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Mar 27th, 2017
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  1. Note: Some commands may not appear for you since some commands are restricted to a certain rank that you do not have.
  3. Basic Admin Commands
  4. @ - Admin Chat.
  5. /plykick (Character Name)(Reason) -Kicks the player from the server.
  6. /plyban (CharacterName/SteamID)(Time in minutes)(Reason) - Bans the player for amount of inputted time.
  7. /plyunban (SteamID) -Unbans a player from the server that has been previously banned.
  8. /plyslay (CharacterName) - Immediately kills the selected player.
  9. /plysilentslay (CharacterName) -Silently kills the selected player.
  10. /warn (CharacterName)(Reason) -Warns a player for whatever reason.
  11. /plymute (CharacterName) -Restricts someone from speaking until unmuted. Repeat command to unmute.
  12. /plyfreeze (CharacterName) -Freezes a character into place. Repeat command to unfreeze.
  13. /plygoto (CharacterName) -Teleports yourself to the selected character's location.
  14. /plyteleport (CharacterName) -Teleports a character to your targeted location.
  15. /respawn (CharacterName) -Respawns a character to their default spawnpoint.
  16. /respawnstay (CharacterName) -Rspawns a character without sending them to their default spawnpoint.
  17. /respawnbring (CharacterName) -Respawns and brings the selected character to your targeted location.
  18. /observer -Allows the administrator to freely no-clip. (Use only for OOC Administrative reasons.)
  21. Character Commands
  22. /charban (CharacterName) -Permanently bans a character from being used by the player.
  23. /charunban (CharacterName) -Unbans a previously banned character.
  24. /plyforcechar (CharacterName)(Character Number) -Forces a player onto a character.
  25. /plyprintchars (CharacterName) -Displays a player's list of characters and their number in console.
  26. /charswap (CharacterName) -Forces yourself onto another character.
  27. /chargiveitem (CharacterName)(Item) -Gives the player a certain item. Requires 'G' Flags.
  28. /chargivetempflags (CharacterName)(Flags)(Time in minutes) -Gives a character temporary flags.
  29. /chargiveflags (CharacterName)(Flags) -Gives a character permanent flags.
  30. /chartakeflags (CharacterName)(Flags) -Removes a character's flags.
  31. /charsetname (CharacterName)(NewName) -Changes a character's name.
  32. /charsetmodel (CharacterName)(ModelURL) -Changes a character's model.
  33. /charknockout (CharacterName)(Time) -Renders a character unconscious for the amount of time given.
  34. /charsethunger (CharacterName)(Scale0-100) -Sets the level of a character's hunger bar.
  35. /charsetthirst (CharacterName)(Scale0-100) -Sets the level of the character's thirst bar.
  36. /plysethp (CharacterName)(AmountOfHealth) -Sets a character to selected amount of HP.
  37. /plysetarmor (CharacterName)(AmountOfArmor) -Sets a character to selected amount of armor.
  39. Whitelist Commands
  40. /plywhitelist (CharacterName)(WhitelistName) -Adds a character to a whitelist.
  41. /plyunwhitelist (CharacterName)(WhitelistName) -Removes a character from a whitelist.
  42. /chartransfer (CharacterName)(WhitelistName)(NewName) -Transfers a character from their current to selected whitelist.
  43. /charsetcustomclass (CharacterName)(CustomclassName) -Creates a custom class for a character.
  44. /plysetgroup (CharacterName)(AdminRank) -Adds a player to a Server Group (Operator,Admin,SA)
  45. /plydemote (CharacterName) -Demotes the person from their Server Group back to User.
  46. /charsetdonatorstatus (CharacterName) -Gives the selected player an in-game donator status.
  47. Spoiler: Whitelist List
  48. Citizen
  49. Metropolice Force
  50. Overwatch Transhuman Arm
  51. Vortigaunt
  52. Administrator
  53. Black Market
  54. Necrotic
  55. Civil Worker's Union
  57. Global Commands
  58. /toggleantiswitch -Toggles Anti-Character Switch.
  59. /toggleratio -Toggles the Ratio Enforcer for charswapping to MPF.
  60. /toggleooc -Toggles the Out Of Character chat.
  61. /event -Announces server wide events.
  62. /playsound (SoundFilePath) - Plays a sound globally.
  63. /playsoundlocal (SoundFilePath) - Plays a sound around the administrator's vicinity.
  64. /SetWeather (Fog (Heavy/Light) to Rain (Heavy/Light)) -Alters server weather to selected weather type.
  66. Door, Container, and Prop Commands
  67. /staticpropadd -Permanently places a prop onto the map, remains in position after server restart.
