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Sep 9th, 2019
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  1. Unity Manual
  2. Unity User Manual (2019.2)
  3. Documentation versions
  4. Switching between Unity versions in the documentation
  5. Offline documentation
  6. Documentation editorial review
  7. Packages documentation
  8. Working in Unity
  9. Installing Unity
  10. System requirements for Unity 2019.2
  11. Unity Hub
  12. Installing the Unity Hub
  13. Adding modules to the Unity Editor
  14. Installing Unity from the command line
  15. Installing Unity offline without the Hub
  16. Unity Hub advanced deployment considerations
  17. Licenses and Activation
  18. Online activation
  19. Offline / Manual Activation
  20. Managing your License
  21. Activation FAQ
  22. Getting Started
  23. Starting Unity for the first time
  24. The Learn tab
  25. Opening existing Projects
  26. 2D or 3D projects
  27. Project Templates
  28. Learning the interface
  29. Asset Workflow
  30. Common types of Assets
  31. Primitive and placeholder objects
  32. Asset packages
  33. Using the Asset Store
  34. Packages
  35. Getting started
  36. Concepts
  37. Global Cache
  38. Packages window
  39. List view
  40. Details view
  41. Finding packages
  42. Filter for scope
  43. Search box
  44. Adding and removing packages
  45. Installing from the registry
  46. Installing a local package
  47. Removing an installed package
  48. Disabling a built-in package
  49. Switching to another package version
  50. Finding package documentation
  51. Inspecting packages
  52. Package Manifest window
  53. Scripting API for packages
  54. Accessing package Assets
  55. Project manifest
  56. Dependencies
  57. Embedded dependencies
  58. Local paths
  59. Git URLs
  60. Scoped package registries
  61. Package conflicts
  62. Automatic conflict resolution
  63. Overriding Unity's conflict resolution
  64. Troubleshooting
  65. Network issues
  66. The Main Windows
  67. The Project window
  68. The Scene view
  69. Scene view navigation
  70. Positioning GameObjects
  71. Using custom Editor tools
  72. Scene Visibility
  73. Scene view control bar
  74. Scene view Camera
  75. Gizmos menu
  76. The Game view
  77. The Hierarchy window
  78. The Inspector window
  79. Assigning icons
  80. Editing Properties
  81. Swatch libraries
  82. Inspector Options
  83. The Toolbar
  84. Searching
  85. Other windows
  86. Customizing Your Workspace
  87. Unity Shortcuts
  88. Creating Gameplay
  89. Scenes
  90. GameObjects
  91. GameObject
  92. Introduction to components
  93. Using Components
  94. Transform
  95. Creating components with scripting
  96. Deactivating GameObjects
  97. Tags
  98. Static GameObjects
  99. Saving Your Work
  100. Prefabs
  101. Creating Prefabs
  102. Editing a Prefab in Prefab Mode
  103. Instance overrides
  104. Editing a Prefab via its instances
  105. Nested Prefabs
  106. Prefab Variants
  107. Overrides at multiple levels
  108. Unpacking Prefab instances
  109. Instantiating Prefabs at run time
  110. Input
  111. Conventional Game Input
  112. Mobile device input
  113. Mobile Keyboard
  114. Transforms
  115. Constraints
  116. Aim Constraints
  117. Look At Constraints
  118. Parent Constraints
  119. Position Constraints
  120. Rotation Constraints
  121. Scale Constraints
  122. Rotation and Orientation in Unity
  123. Lights
  124. Cameras
  125. Adding Random Gameplay Elements
  126. Cross-Platform Considerations
  127. Publishing Builds
  128. Troubleshooting
  129. Editor Features
  130. 2D and 3D mode settings
  131. Preferences
  132. Presets
  133. Shortcuts Manager
  134. Build Settings
  135. Project Settings
  136. Audio
  137. Editor
  138. Graphics
  139. Input
  140. Physics
  141. Physics 2D
  142. Player
  143. Splash Screen
  144. Preset Manager
  145. Quality
  146. Script Execution Order
  147. Tags and Layers
  148. Time
  149. Visual Studio C# integration
  150. RenderDoc Integration
  151. Editor Analytics
  152. Check For Updates
  153. IME in Unity
  154. Special folder names
  155. Reusing Assets between Projects
  156. Version Control
  157. Version control integration
  158. Perforce Integration
  159. Plastic SCM Integration
  160. Using external version control systems with Unity
  161. Smart Merge
  162. Troubleshooting The Editor
  163. Advanced Development
  164. Profiler overview
  165. Profiler window
  166. CPU Usage Profiler
  167. Rendering Profiler
  168. Memory Profiler
  169. Audio Profiler
  170. Physics Profiler
  171. GPU Profiler
  172. Global Illumination Profiler
  173. UI Profiler
  174. Multi-Scene editing
  175. Loading Resources at Runtime
  176. Plug-ins
  177. Plugin Inspector
  178. Managed plug-ins
  179. Native plug-ins
  180. Building plug-ins for desktop platforms
  181. Low-level native plug-in interface
  182. Low-level native plug-in Profiler API
  183. Low-level native plug-in rendering extensions
  184. Low-level native plug-in Shader compiler access
  185. Custom packages
  186. Naming your package
  187. Package layout
  188. Adding tests to a package
  189. Package manifest
  190. Assembly definition and packages
  191. Meeting legal requirements
  192. Sharing your package
  193. AssetBundles
  194. AssetBundle Workflow
  195. Preparing Assets for AssetBundles
  196. Building AssetBundles
  197. AssetBundle Dependencies
  198. Using AssetBundles Natively
  199. AssetBundle Manager
  200. Patching with AssetBundles
  201. Troubleshooting
  202. Unity Asset Bundle Browser tool
  203. Reducing the file size of your build
  204. Social API
  205. JSON Serialization
  206. Streaming Assets
  207. ScriptableObject
  208. Advanced Editor Topics
  209. Build Player Pipeline
  210. Command line arguments
  211. Batch mode and built-in coroutine compatibility
  212. Applying defaults to assets by folder
  213. Support for custom Menu Item and Editor features
  214. Asynchronous Shader compilation
  215. Behind the Scenes
  216. AssetDatabase
  217. Text-Based Scene Files
  218. Description of the Format
  219. An Example of a YAML Scene File
  220. YAML Class ID Reference
