `{0}` with a(n) `{1}` status type.",
  19. "bot.status_change":"Changed status type to `{0}`.",
  20. "bot.changelog":"For command usages and a list of commands go to or do `{0}help` (`{0}help command` for a command usage)\n{1}",
  21. "bot.version":"Bot version: {0}\nAuthor(s): {1}\nCode name: {2}\nBuild date: {3}",
  22. "bot.uptime":"I've been online for %d weeks, %d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds",
  23. "bot.joinserver":"Here is the link to add me to your server: {}",
  24. "bot.invite":"Here is the link to my server: <{0}>\n\n(if the invite link is expired, report it using {1}notifydev)",
  25. "bot.pinging":"Pinging...",
  26. "":"My official website can be found here:",
  27. "bot.github":"My official github repository can be found here:",
  28. "bot.stats.users":"Users",
  29. "bot.stats.servers":"Servers",
  30. "bot.stats.channels":"Channels",
  31. "bot.stats.voice_clients":"Voice Clients",
  32. "bot.stats.discordpy_version":" Version",
  33. "bot.stats.bot_version":"Bot Version",
  34. "bot.stats.built_by":"Built by",
  35. "bot.stats.translators":"Translators",
  36. "bot.top10servers":"{0}: {1} members, {2} bots ({3} total)",
  37. "bot.no_message_found":"No message could be found in this channel with an ID of `{0}`.",
  38. "bot.invalid_color":"`{0}` is not a valid color. Make sure you are using a hex color! (Ex: #FF0000)",
  39. "music.now_playing":"Now playing {0}",
  40. "music.summon_notice":"Please use {0}play as it will automatically connect the bot to the voice channel if it isn't already in it.",
  41. "music.no_connect_perms":"I do not have permission to join `{0}`.",
  42. "music.no_voice_channel":"You must be connected to a voice channel.",
  43. "music.failed_download":"Failed to download youtube video: {0}",
  44. "music.enqueued":"Enqueued {0}",
  45. "music.disconnected":"Disconnected.",
  46. "music.resumed":"Resumed",
  47. "music.paused":"Paused",
  48. "music.bot_dev_skip":"Bot developer skipped the song.",
  49. "music.song_requester_skip":"Song requester skipped the song.",
  50. "music.already_skip_voted":"You've already requested to skip the song.",
  51. "music.skip":"Song skipped.",
  52. "music.skip_vote_added":"Vote added! Currently at {0}/{1} votes.",
  53. "music.nothing_queued":"Nothing is queued!",
  54. "music.volume_notice":"Internal volume command changing is no longer required. Right click on the bot and adjust the volume slider to change the volume.",
  55. "music.now_playing_with_requester":"Now playing: {0} (Requested by {1})",
  56. "moderation.no_kick_highest_role":"I cannot kick that user because their highest role is the same highest role as mine.",
  57. "moderation.no_kick_higher_role":"I cannot kick that user because their highest role is higher than mine.",
  58. "moderation.no_kick_perms":"I do not have the `Kick Members` permission.",
  59. "moderation.kick_success":"Successfully kicked `{0}`",
  60. "moderation.no_ban_highest_role":"I cannot ban that user because their highest role is the same highest role as mine.",
  61. "moderation.no_ban_higher_role":"I cannot ban that user because their highest role is higher than mine.",
  62. "moderation.no_ban_perms":"I do not have the `Ban Members` permission.",
  63. "moderation.ban_success":"Successfully banned `{0}`",
  64. "moderation.no_reason":"No reason was specified",
  65. "moderation.user_not_banned":"No banned user was found with the username of `{0}`.",
  66. "moderation.unban":"Successfully unbanned `{0}`",
  67. "moderation.invalid_user_id":"No user on discord has the ID of `{0}`.",
  68. "moderation.no_bans":"No users are banned from this server",
  69. "moderation.banned_by":"**\n\n**Banned by {0}",
  70. "moderation.kicked_by":"**\n\n**Kicked by {0}",
  71. "moderation.muted_by":"**\n\n**Muted by {0}",
