
Quills and Sofas Shenanigans (Pinkie Pie)

Jun 20th, 2015
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  1. >You breathe heavily through your nose as you strain to stay concentrated on your goal.
  2. >How long has it been? Five minutes? Ten? It's what it feels like.
  3. >Your eyelids twitch and your knuckles turn completely white as you grip your seat.
  4. >You won't hold out much longer.
  5. >She looks like she won't either, but you know that she's just as determined as you are.
  6. >Your breathing quickens as you feel the pain setting in.
  7. >A little longer, Anon. Just a little longer...
  8. >You tell yourself this over and over again, but it does little to ease your worries.
  9. >The pain is just getting extremely worse with every second.
  10. >A small bead of sweat drips down your face and you give a small whimper.
  11. >You can't do this! You can't!
  12. >Finally, you relent and shut your eyes...
  13. >...
  14. >"YES! I WIN AGAIN!!"
  15. >You give a frustrated growl as you begin to rub your eyes, now moist with tears.
  16. "Damn it, Pinkie, how do you do that?!"
  17. >That's the seventh staring contest in a row that you've lost.
  18. >Pinkie giggles as she rubs her eyes as well.
  19. >"Cheer up, Nonny! You're getting better! I was actually scared on that last round! I thought you were gonna win!"
  20. "Aww, look at you, making up crap just for me. Aren't you sweet?"
  21. >She laughs and playfully pushes you with her hoof.
  22. >"Oh stop it, Anon! I really meant it!"
  23. "No you didn't!"
  24. >You smile wide and playfully push her back.
  25. >You both start giggling like complete idiots and push each other back and forth until she tackles you.
  26. >You laugh and start tickling each other as you roll on your backs across the grass.
  27. >Eventually, you come to a stop with her on your stomach, looking down at you with a wide smile on her face.
  28. >You both just look at each other for a few moments.
  29. >"So, what do you wanna do now?"
  30. >You tap your chin and think for a moment.
  31. >What's something fun you can do that Pinkie would love?
  32. "Ooh! Do you wanna go to the store and play with the chairs that have wheels on them? We can take turns pushing each other down the aisles and see how fast we can go!"
  33. >She gasps and sits up on your chest.
  34. >"That's the best idea ever!"
  35. >You spring to your feet and Pinkie leaps onto your back.
  36. >She straddles the back of your neck and you grab her hind legs dangling on either side of your head.
  37. >She makes a radio static sound through her teeth and speaks into a pretend microphone she's holding in her hoof.
  38. >"5...4...3...2...1...Blast off!"
  39. >You make a rocket sound with your mouth before you take off running back to Ponyville with Pinkie on your back, laughing the whole way.
  40. >You run through the streets, making whooshing and zooming noises the whole way until you reach Quills and Sofas.
  41. >Practically smashing your way through the entrance, the doors swing wide open and you skid to a halt. You hold your arms out for the applause that was sure to follow.
  42. "The Eagle has landed!"
  43. >The ponies inside the store just stare at you both silently.
  44. >No applause, that's fine.
  45. >The closest one, Bon Bon, sticks her face in her hoof and groans.
  46. >"Oh great, the monkey's back..."
  47. >You point directly at her.
  48. "That's Mister Doctor Professor Monkey to you, missy! And we're here to do science and have fun and stuff!"
  49. >Pinkie stands up on the top of your head.
  50. >"Yeah! Who doesn't like to do science and have fun stuff, silly?!"
  51. >You both just stare at Bon Bon and she groans again.
  52. >"Just... Please don't break anything this time, okay?"
  53. "I don't think we can promise anything."
  54. >"Wait! Anon, yes we can promise!"
  55. >You look up at Pinkie.
  56. "We can?"
  57. >She smiles and nods ecstatically.
  58. >"Yeah! We'll make a Pinkie promise!"
  59. >You smile back at her.
  60. "Oh yeah! That's a great idea, Pinkie!"
  61. >She jumps off your head and lands beside you to face Bon Bon.
  62. >You both make the appropriate gestures as you say your Pinkie promise.
  63. >"Cross my heart..."
  64. "...hope to fly..."
  65. >"...stick a cupcake..."
  66. " my eye!"
  67. >You both laugh and take off running into the store, leaving Bon Bon there.