  221. Cache Server
  222. Modifying Source Assets Through Scripting
  223. Extending the Editor
  224. Editor Windows
  225. Property Drawers
  226. Custom Editors
  227. TreeView
  228. Running Editor Script Code on Launch
  229. Upgrade Guides
  230. Using the Automatic API Updater
  231. Upgrading to Unity 2019.2
  232. Upgrading to Unity 2019.1
  233. Upgrading to Unity 2018.3
  234. Upgrading to Unity 2018.2
  235. Upgrading to Unity 2018.1
  236. Upgrading to Unity 2017.3
  237. Upgrading to Unity 2017.2
  238. Upgrading to Unity 2017.1
  239. Upgrading to Unity 5.6
  240. Upgrading to Unity 5.5
  241. Upgrading to Unity 5.4
  242. 5.4 Networking API Changes
  243. Upgrading to Unity 5.3
  244. Upgrading to Unity 5.2
  245. Upgrading to Unity 5.0
  246. AI in Unity 5.0
  247. Animation in Unity 5.0
  248. Audio in Unity 5.0
  249. Baked Data in Unity 5.0
  250. Plugins in Unity 5.0
  251. Physics in Unity 5.0
  252. Shaders in Unity 5.0
  253. Other Upgrade Notes for Unity 5.0
  254. Upgrading to Unity 4.0
  255. Upgrading to Unity 3.5
  256. Importing
  257. Importing Models
  258. Importing humanoid animations
  259. Importing non-humanoid animations
  260. Model Import Settings window
  261. Model tab
  262. Rig tab
  263. Avatar Mapping tab
  264. Avatar Muscle & Settings tab
  265. Avatar Mask window
  266. Human Template window
  267. Animation tab
  268. Euler curve resampling
  269. Extracting animation clips
  270. Loop optimization on Animation clips
  271. Curves
  272. Events
  273. Mask
  274. Motion
  275. Materials tab
  276. SketchUp Import Settings window
  277. SpeedTree Import Settings window
  278. Model tab
  279. Materials tab
  280. Supported Model file formats
  281. Limitations when importing from other applications
  282. Importing skinned Meshes
  283. Exporting from other applications
  284. Humanoid Asset preparation
  285. 2D
  286. Gameplay in 2D
  287. 2D Sorting
  288. Sprites
  289. Sprite Renderer
  290. Sprite Creator
  291. Sprite Editor
  292. Sprite Editor: Custom Outline
  293. Sprite Editor: Custom Physics Shape
  294. Sprite Editor: Secondary Textures
  295. Sorting Group
  296. 9-slicing Sprites
  297. Sprite Masks
  298. Sprite Atlas
  299. Master and Variant Sprite Atlases
  300. Variant Sprite Atlas
  301. Sprite Atlas workflow
  302. Preparing Sprite Atlases for distribution
  303. Methods of distribution
  304. Late Binding
  305. Resolving different Sprite Atlas scenarios
  306. Sprite Packer Modes
  307. (Legacy) Sprite Packer
  308. Sprite Shape Renderer
  309. Tilemap
  310. Grid
  311. Tilemap Renderer
  312. Tile Assets
  313. Creating Tiles
  314. Creating Tilemaps
  315. Tile Palette
  316. Hexagonal Tilemaps
  317. Isometric Tilemaps
  318. Importing and preparing Sprites
  319. Creating an Isometric Tilemap
  320. Creating a Tile Palette for an Isometric Tilemap
  321. Tilemap Renderer Modes
  322. Scriptable Brushes
  323. Painting on Tilemaps
  324. Tilemap Collider 2D
  325. Scriptable Tiles
  326. TileBase
  327. Tile
  328. TileData
  329. TileAnimationData
  330. Other useful classes
  331. Scriptable Tile example
  332. Scriptable Brushes
  333. GridBrushBase
  334. GridBrushEditorBase
  335. Other useful classes
  336. Scriptable Brush example
  337. Physics Reference 2D
  338. Rigidbody 2D
  339. Collider 2D
  340. Circle Collider 2D
  341. Box Collider 2D
  342. Polygon Collider 2D
  343. Edge Collider 2D
  344. Capsule Collider 2D
  345. Composite Collider 2D
  346. Physics Material 2D
  347. 2D Joints
  348. Distance Joint 2D
  349. Fixed Joint 2D
  350. Friction Joint 2D
  351. Hinge Joint 2D
  352. Relative Joint 2D
  353. Slider Joint 2D
  354. Spring Joint 2D
  355. Target Joint 2D
  356. Wheel Joint 2D
  357. Constant Force 2D
  358. Effectors 2D
  359. Area Effector 2D
  360. Buoyancy Effector 2D
  361. Point Effector 2D
  362. Platform Effector 2D
  363. Surface Effector 2D
  364. Graphics
  365. Graphics Overview
  366. Lighting
  367. Lighting overview
  368. Lighting Window
  369. Light Explorer
  370. Light sources
  371. Types of light
  372. The Light Inspector
  373. Using Lights
  374. Cookies
  375. Shadows
  376. Shadows
  377. Directional light shadows
  378. Global Illumination
  379. Lightmapping
  380. Lightmapping Settings
  381. Progressive GPU Lightmapper (Preview)
  382. Progressive CPU Lightmapper
  383. Lightmapping: Getting started
  384. Lightmap seam stitching
  385. UV overlap feedback
  386. Custom fall-off
  387. Enlighten
  388. Using precomputed lighting
  389. LOD and Realtime GI
  390. Lightmapping: Getting started
  391. Lightmap seam stitching
  392. UV overlap feedback
  393. Custom fall-off
  394. Lightmap Parameters
  395. Baked ambient occlusion
  396. LOD for baked lightmaps
  397. Light Probes
  398. Light Probes: Technical information
  399. Light Probe Groups
  400. Placing probes using scripting
  401. Light Probes for moving objects
  402. Light Probes and the Mesh Renderer
  403. Light Probe Proxy Volume component
  404. Reflection probes
  405. Types of Reflection Probe
  406. Using Reflection Probes
  407. Advanced Reflection Probe Features
  408. Reflection probe performance and optimisation
  409. Lighting Modes
  410. Lighting: Technical information and terminology
  411. Real-time lighting
  412. Mixed lighting
  413. Baked Indirect mode
  414. Shadowmask mode
  415. Shadowmask
  416. Distance Shadowmask
  417. Subtractive mode
  418. Baked lighting
  419. GI visualizations in the Scene view
  420. Lighting Data Asset
  421. Lightmap Directional Modes
  422. Lightmaps: Technical information
  423. Material properties and the GI system
  424. Global Illumination UVs
  425. Importing UVs from Autodesk® Maya® to Unity
  426. Generating Lightmap UVs
  427. GI cache
  428. Light troubleshooting and performance
  429. Related topics
  430. Linear rendering overview
  431. Linear or gamma workflow
  432. Gamma Textures with linear rendering
  433. Working with linear Textures
  434. Cameras
  435. Using more than one camera
  436. Using Physical Cameras
  437. Camera Tricks
  438. Understanding the View Frustum