  72. "moderation.unmuted_by":"Unmuted by {0}",
  73. "moderation.banlist_and_more":"\n... and {0} more",
  74. "moderation.banlist":"Total bans: `{0}`\n```{1}```",
  75. "moderation.role_not_found":"I could not find any role named `{0}`",
  76. "moderation.mute_success":"Successfully muted `{0}`",
  77. "moderation.unmute_success":"Successfully unmuted `{0}`",
  78. "moderation.no_mute_highest_role":"I cannot add the mute role to users as it's my highest role, y u mute me like dis",
  79. "moderation.no_unmute_highest_role":"I cannot remove the mute role from users as it's my highest role, y u mute me like dis",
  80. "moderation.no_mute_higher_role":"I cannot add the mute role to users as it's higher than my highest role.",
  81. "moderation.no_unmute_higher_role":"I cannot remove the mute role from users as it's higher than my highest role.",
  82. "moderation.no_manage_role_perms":"I do not have the `Manage Roles` permission.",
  83. "moderation.no_manage_messages_perms":"I do not have the `Manage Messages` permission.",
  84. "moderation.pruned":"{0} deleted {1} messages",
  85. "moderation.no_pinned_message_found":"No pinned message could be found in this channel with an ID of `{0}`.",
  86. "moderation.unpin_success":"Successfully unpinned the message.",
  87. "moderation.addrole_reason":"The role \"{0}\" was added by {1}",
  88. "moderation.addrole_success":"Successfully added the `{0}` role to `{1}`.",
  89. "moderation.no_addrole_highest_role":"I cannot add my highest role to users.",
  90. "moderation.no_addrole_higher_role":"I cannot add that role to users as it is higher than my highest role.",
  91. "moderation.removerole_reason":"The role \"{0}\" was removed by {1}",
  92. "moderation.removerole_success":"Successfully removed the `{0}` role from `{1}`.",
  93. "moderation.no_removerole_highest_role":"I cannot remove my highest role from users.",
  94. "moderation.no_removerole_higher_role":"I cannot remove that role from users as it is higher than my highest role.",
  95. "moderation.createrole_reason":"Created by {0}",
  96. "moderation.createrole_success":"Successfully created the role `{0}`",
  97. "moderation.deleterole_reason":"Deleted by {0}",
  98. "moderation.deleterole_success":"Successfully deleted the role `{0}`.",
  99. "moderation.no_deleterole_highest_role":"I cannot delete my highest role.",
  100. "moderation.no_deleterole_higher_role":"I cannot delete that role as it is higher than my highest role",
  101. "moderation.editrole_reason":"Edited by {}",
  102. "moderation.no_editrole_highest_role":"I cannot edit my highest role.",
  103. "moderation.no_editrole_higher_role":"I cannot edit that role as it is higher than my highest role.",
  104. "moderation.editrole_success":"Sucessfully edited the role `{0}`.",
  105. "moderation.invalid_permission_number":"`{0}` is not a valid permission number! If you need help finding the permission number, then go to <> for a permission calculator.",
  106. "moderation.pos_too_high":"That number is not lower than my highest role's position. My highest role's permission is `{0}`",
  107. "moderation.invalid_int":"`{0}` is not a valid number!",
  108. "moderation.invalid_bool":"`{0}` is not a valid boolean.",
  109. "moderation.moverole_reason":"Moved by {0}",
  110. "moderation.invalid_editrole_type":"Invalid type specified, valid types are `color`, `permissions`, `position`, `separate`, and `mentionable`",
  111. "moderation.renamerole_reason":"Renamed by {0}",
  112. "moderation.renamerole_success":"Successfully renamed the role `{0}` to `{1}`.",
  113. "moderation.no_renamerole_highest_role":"I cannot rename my highest role.",
  114. "moderation.no_renamerole_higher_role":"I cannot rename that role as it is higher than my highest role.",
