
Frag with Zam

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. Pr★fessor zamuil: Heya
  2. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Hey man!
  3. Pr★fessor zamuil: wassup?
  4. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Being a therapist lol
  5. Pr★fessor zamuil: wha?
  6. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Helping my friends having relationship issues
  7. Gym Le★der Maxerus: As usual lol
  8. Pr★fessor zamuil: o
  9. Pr★fessor zamuil: lol
  10. Gym Le★der Maxerus: WBu?
  11. Pr★fessor zamuil: well my best bud
  12. Pr★fessor zamuil: just went through a break up
  13. Pr★fessor zamuil: so I'm not sure if he's alright or not...
  14. Pr★fessor zamuil: plus lost night one of his friends was contemplating suicide
  15. Pr★fessor zamuil: plus
  16. Pr★fessor zamuil: my weight lifting parter (wrestling) got robbed last night, and is pretty banged up
  17. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Well check on them O.o
  18. Pr★fessor zamuil: so yea exciting day
  19. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Holly shit
  20. Gym Le★der Maxerus: *holy
  21. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Dude where do you live?
  22. Pr★fessor zamuil: they're all fine at teh moment
  23. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Okay good
  24. Pr★fessor zamuil: Texas
  25. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Oh no wonder. Crime there isn't fun
  26. Pr★fessor zamuil: I live in a better neighborhood than my pals tho
  27. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Well goo dfor you. But yeah keep up on them
  28. Pr★fessor zamuil: but my friends friends, lets call her Sarai
  29. Pr★fessor zamuil: has a history of s*** in her life
  30. Pr★fessor zamuil: and my bud is keeping her from taking the last step off the rim.
  31. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Wow...
  32. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  33. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I couldn't take seeing my friends in those positions
  34. Pr★fessor zamuil: I know.
  35. Gym Le★der Maxerus: You're amazing forbeing able to help em all
  36. Pr★fessor zamuil: I do what I can, but its not much.
  37. Pr★fessor zamuil: honestly (this'll sound dumb)
  38. Pr★fessor zamuil: I got two lines that I might make into a song over dis crap
  39. Pr★fessor zamuil: because it'll be the first of my songs to have an actualy meaning, and a number of freinds will be able to relate
  40. Gym Le★der Maxerus: That'd be cool to do for em. Are you adding them to the other two you sent?
  41. Pr★fessor zamuil: uhm I think i've sent you 4 songs so far
  42. Pr★fessor zamuil: this if it pans out will be number 5
  43. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 4?
  44. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I'll check later lol I only remember the 2
  45. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  46. Pr★fessor zamuil: tsnake45
  47. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Okay I'll look
  48. Pr★fessor zamuil: thanks
  49. Gym Le★der Maxerus: brb
  50. Pr★fessor zamuil: k
  51. Pr★fessor zamuil: http://pastebin.com/RCS2AWLy
  52. Gym Le★der Maxerus: How will this be sung
  53. Pr★fessor zamuil: not sure yet
  54. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Ahh I see. Dude I wish I could make music
  55. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Or sing it
  56. Pr★fessor zamuil: lol
  57. Pr★fessor zamuil: if I get a recording to you
  58. Pr★fessor zamuil: could you make music
  59. Pr★fessor zamuil: or are you saying you wish you knew how?
  60. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Umm no not that musically incline
  61. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah wish I knew how
  62. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea same here
  63. Pr★fessor zamuil: I'll probly still send you a recording tho
  64. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Like there's SO much in my head. Like I could probably make an entire, original video game, but I don't know how to convey it at all lol
  65. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah sure
  66. Pr★fessor zamuil: hahaha
  67. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So I played through the scene for when Frag meets up with the Feds for the first time after he is exiled
  68. Pr★fessor zamuil: and?
  69. Gym Le★der Maxerus: God I wish I had the drive to write so I could get to this story
  70. Gym Le★der Maxerus: but anywho
  71. Pr★fessor zamuil: XD
  72. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So he enters through the back and begins to mess with the computer systems
  73. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  74. Gym Le★der Maxerus: This makes the gaurds worried, including a new guy who finds Frag first
  75. Pr★fessor zamuil: they think he's inflitrating or some such?
  76. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Frag stands, faces him, holding a gash closed, and holding the computer. With it, he types, in english, "I request your medical assistance immediately."
