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Dec 27th, 2012
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  1. [12/25/2012 2:51:36 PM] Adam Skidmore: here is how to do it
  2. [12/25/2012 2:51:42 PM] Adam Skidmore: this needs to be fixed ASAP
  3. [12/25/2012 2:51:49 PM] Adam Skidmore: there are people in my stream that have duped 50 silencers
  4. [12/25/2012 2:51:54 PM] Adam Skidmore: and hundreds of sniper rifles
  5. [12/25/2012 2:51:56 PM] Adam Skidmore: it's out of control
  6. [12/25/2012 2:51:57 PM] Adam Skidmore: 1) Launch warz and login in luncher, press "MY ACCOUNT"
  7. 2) Copy all after "=" (you session)
  8. 3) Close launcher, go in to your game folder and write session nuber in bat file, if u dont have bat create it.
  9. 4) Game_1: Lunch with out sandbox.
  10. 5) Game_1: Go in global inventory, take items you want to dup.
  11. 6) ALT+TAB Open task manager, go in processes, find process warz.exe
  12. 7) Click right mouse button, "Set Affinity", uncheck all boxes except last one.
  13. 8) Game_2: Lunch bat with sandboxe.
  14. 9) Game_2: Go in your global inventory, dont touch anything
  15. 10)Game_1: Connect to server, when loding get near 1/5 of full.
  16. 11)Game_2: Bigin moving your loot in to global.
  17. 12)Game_2: After you moved all your loot, close Game_2.
  18. 13)In task manager check all boxes back.
  19. 14)Game_1: Wait till load finish, after you logged in game, drop all you loot and pick it up, disconnect from server.
  20. 15)All u duped =)
  21. [12/25/2012 2:55:29 PM] Adam Skidmore: im going to take a nap
  22. [12/25/2012 10:59:31 PM] *** Call to romanstepanov ***
  23. [12/25/2012 11:26:27 PM] Adam Skidmore: US195
  24. [12/25/2012 11:55:45 PM] Adam Skidmore: petals
  25. [12/25/2012 11:55:50 PM] Adam Skidmore: rasta420killer
  26. [12/25/2012 11:56:00 PM] Adam Skidmore: trinity
  27. [12/25/2012 11:56:04 PM] Adam Skidmore: bodda
  28. [12/25/2012 11:56:07 PM] Adam Skidmore: buddha
  29. [12/25/2012 11:56:09 PM] Adam Skidmore: wesmich
  30. [12/25/2012 11:56:17 PM] Adam Skidmore: porky
  31. [12/25/2012 11:56:21 PM] Adam Skidmore: luddedededded
  32. [12/26/2012 12:00:34 AM] *** Call ended, duration 1:01:04 ***
  33. [12/26/2012 12:02:51 AM] Adam Skidmore: ktrain
  34. [12/26/2012 12:02:52 AM] Adam Skidmore: ktrain99
  35. [12/26/2012 12:02:59 AM] romanstepanov: thank you
  36. [12/26/2012 12:03:04 AM] romanstepanov: you are not in trouble in any way
  37. [12/26/2012 12:03:05 AM] Adam Skidmore: basically all the variations of ktrain
  38. [12/26/2012 12:03:09 AM] Adam Skidmore: no man it's all good
  39. [12/26/2012 12:03:11 AM] romanstepanov: thanks for giving them up
  40. [12/26/2012 12:03:12 AM] Adam Skidmore: i want cheaters banned
  41. [12/26/2012 12:03:19 AM] Adam Skidmore: there's a reason i make notes about guildies in my text document
  42. [12/26/2012 12:03:23 AM] Adam Skidmore: i just don't have video evidence of them
  43. [12/26/2012 12:03:40 AM] Adam Skidmore: but people admit to cheating all day in teamspeak
  44. [12/26/2012 12:03:42 AM] Adam Skidmore: and it's super lame
  45. [12/26/2012 12:03:45 AM] romanstepanov:
  46. [12/26/2012 12:03:51 AM] romanstepanov: your mesage is clean
  47. [12/26/2012 12:03:53 AM] romanstepanov: thank you Artemis
  48. [12/26/2012 12:09:16 AM] romanstepanov: once we sort them out, I'll be back
