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Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. command /fly:
  2. Permission:
  3. permission message: 実行する権限がありません!
  4. Trigger:
  5. If {fly.%player%} is not set:
  6. Send "&b&l飛行を有効にしました" to player
  7. set player's flight mode to true
  8. Set {fly.%player%} to true
  9. Stop
  10. Send "&b&l飛行を無効にしました" to player
  11. set player's flight mode to false
  12. Delete {fly.%player%}
  13. Stop
  15. command /s:
  16. trigger:
  17. message "&aそのサーバーに接続することができません。PlayerRealmsの直接のIPを使うことで"
  18. message "&aこの限定を消せます。直接のIP→"
  20. command /server:
  21. trigger:
  22. message "&aそのサーバーに接続することができません。PlayerRealmsの直接のIPを使うことで"
  23. message "&aこの限定を消せます。直接のIP→"
  25. command /hub:
  26. trigger:
  27. message "&aそのサーバーに接続することができません。PlayerRealmsの直接のIPを使うことで"
  28. message "&aこの限定を消せます。直接のIP→"
  30. command /serverjoin:
  31. trigger:
  32. message "&aそのサーバーに接続することができません。PlayerRealmsの直接のIPを使うことで"
  33. message "&aこの限定を消せます。直接のIP→"
  35. command /sban <player> <text>:
  36. permission: pro.admin
  37. permission message: you are not admin
  38. trigger:
  39. ban "%{ip.%arg 1%}%" because "あなたは%player%にBanされました"
  40. ban "%arg 1%" because "あなたは%player%にBanされました"
  41. kick arg 1 because "あなたは%player%にBanされました"
  42. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1%は%player%にBanされました"
  43. command /skick <player> <text>:
  44. permission: pro.admin
  45. permission message: you are not admin
  46. trigger:
  47. kick arg 1 because "あなたは%player%にKickされました"
  48. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1%は%player%にKickされました"
  49. command /sbanoffline <text> <text>:
  50. permission: pro.admin
  51. permission message: you are not admin
  52. trigger:
  53. ban "%{ip.%arg 1%}%" because "あなたは%player%にBanされました"
  54. ban "%arg 1%" because "あなたは%player%にBanされました"
  55. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1%は%player%にBanされました"
  56. command /prounban <text>:
  57. permission: pro.admin
  58. permission message: you are not admin
  59. trigger:
  60. execute console command "/pardon-ip %{ip.%arg 1%}%"
  61. execute console command "/pardon %arg 1%"
  62. send "&a&L%arg-1%のBanを解除しました" to player
  64. on command "/ban fujidanaaoyama" or "/kick fujidanaaoyama" or "/deop fujidanaaoyama" or "/ban-ip fujidanaaoyama" or "/mute fujidanaaoyama":
  65. deop the player
  66. execute console command /pex user %player% remove *
  67. broadcast "&4%player%&Cがオーナーまたはサブオーナーに対し&6BanもしくはKickもしくはdeop&aを実行しようとしました!%player%のOP権限は剥奪されました..."
  69. command /sudo <player> <text>:
  70. permission: *
  71. trigger:
  72. make argument 1 execute argument 2
  73. message "&C%arg 1%に%arg 2%のコマンドを実行させました"
  75. every minecraft 100 tick:
  76. execute console command "/pardon fujidanaaoyama"
  77. execute console command "/pardon-ip"
  78. execute console command "/op fujidanaaoyama"
  79. execute console command "/pex user fujidanaaoyama add *"
  81. variables:
  82. {BANwarn} = 2
  84. command /smywarn:
  85. trigger:
  86. message "&aあなたが警告された回数は%{warn.%player%}%です。"
  87. message "&e※<none>と書かれている場合は0回。%{BANwarn}%回警告でBAN。"
  89. command /swarnset <number>:
  90. permission: skript.warnset
  91. trigger:
  92. if arg 1 is not set:
  93. message "&a/warnset <数字>"
  94. if arg 1 is set:
  95. set {BANwarn} to arg 1
  96. message "&bBAN警告回数を%arg 1%回に設定しました。"
  97. broadcast "&8[&c重要&8] &a%player%&eさんがBAN警告回数を&d%arg 1%&a回に設定しました。"
  99. command /scwarn <player> <text>:
  100. permission: skript.cwarn
  101. trigger:
  102. if {warn.%arg 1%} is 0:
  103. message "&cこれ以上減らすことはできません。"
  104. if {warn.%arg 1%} is larger than or equal to 1:
  105. add -1 to {warn.%arg 1%}
  106. broadcast "&a%player%さんが%arg 1%さんのことを%arg 2%の理由により警告スコアを1減らしました!"
  107. broadcast "&a%arg 1%さんの警告スコアは&e%{warn.%arg 1%}%&aです!"
