
PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz

Mar 14th, 2015
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  1. teh penguins > dem wines
  2. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > haha
  3. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > I'm not that much of a whiner, when you get killed it's your fault, no need to rage
  4. teh penguins > Only had like 3 bottles Swear
  5. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > hahahaha
  6. teh penguins > This is a Tomezone thing I've found out
  7. teh penguins > the last 3 miners I killed "Lol damn you got me"
  8. teh penguins > timezone
  9. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > lol
  10. teh penguins > I really want to find a venture in .5
  11. teh penguins > I can gank them with a small blaster venture
  12. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > I'm guessing you'll find more in lowsec
  13. teh penguins > nah
  14. teh penguins > I've had a long and storied past of lowsec
  15. teh penguins > nullsec, wormhole space
  16. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > wow
  17. teh penguins > I'm more into Nullsec carebearing/ highsec ganking now
  18. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > i've never even been to nullsec :/
  19. teh penguins > wormholes have very little pvp now, and lowsec is much more competitive used to be very easy to take over with a few smart people
  20. teh penguins > now larger more organized groups are taking it over
  21. teh penguins > ah, NUllsec is easy
  22. teh penguins > especially in goonswarp
  23. teh penguins > go check out <url=joinChannel:-66414639//None//None>KF_Public</url>
  24. teh penguins > Karmafleet is a noobie/new player orented sort of corp
  25. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > I don't exactly think i'm ready for ganking and nullsec yet, but maybe one day
  26. teh penguins > with all the benefits of goonswarm alliance
  27. teh penguins > I disagree
  28. teh penguins > someone who played the game for 7 days earned 1 billion isk in this alliance
  29. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > wow!
  30. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > holy crap
  31. teh penguins > all he could do was loot and salvage combat sites from people doing them
  32. teh penguins > which there are a lot of because of laziness to salvage or loot
  33. teh penguins > he played a lot of the day is the truth
  34. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > okay, I might have to reconsider then
  35. teh penguins > but still scale it down and you're talking a billion a few weeks if you're not doing a lot
  36. teh penguins > first 7 days of his account.
  37. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > mining is boring and only gives 40mil a day or something
  38. teh penguins > mining in nullsec is quite a bit more isk
  39. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > but more isk= more risk
  40. teh penguins > not much
  41. teh penguins > there are roaming gangs that try to kill you
  42. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > oh well
  43. teh penguins > but they're very few and far between
  44. teh penguins > especially durring this timezone
  45. teh penguins > it's a giant blue oasis, aka only people that won't shoot you
  46. teh penguins > Goons own a LOT of space
  47. teh penguins > I didn't believe it till I joined.
  48. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > all sounds very intersting, I must say
  49. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > If I join I would like to have my combat skills trained a fair bit higher tho, even if it's not really needed
  50. teh penguins > KarmaFleet is a good introduction to goonswarm
  51. teh penguins > if you don't like it, leave right?
  52. teh penguins > But really I moved all my alts into it, am having a lot of fun
  53. teh penguins > get some random Dread Gurista drop it's like 500m
  54. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > I'll note it down, and when i'm ready, i'll join
  55. teh penguins > get a officer spawn in a belt, 1+b---->6b?
  56. teh penguins > : )
  57. teh penguins > just spreading the word
  58. teh penguins > it's an easy corp to get into nullsec life
  59. teh penguins > take it easy, : )
  60. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > nullsec life sounds very interesting, and especially profitable so my interest is sparked, and there's a fair chance i'll show up one day
  61. teh penguins > It's nice once you get jump clones
  62. teh penguins > you can transition between whatever space you want
  63. teh penguins > do money making in nullsec, jump clone to highsec sell stuff/visit friends do PVP gank whatever
  64. teh penguins > go back to nullsec and gain sec status/money
  65. teh penguins > repeart
  66. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > it sounds so easy
  67. teh penguins > it pretty much is
  68. teh penguins > I used to live in Nullsec but not Sov null, it was NPC
  69. teh penguins > so anyone could love in any station was hell
  70. teh penguins > in Sov Nullsec like Goons have only we dock in station
  71. teh penguins > the systems belong to us
  72. teh penguins > pretty nice
  73. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > so it's actually like space with pretty much no enemies?
  74. teh penguins > there can be enemies
  75. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > but are they planty?
  76. teh penguins > but they can't dock up in a station, so they HAVE to be in space
  77. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > plenty*
  78. teh penguins > sometimes yes, but not on a day to day basis
  79. teh penguins > CFC ( goon space ) is very safe
  80. teh penguins > you can mostly AFK mine/do sites making isk most days
  81. teh penguins > we have lots of ice fields too lol
  82. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > it almosts sounds as if it's safer than lowsec
  83. teh penguins > oh way safer than lowsec
  84. teh penguins > I loved lowsec
  85. teh penguins > so unsafe
  86. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > my knowledge has been so wrong all along, lol
  87. teh penguins > I thought the same thing
  88. teh penguins > figured it was progressions downward
  89. teh penguins > but it's all weird sideways and slight percenteage shifts up and down
  90. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > you've opened a whole new world to me
  91. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > tyvm
  92. teh penguins > you deserve it man
  93. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > thanks
  94. teh penguins > let me know anything I can do to help you later bro, Karma Fleet is pretty awesome Tell your firneds, lets get on some Fleets together and learn the game for you
  95. teh penguins > I'm going to get going now, almost downtime
  96. teh penguins > but I'll save you asa contact, and maybe you'll stop by the KF_Public chat sometime and check out what we have to offer.
  97. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > okay, I hope to see you later some day!
  98. teh penguins > of course, have a good afternoon
  99. PanzerKnoef Drobevzoz > ty, enjoy your day!
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