  439. The Size of the Frustum at a Given Distance from the Camera
  440. Dolly Zoom (AKA the "Trombone" Effect)
  441. Rays from the Camera
  442. Using an Oblique Frustum
  443. Creating an Impression of Large or Small Size
  444. Occlusion Culling
  445. Dynamic resolution
  446. Materials, Shaders & Textures
  447. Textures
  448. Creating and Using Materials
  449. Standard Shader
  450. Content and Context
  451. Metallic vs Specular Workflow
  452. Material parameters
  453. Rendering Mode
  454. Albedo Color and Transparency
  455. Specular mode: Specular parameter
  456. Metallic mode: Metallic Parameter
  457. Smoothness
  458. Normal map (Bump mapping)
  459. Heightmap
  460. Occlusion Map
  461. Emission
  462. Secondary Maps (Detail Maps) & Detail Mask
  463. The Fresnel Effect
  464. Material charts
  465. Make your own
  466. Standard Particle Shaders
  467. Physically Based Rendering Material Validator
  468. Accessing and Modifying Material parameters via script
  469. Writing Shaders
  470. Legacy Shaders
  471. Usage and Performance of Built-in Shaders
  472. Normal Shader Family
  473. Vertex-Lit
  474. Diffuse
  475. Specular
  476. Bumped Diffuse
  477. Bumped Specular
  478. Parallax Diffuse
  479. Parallax Bumped Specular
  480. Decal
  481. Diffuse Detail
  482. Transparent Shader Family
  483. Transparent Vertex-Lit
  484. Transparent Diffuse
  485. Transparent Specular
  486. Transparent Bumped Diffuse
  487. Transparent Bumped Specular
  488. Transparent Parallax Diffuse
  489. Transparent Parallax Specular
  490. Transparent Cutout Shader Family
  491. Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit
  492. Transparent Cutout Diffuse
  493. Transparent Cutout Specular
  494. Transparent Cutout Bumped Diffuse
  495. Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular
  496. Self-Illuminated Shader Family
  497. Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit
  498. Self-Illuminated Diffuse
  499. Self-Illuminated Specular
  500. Self-Illuminated Normal mapped Diffuse
  501. Self-Illuminated Normal mapped Specular
  502. Self-Illuminated Parallax Diffuse
  503. Self-Illuminated Parallax Specular
  504. Reflective Shader Family
  505. Reflective Vertex-Lit
  506. Reflective Diffuse
  507. Reflective Specular
  508. Reflective Bumped Diffuse
  509. Reflective Bumped Specular
  510. Reflective Parallax Diffuse
  511. Reflective Parallax Specular
  512. Reflective Normal Mapped Unlit
  513. Reflective Normal mapped Vertex-lit
  514. Video overview
  515. Video Player component
  516. Migrating from MovieTexture to VideoPlayer
  517. Video Clips
  518. Video sources
  519. Video file compatibility
  520. Understanding video files
  521. Video transparency support
  522. Panoramic video
  523. Terrain Engine
  524. Creating and editing Terrains
  525. Create Neighbor Terrains
  526. Terrain tools
  527. Raise or Lower Terrain
  528. Paint Texture
  529. Set Height
  530. Smooth Height
  531. Stamp Terrain
  532. Terrain Layers
  533. Brushes
  534. Trees
  535. SpeedTree
  536. Wind Zones
  537. Grass and other details
  538. Working with Heightmaps
  539. Terrain settings
  540. Tree Editor
  541. Building Your First Tree
  542. Tree Basics
  543. Branch Group Properties
  544. Leaf Group Properties
  545. Tree - Wind Zones
  546. Particle Systems
  547. What is a Particle System?
  548. Using Particle Systems in Unity
  549. Particle System How-Tos
  550. A Simple Explosion
  551. Exhaust Smoke from a Vehicle
  552. Particle System vertex streams and Standard Shader support
  553. Particle System GPU Instancing
  554. Post-processing overview
  555. Anti-aliasing
  556. Ambient Occlusion
  557. Bloom
  558. Chromatic Aberration
  559. Color Grading
  560. Deferred Fog
  561. Depth of Field
  562. Auto Exposure
  563. Grain
  564. Motion Blur
  565. Screen Space Reflection
  566. Vignette
  567. Advanced Rendering Features
  568. High Dynamic Range Rendering
  569. HDR color picker
  570. Rendering Paths
  571. Level of Detail (LOD)
  572. Graphics API support
  573. DirectX
  574. Metal
  575. OpenGL Core
  576. Compute shaders
  577. Graphics Command Buffers
  578. GPU instancing
  579. Sparse Textures
  580. CullingGroup API
  581. Asynchronous Texture Upload
  582. Procedural Mesh Geometry
  583. Anatomy of a Mesh
  584. Using the Mesh Class
  585. Example - Creating a Quad
  586. Optimizing graphics performance
  587. Draw call batching
  588. Modeling characters for optimal performance
  589. Rendering Statistics Window
  590. Frame Debugger
  591. Optimizing Shader Load Time
  592. Texture Streaming
  593. Streaming Controller
  594. Texture Streaming API
  595. Layers
  596. Layer-based collision detection
  597. Graphics Reference
  598. Cameras Reference
  599. Camera
  600. Flare Layer
  601. GUI Layer (Legacy)
  602. Shader Reference
  603. Writing Surface Shaders
  604. Surface Shader examples
  605. Custom lighting models in Surface Shaders
  606. Surface Shader lighting examples
  607. Surface Shaders with DX11 / OpenGL Core Tessellation
  608. Writing vertex and fragment shaders
  609. Vertex and fragment shader examples
  610. Shader semantics
  611. Accessing shader properties in Cg/HLSL
  612. Providing vertex data to vertex programs
  613. Built-in shader include files
  614. Predefined Shader preprocessor macros
  615. Built-in shader helper functions
  616. Built-in shader variables
  617. Making multiple shader program variants
  618. GLSL Shader programs
  619. Shading Language used in Unity
  620. Shader Compilation Target Levels
  621. Shader data types and precision
  622. Using sampler states
  623. ShaderLab Syntax
  624. ShaderLab: Properties
  625. ShaderLab: SubShader
  626. ShaderLab: Pass
  627. ShaderLab: Culling & Depth Testing
  628. ShaderLab: Blending
  629. ShaderLab: Pass Tags
  630. ShaderLab: Stencil
  631. ShaderLab: Name
  632. ShaderLab: Legacy Lighting
  633. ShaderLab: Legacy Texture Combiners
  634. ShaderLab: Legacy Alpha Testing
  635. ShaderLab: Legacy Fog
  636. ShaderLab: Legacy BindChannels
  637. ShaderLab: UsePass
  638. ShaderLab: GrabPass
  639. ShaderLab: SubShader Tags
