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Born to Die, VRLD is a fuck

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Feb 12th, 2017
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  1. [5:56 PM] nny: oof, that VRLD kickstarter still only has $81 funded
  2. [5:58 PM] MoustachesAreCool: haha forgot about that one
  3. [5:58 PM] MoustachesAreCool: poor guys :smile:
  4. [5:58 PM] nny: and their most recent update is. . . complaining about people criticizing their lack of a definite product/end result for the kickstarter
  5. [5:59 PM] MoustachesAreCool: One word. Is it cool, or is it trash?
  6. [5:59 PM] MoustachesAreCool: the later, sorry vrld :smile:
  7. [6:12 PM] nny: It's just too vague for people to put their money into
  8. [6:14 PM] MoustachesAreCool: I don't even think THEY know what they're about
  9. [6:25 PM] nny: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. [6:25 PM] nny: wonder if they'll pop back in here again sometime
  11. [6:34 PM] GasketCase: And it's not like it's not an original idea
  12. [6:34 PM] GasketCase: What little of an idea there is
  13. [6:34 PM] GasketCase: "Guys it's like second life but with better graphics and VR"
  14. [6:54 PM] webhead2oo9: They've been member in here since December
  15. [6:54 PM] webhead2oo9: I'm watching don't worry
  16. [6:55 PM] webhead2oo9: I'm not okay with people just using the discord for purely Kickstarter advertising and not being part of the community
  17. [6:58 PM] GasketCase: I think we need to bring them back for questioning
  18. [6:58 PM] GasketCase: Some sort of AMA
  19. [7:00 PM] MoustachesAreCool: I feel like anything that requires them talking to their potential customers is best avoided
  20. [7:00 PM] MoustachesAreCool: For their own sake.
  21. [7:03 PM] GasketCase: I mean
  22. [7:03 PM] GasketCase: Worst case scenario they offend 3 people
  23. [7:03 PM] GasketCase: Which is the current number of backers they have
  24. [7:05 PM] nighcol: savage
  25. [7:06 PM] GasketCase: I just read the kickstarter and best I can figure their idea can be boiled down into "photorealistic Tony Stark Minecraft Second Life Bitcoin using humans as a power source"
  26. [7:07 PM] GasketCase: It reads a lot like some ideas I had when I was 8
  27. [7:07 PM] nighcol: I bet they'd raise at least as much if they had as the description
  28. [7:08 PM] GasketCase: And even more if they took down that video
  29. [7:09 PM] nighcol: well, it wasn't good but I've seen much worse videos on kickstarter :P
  30. [7:10 PM] GasketCase: They'd be just as well off putting using a video of Planet Earth B roll set to Kraftwerk and replacing the text with Lorem Ipsum
  31. [7:10 PM] nighcol: I think the video would work pretty well if they just replaced the audio with music
  32. [7:11 PM] GasketCase: It really doesn't contribute anything
  33. [7:11 PM] GasketCase: They're in it, right?
  34. [7:11 PM] GasketCase: I haven't watched it since they first posted it here
  35. [7:12 PM] MoustachesAreCool: There's one guy in it that barely speaks english which I guess is the guy that wrote here. The lady is probably someone who was paid to speak on his behalf
  36. [7:12 PM] nighcol: yeah, IIRC there are two people that I assume are the ones who are running it
  37. [7:13 PM] nighcol: I think they mentioned a male and a female name as being the team
  38. [7:13 PM] MoustachesAreCool: probs is her then
  39. [7:14 PM] GasketCase: Yes, I definitely remember that
  40. [7:16 PM] GasketCase: "Theory nowadays is a peanuts"
  42. [7:16 PM] MoustachesAreCool: haha :smile:
  43. [7:16 PM] GasketCase: I'm so using that
  44. [7:17 PM] nighcol: I can't find a mention of anyone else besides "Alex" now in the giant wall of text they have there so I guess I misremembered
  45. [7:18 PM] GasketCase: @nighcol No I definitely remember a two person team as well
  46. [7:20 PM] nighcol: I wonder how many questions did they actually receive, are they referring to the comments here :P
  47. [7:24 PM] GasketCase: Well they're definitely not referring to comments on kickstarter
  48. [7:25 PM] nighcol: ah, found the part where they have a few sentences about the team... the people on the video are probably Alex and co-founder Natalia unless they're the unnamed 2 programmers or the artist
  49. [7:26 PM] GasketCase: Well a 2-5 person team should be large enough to complete one of the most ambitious video game undertakings to date
  50. [7:26 PM] GasketCase: I'll invest in that
  51. [7:27 PM] nighcol: of course, especially since all we know about them are the first names of 2/5 :P
  52. [7:29 PM] GasketCase: Yeah but I had a friend named Alex who was a rea gol getter in high school
  53. [9:53 PM] nny: man I love the constant tony stark references in there
  54. [9:53 PM] nny: what I also don't understand about VRLD is that it explicitly is called VRLD
  55. [9:53 PM] nny: but their description of it/their 'ideas video' shows very AR-style imposed graphics
  56. [9:55 PM] nny: and, again, right after they posted I looked them up and their reddit community had been very recently banned for ToS
  57. [9:59 PM] nny: they also have several direct quotes that are either not attributed to anyone, or (from what I can tell) rather highly paraphrased
  59. [10:01 PM] nny: Which is a quote that no one has ever said, not even them (not directly, as such) a concept that does not appear in a google search (you would think it would, for 'THE LAST TECH PROBLEM'), and somewhat hyperbolic besides
  60. [10:01 PM] GasketCase: WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
  61. [10:01 PM] nny: so why is it in quotation marks??