  68. /staticpropremove -Removes a staticed prop.
  69. /contsetname -Edits the name of the container.
  70. /contsetpassword -Sets up a password for the container.
  71. /contsetmessage -Sets up a message to appear upon opening the container.
  72. /conttakename -Removes a containers name.
  73. /conttakepassword -Removes a containers password.
  74. /doorlock -Locks a door.
  75. /doorunlock -Unlocks a door.
  76. /doorsetownable -Allows the door to be purchasable by other players via F2.
  77. /doorsetunownable -Does not allow players from purchasing the door.
  78. /doorsethidden -Hides the description and door name of the selected door.
  80. Miscellaneous
  81. /emplacementadd -Spawns a Combine Turret/Emplacement Gun.
  82. /fieldadd -Spawns a Biogate.
  83. /lockeradd -Spawns an Off-Duty Locker.
  84. /vendoradd -Spawns a Vending Machine.
  85. /advertadd (Picture URL)(Size) -Inserts an online picture into the game.
  86. /advertremove -Removes an inserted picture from the game.
  87. /soundzoneadd - Adds in a soundproof wall after plotting the lowest and highest point.
  88. /soundzoneremove - Removes a soundproof area.
  89. /permissionedit -Edit's who can open what. (Ex: Which faction can open a biogate/open that door, etcetera.)
  90. /salesmanadd -Inserts a vendor/salesman into the game. Can buy/sell items to/from players.
  91. /salesmanremove -Removes a salesman added ingame.
  92. /salesmanedit -Edits an ingame salesman.
  93. /setalterego (CharacterName)(EgoSlot) -I really don't know how to explain this.
  94. /textadd (Text)(SizeofText) - Inserts a line of text.
  95. /textremove -Removes nearby lines of text.
  97. If there are any important commands that I've missed or mistaken one of the commands above, feel free to let me know below so I can make the correct adjustments.
  128. Attributes
  129. Some guys have gotten a bit iffy about this area. I'm going to be defining the basic stand points of what an admin should be or at least can be.
  131. Some things that you could expect from admins:
  132. - Maturity
  133. - Activity
  134. - Respect
  136. Some things that I expect from you:
  137. 1. Temper
  138. You're obviously not going to get anywhere if you decide to boast, toast, and keep away the most from the playerbase. Sure, they can call you "asshole" and they can call the community a "piece of crap", but in the end of the day, none of those words matter. There will be times when you'll have to refrain yourself from taking the shot at another person. We all know that you're not a punching bag, but it's useless to show that you can punch back.
  140. 2. Bias
  141. Be sure that you're always considerate of all perspectives in the scenario. Take yourself to the potential that your enemies and your allies both equally have the potential to be right and wrong in an argument.
  143. 3. Effectiveness
  144. Do what you're good at, don't do what you're bad at. It's simple. If you're not good at events, you should refrain from running them. If you want to do events, but you're bad at them, you can improve on a more private basis, grab help from those that are good in events, or run small events that don't effect those that don't want to participate in it.
  146. 4. Stay out of trouble.
  147. This is pretty generalized. I think it's somewhat common-sense here. Don't get into things that piss people off.
  149. 5. Communication
  150. You don't have to do everything alone. If you're stumped and need advice on what to do in a situation, ask your fellow staff members on steam or in-game.
  152. 6. Tolerance and Acceptance
  153. Let's be quite honest: we all know that you're a human being. I know you're not a punching bag, but you're dealing with people that aren't tolerant and accepting. Anger starts a flame that you don't want to get yourself into, so don't. Do the mature thing, and be sure not to bait with retaliation of any sort (even if it's indirect or trying to make the opposite side look a specific way.
  155. An example:
  156. I'm a bad op because you got killed in a firefight I wasn't involved in? lol k. Apparently me specing you is bad op behavior.
  157. "Lol k" and "I'm a bad op because you got killed in a firefight" is retaliatory. You make the opposition angrier by making them look stupid, but you're supposed to be pacifying the situation. They will throw accusations, but you have to be able to cope.
  159. The Admin Guide
  160. This isn't about how you know how to use the commands, this is about what to do at the correct time and instance of an event, or what you should be doing as your current rank.
  162. (CMRP Section)
  163. Operators and Administrators- This is where you start off. Currently, the Operator rank is actually a trial rank. Administrator and Operator commands are virtually the same, with very few slight differences. We put you into work almost immediately. The administration specialization section is where you should refer to in order to find out what specialization you want to do. The specializations mean that you're going to be focusing on that particular aspect of the CMRP server. If you aren't in that list, then you should probably get into it as fast as possible. You're the main grunt in the administration's team, therefore you should be dong most of the hard work that comes with it. Listen to superiors, and make sure that you tell them you're on a standby in order to remind them that they're supposed to be giving you orders. Make sure that you're always available at a moment's notice, even if you're roleplay. Forum wise, the administrators are capable of accepting things. You're in the administration based on how much time your use of it's powers can grant you.
