

Jul 14th, 2018
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  1. #Best PvE: A scenario by: Terribuilder/Dans1988 - Skripted by: Bitlington/Codes97
  3. #The Configurations
  4. options:
  5. name: &f[&cBestPvE&f]&b
  7. variables:
  8. {join.%player%}="offline"
  12. #Commands
  13. command /bestpve <text>:
  14. description: Switches the state of the Best PvE scenario.
  15. usage: /bestpve <on/off/toggle>
  16. permission: bestpve.skript
  17. executable by: players and console
  18. aliases: /bpve
  19. trigger:
  20. if arg 1 is "on":
  21. if {pve} is "on":
  22. message "{@name} Sorry cannot do. This is already enabled."
  23. stop
  24. else:
  25. loop all players:
  26. set {bestpve.%loop-player%} to "list"
  27. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  28. set {join.%loop-player%} to "online"
  29. broadcast "{@name} is enabled"
  30. set {pve} to "on"
  31. set {currenthearts} to 10
  32. if arg 1 is "off":
  33. if {pve} is "off":
  34. message "{@name} Sorry cannot do. This is already disabled."
  35. stop
  36. else:
  37. loop all players:
  38. set {bestpve.%loop-player%} to "off"
  39. execute console command "/playsound mob.wolf.howl %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  40. broadcast "{@name} is disabled"
  41. set {pve} to "off"
  42. if arg 1 is "toggle":
  43. if {pve} is "off":
  44. loop all players:
  45. set {bestpve.%loop-player%} to "list"
  46. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  47. set {join.%loop-player%} to "online"
  48. broadcast "{@name} is enabled"
  49. set {pve} to "on"
  50. stop
  51. if {pve} is "on":
  52. loop all players:
  53. set {bestpve.%loop-player%} to "off"
  54. execute console command "/playsound mob.wolf.howl %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  55. broadcast "{@name} is disabled"
  56. set {pve} to "off"
  57. set {currenthearts} to 10
  58. set {round} to 0
  59. stop
  61. command /iambestpve:
  62. description: Tells the player if they on the Best PvE list.
  63. trigger:
  64. if {bestpve.%command sender%} is "list":
  65. message "{@name} Yes, you are on the Best PvE list."
  66. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  67. else:
  68. message "{@name} No, you are off the Best PvE list."
  69. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  71. command /isbestpveon:
  72. description: Tells the player if the Best PvE scenario is on.
  73. trigger:
  74. if {pve} is "on":
  75. message "{@name} Yes, Best PvE is on."
  76. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  77. else:
  78. message "{@name} No, Best PvE is off."
  79. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  81. command /addbestpve <player>:
  82. description: Adds the player to the best PvE list.
  83. usage: /addbestpve <player>
  84. permission: bestpve.skript
  85. trigger:
  86. set {bestpve.%arg 1%} to "list"
  87. broadcast "{@name} %arg 1% is now on the Best PvE list."
  88. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  90. command /normalhealth <player>:
  91. description: Sets the player to normal health
  92. usage: /normalhealth <player>
  93. permission: bestpve.skript
  94. aliases: /nh
  95. trigger:
  96. set {_player} to arg 1
  97. set {_player}'s max health to 10
  98. broadcast "{@name} %arg 1% is now at normal health."
  99. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  100. heal {_player}
  103. command /removebestpve <player>:
  104. description: Removes the player to the best PvE list.
  105. usage: /removebestpve <player>
  106. permission: bestpve.skript
  107. trigger:
  108. set {bestpve.%arg 1%} to "off"
  109. broadcast "{@name} %arg 1% is off on the Best PvE list."
  110. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  112. command /healthreset:
  113. description: Resets everyone's health.
  114. permission: bestpve.skript
  115. trigger:
  116. loop all players:
  117. set loop-player's health to 10
  118. set loop-player's max health to 10
  119. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %arg 1% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  120. broadcast "{@name} All player's health have had a global reset by %command sender%!"
  123. command /bestpvehelp:
  124. description: Teaches you about the Best PvE scenario.
  125. aliases: /bph, /bphelp,
  126. trigger:
  127. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  128. message "{@name} This is the Best PvE scenario. Created by: /u/Dans1988 and skripted by /u/Bitlington"
  129. wait 0.1 seconds
  130. message "{@name} At the beginning of the game, all players are added to a ""best PvE"" list. Every 10 minutes, they are healed by 1 heart and get 1 potential heart."
  131. wait 0.1 seconds
  132. message "{@name} When you take damage you are removed from this list. When you kill someone, you are on the list."
  133. wait 0.1 seconds
  134. message "{@name} Some useful commands are /iambestpve and /isbestpveon - Thanks for Reading - Bit!"
  135. if player is an op:
  136. message "{@name} Mister.Op here is the commands to help you run this scenario."
  137. wait 0.1 seconds
  138. message "{@name} /removebestpve , /normalhealth, /bestpve <on/off/toggle> , /addbestpve , /healthreset . - Bit!"