  49. [12/26/2012 12:09:26 AM] romanstepanov: thank you so much for giving them up my man
  50. [12/26/2012 12:10:11 AM] Adam Skidmore: there are hackers
  51. [12/26/2012 12:10:14 AM] Adam Skidmore: shooting at our event
  52. [12/26/2012 12:10:15 AM] Adam Skidmore: on the hill
  53. [12/26/2012 12:10:17 AM] Adam Skidmore: with aimbot nospread
  54. [12/26/2012 12:10:25 AM] Adam Skidmore: anda guy noclipping in the wall
  55. [12/26/2012 12:10:29 AM] Adam Skidmore: peaking in and shooting through the wall
  56. [12/26/2012 12:10:32 AM] Adam Skidmore: shit like that is ruining the game :/
  57. [12/26/2012 12:11:16 AM] Adam Skidmore: ABONIX aimbotting
  58. [12/26/2012 12:11:17 AM] Adam Skidmore: killed 8 players
  59. [12/26/2012 12:11:19 AM] Adam Skidmore: instantly
  60. [12/26/2012 12:12:06 AM] romanstepanov: thanks for that list
  61. [12/26/2012 12:12:19 AM] romanstepanov: respect for giving them out
  62. [12/26/2012 12:12:40 AM] Adam Skidmore: flavaa flavee
  63. [12/26/2012 12:12:49 AM] romanstepanov: considering i saw a video of you saying "cheaters cover the walls, legit players cover the exits"
  64. [12/26/2012 12:12:59 AM] Adam Skidmore: well yea
  65. [12/26/2012 12:13:01 AM] romanstepanov: i dont hold a grudge towards you at all
  66. [12/26/2012 12:13:03 AM] Adam Skidmore: i mean, if you're in that situation
  67. [12/26/2012 12:13:08 AM] romanstepanov: give me names of those fuckers
  68. [12/26/2012 12:13:09 AM] Adam Skidmore: and you know people are going to cheat
  69. [12/26/2012 12:13:15 AM] Adam Skidmore: and i can't stop them
  70. [12/26/2012 12:13:17 AM] Adam Skidmore: if i was an admin
  71. [12/26/2012 12:13:21 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'd be banning people left and right
  72. [12/26/2012 12:13:37 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'd be handing out like 20 permabans a day
  73. [12/26/2012 12:13:39 AM] Adam Skidmore: playing 100 pop servers
  74. [12/26/2012 12:13:47 AM] romanstepanov: you are doing great Artemis
  75. [12/26/2012 12:13:56 AM] Adam Skidmore: like look right now
  76. [12/26/2012 12:13:57 AM] Adam Skidmore: at my stream
  77. [12/26/2012 12:13:59 AM] romanstepanov: im gona call you by your stream name
  78. [12/26/2012 12:14:02 AM] Adam Skidmore: u see this guy in clan named Bodda
  79. [12/26/2012 12:14:07 AM] Adam Skidmore: 24 hours played
  80. [12/26/2012 12:14:11 AM] Adam Skidmore: 81 survivors, 51 bandits
  81. [12/26/2012 12:14:17 AM] romanstepanov: dont use your real name
  82. [12/26/2012 12:14:18 AM] Adam Skidmore: that's 130 kills in 24 hours
  83. [12/26/2012 12:14:24 AM] romanstepanov: my advise to you
  84. [12/26/2012 12:14:24 AM] Adam Skidmore: essentially impossible without cheats
  85. [12/26/2012 12:14:49 AM] romanstepanov: our lawyers are so pissed right now
  86. [12/26/2012 12:14:57 AM] romanstepanov: you are Artemis
  87. [12/26/2012 12:15:03 AM] romanstepanov: you didnt know about your hackers
  88. [12/26/2012 12:15:05 AM] romanstepanov: i like you
  89. [12/26/2012 12:15:26 AM] romanstepanov: you cant control who joins
  90. [12/26/2012 12:15:30 AM] romanstepanov: but you know the names
  91. [12/26/2012 12:15:57 AM] Adam Skidmore: yea well im happy to give up anyone who has a suspicious amount of kills compared to time played
  92. [12/26/2012 12:16:03 AM] Adam Skidmore: i get a kill every 20-30 minutes on average