  640. ShaderLab: Fallback
  641. ShaderLab: CustomEditor
  642. ShaderLab: other commands
  643. Shader assets
  644. Advanced ShaderLab topics
  645. Unity's Rendering Pipeline
  646. Performance tips when writing shaders
  647. Rendering with Replaced Shaders
  648. Custom Shader GUI
  649. Using Depth Textures
  650. Camera's Depth Texture
  651. Platform-specific rendering differences
  652. Shader Level of Detail
  653. Texture arrays
  654. Debugging DirectX 11/12 shaders with Visual Studio
  655. Debugging DirectX 12 shaders with PIX
  656. Implementing Fixed Function TexGen in Shaders
  657. Particle Systems reference
  658. Particle System
  659. Particle System modules
  660. Particle System Main module
  661. Emission module
  662. Shape Module
  663. Velocity over Lifetime module
  664. Noise module
  665. Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module
  666. Inherit Velocity module
  667. Force Over Lifetime module
  668. Color Over Lifetime module
  669. Color By Speed module
  670. Size over Lifetime module
  671. Size by Speed module
  672. Rotation Over Lifetime module
  673. Rotation By Speed module
  674. External Forces module
  675. Collision module
  676. Triggers module
  677. Sub Emitters module
  678. Texture Sheet Animation module
  679. Lights module
  680. Trails module
  681. Custom Data module
  682. Renderer module
  683. Particle System Force Field
  684. Particle Systems (Legacy, prior to release 3.5)
  685. Ellipsoid Particle Emitter (Legacy)
  686. Mesh Particle Emitter (Legacy)
  687. Particle Animator (Legacy)
  688. Particle Renderer (Legacy)
  689. World Particle Collider (Legacy)
  690. Visual Effects Reference
  691. Halo
  692. Lens Flare
  693. Flare
  694. Line Renderer
  695. Trail Renderer
  696. Billboard Renderer
  697. Billboard Asset
  698. Projector
  699. Mesh Components
  700. Meshes
  701. Material
  702. Mesh Filter
  703. Mesh Renderer
  704. Skinned Mesh Renderer
  705. Text Mesh
  706. Text Asset
  707. Font
  708. Texture Components
  709. Textures
  710. Importing Textures
  711. Texture Types
  712. Texture compression formats for platform-specific overrides
  713. Render Texture
  714. Custom Render Textures
  715. Movie Textures
  716. 3D Textures
  717. Texture arrays
  718. Rendering Components
  719. Cubemap
  720. Occlusion Area
  721. Occlusion Portals
  722. Skybox
  723. Reflection Probe
  724. LOD Group
  725. Rendering Pipeline Details
  726. Deferred shading rendering path
  727. Forward Rendering Path Details
  728. Legacy Deferred Lighting Rendering Path
  729. Vertex Lit Rendering Path Details
  730. Hardware Requirements for Unity's Graphics Features
  731. Graphics HOWTOs
  732. How do I Import Alpha Textures?
  733. How do I Make a Skybox?
  734. How do I make a Mesh Particle Emitter? (Legacy Particle System)
  735. How do I make a Spot Light Cookie?
  736. How do I fix the rotation of an imported model?
  737. Water in Unity
  738. Art Asset best practice guide
  739. Importing models from 3D modeling software
  740. How to do Stereoscopic Rendering
  741. Graphics Tutorials
  742. Shaders: ShaderLab and fixed function shaders
  743. Shaders: vertex and fragment programs
  744. Scriptable Render Pipeline
  745. Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) Batcher
  746. Light Explorer extension
  747. Physics
  748. Physics Overview
  749. Rigidbody overview
  750. Colliders
  751. Joints
  752. Character Controllers
  753. Continuous collision detection (CCD)
  754. Physics Debug Visualization
  755. 3D Physics Reference
  756. Box Collider
  757. Capsule Collider
  758. Character Controller
  759. Character Joint
  760. Configurable Joint
  761. Constant Force
  762. Fixed Joint
  763. Hinge Joint
  764. Mesh Collider
  765. Rigidbody
  766. Sphere Collider
  767. Spring Joint
  768. Cloth
  769. Wheel Collider
  770. Terrain Collider
  771. Physic Material
  772. Physics HOWTOs
  773. Ragdoll Wizard
  774. Joint and Ragdoll stability
  775. Wheel Collider Tutorial
  776. Scripting
  777. Scripting Overview
  778. Creating and Using Scripts
  779. Variables and the Inspector
  780. Controlling GameObjects using components
  781. Event Functions
  782. Time and Framerate Management
  783. Creating and Destroying GameObjects
  784. Coroutines
  785. Namespaces
  786. Attributes
  787. Order of Execution for Event Functions
  788. Understanding Automatic Memory Management
  789. Platform dependent compilation
  790. Special folders and script compilation order
  791. Assembly Definitions
  792. Assembly Definition properties
  793. Managed code stripping
  794. .NET profile support
  795. Referencing additional class library assemblies
  796. Stable scripting runtime: known limitations
  797. Generic Functions
  798. Scripting restrictions
  799. Script Serialization
  800. Built-in serialization
  801. Custom serialization
  802. Script serialization errors
  803. UnityEvents
  804. What is a Null Reference Exception?
  805. Important Classes
  806. Vector Cookbook
  807. Understanding Vector Arithmetic
  808. Direction and Distance from One Object to Another
  809. Computing a Normal/Perpendicular vector
  810. The Amount of One Vector's Magnitude that Lies in Another Vector's Direction
  811. Scripting Tools
  812. Console Window
  813. Log Files
  814. Unity Test Runner
  815. Writing and executing tests in Unity Test Runner
  816. C# compiler
  817. IL2CPP
  818. Building a project using IL2CPP
  819. Compiler options
  820. Windows Runtime support
  821. How IL2CPP works
  822. Optimizing IL2CPP build times
  823. Managed bytecode stripping with IL2CPP
  824. Integrated development environment (IDE) support
  825. Debugging C# code in Unity
  826. Event System
  827. Messaging System
  828. Input Modules
  829. Supported Events
  830. Raycasters
  831. Event System Reference
  832. Event System Manager
  833. Graphic Raycaster
  834. Physics Raycaster
  835. Physics 2D Raycaster
  836. Standalone Input Module
  837. Touch Input Module
  838. Event Trigger
  839. C# Job System
  840. C# Job System Overview
  841. What is multithreading?
  842. What is a job system?