  115. "moderation.massban_failed_ids":"Failed to ban the following id(s): {0}.",
  116. "moderation.massban_success":"Successfully banned {0}/{1} users.",
  117. "moderation.removereactions_success":"Successfully cleared all the reactions from that message.",
  118. "fun.respects":"`{0}` has paid their respects! Respects paid: {1}",
  119. "fun.rate_author":"I rate you a 10/10",
  120. "fun.rate_self":"I rate myself a -1/10",
  121. "fun.rate_user":"I rate {0} a {1}/10",
  122. "fun.plzmsgme":":ok_hand: check your DMs",
  123. "fun.nothing":"{0} wow you found out, even though it wasn't that hard to figure out because you could just look at the github code",
  124. "fun.no_emote_found":"I am not on a server that contains that emote.",
  125. "fun.no_reaction_perms":"I do not have the `Add Reactions` permission.",
  126. "fun.invalid_emote":"The emote specified is invalid.",
  127. "information.author_id":"Your ID is `{0}`",
  128. "information.user_id":"{0}'s ID is `{1}`",
  129. "information.timeout_times.60":"1 minute",
  130. "information.timeout_times.300":"5 minutes",
  131. "information.timeout_times.900":"15 minutes",
  132. "information.timeout_times.1800":"30 minutes",
  133. "information.timeout_times.3600":"1 hour",
  134. "":"ID",
  135. "information.created_on":"Created on",
  136. "information.region":"Region",
  137. "information.member_count_title":"Member Count ({0} total)",
  138. "information.member_count":"{0} humans {1} bots",
  139. "information.channel_count_title":"Channel Count ({0} total)",
  140. "information.channel_count":"{0} text {1} voice",
  141. "information.role_count":"Role Count",
  142. "information.owner":"Owner",
  143. "information.owner_id":"Owner ID",
  144. "information.afk_channel":"AFK Channel",
  145. "information.afk_timeout":"AFK Timeout",
  146. "information.verification_level":"Verfication Level",
  147. "information.2fa_enabled":"2FA Enabled",
  148. "information.bot_account":"Bot Account",
  149. "":"Game",
  150. "information.status":"Status",
  151. "information.joined_on":"Joined on",
  152. "information.nickname":"Nickname",
  153. "information.voice_channel":"Voice Channel",
  154. "information.self_muted":"Self Muted",
  155. "information.self_deafened":"Self Deafened",
  156. "information.server_muted":"Server Muted",
  157. "information.server_deafened":"Server Deafened",
  158. "information.avatar":"{0}'s avatar url is: {1}",
  159. "information.default_avatar":"{0}'s default avatar url is: {1}",
  160. "information.non-custom_emote":"That is not a custom emote.",
  161. "information.no_discrims_found":"I could not find any users in any of the servers I'm in with a discriminator of `{0}`.",
  162. "information.days_till_halloween":"Days until halloween: `{0} days`",
  163. "information.days_till_christmas":"Days until christmas: `{0} days`",
  164. "information.ping_time":"%.01f seconds",
  165. "information.online_ping":"`{0}` is online. Ping time is `{1}`.",
  166. "information.offline_ping":"`{0}` is offline.",
  167. "information.no_server_emotes":"This server doesn't have any emotes!",
  168. "information.osu_command_disabled":"The osu! command has been disabled.",
  169. "information.osu_import_fail":"Couldn't import the osu! api module, contact the bot developer!",
  170. "information.osu_invalid_key":"An invalid osu! api key was set, contact the bot developer!",
  171. "information.osu_unknown_error":"An unknown error occured while trying to get that user's osu! profile, contact the bot developer!",
  172. "information.no_osu_profile_found":"Could find any osu! profile named `{0}`",
  173. "":"Country",
  174. "information.level":"Level",
  175. "information.hits":"Hits",
  176. "information.score":"Score",
  177. "information.accuracy":"Accuracy",