  93. [12/26/2012 12:16:12 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'm reporting anyone with a kill every 10 minutes or faster
  94. [12/26/2012 12:16:19 AM] Adam Skidmore: because that is just impossible in this game
  95. [12/26/2012 12:16:30 AM] Adam Skidmore: i usually get 40-50 kills per day in 14 hours of day
  96. [12/26/2012 12:16:31 AM] Adam Skidmore: play*
  97. [12/26/2012 12:16:38 AM] Adam Skidmore: playing conservatively
  98. [12/26/2012 12:16:39 AM] Adam Skidmore: camping etc
  99. [12/26/2012 12:16:50 AM] Adam Skidmore: but there are guys with half the play time as me and 4x as many kills
  100. [12/26/2012 12:17:08 AM] romanstepanov: my friend, your clan has hackers, and you know them , and you control them. You need to disance your ass from that evidence. We got the names, we will ban them, you just keep doing what you are doing
  101. [12/26/2012 12:17:16 AM] romanstepanov: my advice, distance yourself from them
  102. [12/26/2012 12:17:50 AM] romanstepanov: your character is amazing, and you keep with it
  103. [12/26/2012 12:18:01 AM] romanstepanov: just distance yourself from them
  104. [12/26/2012 12:18:03 AM] Adam Skidmore: maverixx
  105. [12/26/2012 12:18:04 AM] Adam Skidmore: is another
  106. [12/26/2012 12:18:07 AM] romanstepanov: you know who im talking about
  107. [12/26/2012 12:18:12 AM] Adam Skidmore: stoopidrobx
  108. [12/26/2012 12:18:32 AM] romanstepanov: more names the better
  109. [12/26/2012 12:18:37 AM] romanstepanov: thank you Adam
  110. [12/26/2012 12:18:59 AM] Adam Skidmore: mirokev
  111. [12/26/2012 12:19:02 AM] Adam Skidmore: Captain Teamo 2
  112. [12/26/2012 12:19:04 AM] romanstepanov: we promice we dont let them know anything
  113. [12/26/2012 12:19:19 AM] Adam Skidmore: Right Now
  114. [12/26/2012 12:19:21 AM] romanstepanov: they can come talk to us about their hacking shit
  115. [12/26/2012 12:19:32 AM] Adam Skidmore: Flavaa Flavee
  116. [12/26/2012 12:19:42 AM] Adam Skidmore: Subber
  117. [12/26/2012 12:19:49 AM] Adam Skidmore: Crome
  118. [12/26/2012 12:20:16 AM] Adam Skidmore: average bodda
  119. [12/26/2012 12:20:18 AM] Adam Skidmore: Bodda getta
  120. [12/26/2012 12:20:20 AM] Adam Skidmore: Alternate
  121. [12/26/2012 12:20:21 AM] Adam Skidmore: Cromen
  122. [12/26/2012 12:20:23 AM] Adam Skidmore: Subby
  123. [12/26/2012 12:20:31 AM] Adam Skidmore: Porkchop
  124. [12/26/2012 12:20:35 AM] Adam Skidmore: Porky
  125. [12/26/2012 12:20:40 AM] Adam Skidmore: Hotshotgg
  126. [12/26/2012 12:21:48 AM] Adam Skidmore: i run the 4th largest clan in the game so i mean, cheaters are inevitble
  127. [12/26/2012 12:22:32 AM] romanstepanov: thank you
  128. [12/26/2012 12:22:45 AM] romanstepanov: you are saving your name
  129. [12/26/2012 12:22:46 AM] Adam Skidmore: 800 clan members
  130. [12/26/2012 12:23:04 AM] Adam Skidmore: saying 'cheaters cover x and legit players cover x' is just literally saying if u cheat, guard that area
  131. [12/26/2012 12:23:06 AM] Adam Skidmore: i cant stop them
  132. [12/26/2012 12:23:20 AM] romanstepanov: your name is fine, you are a great guy to watch. Just dont fuck with hackers
  133. [12/26/2012 12:24:18 AM] romanstepanov: give them up as you go, name after name. We will take care of them
  134. [12/26/2012 12:24:35 AM] romanstepanov: we dont allow this to happen in our game
  135. [12/26/2012 12:26:01 AM] romanstepanov: anymore names?