  68. >You find the office chairs and take turns pushing each other down the aisles, bumping into them and knocking stuff off of them each time.
  69. >After a while, that gets boring, so you head over to where the recliner chairs are and sit in a couple.
  70. >You both slowly turn and face each other with grimaces on your faces and a respective hand or hoof hovering over the leg rest lever on the right side of the recliner.
  71. >Suddenly, you're Clint Eastwood.
  72. "...Now you just have to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?"
  73. >Your hand twitches over the lever, which makes Pinkie's hoof twitch as well.
  74. "Well... Do ya... Ponk?
  75. >Pinkie's grimace never falters as she lifts her hoof up to blow on it before letting it hover over the handle of her recliner again. She cracks her neck and takes a deep breath.
  76. >"This town ain't big enough fer the both of us to relax in..."
  77. >You stare each other down and imagine a tumbleweed blowing by in between you two.
  78. >Your heart is beating in your ears and your fingers twitch.
  79. "Draw!"
  80. >Your hand grabs the lever with lightning speed and yanks upwards, making the leg rest shoot out in front of you.
  81. >Pinkie does the same thing and the sound of recliner springs echoes through the store.
  82. >However, you were just a millisecond faster than Pinkie.
  83. >Pinkie grunts and grabs her chest before over-exaggerating her 'death' by falling over to her side and squirming and grunting on the ground.
  84. >You stand up and bask in your victory.
  85. "...And the crowd goes wild!"
  86. >You cup your hands over your mouth and hiss loudly to imitate a crowd cheering.
  87. >Pinkie stays on the ground for a moment longer before laughing hard with you.
  88. >"Hee Hee! Nice one, Nonny! I'd like to see you try that against Applejack though!"
  89. "You'll see that the same day I see you have a staring contest with Fluttershy!"
  90. >Pinkie almost retorts, but stops and thinks about it for a moment.
  91. >"Touché! You got me there!"
  92. >You both laugh again and get up to wander around the store some more.
  93. >About three hours later, you decided to have a joust with each other!
  94. >On one end of the aisle sits you in a large office chair with wheels and armrests.
  95. >In your hand you hold a stool, but it will serve you better now as a lance.
  96. >Pinkie sits on the other end of the aisle, looking exactly the same.
  97. >You're about to set off against each other when you hear a hoof stomp behind you.
  98. >You turn around to see an angry looking Bon Bon staring you down.
  99. >"The store is closing! Both of you leave now!"
  100. >You hear Pinkie roll up behind you.
  101. >"Aww come on! We were having fun!"
  102. >"Fun?! FUN?! Look at this place!"
  103. >You and Pinkie look around at the store.
  104. >Every inch of it is littered with overturned chairs, stools, quills and paper. It looks like a tornado hit this place.
  105. >"Everything in this store is destroyed because of you two!"
  106. "Uh, actually, nothing is broken. We made sure of that! It's just really, really messy!"
  107. >"Yeah! We'd never break anything! We Pinkie promised!"
  108. >A large vein appears on Bon Bon's forehead and she stomps her hoof again while pointing to the door.
  109. >"GET OUT!!"
  110. >You and Pinkie reel back and look at each other.
  111. "Time to go?"
  112. >"Time to go!"
  113. >You both drop your 'weapons' and book it past the angry mare and run out of the store.
  114. >On the darkened streets of Ponyville, you both laugh with each other as you jog toward Sugarcube Corner.
  115. >"That was fun!"
  116. "Yeah it was!"
  117. >"Even if we did make Bon Bon mad."
  118. >You scoff and wave your hand.
  119. "Bon Bon's always mad! Don't worry about her."
  120. >Pinkie giggles again and you both slow down to a walk.
  121. "Thanks for hanging out today, Pinkie. I had a blast!"
  122. >"Hee Hee! Me too, Nonny! We should do this again tomorrow!"
  123. "We really should!"
  124. >You reach Sugarcube Corner and give Pinkie a hug.
  125. >"Goodnight, Nonny! Thanks for the awesome day!"
  126. "Goodnight, Pinkie! You're welcome for the awesome day!"
  127. >You squeeze each other tight in a bear hug before letting each other go and separating.
  128. >As she opens the door, she turns and you wave at each other before she shuts the door behind her.
  129. >You smile as you head back home for the night.
  130. >Today was a good day.
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