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- WARNING: Not using preference directory
- Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
- Unreal engine initialized
- Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
- LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
- Bound to
- Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
- Bound to
- Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
- Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
- Collecting garbage
- Purging garbage
- Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
- Game class is 'CTFGame'
- Sockets: Socket queue 262144 / 262144
- TcpNetDriver on port 7777
- Server Package: SoldierSkins
- Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
- Server Package: CommandoSkins
- Server Package: FCommandoSkins
- Server Package: SGirlSkins
- Server Package: BossSkins
- Server Package: Botpack
- Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
- Server Package: UTPureRC7G
- Bound to
- Server Package: NPLoader_v17
- Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v17
- Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v17
- Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v17
- Server Package: ACEv10f_Cdll
- Server Package: IACEv10
- Server Package: ACEv10f_C
- Server Package: SmartCTF_4DPlusPlusv4
- Server Package: CountryFlags2
- Server Package: SmartDM105
- Server Package: SmartDMScoreBoard105
- Server Package: MapVoteX103
- Server Package: ComboGibND4
- Server Package: UTSAccuBeta4_2
- Server Package: ZeroPingPlus103
- Server Package: 2k4Combos
- Spawning: XServerQuery.XServerQuery
- Spawning: XServerQuery.XServerUplink
- Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
- Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
- Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
- Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
- Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
- Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
- Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
- Spawning: UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA
- Spawning: IpToCountry.LinkActor
- Case-insensitive search: IpToCountry -> ../System/ipToCountry.u
- Spawning: NPLoader_v17.NPLActor
- Spawning: ACEv10f_S.ACEActor
- Bound to
- Spawning: ACEv10f_EH.ACEEventActor
- Spawning: UTStatsBeta4_2.UTStatsSA
- Spawning: 2k4Combos.CombosSA
- Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
- Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (35)...
- InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
- Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
- Mutators MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
- Add mutator MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
- StartMutator: SmartCTF_4DPlusPlusv4.SmartCTF
- Original Scoreboard determined as Botpack.UnrealCTFScoreboard
- SmartCTF 4D++ loaded successfully.
- StartMutator: BotPack.NoRedeemer
- Execute Setting: MaxPlayers=4. Property: MaxPlayers. Value: 4
- Execute Setting: bTournament=True. Property: bTournament. Value: True
- Execute Setting: bmultiweaponstay=True. Property: bmultiweaponstay. Value: True
- Execute Setting: FragLimit=0. Property: FragLimit. Value: 0
- Execute Setting: TimeLimit=15. Property: TimeLimit. Value: 15
- <------------------------ Starting MapVoteX ------------------------>
- Port 7778 successfully bound.
- DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
- DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
- DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
- DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
- DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
- UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7779 successfully bound.
- UdpBeacon CTF-Face.UdpBeacon0 (Function IpDrv.UdpBeacon.BroadcastBeacon:0054) SentText: sendto failed
- Unknown Mutator in use: MapVoteX103.MapVoteCommands
- ###############################
- # UTPure #
- # ver 1.0.RC7G #
- ###############################
- Protection is Active!
- ###############################
- ####################################
- # IP To Country #
- # Version 1.6 #
- # Initial to v1.2 by [es]Rush #
- # v1.6 by Matthew 'MSuLL' Sullivan #
- ####################################
- # Spawn Addon: True #
- # Extension for AOL: False #
- # Query Servers: 3 #
- ####################################
- Bound to
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Native Plugin Loader v1.7 |
- | (c) 2008-2009 AnthraX |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Case-insensitive search: ACEV10F_CDLL -> ../System/ACEv10f_Cdll.u
- | Package 0: |
- | - Name : ACEv10f |
- | - Author : AnthraX |
- | - Desc : AntiCheatEngine for Unreal Tournament 99 |
- | - DLL : ACEv10f_C.dll |
- | - DLLLDR : ACEv10f_Cdll.u |
- | - DLLURL : |
- | - DLLMD5 : multiple versions (3) |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | NrOfPackages = 1 |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- +--------------------------------------+
- | ACE for Unreal Tournament |
- | v10f |
- | (c) 2009-2016 - AnthraX |
- +--------------------------------------+
- ACE: DEBUG: Default IPv4 WAN NIC = enp2s0
- ACE: DEBUG: Default IPv6 WAN NIC =
- ACE: DEBUG: Enabling bListen on NIC enp2s0 ( because it is specified in MULTIHOME.
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: ACE found the following network card: lo
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - IPv4 Properties -> Address: - Subnet: - Internet Access: False
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - Can listen on this interface? False
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: ACE found the following network card: enp2s0
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - IPv4 Properties -> Address: - Subnet: - Internet Access: True
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - Can listen on this interface? True
- [ACEv10f]: DEBUG: NICHelper recommends this ListenIP:
- Resolving
- readlink(/proc/self/exe) = /shares/SATA2/ut-server/System/ucc-bin
- Path to the PlayerManager: /shares/SATA2/ut-server/System/PlayerManager/ACEv10f_M
- ACE: ERROR - PlayerManager Connection Failed - Timed Out
- [ACEv10f]: ERROR: ACE could not spawn the PlayerManager.
- [ACEv10f]: ERROR: ACE is now disabled.
- ACE: ERROR - PlayerManager Connection Shutting Down!
- +--------------------------------------+
- | ACE EventHandler |
- | v10f |
- | (c) 2009-2016 - AnthraX |
- +--------------------------------------+
- ### ___________________________________
- ###
- ### # # ### ### ### # ### ###
- ### # # # # # # # # #
- ### # # # ### # # # # ###
- ### # # # # # ### # #
- ### ### # ### # # # # ###
- ### ___________________________________
- ###
- ### - Version : 0.4.2
- ### - UTGL Running : False
- ### ___________________________________
- ### 2k4Combos Initialized v1.0 - ▒ )▒DoE▒(-AnthraX 2004
- Game engine initialized
- UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
- Loading maps for: 2v2
- Resolved (
- [ACEv10f]: - WAN IP Retrieved: x.x.x.x
- MapVoteX: Total Maps Loaded = 29
- [ACEv10f]: Registered Event Handler: ACEv10f_EH.ACEEventActor
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