  136. [12/26/2012 12:26:27 AM] romanstepanov: its xmas, come on bro, you have more names
  137. [12/26/2012 12:26:56 AM] Adam Skidmore: that's all i know from my spreadsheet right now
  138. [12/26/2012 12:26:59 AM] Adam Skidmore: that's like 20-30 people
  139. [12/26/2012 12:27:02 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'm sure there are more
  140. [12/26/2012 12:27:04 AM] Adam Skidmore: that havent told me yet
  141. [12/26/2012 12:27:10 AM] romanstepanov: you gave me under 20
  142. [12/26/2012 12:27:11 AM] Adam Skidmore: but those are oens i put a X next to
  143. [12/26/2012 12:29:15 AM] Adam Skidmore: i play solo 99% of the time
  144. [12/26/2012 12:29:27 AM] romanstepanov: Your name will not be brought up
  145. [12/26/2012 12:29:29 AM] romanstepanov: i promice you
  146. [12/26/2012 12:30:00 AM] romanstepanov: more names you give me that hack, more your name keeps clean
  147. [12/26/2012 12:30:24 AM] Adam Skidmore: yea im always happy to help
  148. [12/26/2012 12:30:44 AM] Adam Skidmore: but in an 800 man clan
  149. [12/26/2012 12:30:57 AM] romanstepanov: well, is this your clan ?
  150. [12/26/2012 12:30:58 AM] Adam Skidmore: you've gotta realize the onyl way i can tell if someone is cheating is if they tell me, or i witness them doign the "esp dance"
  151. [12/26/2012 12:31:16 AM] Adam Skidmore: i've got 15 years of gaming experience to tell me if they are legit or not
  152. [12/26/2012 12:31:26 AM] Adam Skidmore: i can spot legit players compared to hackers quite easily
  153. [12/26/2012 12:31:32 AM] romanstepanov: im not here to question your experience Adam
  154. [12/26/2012 12:31:35 AM] Adam Skidmore: especially if they shoot and they shoot on a rope
  155. [12/26/2012 12:31:35 AM] romanstepanov: is this your clan ?
  156. [12/26/2012 12:31:40 AM] Adam Skidmore: yes of course, it is my gaming network
  157. [12/26/2012 12:31:54 AM] romanstepanov: then hire some mother fuckers that can represent you a bit better
  158. [12/26/2012 12:32:02 AM] romanstepanov: you have a great network
  159. [12/26/2012 12:32:07 AM] Adam Skidmore: well, we need a solid anti cheat
  160. [12/26/2012 12:32:10 AM] Adam Skidmore: we need ESEA anticheat
  161. [12/26/2012 12:32:15 AM] Adam Skidmore: war-z needs to partner with ESEA
  162. [12/26/2012 12:32:23 AM] Adam Skidmore: they charge 7$ and have unhackable CS servers
  163. [12/26/2012 12:32:32 AM] romanstepanov: so wait your 800 players play nothing but War Z ?