  178. "information.play_count":"Play Count",
  179. "information.ranked_score":"Ranked Score",
  180. "information.a_rank":"A rank",
  181. "information.s_rank":"S rank",
  182. "information.ss_rank":"SS rank",
  183. "information.osu_stats_title":"{0}'s Osu! Stats",
  184. "":"Name",
  185. "information.server_origin":"Server Origin",
  186. "information.colons_required":"Colons Required",
  187. "information.managed_by_twitch":"Managed by Twitch",
  188. "information.forbidden_host":"You cannot use the host `{0}`.",
  189. "information.unknown":"unknown",
  190. "information.port_status":"Port {0}({1}): {2}",
  191. "information.invalid_address":"`{0}` is not a valid address.",
  192. "information.root_server_not_found":"Could not find the root server for that TLD",
  193. "information.failed_domain_lookup":"Failed to lookup domain",
  194. "information.domain_available_title":"Domain Available",
  195. "information.domain_available_description":"`{0}` is avaiilable for registration",
  196. "information.registrar":"Registrar",
  197. "information.registered_on":"Registered on",
  198. "information.expires_on":"Expires on",
  199. "information.last_updated":"Last Updated",
  200. "information.name_servers":"Name Servers",
  201. "information.domain_unavailable":"Domain Unavailable",
  202. "information.no_mutual_servers":"Could not find any user in my mutual servers with an ID of `{0}`.",
  203. "information.role_id":"The role ID for `{0}` is `{1}`",
  204. "myanimelist.english_title":"English Title",
  205. "myanimelist.episodes":"Episodes",
  206. "myanimelist_mal_score":"MAL Score",
  207. "myanimelist.type":"Type",
  208. "myanimelist.status":"Status",
  209. "myanimelist.start_date":"Start Date",
  210. "myanimelist.end_date":"End Date",
  211. "yanimelist.chapters":"Chapters",
  212. "myanimelist.volumes":"Volumes",
  213. "myanimelist.incorrect_creds":"MyAnimeList credentials are incorrect, contact the bot developer!",
  214. "myanimelist.no_anime_found":"Couldn't find any anime named `{0}`.",
  215. "myanimelist.no_manga_found":"Couldn't find any manga named `{0}`.",
  216. "configuration.set_success":"Successfully set the {0} to `{1}`",
  217. "configuration.invalid_set_type":"`{0}` is not a valid type! Valid types are `mod-role` and `mute-role`",
  218. "configuration.mod_role":"Mod Role",
  219. "configuration.mute_role":"Mute Role",
  220. "configuration.server_configuration":"Server Configuration",
  221. "configuration.join_message_set_success":"Successfully set the join message to: {0}",
  222. "configuration.leave_message_set_success":"Successfully set the leave message to: {0}",
  223. "configuration.join-leave_disabled":"Successfully disabled join-leave-messages.",
  224. "configuration.channel_not_found":"There is no channel on this server named `{0}`",
  225. "configuration.join-leave_channel_set_success":"Successfully set the join-leave-channel to: {0}",
  226. "configuration.join-leave_role_disabled":"Successfully disabled the join-role.",
  227. "configuration.role_not_found":"There is no role on this server named `{0}`.",
  228. "configuration.join-role_set_success":"Successfully set the join-role to: {0}",
  229. "configuration.join_settings_invalid_type":"`{}` is not a valid type! Valid types are `join-message`, `leave-message`, `channel`, and `mute-role`",
  230. "configuration.join_message":"Join Message",
  231. "configuration.leave_message":"Leave Message",
  232. "":"Channel",
  233. "configuration.join_role":"Join Role",
  234. "configuration.showjoinleaveconfig_title":"Configuration for join and leave events",
  235. "nsfw.no_results_found":"No results found for `{0}`",
  236. "nsfw.results":"Found {0} out of {1} results for `{2}`\n{3}"
  237. }
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