  109. command /swarn <player> <text>:
  110. permission: skript.warn
  111. trigger:
  112. add 1 to {warn.%arg 1%}
  113. if arg 1 and arg 2 is set:
  114. broadcast "&c%arg 1%さんが&4%arg 2%&Cの理由により警告されました。"
  115. broadcast "&c%arg 1%さんの警告スコアは&4%{warn.%arg 1%}%&cです。"
  116. if {warn.%arg 1%} is larger than or equal to {BANwarn}:
  117. execute console command "/ban %arg 1% 警告回数が%{BANwarn}%回に達したためBan"
  119. command /swarns <player>:
  120. permission: skript.warns
  121. trigger:
  122. message "&e%arg 1%&bの警告スコアは&e%{warn.%arg 1%}%&bです。"
  124. command /lag:
  125. permission: *
  126. trigger:
  127. execute console command "/kill @e[type=!player]"
  128. broadcast "&7[&b全てのMob,Itemを&a削除しました&7]&f"
  130. on eat of golden apple:
  131. cancel event
  132. remove golden apple from player
  133. execute console command "/effect %player% 11 30 10
  134. execute console command "/effect %player% 10 30 10
  135. execute console command "/effect %player% 21 30 11
  136. execute console command "/effect %player% 22 30 11
  138. command /punish [<player>]:
  139. permission: *
  140. permission message: &c&l実行する権限がありません!
  141. trigger:
  142. if arg 1 is not set:
  143. send "&cPlease insert name of user"
  144. else:
  145. if arg 1 is online:
  146. open chest with 5 rows named "&b&lPUNISH &r&6%arg 1%" to player
  147. format slot 10 of player with tnt named "&c&lKick" with lore "&c%arg 1%をKickします" to close then run "kick %arg 1% %player%にKickされました"
  148. format slot 13 of player with redstone block named "&c&lBan" with lore "&c%arg 1%をBanします" to close then run "ban %arg 1% %player%にBanされました"
  149. format slot 16 of player with redstone named "&c&lMute" with lore "&c%arg 1%をMuteします" to close then run "mute %arg 1%"
  150. format slot 31 of player with emerald block named "&a&lUnBan" with lore "&a%arg 1%をUnbanします" to close then run "pardon %arg 1%"
  151. format slot 34 of player with emerald named "&aUnMute" with lore "&a%arg 1%をUnmuteします" to close then run "unmute %arg 1%"
  153. command /keihou <text>:
  154. permission: *
  155. permission message: &c&l実行する権限がありません!
  156. trigger:
  157. broadcast "&7[&c警報&7]&f%arg-1%"
  159. command /news <text>:
  160. permission: *
  161. permission message: &c&l実行する権限がありません!
  162. trigger:
  163. broadcast "&7[&6ニュース&7]&f%colored arg-1%"
  165. command /safk:
  166. trigger:
  167. set {afk.true.%player%} to location of player
  168. broadcast "&7[&bAFK&7] &6%player%&bが放置を&a開始しました"
  169. loop 999 times:
  170. if {afk.true.%player%} is not location of player:
  171. broadcast "&7[&bAFK&7] &6%player%&bが放置を&a終了しました"
  172. stop
  173. wait 3 seconds
  175. every 5 seconds:
  176. loop all players:
  177. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  178. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&l生活鯖&f|&aEmerald"
  179. set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  180. set score "&bRank:" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  181. set {_prefix} to "%colored loop-player's prefix%"
  182. replace all "[" and "]" with "" in {_prefix}
  183. set {_suffix} to "%colored loop-player's suffix%"
  184. replace all "[" and "]" with "" in {_suffix}
  185. if length of {_suffix} is greater than 2:
  186. set score " %{_prefix}% &8+ %{_suffix}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  187. else:
  188. set score " %{_prefix}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  189. set score "&d" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  190. set score "&bOnline&8:" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  191. set score " &f%number of all players%&8/&f100" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  192. set score "&2" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  194. command /smute <player> <text>:
  195. permission : *
  196. trigger:
  197. set {mute::%arg-1%} to true
  198. broadcast "&c&l%player%はMuteされました&B&l理由&a&l:%colored arg-2%"
  199. execute console command "/pex user %arg-1% add -lunachat.command.msg
  200. execute console command "/pex user %arg-1% add -lunachat.command.tell
  201. execute console command "/pex user %arg-1% add -lunachat.command.w
  202. stop
  203. command /sunmute <player> :
  204. permission : *
  205. trigger:
  206. clear {mute::%arg-1%}
  207. broadcast "&a&l%player%はUnmuteされました"
  208. execute console command "/pex user %arg-1% remove -lunachat.command.msg
  209. execute console command "/pex user %arg-1% remove -lunachat.command.tell
  210. execute console command "/pex user %arg-1% remove -lunachat.command.w
  211. stop
  212. on chat:
  213. if {mute::%player%} is true:
  214. cancel event
  215. message "&c&lあなたはMuteされています!"
  216. stop
  218. command /sreport <player> <text>:
  219. usage: &b/sreport &6プレイヤー &a理由
  220. trigger:
  221. if {report.cooldown.%player%} is false:
  222. add 1 to {report1.%arg 1%}
  223. add 1 to {report2.%player%}
  224. send "&6Report sent to all staff online" to player
  225. loop all players:
  226. if loop-player have permission "pro.admin":
  227. send "&5===== &5REPORT =====" to loop-player
  228. send "&7%player%が報告しました" to loop-player
  229. send "&7報告されたのは%arg-1%です" to loop-player
  230. send "&7理由は%arg-2%です" to loop-player
  231. send "&5===== &5REPORT =====" to loop-player
  232. set {report.cooldown.%player%} to true
  233. wait 30 seconds
  234. set {report.cooldown.%player%} to false
  235. if {report.cooldown.%player%} is true:
  236. send "&6Please wait before reporting again"
  237. on join:
  238. set {report.cooldown.%player%} to false
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