  77. Gym Le★der Maxerus: They do at first, but the new guy convinces him this is so strange that they should just go along with it
  78. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Cause he just boldly went in like he was so sure they'd help
  79. Pr★fessor zamuil: and what's teh new guys motivation
  80. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So rewind
  81. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Well ignorance and just the novelty of the situation
  82. Pr★fessor zamuil: gotcha
  83. Gym Le★der Maxerus: A monster that doesn't speak your language and only wants you dead comes in writing in your language boldly asking for your help
  84. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So rewind
  85. Gym Le★der Maxerus: This story takes place from the end of Metroid Prime 2 to the middle of Metroid Prime 3
  86. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The first moment Frag brok away was when he was forced to hunt down Rundas and inject more Phazon in his body to speed up corruption (which is why Samus finds him so corrupted)
  87. Gym Le★der Maxerus: After a few injections, Frag kills his co-workers, rips off his comm gear, and begins to cradle Rundas out of guilt
  88. Pr★fessor zamuil: pause one sec.
  89. Pr★fessor zamuil: check my battle
  90. Gym Le★der Maxerus: They talk and seeing that he means well, Rundas tells his species on his planet in his last will before he went insane from Corruption
  91. Pr★fessor zamuil: freaking awesome
  92. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Only you can Probopass
  93. Pr★fessor zamuil: XD
  94. Pr★fessor zamuil: I'll take that as a compliment
  95. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Lol it is
  96. Pr★fessor zamuil: XD
  97. Gym Le★der Maxerus: They talk and seeing that he means well, Rundas tells his species on his planet in his last will before he went insane from Corruption to watch out for "The Pirate rebel Frag"
  98. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Just so happens Rundas' cousin was stationed at that base. While Frag is being fixed up, his cousin sees him and requests to talk to him when he is better
  99. Pr★fessor zamuil: gotcha
  100. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Now remember, at this point, the pirates had cut Frag's tongue out cause of Treason
  101. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So his cousin and Frag begin to talk
  102. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Here's where they discover Frag's problem
  103. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Through the story and Frag's rebellion, Frag is helped by 3 main groups
  104. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 1. Rundas
  105. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 2. A G-Fed troop named Argos
  106. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 3. A female pirate named Ayla
  107. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Now what is already wrong with that
  108. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Rundas was on the brink of total corruption when Frag cradled him when they first met. Samus kills Rundas no more than a week later
  109. Pr★fessor zamuil: Argos I assume is the Newbie?
  110. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So through his months of uprising and making a mess, how has Rundas been a help
  111. Gym Le★der Maxerus: No Troop like group
  112. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Ths was ALL before this
  113. Pr★fessor zamuil: Gotcha
  114. Pr★fessor zamuil: gotcha
  115. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Like those three helped him in his rebel against the Space Pirates weeks before Samus showed up in Metroid Prime 3
  116. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  117. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Rundas, a platoon named Argos, and a female Ayla
  118. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So Rundas has been dead since they met...
  119. Gym Le★der Maxerus: And his cousin is there confirming it...
  120. Gym Le★der Maxerus: He also starts by introducing himself as a proud member of the GFS Argos
  121. Gym Le★der Maxerus: When ran through records, there was never a such thing
  122. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So imagine his heartbreak
  123. Gym Le★der Maxerus: His doubt and regret
  124. Pr★fessor zamuil: GFS?
  125. Gym Le★der Maxerus: All this mess he made wasn't encouraged by friends that loved him. It was his messed up mind
  126. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Like th GFS Olympus in MP3?
  127. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Or the GFS Tyr in MP2
  128. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The ships and their troops
  129. Pr★fessor zamuil: gotcha
  130. Pr★fessor zamuil: global fed. ship
  131. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yes
  132. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So it was his messed up mind
  133. Gym Le★der Maxerus: That did all of this. So he begins to doubt if he should've done all of this
  134. Pr★fessor zamuil: ermergersh that's terrible
  135. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Rundas' cousin assures him that because it was encouraged by figments of HIS imagination, that it was HIS will at work, no one elses. Which makes his situation even more astounding
  136. Gym Le★der Maxerus: But still, the sadness that his Federation friends never existed
  137. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The fact he actually did kill Rundas that he didn't survive like he thought
  138. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea...
