
[Paradise Lost: Prelude]

Aug 29th, 2013
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  1. [20:23] <!CYOA-sama> [Paradise Lost: Prelude]
  2. [20:24] <!CYOA-sama> "And that's it." Cindy says as she sits on a table surrounded by the other girls.
  3. [20:25] <!CYOA-sama> "So.... he's just gone?" Tili says as her eyes water.
  4. [20:26] <!CYOA-sama> "For now, yeah.... but we're gonna get him back. All we have to do is take out all of Devon's men before he regains his magic."
  5. [20:26] <!CYOA-sama> Kookie twidles her thumbs as her lip quivers and she holds back tears of guilt.
  6. [20:27] <!CYOA-sama> Sam places a hand on her shoulder and smiles as if to remind her it wasn't her fault.
  7. [20:27] <!CYOA-sama> "There's just one problem..."
  8. [20:27] <!CYOA-sama> All the girls already understand what's happening.
  9. [20:28] <!CYOA-sama> Karlos has effectively been removed from existence temporarily. Without anything to cling to the threads of fate that bind each of the girls to him have grown tangled and frayed.
  10. [20:28] <!CYOA-sama> "Each of you remembers everything differently, it's not an illusion."
  11. [20:29] <!CYOA-sama> "Each one of you now exists in a seperate reality in which Karlos chose you over all the other girls here."
  12. [20:29] <!CYOA-sama> "All of your memories are equally real, only a few flips of the coin separating each of us."
  13. [20:30] <!CYOA-sama> "In some ways it's good that my thread to Karlos has been severed so that I retained memories of the "original" choices he made."
  14. [20:30] <!CYOA-sama> "But on the other had my own personal route might have been kind of cool....."
  15. [20:31] <!CYOA-sama> "Either way, all of us here love him and won't begrudge him for the choices he made. So that's why we all have a job to do."
  16. [20:32] <!CYOA-sama> "We have to restore Karlos to reality and restore our original reality..... even if it means all of you lose many of the wonderful memories you have."
  17. [20:33] <!CYOA-sama> "It's not even a choice." Tili says as she stands on Cindy's shoulder.
  18. [20:34] <!CYOA-sama> "No matter how many of our memories we lose if we save Karlos we can make more!" She says as she pounds her tiny chest.
  19. [20:34] <!CYOA-sama> "Exactly..." Cindy says with a smile.
  20. [20:35] <!CYOA-sama> >Cindy cindy cindy
  21. [20:35] <!CYOA-sama> Those should ALL be Candy.
  22. [20:35] <!CYOA-sama> But everyone should know that.
  23. [20:40] <@CEB> .
  24. [20:40] <!CYOA-sama> "With the last of his Mana Karlos triggered mana fission in all of us using the framework he layed and opened the leylines to the outer planes."
  25. [20:41] <!CYOA-sama> "He's trusting us entirely to set things right."
  26. [20:41] <!CYOA-sama> "Each of us will take out one of the demons and devils Devon has at his command."
  27. [20:42] <!CYOA-sama> "Remember ladies.... they took away our man. No mercy." The blonde sorceress makes a gun shape with her fingers and fires an imaginary bullet at the air.
  28. [20:43] <!CYOA-sama> The tower, no the entire plane begins to crumble. Devons corruption seeps into the prime and slowly steadily tears it asunder.
  29. [20:44] <!CYOA-sama> But it's not for the stability of the multiverse that the girls head out to the corners of existence.... they're only concern is restoring Karlos.
  30. [20:45] <!CYOA-sama> Now.
  31. [20:46] <!CYOA-sama> You'll vote which girl you want to take the perspective of.
  33. [20:46] <!CYOA-sama> one8
  34. [20:46] <!CYOA-sama> **
  35. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Fudge vs Baalzebul the Lord or Flies; The Seventh Circle Maladomini
  36. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Dixie vs Agatha the Hate Witch; The Bleak Swamp Gehenna
  37. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Piru vs Gythresh the Hound Master; The Searing Pits of Canas
  38. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Jackie vs Lloth the Demon Queen of Spiders; The Demon Web Pits
  39. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Hoe vs Lillith the Succubi Queen; The Plane of Howling Lust
  40. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Cindy vs Mammon the Black Serphent; The Third Circle Minauros
  41. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Ruby vs Demogorgan the Twin Prince; The Boiling Sea of Hate
  42. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Tili vs Grazzt the Prince of Demons; The Black Citadel
  43. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Shoes vs Juibilex the Faceless Lord; The Plane of Twisted Chaos
  44. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Sam vs Lucifer the Prince of Darkness; The Garden of Black Eden
  45. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Isis vs Bel the Betrayer; The First Circle Avernus
  46. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Miria vs Mephistopheles the Judge of the Damned; The Eighth Circle Cania
  47. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Illiana vs Obyrith, He Who Speaks; The Twisted Planes of Madness
  48. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Synthia vs Orcus the Prince of the Dead; The Plane of Negative Energy
  49. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Kookie vs Askveridith the Consort of Tiamat; The Dragonspawn Pits of Azharul
  50. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Natia vs Glasya the Princess of Hell; The Sixth Circle Malbolge
  51. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Rebecca vs Geryon the Hate Worm; The Fifth Circle Stygia
  52. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Candy vs Asmodeus the King of Hell; The Ninth Circle Nessus
  53. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Urt vs Beliel the Fire Lord; The Fourth Circle Phlegathos
  54. [20:47] <!CYOA-sama> [ ] Ada vs Dispater the Iron Duke; The Second Circle Dis
  55. [20:48] <!CYOA-sama> Choose.
  56. [20:48] <@CEB> [X] Jackie vs Lloth the Demon Queen of Spiders; The Demon Web Pits
  57. [20:48] <Brotius> This..
  58. [20:48] <!CYOA-sama> And by that I mean come to a decision.
  59. [20:48] <Brotius> might take a while
  60. [20:49] <!CYOA-sama> Because just voting is meaningless.
  61. [20:49] <!CYOA-sama> You wanted CYOA.
  62. [20:49] <!CYOA-sama> There's your CYOA.
  63. [20:49] <!CYOA-sama> So C
  64. [20:50] <!CYOA-sama> Let's have you each pick 5
  65. [20:50] <Taco_Hell> Kk
  66. [20:50] <!CYOA-sama> Just name the girls.
  67. [20:50] <!CYOA-sama> Since the full votes will be written too long.
  68. [20:50] <Taco_Hell> [x] Shoes, Urt, Fudge, Ruby, Natia
  69. [20:51] <!CYOA-sama> Choose five and well go in descending order.
  70. [20:51] <!CYOA-sama> We'll get to them all eventually.
  71. [20:51] <@CEB> [X] Jackie, Sam, Tili, Miria, Hoe
  72. [20:51] <Brotius> [x] Kookie, Tili, Shoes, Hoe, Ada
  73. [20:53] <@CEB> [X] Jackie, Urt, Tili, Miria, Hoe
  74. [20:53] <@CEB> fixed
  75. [20:59] <!CYOA-sama> We'll have to hold this vote at the start of next week.
  76. [20:59] <!CYOA-sama> I have an issue.
  77. [20:59] <!CYOA-sama> Keep it in the pastebin onii.
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