

Nov 30th, 2012
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  1. -- staircaseWit [SW] began pestering anadtiaEnpointe [AE] at 23:46 --
  2. [11:46] SW: uh
  3. [11:46] SW: hey
  4. [11:46] AE: -_yoou raang? ? ?_-
  5. [11:46] AE: _-(oo^oo)-_
  6. [11:47] SW: yeah
  7. [11:47] SW: i Wanted to talk to you i guess
  8. [11:47] SW: if you're busy i can fuck off
  9. [11:47] AE: -_noo , i m noot busy. . ._-
  10. [11:47] AE: _-noot aat the mooment , aat leaast. . .-_
  11. [11:48] AE: -_aare things ookaay? ? ?_-
  12. [11:49] SW: oh i uh
  13. [11:49] SW: just kinda
  14. [11:49] SW: you knoW What forget it it's stupid
  15. [11:49] AE: _-well why teaase me aand tell me yoou re gooing too tell me aand then noot? ? ?-_
  16. [11:50] AE: -_T E L L M E? ? ?_-
  17. [11:50] AE: _-besides , i m proobaably the oonly oone yoou caan goo too. . .-_
  18. [11:50] SW: i guess i'm just having quadrant problems and i don't have anyone to talk about it With
  19. [11:51] AE: -_quaadraant prooblems aare my middle naame. . ._-
  20. [11:51] AE: _-whaat s bugging yoou , haatchling? ? ?-_
  21. [11:54] SW: W-Well uh
  22. [11:56] SW: i think? i might have tWo quadrants filled
  23. [11:56] AE: -_which quaadraant? ? ?_-
  24. [11:56] SW: red an black...
  25. [11:56] AE: _-tell me E V E R Y T H I N G. . .-_
  26. [11:56] AE: -_whaat re they like? ? ?_-
  27. [11:57] AE: _-high oor loow bloooods? ? ?-_
  28. [11:57] SW: the problem
  29. [11:57] SW: i just
  30. [11:57] SW: they're both highbloods
  31. [11:57] SW: i don't understand Why either of them Want to trouble With a shitty mudblood like me
  32. [11:58] AE: -_ooh , little nestling. . . . . . . . ._-
  33. [11:58] AE: _-well. . . . . . . . .-_
  34. [11:58] AE: -_i think by N O W if they haad aa prooblem with yoour blooood , they woould ve taaken it up with yoou. . ._-
  35. [11:58] SW: but
  36. [11:58] SW: i don't KNOW that
  37. [11:59] SW: What if they're just sitting around making fun of hoW much i suck
  38. [11:59] SW: and that's Why they both like me?
  39. [11:59] AE: _-they re noot! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-_
  40. [12:00] AE: -_aand if they aare , then they haave N O O O right aacting like thaat toowaards yoou! ! !_-
  41. [12:01] AE: _-yoou deserve soomeoone thaat will treaat yoou W E L L aand thaat yoou caan T W E E T with withoout feeling scaared thaat they re moocking yoou! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-_
  42. [12:02] SW: i guess you're right
  43. [12:03] AE: -_yoou G U E S S? ? ?_-
  44. [12:03] AE: _-i A M right. . .-_
  45. [12:03] AE: -_the maain thing is thaat yoou need too taalk too the peoople whoo caan A C T U A L L Y soolve the prooblem here , noot me nestling! ! !_-
  46. [12:04] SW: i guess i just Wanted an outside opinion
  47. [12:04] AE: _-i understaand. . .-_
  48. [12:04] AE: -_aare yoour relaatioonships with them G O O D? ? ?_-
  49. [12:05] SW: Well i mean they haven't... gone much of anyWhere yet
  50. [12:07] AE: _-well. . . ookaay. . .-_
  51. [12:07] AE: -_dooesn t meaan thaat they caan t be gooing well oor noot! ! !_-
  52. [12:07] SW: i'm scared they Won't but
  53. [12:07] SW: ah
  54. [12:07] SW: i'm just being a loser i guess
  55. [12:09] AE: _-yoou re noot aa looser! ! !-_
  56. [12:09] AE: -_yoou re aa winner! ! !_-
  57. [12:09] AE: _-with aa W E B C O M I C! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !-_
  58. [12:09] AE: -_(^v^)_-
  59. [12:09] AE: _-it taakes aa loot oof taalent too be aable too draaw aand such aand such! ! !-_
  60. [12:09] SW: one of the aforementioned highbloods hates it
  61. [12:09] SW: but that
  62. [12:10] SW: might be because i keep draWing him in it
  63. [12:11] AE: -_ooh , but thaat s sweet! ! !_-
  64. [12:11] AE: _-he just caan t aappreicaate aa roomaantic gesture is aall! ! !-_
  65. [12:11] SW: he doesn't think so
  66. [12:11] AE: -_doon t woorry aaboout it baaby. . ._-
  67. [12:11] SW: i dreW us holding hands in it and he came to my house and threatened me
  68. [12:11] SW: lol
  69. [12:11] SW: he's the highblood that's not a seadWeller, in the comic
  70. [12:12] SW: you've probably seen him
  71. [12:13] AE: _-ooh , T H A T oone? ? ?-_
  72. [12:13] AE: -_goosh , he s aawfully rude isn t he? ? ?_-
  73. [12:13] AE: _-just oone simple little draawing , it caan t H U R T aanyoone! ! !-_
  74. [12:13] SW: there Was more than one...
