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bash -x pacaur -S arch-bubble-icons

a guest
Oct 22nd, 2011
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  1. frank@HomeC ~> bash -x pacaur -S arch-bubble-icons
  2. + name=pacaur
  3. + version=2.3.8
  4. + tmpDir=/tmp/pacaurtmp-frank
  5. + [[ -d /tmp/pacaurtmp-frank ]]
  6. + rm -rf /tmp/pacaurtmp-frank
  7. + mkdir -p /tmp/pacaurtmp-frank
  8. + buildDir=/tmp/pacaurtmp-frank
  9. + editor=vi
  10. + color=false
  11. + clean=true
  12. + fallback=true
  13. + carchmagic=false
  14. + source /etc/pacaur.conf
  15. ++ buildDir=/Common/Builds/aur
  16. ++ editor=vim
  17. ++ color=true
  18. ++ clean=false
  19. ++ fallback=true
  20. ++ carchmagic=true
  21. + [[ -r /home/frank/.config/pacaur/config ]]
  22. + true
  23. + pacmanBin=pacman-color
  24. + cower='cower --color=always'
  25. ++ tput sgr0
  26. + reset=''
  27. + colorR='\e[1;31m'
  28. + colorG='\e[1;32m'
  29. + colorY='\e[1;33m'
  30. + colorB='\e[1;34m'
  31. + colorM='\e[1;35m'
  32. + colorC='\e[1;36m'
  33. + colorW='\e[1;39m'
  34. + [[ -n -S ]]
  35. + pkgs=()
  36. + count=0
  37. + [[ -n -S ]]
  38. + case "$1" in
  39. + option=sync
  40. + installpkg=true
  41. + force=true
  42. + edit=true
  43. + shift
  44. + [[ -n arch-bubble-icons ]]
  45. + case "$1" in
  46. + pkgs+=("$1")
  47. + shift
  48. + [[ -n '' ]]
  49. + [[ ! -d /Common/Builds/aur ]]
  50. + [[ ! -f /usr/bin/pacman-color ]]
  51. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  52. + [[ ! -n sync ]]
  53. + [[ -n '' ]]
  54. + [[ '' = search ]]
  55. + [[ '' = info ]]
  56. + [[ '' = download ]]
  57. + [[ '' = makepkg ]]
  58. + [[ '' = check ]]
  59. + [[ sync = search ]]
  60. + [[ sync = sync ]]
  61. + ClassifyPkgs arch-bubble-icons
  62. + [[ true = true ]]
  63. + [[ -n '' ]]
  64. + [[ -n '' ]]
  65. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  66. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  67. + GetIgnoredGrps
  68. + ignoredgrps+=($(grep '^ *IgnoreGroup' '/etc/pacman.conf' | cut -d '=' -f 2-))
  69. ++ grep '^ *IgnoreGroup' /etc/pacman.conf
  70. ++ cut -d = -f 2-
  71. + for i in '${pkgs[@]}'
  72. + [[ =~ arch-bubble-icons ]]
  73. ++ pacman-color -S --print arch-bubble-icons
  74. ++ grep -v error:
  75. + [[ -z '' ]]
  76. + aurpkgs+=("$i")
  77. + [[ -n '' ]]
  78. + [[ -n arch-bubble-icons ]]
  79. + [[ true = true ]]
  80. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  81. + warn 'Package(s) \e[1;39march-bubble-icons not found in repositories, trying \e[1;35maur...'
  82. + echo -e '\e[1;33m:: Package(s) \e[1;39march-bubble-icons not found in repositories, trying \e[1;35maur...'
  83. :: Package(s) arch-bubble-icons not found in repositories, trying aur...