  843. The safety system in the C# Job System
  844. NativeContainer
  845. Creating jobs
  846. Scheduling jobs
  847. JobHandle and dependencies
  848. ParallelFor jobs
  849. ParallelForTransform jobs
  850. C# Job System tips and troubleshooting
  851. Multiplayer and Networking
  852. Multiplayer Overview
  853. Setting up a multiplayer project
  854. Using the Network Manager
  855. Using the Network Manager HUD
  856. The Network Manager HUD in LAN mode
  857. The Network Manager HUD in Matchmaker mode
  858. Converting a single-player game to Unity Multiplayer
  859. Debugging Information
  860. The Multiplayer High Level API
  861. Networking HLAPI System Concepts
  862. Networked GameObjects
  863. Player GameObjects
  864. Custom Player Spawning
  865. Spawning GameObjects
  866. Custom Spawn Functions
  867. Network Authority
  868. State synchronization
  869. Advanced State Synchronization
  870. Network visibility
  871. Customizing network visibility
  872. Scene GameObjects
  873. Actions and communication
  874. Remote Actions
  875. Network Manager callbacks
  876. NetworkBehaviour callbacks
  877. Network Messages
  878. Dealing with clients and servers
  879. Network clients and servers
  880. Host Migration
  881. Network Discovery
  882. Multiplayer Lobby
  883. Using the Transport Layer API
  884. NetworkReader and NetworkWriter serializers
  885. Setting up Unity Multiplayer
  886. Integrating the Multiplayer Service
  887. Integration using the HUD
  888. Integration using Unity's High-Level API
  889. Integration using NetworkTransport
  890. Common Errors
  891. Customized Matchmaking callbacks
  892. Networking Tips for Mobile devices.
  893. Multiplayer Component Reference
  894. Network Animator
  895. Network Discovery
  896. Network Identity
  897. Network Lobby Manager
  898. Network Lobby Player
  899. Network Manager HUD
  900. Network Manager
  901. Network Proximity Checker
  902. NetworkStartPosition
  903. Network Transform
  904. Network Transform Child
  905. Network Transform Visualizer
  906. Multiplayer Classes Reference
  907. NetworkBehaviour
  908. NetworkClient
  909. NetworkConnection
  910. NetworkServer
  911. NetworkServerSimple
  912. UnityWebRequest
  913. Common operations: using the HLAPI
  914. Retrieving text or binary data from an HTTP Server (GET)
  915. Retrieving a Texture from an HTTP Server (GET)
  916. Downloading an AssetBundle from an HTTP server (GET)
  917. Sending a form to an HTTP server (POST)
  918. Uploading raw data to an HTTP server (PUT)
  919. Advanced operations: Using the LLAPI
  920. Creating UnityWebRequests
  921. Creating UploadHandlers
  922. Creating DownloadHandlers
  923. Audio
  924. Audio Overview
  925. Audio files
  926. Tracker Modules
  927. Audio Mixer
  928. An overview of the concepts and AudioMixer
  929. Specifics on the AudioMixer window
  930. AudioGroup Inspector
  931. Overview of Usage and API
  932. Native Audio Plugin SDK
  933. Audio Spatializer SDK
  934. Audio Profiler
  935. Ambisonic Audio
  936. Audio Reference
  937. Audio Clip
  938. Audio Listener
  939. Audio Source
  940. Audio Mixer
  941. Audio Filters
  942. Audio Low Pass Filter
  943. Audio High Pass Filter
  944. Audio Echo Filter
  945. Audio Distortion Filter
  946. Audio Reverb Filter
  947. Audio Chorus Filter
  948. Audio Effects
  949. Audio Low Pass Effect
  950. Audio High Pass Effect
  951. Audio Echo Effect
  952. Audio Flange Effect
  953. Audio Distortion Effect
  954. Audio Normalize Effect
  955. Audio Parametric Equalizer Effect
  956. Audio Pitch Shifter Effect
  957. Audio Chorus Effect
  958. Audio Compressor Effect
  959. Audio SFX Reverb Effect
  960. Audio Low Pass Simple Effect
  961. Audio High Pass Simple Effect
  962. Reverb Zones
  963. Microphone
  964. Audio Settings
  965. Animation
  966. Animation System Overview
  967. Animation Clips
  968. Animation from external sources
  969. Humanoid Avatars
  970. Animation Window Guide
  971. Using the Animation view
  972. Creating a new Animation Clip
  973. Animating a GameObject
  974. Using Animation Curves
  975. Editing Curves
  976. Key manipulation in Dopesheet mode
  977. Key manipulation in Curves mode
  978. Objects with Multiple Moving Parts
  979. Using Animation Events
  980. Animator Controllers
  981. The Animator Controller Asset
  982. The Animator Window
  983. Animation State Machines
  984. State Machine Basics
  985. Animation Parameters
  986. State Machine Transitions
  987. State Machine Behaviours
  988. Sub-State Machines
  989. Animation Layers
  990. Solo and Mute functionality
  991. Target Matching
  992. Inverse Kinematics
  993. Root Motion - how it works
  994. Tutorial: Scripting Root Motion for "in-place" humanoid animations
  995. Blend Trees
  996. 1D Blending
  997. 2D Blending
  998. Direct Blending
  999. Additional Blend Tree Options
  1000. Animation Blend Shapes
  1001. Animator Override Controllers
  1002. Retargeting of Humanoid animations
  1003. Performance and optimization
  1004. Animation Reference
  1005. Animator component
  1006. Animator Controller
  1007. Creating an AnimatorController
  1008. Animation States
  1009. Animation transitions
  1010. Animation FAQ
  1011. Playables API
  1012. The PlayableGraph
  1013. ScriptPlayable and PlayableBehaviour
  1014. Playables Examples
  1015. A Glossary of animation terms
  1016. Timeline
  1017. Timeline overview
  1018. Timeline workflows
  1019. Creating a Timeline Asset and Timeline instance
  1020. Recording basic animation with an Infinite clip
  1021. Converting an Infinite clip to an Animation clip
  1022. Creating humanoid animation
  1023. Using Animation Override Tracks and Avatar Masking
  1024. Timeline Editor window
  1025. Timeline Preview and Timeline Selector
  1026. Timeline Playback Controls
  1027. Track List
  1028. Adding tracks
  1029. Selecting tracks
  1030. Duplicating tracks
  1031. Deleting tracks
  1032. Locking tracks
  1033. Muting tracks
  1034. Reordering tracks and rendering priority
  1035. Organizing tracks into Track groups
  1036. Hiding and showing Track groups
  1037. Clips view