  139. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Then, we have Ayla
  140. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Ayla, Frag noticed at that point (they had him think back through anything else that may just be a hallucination), never actually MET Rundas or GFS Argos troops
  141. Gym Le★der Maxerus: He talked to her about them, but she never met them
  142. Pr★fessor zamuil: http://pastebin.com/qheseGFP (sorry to interupt added to the song)
  143. Gym Le★der Maxerus: He also notices other cues such as Rundas never setting off alarms yet Ayla did once
  144. Gym Le★der Maxerus: (it's fine)
  145. Gym Le★der Maxerus: But here's the thing...Ayla was killed in Frag's final fight where he was captured
  146. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So it's not like he could go find her to see if she was real
  147. Gym Le★der Maxerus: And it's not like G-Fed has access to Pirate records
  148. Pr★fessor zamuil: Dat Inner Turmoil Doe
  149. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So...was Ayla actually there
  150. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Or was she just like the rest
  151. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Did she know of his disease? Or was she a part of it?
  152. Pr★fessor zamuil: so that could be part of why he decides to keep fighting the pirates, to try and access their records?
  153. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yes. Bingo. The one thing in the back of his mind forever
  154. Pr★fessor zamuil: gotcha
  155. Pr★fessor zamuil: great minds think alike
  156. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So they have the corrective surgery done
  157. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Amen :P
  158. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Frag's mind is fixed. Everything is fine. And he holds the green crystal necklace he got from Ayla in his hand...wondering if this was a real gift or if h estole it ad the situation was made up (as some of his weapons were)
  159. Gym Le★der Maxerus: *he
  160. Gym Le★der Maxerus: *and
  161. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  162. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I need filler for the rest of his adventure
  163. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I mean I have the beginning, the middle, and the end down
  164. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Just need the rest detailed
  165. Pr★fessor zamuil: well heres an idea
  166. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Wait
  167. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Before you say
  168. Pr★fessor zamuil: waiting
  169. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Samus and Frag team up happens after this story
  170. Pr★fessor zamuil: I know...
  171. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So if that was the idea, no
  172. Pr★fessor zamuil: XD
  173. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Okay just checking lol
  174. Gym Le★der Maxerus: However!
  175. Pr★fessor zamuil: however?
  176. Gym Le★der Maxerus: If you can think of anything from the last third of Metroid Prim 2 to the first third/half of Metroid Prime 3 that Frag could've influenced for Samus, do tell lol
  177. Pr★fessor zamuil: I don't know the storyline of the games well enough
  178. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Like I lready have some of the mess on Pirate Homeworld is from Frag and Ayla(?) making a mess
  179. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Oh you never played?
  180. Pr★fessor zamuil: can I share my idea now?
  181. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah lol
  182. Pr★fessor zamuil: lol I watch my dad play
  183. Pr★fessor zamuil: ok
  184. Pr★fessor zamuil: so
  185. Pr★fessor zamuil: Since Frag is so terribly unsure of what's happened and what hasn't inteh past
  186. Pr★fessor zamuil: and we know he's probably still a little emotionally unstable
  187. Pr★fessor zamuil: he might have some sort of obsession with documenting everything
  188. Pr★fessor zamuil: from his daily life
  189. Pr★fessor zamuil: to new speceis
  190. Pr★fessor zamuil: or terrain
  191. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah afterwards you mean right?
  192. Pr★fessor zamuil: afterwards of what, ya need to be more specific XD
  193. Pr★fessor zamuil: mostly cuz I have no idea what's going on
  194. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The scene where he is fixed
  195. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  196. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Like this becomes a habit because of it
  197. Pr★fessor zamuil: yep
  198. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Got it
  199. Pr★fessor zamuil: sound like an interesting Idea?
  200. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah that'd be cool to have with the Samus and Frag team up story
  201. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So here for Frag's timeline we have
  202. Pr★fessor zamuil: and be a convenient way to update scanners etc
  203. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah how the G-Fed knows so much about that freezing planet
  204. Pr★fessor zamuil: Exactly what I was thinking
  205. Gym Le★der Maxerus: So for Timeline
  206. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Born, raised, all that other child aged stuff
  207. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Joins Pirates
  208. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea that's not important (child age)
  209. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Sent off to Aether for Metroid Prime 2
  210. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Mining incident (no details yet). Evacuated
  211. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Several adventures (over these, he visits some places Samus will later and Frag discovers he isn't like other pirates)
  212. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Bryyo: Mission where he must hunt down and finish corrupting Rundas. This is where he decides he isn't a pirate and begins to lead an uprising
  213. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Oh and somewhere over adventures, he meets Ayla...