  165. Super Admin - Let me get this straight. You were NOT promoted because of efficient capabilities towards how you work or how you administrate. You were promoted in order to make sure that your subordinates are capable of doing the things right. We promote people to SA because we all know that they are the most experienced, therefore they need to DISTRIBUTE that experience. You're not a leader, you're a director. Give jobs, make things happen. You tell the Admin and Operators what to do in the dirty work because you've done it effectively before. Do not demote people at an equal rank.
  167. City RP Section
  168. With the coming of the problems that are being issued across the entire server, I think it's become clear that there needs to be a standardization towards how we solve problems. This guide is mean't to address common field problems and give them a direct and easily executable answer.
  170. Now, time to get started.
  172. Admin Constants
  173. In the vast area of HL2RP, you've got alot of things coming towards you that are going to be from the users. You have jobs that should constantly be at mind while you're still an administrator.
  174. - Note that you have a very constant duty in this administration. Even if you're IC, you may be expected to answer reports for the sake of helping those that are overwhelmed.
  175. - For City Roleplay, there must be at least one administrator online at their admin character. This is to make sure that someone is viewing the logs and is capable of taking decisions to unreported events
  176. - Teaching the new ones. Yes, this is going to happen alot. The easy way out is to let them just do the /viewguide command. It'll save time and administration resources. Note that because they're new, you should expect them to break a rule or two by accident. Forgive them, then teach them.
  178. User-Admin
  179. - Reports are going to basically be everywhere. Be sure that you're ready to get to these reports even if you're not on duty.
  181. Note that during reports, people will definitely be very angry towards the situation at hand.
  182. To combat this, try to be as tolerant and as non-biased as possible. Explain yourself in a third party perspective, and make sure it's common-sense agreeable if possible. People will leave, and people may even direct their own anger towards you. However, anger itself is just an impulse that effects their own decisions. Be sure that it's isolated and people don't direct it towards others, and give the player some time to cool down if you don't feel comfortable with slamming all your decisions upon the situation at once.
  184. Players will very likely blame their opponents of the argument for everything that's wrong.
  185. Therefore, you should listen to both sides of the argument before continuing. Make sure that they have time to rebuttal a well. In the case that you start doubting the evidence or the testimony of one side, then try finding wittneses.
  187. There will be cases where authorizations happen on the spot.
  188. People will try to get things open or try to slip their way past authorizations because they need a quick authorization. However, you shouldn't be able to accept a quick authorization. In such a case, you should get the player to apply in the forums. (Unless of course, it's common sense.)
  190. Sometimes there's going to be questions without a full answer or without an answer that you have.
  191. In such a case, there's the forums, people specialized with it's knowledge, or your fellow administrators online. Sometimes, there may be cases where these answers have to come immediately. Though it is advised to use your best judgement most of the times, be sure that you keep the future in mind. These are very dangerous situations in the case that people may even be PKed or punished by, so choose wisely. Always take into account of past history. Have you seen it happen before?
  193. Remember - You're essentially a privileged user if you're an admin. You really only have power over decisions if the situation is administration. Nothing else.
  195. Admin-Admin
  196. There are a couple of times when admins are not satisfied or content with the actions of another admin. In this case, conflict between admins start to be an issue.
  198. What if there's a quick conflict in the administration ingame?
  199. Usually the highest ranking administrator online is the decision maker for whether these arguments are valid or not. Note that there should not be any banning. You have to respect the will of other administrators, or just simply wait the entire thing out.
  201. For example:
  202. A dispute breaks out between two admins over what is considered gun range or penetration in an IC rp sit.
  204. Get a SA if he's online in the game. If not, then try doing steam chat. If that doesn't work, try seeing whether an agreement could be placed. If that doesn't work, then there's your old friend Google and Yahoo answers to get quick evidence of whether one or the other is true.
  206. Banning admins?
  207. Under no circumstances should there ever be admin to admin banning, even if it means SA to Operator. There are some cases where this is exempt, but in most cases it shouldn't happen.
  209. Premature decision making.
  210. There's going to be alot of times when an admin makes a decision too early. In such a case, just wait it out. There's no reason to get angry if there's still a possibility for a different conclusion. If anything, start a petition for your needs - get support from both players and others in order to support your own decisions.
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