  1038. Navigating the Clips view
  1039. Adding clips
  1040. Selecting clips
  1041. Positioning clips
  1042. Tiling clips
  1043. Duplicating clips
  1044. Trimming clips
  1045. Splitting clips
  1046. Resetting clips
  1047. Changing clip play speed
  1048. Setting gap extrapolation
  1049. Easing-in and Easing-out clips
  1050. Blending clips
  1051. Matching clip offsets
  1052. Curves view
  1053. Hiding and showing curves
  1054. Navigating the Curves view
  1055. Selecting keys
  1056. Adding keys
  1057. Editing keys
  1058. Changing interpolation and shape
  1059. Deleting keys
  1060. Timeline Settings
  1061. Timeline and the Inspector Window
  1062. Setting Timeline properties
  1063. Setting Track properties
  1064. Activation Track properties
  1065. Animation Track properties
  1066. Setting Clip properties
  1067. Activation Clip properties
  1068. Animation Clip common properties
  1069. Animation Clip playable asset properties
  1070. Audio Clip properties
  1071. Playable Director component
  1072. Timeline glossary
  1073. User interfaces (UI)
  1074. UIElements Developer Guide
  1075. The Visual Tree
  1076. The Layout Engine
  1077. The UXML format
  1078. Writing UXML Templates
  1079. Loading UXML from C#
  1080. UXML elements reference
  1081. UQuery
  1082. Styles and Unity style sheets
  1083. USS selectors
  1084. USS Properties types
  1085. USS supported properties
  1086. USS Writing style sheets
  1087. The Event System
  1088. Dispatching Events
  1089. Responding to Events
  1090. Supporting drag and drop
  1091. Synthesizing Events
  1092. Event Type Reference
  1093. Built-in Controls
  1094. Bindings
  1095. Supporting IMGUI
  1096. ViewData persistence
  1097. Unity UI: Unity User Interface
  1098. Canvas
  1099. Basic Layout
  1100. Visual Components
  1101. Interaction Components
  1102. Animation Integration
  1103. Auto Layout
  1104. Rich Text
  1105. UI Reference
  1106. Rect Transform
  1107. Canvas Components
  1108. Canvas
  1109. Canvas Scaler
  1110. Canvas Group
  1111. Canvas Renderer
  1112. Visual Components
  1113. Text
  1114. Image
  1115. Raw Image
  1116. Mask
  1117. RectMask2D
  1118. UI Effect Components
  1119. Shadow
  1120. Outline
  1121. Position as UV1
  1122. Interaction Components
  1123. Selectable Base Class
  1124. Transition Options
  1125. Navigation Options
  1126. Button
  1127. Toggle
  1128. Toggle Group
  1129. Slider
  1130. Scrollbar
  1131. Dropdown
  1132. Input Field
  1133. Scroll Rect
  1134. Auto Layout
  1135. Layout Element
  1136. Content Size Fitter
  1137. Aspect Ratio Fitter
  1138. Horizontal Layout Group
  1139. Vertical Layout Group
  1140. Grid Layout Group
  1141. UI How Tos
  1142. Designing UI for Multiple Resolutions
  1143. Making UI elements fit the size of their content
  1144. Creating a World Space UI
  1145. Creating UI elements from scripting
  1146. Creating Screen Transitions
  1147. Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)
  1148. IMGUI Basics
  1149. Controls
  1150. Customization
  1151. IMGUI Layout Modes
  1152. Extending IMGUI
  1153. GUI Skin (IMGUI System)
  1154. GUI Style (IMGUI System)
  1155. Navigation and Pathfinding
  1156. Navigation Overview
  1157. Navigation System in Unity
  1158. Inner Workings of the Navigation System
  1159. Building a NavMesh
  1160. NavMesh building components
  1161. NavMesh Surface
  1162. NavMesh Modifier
  1163. NavMesh Modifier Volume
  1164. NavMesh Link
  1165. NavMesh building components API
  1166. Advanced NavMesh Bake Settings
  1167. Creating a NavMesh Agent
  1168. Creating a NavMesh Obstacle
  1169. Creating an Off-mesh Link
  1170. Building Off-Mesh Links Automatically
  1171. Building Height Mesh for Accurate Character Placement
  1172. Navigation Areas and Costs
  1173. Loading Multiple NavMeshes using Additive Loading
  1174. Using NavMesh Agent with Other Components
  1175. Navigation Reference
  1176. NavMesh Agent
  1177. Nav Mesh Obstacle
  1178. Off-Mesh Link
  1179. Navigation How-Tos
  1180. Telling a NavMeshAgent to Move to a Destination
  1181. Moving an Agent to a Position Clicked by the Mouse
  1182. Making an Agent Patrol Between a Set of Points
  1183. Coupling Animation and Navigation
  1184. Unity Services
  1185. Setting up your project for Unity Services
  1186. Unity Organizations
  1187. Subscriptions and seats
  1188. Managing your Organization
  1189. Managing your Organization’s Projects
  1190. Transfer a Project to a new Organization
  1191. Working with Unity Teams
  1192. Unity Ads
  1193. Unity developer integration
  1194. Unity Analytics
  1195. Unity Analytics Overview
  1196. Setting Up Analytics
  1197. Analytics Dashboard
  1198. Overview page
  1199. Data Explorer
  1200. Funnel Analyzer page
  1201. Segment Builder
  1202. Remote Settings page
  1203. Livestream page
  1204. Raw Data Export page
  1205. Event Manager
  1206. Configure page
  1207. Market Insights
  1208. Analytics events
  1209. Core Events
  1210. Standard Events
  1211. Custom Events
  1212. Custom Event scripting
  1213. Analytics Event Tracker
  1214. Analytics event parameters
  1215. Analytics Event limits
  1216. Funnels
  1217. Remote Settings
  1218. Creating and changing Remote Settings
  1219. Using Remote Settings in a Unity project
  1220. Remote Settings network requests
  1221. Enabling Remote Settings
  1222. Managing Remote Settings in the Unity Editor
  1223. Remote Settings component
  1224. Remote Settings scripting
  1225. Testing Remote Settings
  1226. Unity Analytics A/B Testing
  1227. Monetization
  1228. Receipt Verification
  1229. User Attributes
  1230. Unity Analytics Raw Data Export
  1231. Data reset
  1232. Upgrading Unity Analytics
  1233. Upgrade Unity Analytics 4.x-5.1 (SDK) to 5.2 onwards
  1234. Upgrade Unity Analytics 5.1 to 5.2 onwards
  1235. Unity Analytics Re-integrate SDK to 5.1
  1236. What to Do if Project IDs Don't Match
  1237. COPPA Compliance
  1238. Unity Analytics and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  1239. Unity Analytics DataPrivacy API
  1240. Analytics Metrics, Segments, and Terminology
  1241. Unity Cloud Build