  214. Gym Le★der Maxerus: But yeah then he runs into GFS Argos' base and becomes a member
  215. Gym Le★der Maxerus: He infiltrates and kills several bases, influencing Samus' run through Metroid Prime 3
  216. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Finally, Pirate Homeworld
  217. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 3 weeks before Samus
  218. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Rundas, Frag, and the G-Fed wage war
  219. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Frag and Ayla meet up and team up. She sometimes leaves, but always returns
  220. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Finally, they encounter a re-born, horribly deformed Omega Pirate from Metroid Prime 1
  221. Pr★fessor zamuil: ew
  222. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Omega Pirate kills Ayla and after a long fight, captures Frag
  223. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  224. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The pirates convict him of mutiny
  225. Gym Le★der Maxerus: He gets the usual punishment of cutting out of tongue and abandonment on the freezing planet of Frosticita
  226. Gym Le★der Maxerus: With the option of return and be a slave
  227. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Or stay out and die
  228. Pr★fessor zamuil: and picks B
  229. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Frag decides to head to the G-Fed base there, thinking he is a real member because he still believes GFS Argos was a rule platoon
  230. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Nah C
  231. Gym Le★der Maxerus: :P
  232. Gym Le★der Maxerus: *real
  233. Gym Le★der Maxerus: And that scene happens. he is cured and doubtful and conflicted
  234. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 2 years later, after Metroid Luminious (the other FanFic), Samus arrives on the planet
  235. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Samus explores the planet and gets captured
  236. Gym Le★der Maxerus: G-Fed deploys Frag to find her
  237. Pr★fessor zamuil: yep
  238. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Found amongst one of the final Chozo, wanting to take her to the Spirit Realm where the rest of the Chozo feel anything made by them belongs
  239. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Frag convinces the Chozo otherwise
  240. Pr★fessor zamuil: how?
  241. Pr★fessor zamuil: that's impressive
  242. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I had this idea before...
  243. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I think he goes on how selfish it is to counteract the Chozo feeling the world doesn't deserve any of their grace
  244. Gym Le★der Maxerus: I think that's what it was...I will develop more of course this is a basic draft
  245. Pr★fessor zamuil: yea
  246. Gym Le★der Maxerus: But yeah so the Chozo leaves, promising to return with his people before Samus' lifetime is up
  247. Pr★fessor zamuil: ok
  248. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The Pirates close in on the relic that is the only connection between this world and the Chozo's spirit realm
  249. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Samus and Frag team up to repel the pirates
  250. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Annnnd they stop the large energy drill (similar to the one from Star Trek) from being deployed and capture 002, a rouge project from the Lumin in my other FanFic that the Pirates were using to mess with the ecosystem (why Samus was sent to Ffrosticita in the first place)
  251. Pr★fessor zamuil: gothca
  252. Pr★fessor zamuil: spunds interesting
  253. Pr★fessor zamuil: whats teh huge drill for tho?
  254. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Mining
  255. Gym Le★der Maxerus: They wanted to mess with the Ecosystem to make the Feds leave
  256. Pr★fessor zamuil: ah
  257. Gym Le★der Maxerus: And then mine the ore near the planets core
  258. Pr★fessor zamuil: and just take it for all its worth
  259. Pr★fessor zamuil: ok what just happebned
  260. Pr★fessor zamuil: some random guy
  261. Pr★fessor zamuil: challenged
  262. Pr★fessor zamuil: me to a randombattle
  263. Pr★fessor zamuil: and left after teh first turn
  264. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 002: Nightmare fuel. The Lumin made it as a weapon to fight oncoming armies. It was a nearly immortal ball of energy that, unlike its predecessor 003, who could shape shift into a semi-accurate clone of a creature from its opponents memory, 002 could spawn the entire creature.
  265. Gym Le★der Maxerus: (strange O.o)
  266. Pr★fessor zamuil: freaky...
  267. Gym Le★der Maxerus: 002 when Samus fought it in the other FanFic actually re-spawned Metroid Prime from her memory and Metroid Prime escaped before she could kill it (and there is the plot for the 3rd fanfic...have no clue what will go on there)
  268. Pr★fessor zamuil: hm..
  269. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Yeah the Lumin locked it in the Phazon Core of the Lumin's home planet to keep it from escaping so when Samus went in to destroy the core, 002 escaped after a terrifying boss battle
  270. Gym Le★der Maxerus: But yeah...Frag's life tho
  271. Pr★fessor zamuil: sucks
  272. Gym Le★der Maxerus: But he became famous
  273. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The G-Fed loved him like he was one of them
  274. Pr★fessor zamuil: that's good
  275. Gym Le★der Maxerus: The Pirates forever recognized him as "Traitor"
  276. Gym Le★der Maxerus: Well gtg for dinner man. Thanks for helping and keep helping with your friends. They need someone like you
  277. Pr★fessor zamuil: no problem man
  278. Pr★fessor zamuil: Thanks
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