  84. + Core arch-bubble-icons
  85. + [[ -n '' ]]
  86. + IgnoreChecks
  87. + GetIgnoredPkgs
  88. + ignoredpkgs+=($(grep '^ *IgnorePkg' '/etc/pacman.conf' | cut -d '=' -f 2-))
  89. ++ cut -d = -f 2-
  90. ++ grep '^ *IgnorePkg' /etc/pacman.conf
  91. + [[ -e /home/frank/.config/cower/config ]]
  92. + ignoredpkgs=(${ignoredpkgs[@]//,/ })
  93. + [[ ! -n wine ]]
  94. + checkaurpkgs=(${aurpkgs[@]})
  95. + unset aurpkgs
  96. + for i in '"${checkaurpkgs[@]}"'
  97. + [[ wine =~ arch-bubble-icons ]]
  98. + aurpkgs+=("$i")
  99. + nothingtodo arch-bubble-icons
  100. + [[ -z arch-bubble-icons ]]
  101. + DownloadPkgs arch-bubble-icons
  102. + source /etc/makepkg.conf
  103. ++ DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/wget -c --passive-ftp -t 3 --waitretry=3 -O %o %u' 'http::/usr/bin/wget -c -t 3 --waitretry=3 -O %o %u' 'https::/usr/bin/wget -c -t 3 --waitretry=3 --no-check-certificate -O %o %u' 'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync -z %u %o' 'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
  104. ++ CARCH=x86_64
  105. ++ CHOST=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  106. ++ CFLAGS='-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'
  107. ++ CXXFLAGS='-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'
  108. ++ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,--hash-style=gnu
  109. ++ MAKEFLAGS=-j2
  110. ++ BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache check)
  111. ++ OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge)
  112. ++ INTEGRITY_CHECK=(md5)
  113. ++ STRIP_BINARIES=--strip-all
  114. ++ STRIP_SHARED=--strip-unneeded
  115. ++ STRIP_STATIC=--strip-debug
  116. ++ MAN_DIRS=({usr{,/local}{,/share},opt/*}/{man,info})
  117. ++ DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
  118. ++ PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
  119. ++ PACKAGER='SanskritFritz (gmail)'
  120. ++ PKGEXT=.pkg.tar.xz
  121. ++ SRCEXT=.src.tar.gz
  122. + [[ true = false ]]
  123. + DownloadAur arch-bubble-icons
  124. + [[ -n true ]]
  125. + f=-f
  126. + [[ '' = download ]]
  127. + [[ ! '' = download ]]
  128. + deps+=($($cower -d $f $@ -t $buildDir | awk -F " " '{print $2}'| sed -r "s:\x1B\[[0-9;]*[mK]::g"))
  129. ++ awk -F ' ' '{print $2}'
  130. ++ sed -r 's:\x1B\[[0-9;]*[mK]::g'
  131. ++ cower --color=always -d -f arch-bubble-icons -t /Common/Builds/aur
  132. + timeout arch-bubble-icons
  133. ++ echo arch-bubble-icons
  134. ++ grep -v 'Couldn'\''t resolve host name'
  135. ++ grep -v 'no results found for'
  136. + [[ -z arch-bubble-icons ]]
  137. + for i in '${aurpkgs[@]}'
  138. + . /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons/PKGBUILD
  139. ++ pkgname=arch-bubble-icons
  140. ++ pkgver=0.4.3
  141. ++ pkgrel=1
  142. ++ pkgdesc='A selection of icons to use with your favorite window manager.'
  143. ++ arch=(any)
  144. ++ url=
  145. ++ license=('GPL')
  146. ++ options=('!strip')
  147. ++ source=($pkgver.tar.gz)
  148. ++ md5sums=('321e24b02b4b35f6d28fed492810c38e')
  149. + sourcedpkgs+=($(echo -e "${depends[*]}\n${makedepends[*]}"))
  150. ++ echo -e '\n'
  151. + local j=0
  152. + depspkgs=($(expac -Q -v %n ${sourcedpkgs[@]} 2>&1 | grep 'error:' | awk -F " " '{print $3}'))
  153. ++ expac -Q -v %n
  154. ++ awk -F ' ' '{print $3}'
  155. ++ grep error:
  156. + depspkgs=(${depspkgs[@]//\'/})
  157. + depspkgs=(${depspkgs[@]//\`/})
  158. + [[ -n '' ]]
  159. + [[ -e /tmp/pacaurtmp-frank/repodepspkgs ]]
  160. + [[ -n '' ]]
  161. + [[ -n wine ]]
  162. + local j=0
  163. + [[ -n wine ]]
  164. + IgnoreDepsChecks arch-bubble-icons
  165. + unset deps
  166. + deps+=("${aurpkgs[@]}")
  167. + repodepspkgs=("${repodepspkgs[@]}" "${repodepsdepspkgs[@]}")
  168. + ConflictChecks arch-bubble-icons
  169. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  170. + local k=0
  171. + for i in '${deps[@]}'
  172. + unset conflicts
  173. + [[ -e /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons/PKGBUILD ]]
  174. ++ grep 'conflicts=(' /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons/PKGBUILD
  175. + [[ -n '' ]]
  176. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  177. + conflicts=($(expac -Q %n "$i"))
  178. ++ expac -Q %n arch-bubble-icons
  179. + conflicts=($(expac -Q %n "${conflicts[@]}"))
  180. ++ expac -Q %n arch-bubble-icons
  181. + [[ arch-bubble-icons =~ arch-bubble-icons ]]
  182. + continue
  183. + ReinstallChecks arch-bubble-icons
  184. + exist=($(expac -Q %n ${deps[@]}))
  185. ++ expac -Q %n arch-bubble-icons
  186. + Qversion=($(expac -Q %v ${deps[@]}))
  187. ++ expac -Q %v arch-bubble-icons
  188. + (( i=0 ))