  1242. Automated Build Generation
  1243. Supported platforms
  1244. Supported versions of Unity
  1245. Version control systems
  1246. Using the Unity Developer Dashboard to configure Unity Cloud Build for Git
  1247. Using the Unity Editor to configure Unity Cloud Build for Git
  1248. Using the Unity Developer Dashboard to configure Unity Cloud Build for Mercurial
  1249. Using the Unity Editor to configure Unity Cloud Build for Mercurial
  1250. Using Apache Subversion (SVN) with Unity Cloud Build
  1251. Using the Unity Developer Dashboard to configure Unity Cloud Build for Perforce
  1252. Using the Unity Editor to configure Unity Cloud Build for Perforce
  1253. Building for iOS
  1254. Advanced options
  1255. Development builds
  1256. Pre- and post-export methods
  1257. Xcode frameworks
  1258. Custom scripting #define directives
  1259. Including specific Scenes
  1260. Build manifest
  1261. Build manifest as JSON
  1262. Build manifest as ScriptableObject
  1263. Cloud Build REST API
  1264. Unity IAP
  1265. Setting up Unity IAP
  1266. Configuring for Apple App Store and Mac App Store
  1267. Configuring for Google Play Store
  1268. Configuring for Windows Store
  1269. Configuration for the Amazon Appstore
  1270. Samsung Galaxy IAP configuration
  1271. Cross Platform Guide
  1272. Codeless IAP
  1273. Defining products
  1274. Subscription Product support
  1275. Initialization
  1276. Browsing Product Metadata
  1277. Initiating Purchases
  1278. Processing Purchases
  1279. Handling purchase failures
  1280. Restoring Transactions
  1281. Purchase Receipts
  1282. Receipt validation
  1283. Store Extensions
  1284. Cross-store installation issues with Android in-app purchase stores
  1285. Store Guides
  1286. iOS & Mac App Stores
  1287. Universal Windows Platform
  1288. Google Play
  1289. Amazon Appstore and Amazon Underground Store
  1290. Samsung Galaxy apps
  1291. CloudMoolah MOO store
  1292. Unity IAP Xiaomi integration guide
  1293. Unity Channel SDK and API extensions
  1294. Implementing a Store
  1295. Initialization
  1296. Retrieving products
  1297. Handling purchases
  1298. Store Modules
  1299. Registering your store
  1300. Store Configuration
  1301. Store Extensions
  1302. IAP Promo
  1303. IAP Promo integration
  1304. IAP Promo Product Catalogs
  1305. Promotions
  1306. Native Promos
  1307. Unity Collaborate
  1308. Setting up Unity Collaborate
  1309. Adding team members to your Unity Project
  1310. Viewing history
  1311. Enabling Cloud Build with Collaborate
  1312. Managing Unity Editor versions
  1313. Reverting files
  1314. Resolving file conflicts
  1315. Excluding Assets from publishing to Collaborate
  1316. Publishing individual files to Collaborate
  1317. Restoring previous versions of a project
  1318. In-Progress edit notifications
  1319. Managing cloud storage
  1320. Moving your Project to another version control system
  1321. Collaborate troubleshooting tips
  1322. Unity Cloud Diagnostics
  1323. Unity Integrations
  1324. Multiplayer Services
  1325. XR
  1326. XR SDKs
  1327. Google VR
  1328. Google VR hardware and software requirements
  1329. Google VR quick start guide
  1330. Supported APIs and SDKs
  1331. Google VR controllers and input devices
  1332. Google VR features overview
  1333. Unity Google VR Video Async Reprojection
  1334. Google VR resources and troubleshooting
  1335. Vuforia
  1336. Vuforia hardware and software requirements
  1337. Vuforia quick start guide
  1338. Setting up your Project for Vuforia
  1339. Setting up Image Targets
  1340. Importing and activating the Target Database in Unity
  1341. Adding Image Targets to your Scene
  1342. Displaying 3D models on top of tracked images
  1343. Vuforia platform configuration settings
  1344. Vuforia tips, troubleshooting and resources
  1345. Windows Mixed Reality
  1346. WMR hardware and software requirements
  1347. *WMR* quick start guide
  1348. WMR input and interaction concepts
  1349. WMR testing during development
  1350. HoloLens WorldAnchor persistence
  1351. HoloLens Anchor Sharing
  1352. HoloLens Web Camera
  1353. HoloLens photo capture
  1354. HoloLens video capture
  1355. HoloLens Spatial Mapping
  1356. Spatial Mapping components
  1357. SpatialMapping General Settings
  1358. Spatial Mapping Collider
  1359. Spatial Mapping Renderer
  1360. Spatial Mapping low level API
  1361. Spatial Mapping common troubleshooting issues
  1362. Unity XR Input
  1363. Input for Windows Mixed Reality
  1364. Input for OpenVR controllers
  1365. Input for Oculus
  1366. Daydream Controllers
  1367. XR API reference
  1368. Mixed Reality Devices
  1369. VR overview
  1370. VR devices
  1371. Oculus
  1372. OpenVR
  1373. Single Pass Stereo rendering (Double-Wide rendering)
  1374. Single Pass Instanced rendering
  1375. Single-Pass Stereo Rendering for HoloLens
  1376. VR Audio Spatializers
  1377. VR frame timing
  1378. Open-source repositories
  1379. How to contribute to Unity
  1380. Step 1: Get a Bitbucket account
  1381. Step 2: Fork the repository you want to contribute to
  1382. Step 3: Clone your fork
  1383. Step 4: Apply modifications to your fork
  1384. Step 5: Open a pull request on Bitbucket
  1385. Step 6: Wait for feedback
  1386. Further Reading
  1387. FAQ
  1388. Asset Store Publishing
  1389. Adding Keywords to Assets
  1390. Asset Store Publisher Administration
  1391. Asset Store FAQ
  1392. Asset Store Publishing Guide
  1393. DeprecateAssetGuide
  1394. Asset Store Manual
  1395. Publisher Admin Section Overview
  1396. Setting up Google Analytics
  1397. Viewing the status of your Asset Store submissions
  1398. Refunding your customers
  1399. Removing your Assets from the Asset Store
  1400. Providing support
  1401. Asset Store promotions
  1402. Platform-specific
  1403. Standalone
  1404. Standalone Player settings
  1405. Multi-display
  1406. macOS
  1407. macOS Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend
  1408. macOS Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
  1409. Delivering your application to the Mac App Store
  1410. Apple TV