  164. [12/26/2012 12:32:32 AM] Adam Skidmore: until that happens, i can only slap people on the wrist that tell me they cheat
  165. [12/26/2012 12:32:34 AM] Adam Skidmore: and send in videos
  166. [12/26/2012 12:32:39 AM] Adam Skidmore: yes
  167. [12/26/2012 12:33:10 AM] romanstepanov: so you use hackers to battle hackers ?
  168. [12/26/2012 12:33:20 AM] Adam Skidmore: if i call a clan event like we just had
  169. [12/26/2012 12:33:25 AM] Adam Skidmore: it's inevitable that 1-2 players there
  170. [12/26/2012 12:33:26 AM] Adam Skidmore: will ahve cheats
  171. [12/26/2012 12:33:32 AM] Adam Skidmore: 20-30% of the war-z population cheats currently
  172. [12/26/2012 12:33:44 AM] Adam Skidmore: i don't know people by a personal name basis
  173. [12/26/2012 12:33:48 AM] romanstepanov: Bro let me give a wise advice now, clean up your clan. Dont fuck up your name
  174. [12/26/2012 12:33:48 AM] Adam Skidmore: but, if ur listening to stream
  175. [12/26/2012 12:33:56 AM] Adam Skidmore: there is a guy right now talking about his cheats
  176. [12/26/2012 12:33:59 AM] Adam Skidmore: saying he got banned for 72 hours
  177. [12/26/2012 12:34:00 AM] Adam Skidmore: unbanned
  178. [12/26/2012 12:34:02 AM] Adam Skidmore: and continued cheating
  179. [12/26/2012 12:34:04 AM] Adam Skidmore: and nothing has stopped him
  180. [12/26/2012 12:34:06 AM] Adam Skidmore: like
  181. [12/26/2012 12:34:09 AM] Adam Skidmore: until you guys crack down
  182. [12/26/2012 12:34:12 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'm not an admin
  183. [12/26/2012 12:34:13 AM] Adam Skidmore: or a moderator
  184. [12/26/2012 12:34:19 AM] romanstepanov: we are working on our part
  185. [12/26/2012 12:34:20 AM] Adam Skidmore: all i can do is guess based on kill death ratio with time played
  186. [12/26/2012 12:34:27 AM] romanstepanov: you heard my advice bro
  187. [12/26/2012 12:34:30 AM] romanstepanov: i love you
  188. [12/26/2012 12:34:34 AM] romanstepanov: dont go against me
  189. [12/26/2012 12:34:47 AM] romanstepanov: we will fix our problem
  190. [12/26/2012 12:34:52 AM] romanstepanov: you fix yours
  191. [12/26/2012 12:34:58 AM] Adam Skidmore: well i've done the best i can
  192. [12/26/2012 12:35:06 AM] Adam Skidmore: how many other clan leaders like me even try and keep track of their cheaterS?
  193. [12/26/2012 12:35:08 AM] romanstepanov: thats the best you did ?