  189. + (( i<1 ))
  190. + [[ arch-bubble-icons =~ arch-bubble-icons ]]
  191. + GetAurVersion arch-bubble-icons
  192. ++ cut -d = -f 2-
  193. ++ grep '^pkgver' /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons/PKGBUILD
  194. + Apkgver=0.4.3
  195. ++ grep '^pkgrel' /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons/PKGBUILD
  196. ++ cut -d = -f 2-
  197. + Apkgrel=1
  198. + Aversion=0.4.3-1
  199. ++ vercmp 0.4.3-1 0.4.3-1
  200. + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
  201. + warn 'arch-bubble-icons-0.4.3-1 is up to date -- reinstalling'
  202. + echo -e '\e[1;33m:: arch-bubble-icons-0.4.3-1 is up to date -- reinstalling'
  203. :: arch-bubble-icons-0.4.3-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
  204. + (( i++ ))
  205. + (( i<1 ))
  206. + OutofdateChecks arch-bubble-icons
  207. + for i in '${deps[@]}'
  208. + paraexec
  209. + DownloadJson arch-bubble-icons
  210. + [[ ! -f /tmp/pacaurtmp-frank/arch-bubble-icons.json ]]
  211. + curl -Lfs ''
  212. ++ wc -l
  213. ++ jobs
  214. + (( 1 >= 10 ))
  215. + wait
  216. + for i in '${deps[@]}'
  217. ++ grep '"OutOfDate":"1"' /tmp/pacaurtmp-frank/arch-bubble-icons.json
  218. + [[ -n '' ]]
  219. + MakePkgs arch-bubble-icons
  220. + [[ -n sync ]]
  221. + echo -e '\n\e[1;33mAUR Targets (1): arch-bubble-icons'
  223. AUR Targets (1): arch-bubble-icons
  224. + [[ ! -n sync ]]
  225. + echo ''
  227. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  228. + proceedY 'Proceed with installation?'
  229. + echo -ne 'Proceed with installation? [Y/n] '
  230. Proceed with installation? [Y/n] + read -n 1 yn
  231. y+ echo ''
  233. + case $yn in
  234. + return 0
  235. + EditPkgs arch-bubble-icons
  236. + [[ -n true ]]
  237. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  238. + for i in '"$@"'
  239. + [[ -n sync ]]
  240. + proceedY '\e[1;34m:: Edit \e[1;39march-bubble-icons PKGBUILD?'
  241. + echo -ne '\e[1;34m:: Edit \e[1;39march-bubble-icons PKGBUILD? [Y/n] '
  242. :: Edit arch-bubble-icons PKGBUILD? [Y/n] + read -n 1 yn
  243. n+ echo ''
  245. + case $yn in
  246. + return 1
  247. + continue
  248. + deps=($(echo ${deps[@]} | awk -F "\n" '{print}' | awk -F " " '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) print $i}'))
  249. ++ echo arch-bubble-icons
  250. ++ awk -F '\n' '{print}'
  251. ++ awk -F ' ' '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) print $i}'
  252. + [[ true != true ]]
  253. + export PACMAN=pacman-color
  254. + PACMAN=pacman-color
  255. + for i in '"${deps[@]}"'
  256. + [[ -n '' ]]
  257. + [[ -n '' ]]
  258. + [[ -e /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons/PKGBUILD ]]
  259. + info 'Building \e[1;39march-bubble-icons package...'
  260. + echo -e '\e[1;34m:: Building \e[1;39march-bubble-icons package...'
  261. :: Building arch-bubble-icons package...
  262. + cd /Common/Builds/aur/arch-bubble-icons
  263. + [[ -n true ]]
  264. + yes
  265. + makepkg -sfi
  266. ==> WARNING: Sudo can not be found. Will use su to acquire root privileges.
  267. ==> Making package: arch-bubble-icons 0.4.3-1 (2011. okt. 22., szombat, 23.10.39 CEST)
  268. ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
  269. ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
  270. ==> Retrieving Sources...
  271. -> Found bubble-icons-0.4.3.tar.gz
  272. ==> Validating source files with md5sums...
  273. bubble-icons-0.4.3.tar.gz ... Passed
  274. ==> Extracting Sources...
  275. -> Extracting bubble-icons-0.4.3.tar.gz with bsdtar
  276. ==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
  277. ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
  278. ==> Starting build()...
  279. ==> Tidying install...
  280. -> Purging other files...
  281. -> Compressing man and info pages...
  282. ==> Creating package...
  283. -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  284. -> Compressing package...
  285. ==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
  286. ==> Finished making: arch-bubble-icons 0.4.3-1 (2011. okt. 22., szombat, 23.10.42 CEST)
  287. ==> Installing package arch-bubble-icons with pacman-color -U...
  288. standard in must be a tty
  289. ==> WARNING: Failed to install built package(s).
  290. + [[ -n true ]]
  291. + [[ ! -n '' ]]
  292. + isexpl=false
  293. + for j in '${pkgs[@]}'
  294. + [[ arch-bubble-icons = arch-bubble-icons ]]
  295. + isexpl=true
  296. + [[ true != true ]]
  297. + [[ -n true ]]
  298. + [[ =~ --asdeps ]]
  299. + [[ -n true ]]
  300. + [[ =~ --asexplicit ]]
  301. + CleanUp arch-bubble-icons
  302. + [[ false = true ]]
  303. + exit
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