  1411. Building games for Apple TV
  1412. Apple TV Player settings
  1413. WebGL
  1414. WebGL Player settings
  1415. Getting started with WebGL development
  1416. WebGL Browser Compatibility
  1417. Building and running a WebGL project
  1418. WebGL: Deploying compressed builds
  1419. Debugging and troubleshooting WebGL builds
  1420. WebGL Graphics
  1421. WebGL Networking
  1422. Using Audio In WebGL
  1423. WebGL performance considerations
  1424. Embedded Resources on WebGL
  1425. Memory in WebGL
  1426. WebGL: Interacting with browser scripting
  1427. Using WebGL Templates
  1428. Cursor locking and full-screen mode in WebGL
  1429. Input in WebGL
  1430. iOS
  1431. Getting started with iOS development
  1432. Unity iOS Basics
  1433. iOS account setup
  1434. Inside the iOS build process
  1435. Structure of a Unity XCode Project
  1436. Customizing an iOS Splash Screen
  1437. iOS Hardware Guide
  1438. iOS Player settings
  1439. iOS 2D Texture Overrides
  1440. Upgrading to 64-bit iOS
  1441. iOS Advanced Topics
  1442. Unity Remote
  1443. iOS Scripting
  1444. iOS Game Controller support
  1445. Advanced Unity Mobile Scripting
  1446. Optimizing Performance on iOS
  1447. iOS-specific optimizations
  1448. Measuring performance with the built-in profiler
  1449. Optimizing the size of the built iOS Player
  1450. Optimizing Physics Performance
  1451. Building Plugins for iOS
  1452. Preparing your application for In-App Purchases (IAP)
  1453. Customising WWW requests on iOS
  1454. App thinning
  1455. Managed stack traces on iOS
  1456. Features currently not supported by Unity iOS
  1457. Troubleshooting on iOS devices
  1458. Reporting crash bugs on iOS
  1459. Android
  1460. Getting started with Android development
  1461. Android environment setup
  1462. Unity Remote
  1463. Troubleshooting Android development
  1464. Building apps for Android
  1465. Reporting crash bugs under Android
  1466. Support for APK expansion files (OBB)
  1467. Android Scripting
  1468. Advanced Unity mobile scripting
  1469. Building and using plug-ins for Android
  1470. AAR plug-ins and Android Libraries
  1471. JAR plug-ins
  1472. Extending the UnityPlayerActivity Java Code
  1473. Native (C++) plug-ins for Android
  1474. Using Java or Kotlin source files as plug-ins
  1475. Customizing an Android Splash Screen
  1476. Single-Pass Stereo Rendering for Android
  1477. Android Player settings
  1478. Android 2D Textures Overrides
  1479. Gradle for Android
  1480. Gradle troubleshooting
  1481. Android Manifest
  1482. Requesting Permissions
  1483. App patching for fast development iteration
  1484. Facebook
  1485. Getting started with Facebook development
  1486. Facebook Player settings
  1487. Windows
  1488. Windows General
  1489. Windows standalone Player build binaries
  1490. Windows Debugging
  1491. WindowsLowIntegrity
  1492. Windows Player: IL2CPP Scripting Backend
  1493. Windows Player: IL2CPP build files
  1494. Windows Player: C++ source code plugins for IL2CPP
  1495. Universal Windows Platform
  1496. Getting Started
  1497. Universal Windows Platform: Deployment
  1498. Universal Windows Platform: Profiler
  1499. Universal Windows Platform: Command line arguments
  1500. Universal Windows Platform: Association launching
  1501. AppCallbacks class
  1502. Universal Windows Platform: WinRT API in C# scripts
  1503. Universal Windows Player settings
  1504. Universal Windows Platform: IL2CPP scripting back end
  1505. Universal Windows Platform: Generated project with IL2CPP scripting backend
  1506. Universal Windows Platform: Plugins on IL2CPP Scripting Backend
  1507. Universal Windows Platform: Debugging on IL2CPP Scripting Backend
  1508. FAQ
  1509. Universal Windows Platform: Examples
  1510. Universal Windows Platform: Code snippets
  1511. Known issues
  1512. Mobile Developer Checklist
  1513. Crashes
  1514. Profiling
  1515. Optimizations
  1516. Practical guide to optimization for mobiles
  1517. Graphics Methods
  1518. Scripting and Gameplay Methods
  1519. Rendering Optimizations
  1520. Optimizing Scripts
  1521. Experimental
  1522. Scripted Importers
  1523. Look Dev
  1524. Overview
  1525. The Look Dev view
  1526. Control panel
  1527. Settings menu
  1528. Views menu
  1529. HDRI environments in Look Dev
  1530. The HDRI view
  1531. HDRI menus
  1532. Environment Shadow
  1533. Legacy Topics
  1534. Windows Store: Windows SDKs
  1535. Windows Phone 8.1
  1536. Windows Phone 8.1: Debugging
  1537. Windows 8.1 Universal Applications
  1538. Universal Windows 10 Applications: Getting Started
  1539. Asset Server (Team License)
  1540. Setting up the Asset Server
  1541. Legacy Asset Bundles
  1542. Creating Asset Bundles in Unity 4
  1543. Managing Asset Dependencies in Unity 4
  1544. Legacy Animation System
  1545. Animation
  1546. Animation Scripting (Legacy)
  1547. Legacy GUI
  1548. GUI Text (Legacy UI Component)
  1549. GUI Texture (Legacy UI Component)
  1550. Legacy Unity Analytics (SDK Workflow)
  1551. Basic Integration (SDK)
  1552. Import SDK
  1553. Create Game Script
  1554. Attach Game Script
  1555. Play To Validate
  1556. Advanced Integration (SDK)
  1557. Custom Events
  1558. Monetization
  1559. Receipt Verification
  1560. User Attributes
  1561. LegacyUnityRemote
  1562. Unity Remote
  1563. Unity Remote 3 (DEPRECATED)
  1564. Best practice guides
  1565. Understanding optimization in Unity
  1566. Profiling
  1567. Memory
  1568. Coroutines
  1569. Asset auditing
  1570. Understanding the managed heap
  1571. Strings and text
  1572. The Resources folder
  1573. General Optimizations
  1574. Special optimizations
  1575. Making believable visuals in Unity
  1576. Preparing Assets for Unity
  1577. Preparing render settings in Unity
  1578. Lighting strategy
  1579. Modeling
  1580. Shading
  1581. Outdoor lighting and Scene setup
  1582. Indoor and local lighting
  1583. Understanding post-processing
  1584. Dynamic lighting
  1585. Best Practice: Setting up the Lighting Pipeline
  1586. Expert guides
  1587. New in Unity 2019.2
  1588. Glossary
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