
F1 AIE Chapter 15

Jul 8th, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon In Equestria Chapter 15
  3. >Fuck.
  4. >Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
  5. >This is about as awkward as anything can get right now.
  6. >What do you do? What do you say?
  7. >You're an F1 Driver! You had women crawling all over you back home! Why is this so hard for you!?
  10. "So..."
  11. >...
  12. >RD: "Yep..."
  13. >...
  14. "What... was that all about anyway?"
  15. >RD: "...What?"
  16. "What you said before the race."
  17. >RD: "Oh THAT haha! ...Um."
  18. >Nervous laughter. Shit.
  19. >You really don't wanna hurt her feelings by saying no. However, You don't wanna be considered a horse fucker either.
  20. >Well lets not get ahead of ourselves. It might not be that.
  21. >She probably was going to say something completely different back there.
  22. >RD: "I was gonna say that I like you...?"
  23. >WELL. She just went out and fucking said it. Didn't she?
  25. >TS: "Hey guys, the trains he- Whats wrong?"
  26. >Couldn't you have come back just a few seconds before hand Twi? Geez...
  27. >She comes back seeing you with a wide eyed, straight ahead stare, and Rainbow with a look of ever growing dissapointment.
  28. >You shake your head to break yourself out of that state. Then you look to Twilight.
  29. "Nothing. Lets just go. Trains gonna leave with out us."
  30. >Even through the current situation, you grab Dash's chair and push her towards the train car you're scheduled to board.
  31. >TV: *Anonymous ends up taking the victory at EquineRing by a large margin. Everyp0ny in Cloudsdale Weather Racing are probably living it up right now as we speak!*
  32. "..."
  33. >RD: "..."
  34. >TS: "...?"
  36. ----
  38. >30 minutes have passed by.
  39. >30 silent, awkward, mind numbing minutes. Cant this train go any fucking faster?
  40. >Sitting on the left side of the train car. You stare out of the window gazing at the constellations in the night sky, trying to forget everything.
  41. >Dash, across from you on the other side, is making that hard for you.
  42. >Twilight sensed something going on, so shes further back in the car to give you two some space.
  43. >Not a word has been said by anyone since you boarded, and there is still a couple hours left before you reach P0nyville.
  44. >The gentle rocking of the train going down the tracks is relaxing. Enough to almost send you into a deep sleep.
  45. >Almost.
  46. >RD: "Am... Am I supposed to take this as... a no?"
  47. >God dammit.
  49. >Careful bro. This is your teammate here.
  50. "No. Dash. It's not a no."
  51. >RD: "Then what?"
  52. >...
  53. "I don't know. I..."
  54. >Shes looking at you with a worried expression. Ears perked up awaiting a response.
  55. >...
  56. "I just need time to think about it okay."
  57. >...
  58. >RD: "So... Does that mean there is still a chance?"
  59. "There might be. Don't count on it though."
  60. >...
  61. >...
  62. >RD: "Can I just say something?"
  63. >...
  64. "Shoot."
  65. >She exhales from holding her breath after asking you that.
  66. >RD: "...These past five months have been absolutely amazing. I've never had anyp0ny come into my life that had such an impact on everything."
  67. >...
  68. >RD: "You have changed my life Anon. If you never showed up here, I would probably be sitting in my room right now, looking out the window, dreaming of the day that I was accepted into the Wonderbolts or something."
  69. >Yep, Shes letting her feelings pour out.
  71. >RD: "It's because of you that I am traveling across Equestria doing something that is fun as hell, and not sitting back at home just day dreaming. That, I feel, is why you mean so much to me. Over the months I've slowly begun to get feelings for you. Every moment we spend together. Every time we make fun of each other. Even every lap we drive out there, those feelings grow. I think we have a strong connection, you know? More than just teammates in a racing league."
  72. >You stare out the window as she continues.
  73. >RD: "But if you don't feel the same way... I understand. I was foolish to think that I could get with someone like you."
  74. "Don't be like that."
  75. >...
  76. "I haven't said no. Like I said before, I just need to think about it."
  77. >RD: "Why?"
  78. "The cross-species thing... It's looked down upon where I'm from."
  79. >...
  80. >RD: "Is that it? That's the only thing stopping you?"
  81. "Pretty much yeah."
  82. >...
  83. >RD: "You are aware that I'm sentient right? I can talk to you. I'm not some mindless animal. I mean come on! I can Fucking drive a Formula One car Anon."
  84. "I know, I'm aware."
  86. >RD: "What more do you need then?"
  87. "Time."
  88. >RD: "How much?"
  89. >...