  194. [12/26/2012 12:35:45 AM] romanstepanov: Adam, continue going with what you doing, just dont fuck up again with hackers
  195. [12/26/2012 12:35:49 AM] romanstepanov: clean up your clan
  196. [12/26/2012 12:35:52 AM] romanstepanov: we are fine
  197. [12/26/2012 12:35:56 AM] Adam Skidmore: im trying
  198. [12/26/2012 12:35:57 AM] romanstepanov: im not attacking your name here
  199. [12/26/2012 12:36:08 AM] Adam Skidmore: i want to be a war-z admin
  200. [12/26/2012 12:36:17 AM] Adam Skidmore: and i will clean up the servers with or without anti cheat
  201. [12/26/2012 12:36:19 AM] romanstepanov: this conversation is over brother. I got the names, you are clean
  202. [12/26/2012 12:36:20 AM] Adam Skidmore: anyone i see esp dancing
  203. [12/26/2012 12:36:23 AM] Adam Skidmore: would get permanently banned
  204. [12/26/2012 12:36:25 AM] romanstepanov: i will play with you again this week
  205. [12/26/2012 12:36:31 AM] Adam Skidmore: sounds good
  206. [12/26/2012 12:36:41 AM] romanstepanov: dont stress it
  207. [12/26/2012 12:36:50 AM] romanstepanov: keep your image going
  208. [12/26/2012 12:37:00 AM] Adam Skidmore: but literally right now, the game is so hacked up that 30%+ of the player base is cheating
  209. [12/26/2012 12:37:07 AM] Adam Skidmore: i know on the forums you guys keep it quiet
  210. [12/26/2012 12:37:09 AM] Adam Skidmore: but i play this game all day
  211. [12/26/2012 12:37:17 AM] Adam Skidmore: i see how bad the cheater situation is, i just pray the anticheat comes soon
  212. [12/26/2012 12:37:20 AM] Adam Skidmore: and permabans people
  213. [12/26/2012 12:37:24 AM] Adam Skidmore: none of this 72 hour bullshit
  214. [12/26/2012 12:37:28 AM] Adam Skidmore: 72 hours doesn't deter hackers
  215. [12/26/2012 12:37:31 AM] Adam Skidmore: it's a slap on the wrist
  216. [12/26/2012 12:37:33 AM] Adam Skidmore: they need a permanent ban
  217. [12/26/2012 12:37:38 AM] romanstepanov: bro
  218. [12/26/2012 12:37:45 AM] romanstepanov: you want to be heard?
  219. [12/26/2012 12:37:58 AM] romanstepanov: would you like me to start a thread about you and your clan ?
  220. [12/26/2012 12:38:07 AM] romanstepanov: so you can express your opinion on the hackers ?
  221. [12/26/2012 12:38:13 AM] romanstepanov: please be my guest
  222. [12/26/2012 12:38:36 AM] romanstepanov: you want to make that move now ?
  223. [12/26/2012 12:40:11 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'm a player that promotes and loves the game
  224. [12/26/2012 12:40:14 AM] Adam Skidmore: i can't stop cheaters
  225. [12/26/2012 12:40:25 AM] romanstepanov: you didnt answer my question
  226. [12/26/2012 12:40:36 AM] Adam Skidmore: i dont know what you'd make a thread about
  227. [12/26/2012 12:40:38 AM] Adam Skidmore: to be honest
  228. [12/26/2012 12:40:48 AM] romanstepanov: you want to be heard ?
  229. [12/26/2012 12:40:54 AM] Adam Skidmore: like do you want me to turn off the stream and we can discuss this
  230. [12/26/2012 12:40:56 AM] Adam Skidmore: i can't tell if you are mad at me
  231. [12/26/2012 12:40:57 AM] Adam Skidmore: or what
  232. [12/26/2012 12:41:11 AM] Adam Skidmore: i'm not sure what you want me to do
  233. [12/26/2012 12:41:25 AM] Adam Skidmore: i want to be heard, i want the anticheat to come to the game
  234. [12/26/2012 12:41:32 AM] Adam Skidmore: so hackers don't run the 100 pop servers
  235. [12/26/2012 12:41:34 AM] Adam Skidmore: it's a disaster
  236. [12/26/2012 12:42:01 AM] Adam Skidmore: every day i talk about how great the game would be without cheaters
  237. [12/26/2012 12:42:05 AM] Adam Skidmore: it's the best game on the market
  238. [12/26/2012 12:42:13 AM] Adam Skidmore: but it's also got the flimsiest cardboard anti cheat right now
  239. [12/26/2012 12:42:21 AM] Adam Skidmore: literally dll injection hacks work on war-z
  240. [12/26/2012 12:42:25 AM] Adam Skidmore: shit that worked in 1998 on halflife 1
  241. [12/26/2012 12:42:33 AM] Adam Skidmore: that's just not acceptable, that's why there are HUNDREDS of hacks available
  242. [12/26/2012 12:42:50 AM] Adam Skidmore: just go to google and type war-z hacks
  243. [12/26/2012 12:42:54 AM] Adam Skidmore: the next 10 pages of results
  244. [12/26/2012 12:43:01 AM] Adam Skidmore: will be cheats that are all presently undetected
  245. [12/26/2012 12:43:03 AM] Adam Skidmore: it's atrocious!