  62. [10:01 PM] nny: it's not a quote OF anything
  64. [10:01 PM] nny: Teleportation apparently
  65. [10:02 PM] nny: Question: Why are they promising a revolutionary VR landscape and yet can't even go so far as to hire someone that can write or at least proofread the kickstarter brief
  66. [10:02 PM] nny: the thing is absolutely riddled with weird syntax and phrasing
  67. [10:03 PM] GasketCase: I love that they're asking if it's a good idea
  68. [10:03 PM] GasketCase: I mean yeah, it is
  69. [10:03 PM] GasketCase: Everyone has had that idea
  70. [10:03 PM] nny: they also have this rather interesting post on the unreal forums before the kickstarter began
  71. [10:03 PM] GasketCase: it's the jetpack of video games
  72. [10:03 PM] nny: "the weird Unity" is quite a turn of phrase
  73. [10:03 PM] GasketCase: Literally everyone has come up with some variation of that idea
  74. [10:03 PM] GasketCase: The issue is that nobody has come close to making a worthwhile version of it
  75. [10:05 PM] GasketCase: "Such projects have not presented on crowdfunding yet, similar ones immediately got a dozen billions from venture capital funds. We hope that people will support us, as the project is rather social than commercial." Jesus christ it's like Ernest Hemingway had a baby with Willian Shakespeare
  76. [10:05 PM] GasketCase: and then that baby had literally nothing to ever do with this kickstarter project
  77. [10:05 PM] nny:
  78. [10:05 PM] nny: very nebulous "is this a good idea" questions and rather indirect, circuitous briefs and ideas seem to be a running theme
  79. [10:06 PM] GasketCase: "We want to create a true Virtual Reality, seamless 3D world where a user is able to carry out any everyday stuff, work, entertainment, etc."
  80. [10:06 PM] GasketCase: WORK
  81. [10:06 PM] GasketCase: THEY WANT TO WORK IN VR
  82. [10:06 PM] GasketCase: There is one item in that list that I want to do in VR
  83. [10:06 PM] GasketCase: Entertainment
  84. [10:06 PM] nny: from their own guide on 'how to succeed in a kickstarter' "2) Make a demo. Don't trust any sh*t like "share your idea", "crowdfunding is for ideas" and so on.[...]"
  85. [10:06 PM] nny: They learned and wrote that lesson pretty quickly, evidently
  86. [10:07 PM] GasketCase: I also enjoy that they decided that the best way to make Photorealistic Real Life Simulator 2019 (which is their target launch year, by the way) is in fucking Unreal Engine
  87. [10:07 PM] nny: I just can't get over that they call it VRLD, promise a virtual reality platform and then their front and center goofy video is showing AR(edited)
  88. [10:08 PM] nny: which is a distinction you learn in approximately 30 seconds if you're serious about this kind of technology, given that things like hololens and magic leap are pretty high profile too
  89. [10:08 PM] nny: The level of effort put into writing all of this does not gel with the lack of a grasp of some of these concepts
  90. [10:08 PM] GasketCase: Lmao their videos are from Rockband VR and that photorealistic apartment demo from 3 years ago
  91. [10:09 PM] nny: the problem, at the end of the day, is that they want people to trust them with $100,000 while also using some of the most untrustworthy marketing language possible
  92. [10:09 PM] GasketCase: Oh and apparently they want to also make Jarvis
  93. [10:10 PM] GasketCase: I think the idea of the AR video is that you can have AR-like things happen in VR
  94. [10:11 PM] nny: I suppose, but this is all just
  95. Very, very dicey
  96. [10:12 PM] GasketCase: It's like they went through Steam, Oculus Home, and the last 10 years of movies, wrote down every idea they saw, and just went "yep"
  97. February 12, 2017
  98. [1:45 AM] nny: okay
  99. [1:46 AM] nny: after going through their youtube channel i'm further convinced this is just not going anywhere(edited)
  100. [1:48 AM] nny: from showing a promised 'free procedural open world' that's an UE4 example, to the 'story of a project' that basically is nothing but stock footage (only some of it related to VR), a computerized voice, and using footage of protests, fighting in aleppo, and weirdly menacing/dramatic music
  101. [1:50 AM] nny: when people are working on games and experiences, making a big focus talking about in-VR programming and business/finances seems extremely misguided, at least to do so right now
  102. [2:26 AM] Zerithax: @nny I'm glad I'm not the only one that was confused when they said "I want to build this cool world" then threw together random unrelated scenes of weird shit.
  103. [2:44 AM] nny: i'm just confused, suspicious and honestly a little bit offended by their attempt at an emotional appeal, especially when they've presented such inconsistent and bizarre marketing and yet then complain about a lukewarm reception
  104. [2:45 AM] nny: Also, insulting people (re: attention spans, having a prototype, their second Kickstarter update) is perhaps not the way to curry their favor and their kickstarterbux
  105. [2:47 AM] nny: "is it cool, or is it trash?" the idea of a big customizable vr world: cool
  106. execution: trash
  107. proof of concept: almost labyrinthine in its construction
  108. you can't judge a kickstarter solely based on an idea when all the means of execution are totally incomplete or obfuscated somehow
  109. [2:48 AM] nny: also, I have something to postulate:
  110. [2:48 AM] nny: if you can get a "rating boost" for backing, and ratings directly correspond to your ability to create/keep around objects you've made, which you're apparently (in the best case) supposed to be able to make money off of creating and sharing
  111. [2:48 AM] nny: aren't you, by giving free ratings and thus free attention/longevity to their particular marketed content, breaking kickstarter tos
  112. [2:52 AM] nny: also their rewards say to reference their FAQ which, in turn, does not exist
  113. [2:52 AM] nny: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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