  75. [12:14] AE: -_ookaay , it s just S O M E draawings. . ._-
  76. [12:14] AE: _-aart dooesn t hurt him! ! !-_
  77. [12:15] AE: -_yoou shoould tell him thaat he s being R U D E aand thaat he needs too stoop being rude. . ._-
  78. [12:15] SW: he thinks it kills his rep or something
  79. [12:16] AE: _- ooooooh , i m the highblooood , aa simple little draawing oof me R U I N S my R E P U T A T I O N! ! ! -_
  80. [12:16] SW: something like that
  81. [12:17] AE: -_U G H. . ._-
  82. [12:17] AE: _-(v^v)-_
  83. [12:18] AE: -_aare yoou twoo red oor blaack? ? ?_-
  84. [12:18] SW: black obviously
  85. [12:18] SW: Well
  86. [12:18] SW: i think anyWay
  87. [12:18] SW: he hasn't said anything about quadrants yet but i think he Wants it
  88. [12:20] AE: _-. . . . . . . . .-_
  89. [12:20] AE: -_soo yoou doon t knoow if yoou aactuaally HAVE filled quaadraants. . ._-
  90. [12:21] SW: i'm Worried i might!
  91. [12:21] SW: With highbloods!
  92. [12:21] SW: i'm gonna get fucking killed if i make the smallest mistake!
  93. [12:21] AE: _-hey , hey , hey! ! !-_
  94. [12:22] AE: -_my ex-mooiraail waas very gentle aand woouldn t daare hurt aanyboody! ! !_-
  95. [12:22] AE: _-poooor thing , waas soo helpless too aanything aand everybirdy! ! !-_
  96. [12:22] AE: -_i aagree thaat moost highbloooods aare A W F U L , but elydaar is D I F F E R E N T. . .-_
  97. [12:24] SW: i hope you're right
  98. [12:25] AE: _-yoou shoould haave moore faaith in me. . . aafter aall , i m aa loowblooood toooo. . . i guess. . .-_
  99. [12:25] AE: -_it stings , indeed it dooes. . ._-
  100. [12:26] AE: _-yoou just haave too keep oon hooping. . .-_
  101. [12:26] AE: -_yoou shoould taalk too them. . ._-
  102. [12:26] AE: _-B O T H oof them. . .-_
  103. [12:26] AE: -_explaain too them hoow yoou feel. . ._-
  104. [12:27] AE: _-aand D O N T H O L D B A C K. . .-_
  105. [12:28] SW: i might try to invite him over or something
  106. [12:28] SW: to talk to him
  107. [12:28] SW: er
  108. [12:28] SW: not the blackrom guy
  109. [12:28] SW: his name's giorro
  110. [12:28] SW: the other one
  111. [12:28] SW: aeirol
  112. [12:28] AE: -_well , i ll keep them in mind. . ._-
  113. -- anadtiaEnpointe [AE] ceased pestering staircaseWit [SW] at 00:33 --
  114. -- anadtiaEnpointe [AE] changed their mood to OFFLINE  --
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