  246. [12/26/2012 12:43:53 AM] Adam Skidmore: like, i play war-z cuz it's awesome
  247. [12/26/2012 12:43:56 AM] Adam Skidmore: i can't stop the cheaters
  248. [12/26/2012 12:44:02 AM] Adam Skidmore: i need a working anti-cheat
  249. [12/26/2012 12:45:25 AM] Adam Skidmore: im not a baby sitter
  250. [12/26/2012 12:45:27 AM] Adam Skidmore: at the end of the day
  251. [12/26/2012 4:36:34 AM] romanstepanov: And I just got a message from some dudes in your stream about you calling me Names in your stream? Adam, you need to clear your head and let your trueself out.
  252. [6:26:27 PM] Adam Skidmore: im pasting everything tto reddit
  253. [6:26:29 PM] Adam Skidmore: you've really fucked up bro
  254. [6:26:32 PM] Adam Skidmore: you've really fucked up bad
  255. [6:26:37 PM] Adam Skidmore: this is now a PR nightmare you've created
  256. [6:26:43 PM] Adam Skidmore: all because you stepped GROSSLY out of line
  257. [6:26:46 PM] Adam Skidmore: FIX YOUR ANTI CHEAT
  258. [6:26:49 PM] Adam Skidmore: AND GROW A FUCKING BRAIN BRO
  259. [6:27:12 PM] romanstepanov: i got a video too we are preparing
  260. [6:27:12 PM] Adam Skidmore: all of this
  261. [6:27:15 PM] Adam Skidmore: is officially public now
  262. [6:27:22 PM] Adam Skidmore: you've really gone and made an ass out of yourself
  263. [6:27:23 PM] romanstepanov: Hackers watch the walls, legit players ?
  264. [6:27:24 PM] Adam Skidmore: it's pretty sad
  265. [6:27:25 PM] Adam Skidmore: bro
  266. [6:27:28 PM] Adam Skidmore: look at that artificial aim
  267. [6:27:29 PM] romanstepanov: dude
  268. [6:27:31 PM] Adam Skidmore: on the public forums
  269. [6:27:32 PM] Adam Skidmore: right now
  270. [6:27:34 PM] Adam Skidmore: you see that shit?
  271. [6:27:38 PM] Adam Skidmore: you have a MASSIVE hacking problem
  272. [6:27:39 PM] romanstepanov: i got your clan member giving us so much right now
  273. [6:27:40 PM] Adam Skidmore: and the whole community knows
  274. [6:27:45 PM] Adam Skidmore: the whole community knows man
  275. [6:27:48 PM] romanstepanov: lets do this, post your facts, we will post ours
  276. [6:27:48 PM] Adam Skidmore: the anticheat is a joke
  277. [6:27:48 PM] Adam Skidmore: get them on top of it
  278. [6:27:56 PM] Adam Skidmore: because you have around 100,000 cheaters in game right now
  279. [6:27:58 PM] Adam Skidmore: running rampant
  280. [6:28:01 PM] romanstepanov: want his name too ?
  281. [6:28:02 PM] Adam Skidmore: i'd suggest you handle it
  282. [6:28:10 PM] romanstepanov: Im not in charge of anti hacking
  283. [6:28:22 PM] romanstepanov: im an art director, i can only announce what the coders tell me
  284. [6:28:46 PM] romanstepanov: however I can come play with people, and witness their game play. If someone spots a hacker, i need their name so we can investigate it
  285. [6:29:03 PM] romanstepanov: i submit the name to our guys, and they look at the name and see if there is more evidence against that name
  286. [6:29:17 PM] romanstepanov: you actually had the balls to tell your hackers what to do in the game?
  287. [6:29:20 PM] romanstepanov: DUDE YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS ?
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