  90. "Give me until the next Grand Prix. Two weeks should be enough time to wrap my head around this."
  91. >After that sentence. You go back to closing your eyes. Not another word was said the whole trip back.
  92. >You've never seen this side of her before. You mean alot to her apparently.
  93. >Usually shes brash and has a take-no-prisoners attitude. But this.
  94. >You get the feeling that this side of her isn't even seen by the other Elements of Harmony.
  96. >*She truly cares about you. She just poured her heart out all over the floor for you. And you're gonna deny her just because she happens to be a p0ny?*
  98. >That's pretty much the idea brain.
  100. >*You heartless fuck.
  101. >Lets look beside the fact that she is a p0ny.
  102. >Behind this multicolored equine, there is a human-like personality.
  103. >Horses back home aren't intelligent beings, of course. They cant hold a conversation with you.
  104. >But Rainbow Dash here can. She can form complex thoughts. Convey emotions.
  105. >And like she said. She can pilot a fucking F1 car, and damn good at that. A feat only a select few humans can even accomplish.
  106. >Also, to be honest, she isn't that bad looking either.*
  108. >Ok brain, Now you're creeping me out.
  110. >*Listen you. Has Twilight given you any indication that she found your old home yet?
  111. >No? Exactly. Lets be honest here, She has no idea where to begin to look. She pulled you out of your dimension by accident. It was a fluke.
  112. >The odds of you seeing another human female in your life are slim to none.
  113. >You were lucky that Celestia basically became the next Bernie Ecclestone so you didn't have to lose your precious sport.
  114. >But if you want any kind of companionship in the near future, you're gonna have to make some sacrifices.
  115. >It has been close to half a year now. You have to be at least getting a little lonely? Right?*
  117. >Yeah...
  119. >*You do enjoy spending your time with her. Do you not?*
  121. >Yep.
  123. >*I'll leave you with those thoughts Anon. The P0nyville stop is coming up. Enjoy the Pinkie victory party.
  124. >You have two weeks to decide, and let me tell you something.
  125. >Shes not gonna wait forever.*
  127. >Your eyes open.
  128. >...
  129. >Was that a dream?
  131. >You rub your eyes and groan, you apparently dozed off for a couple of hours.
  132. >Oh hey look, we made it to the P0nyville stop. Your dream was right about that.
  133. >...
  134. >You look over to your right. Dash has dozed off as well.
  135. >Shes leaned over to the left in her chair. Breathing in a soft, calm pattern. A single strand of drool dripping to the floor.
  136. >That's honestly pretty fucking adorable.
  137. >You stand up and grab your belongings, then walk over to Rainbows wheelchair.
  138. "Dash." you whisper, nudging her arm lightly.
  139. >RD: "*snort* Huh wuh?"
  140. "We're home."
  141. >RD: "Oh, ok."
  142. >Man she looks tired.
  143. >Twilight walks over to you from the back of the car and says to you after yawning.
  144. >TS: "I know this might not be the best option right now. But because Rainbow can't fly home, shes going to have to stay with us at the library till she can fly without pain, or until we leave for Fillydelphia. Whichever one comes first."
  145. >Oh god. This is going to be a long week.
  147. >You three depart from the train station heading on back to the library.
  148. >Dash has dozed back off again. The Grand Prix must have taken alot out of her.
  149. >Dude, shes in a wheelchair. No shit it took alot out of her.
  150. >That and it is pretty late. You can hear that bed calling your name.
  151. >After everything that has happened today, you could use a good 10 hours of sleep.
  153. >After a fairly long walk along the main street of P0nyville. You three finally reach the library. Twilight begins to look in her saddlebags for her key.
  154. >While she does, you remember what you thought just before the race highlights back in Baltimare interrupted your night.
  155. "Hey Twi." You whisper, as to not disturb Rainbow.
  156. >TS: "Yeah?"
  157. "Thanks for, you know, giving me a place to call home this whole time I've been here. You really didn't have to."
  158. >TS: "Oh you're welcome Anon. It's no problem. Now if I could just find this damn key."
  159. >Hmm... Thinking back to that dream. Didn't it say something about a party?
  160. >TS: "Found it."
  161. >Specifically a Pinkie Pie-
  162. >*creak*
  163. >"SURPRIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!!!"
  164. >-victory party... Holy shit what the fuck?
  165. >The surprise startled Dash awake. Twilight didn't fair any better.
  166. >They both quickly regain their composure though, after recognizing all of your friends in attendance.
  167. >This is cool and all but, that dream. It told you about this.
  168. >It told you about arriving at the P0nyville train station too.
  169. >Does that mean-? All those other things-?
  170. >...
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