  141. #The Real Deal
  143. on damage of player:
  144. if {pve} is "on":
  145. if damage was caused by a projectile:
  146. projectile is not a snowball:
  147. if {bestpve.%victim%} is "list":
  148. set {bestpve.%victim%} to "off"
  149. message "{@name} You are no longer on the BestPvE list." to the victim
  150. execute console command "/playsound mob.wolf.howl %victim% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  152. else:
  153. if {bestpve.%victim%} is "list":
  154. set {bestpve.%victim%} to "off"
  155. message "{@name} You are no longer on the BestPvE list." to the victim
  156. execute console command "/playsound mob.wolf.howl %victim% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  158. on death of player:
  159. if {pve} is "on":
  160. if {bestpve.%attacker%} is "off":
  161. set {bestpve.%attacker%} to "list"
  162. message "{@name} You are now on the BestPvE list." to the attacker
  163. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %attacker% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  165. every 10 minutes:
  166. if {pve} is "on":
  167. set {currenthearts} to {currenthearts} + 1
  168. set {round} to {round} + 1
  169. loop all players:
  170. if {bestpve.%loop-player%} is "list":
  171. set loop-player's max health to loop-player's max health + 1
  172. add 1 to loop-player's health
  173. execute console command "/playsound mob.wolf.howl %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  174. broadcast "{@name} Best PvE players gained a heart."
  175. #Login System
  178. on login:
  179. {pve} is "on":
  180. if {bestpve.%player%} is "list":
  181. player's max health is not {currenthearts}:
  182. wait 0.5 seconds
  183. set player's max health to {currenthearts}
  184. add {left.%player%} to player's health
  185. message "{@name} Your health is fixed."
  186. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  188. on disconnect:
  189. {pve} is "on":
  190. if {bestpve.%player%} is "list":
  191. set {left.%player%} to {round}
  193. on login:
  194. {pve} is "on":
  195. if {join.%player%} is "offline":
  196. set {join.%player%} to "online"
  197. player's max health is not {currenthearts}
  198. heal player
  199. add {round} to player's health
  200. message "{@name} Your health is fixed."
  201. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  203. on login:
  204. {pve} is "off":
  205. {bestpve.%player%} is "list":
  206. player's max health is more than 10:
  207. {left.%player%} is more than 0:
  208. execute player command "/normalhealth %player%"
  209. execute player command "/removebestpve %player%"
  211. on login:
  212. {pve} is "off":
  213. player's max health is more than 10:
  214. {left.%player%} is more than 0:
  215. execute player command "/normalhealth %player%"
  216. execute player command "/removebestpve %player%"
  218. #Reset System
  220. on respawn:
  221. {pve} is "on":
  222. set the player's health to 10
  223. message "{@name} Thanks for playing"
  224. set the player's max health to 10
  226. #Makes Sure Best PvE is off when reloaded on turned on
  228. on skript start:
  229. set {pve} to "off"
  231. on skript load:
  232. set {pve} to "off"
  234. #End of Transmission
  236. #========================================================#
  237. #
  238. # LottoSK
  239. # 1.3
  240. #
  241. #========================================================#
  242. # by sh4dow | SpigotMC
  243. #========================================================#
  247. #========================================================#
  248. # Config
  249. #
  250. # Edit to your own liking
  251. #========================================================#
  252. options:
  253. command: lotto # Default command /lotto
  254. admin-permission: lottosk.admin # With this permission, they can end Lotto.
  255. enter-price: 1000 # Price to enter Lotto
  258. #========================================================#
  259. # Code
  260. #
  262. #========================================================#
  264. command /{@command} [<text>]:
  265. trigger:
  266. if arg 1 is set:
  267. if arg 1 is "list":
  268. message "&b&lLotto &r- &7Players:"
  269. loop {hasjoined::*}:
  270. message "&f%loop-index%"
  271. add 1 to {_all}
  272. message ""
  273. message "&e&lTotal players: &f%{_all}%"
  274. else if arg 1 is "join":
  275. if {hasjoined::%player%} is not set:
  276. set {hasjoined::%player%} to player
  277. execute console command "/eco take %player% {@enter-price}"
  278. message "&b&lLotto &r- &aYou have successfully entered Lotto!"
  279. add {@enter-price} to {lottoprize}
  280. stop
  281. else:
  282. message "&b&lLotto &r- &cYou already joined."
  283. else if arg 1 is "prize":
  284. message "&b&lLotto &r- &7Current prize: &6$&e%{lottoprize}%"
  285. else if arg 1 is "end":
  286. if player has permission "{@admin-permission}":
  287. set {_winner} to a random element of {hasjoined::*}
  288. message "&b&lLotto &r- &7WINNER: %{_winner}%"
  289. execute console command "/eco give %{_winner}% %{lottoprize}%"
  290. wait 5 ticks
  291. message "&b&lLotto &r- &7Rewarded winner with &6$&e%{lottoprize}%"
  292. wait 5 ticks
  293. delete {lottoprize}
  294. delete {hasjoined::*}
  295. message "&b&lLotto &r- &7Lotto has been reset."
  296. stop
  297. else:
  298. message "&b&lLotto &r- &cNo permission."
  299. else if arg 1 is "refund":
  300. if {hasjoined::%player%} is set:
  301. delete {hasjoined::%player%}
  302. execute console command "/eco give %player% {@enter-price}"
  303. message "&b&lLotto &r- &aYou have successfully left Lotto!"
  304. remove {@enter-price} from {lottoprize}
  305. stop
  306. else:
  307. message "&b&lLotto &r- &cYou are not in Lotto."
  308. else:
  309. message "&6-----------------------[&b&lLotto&6]-----------------------"
  310. message "&eJoining costs ${@enter-price} and the winner will get all the money people entered with."
  311. message ""
  312. message "&6/{@command} join &fJoin Lotto"
  313. message "&6/{@command} refund &fQuit Lotto"
  314. message "&6/{@command} list &fView list of players who joined"
  315. message "&6/{@command} prize &fView current prize"
  316. if player has permission "{@admin-permission}":
  317. message "&6/{@command} end &fProcess the Lotto & reset it"
  318. message ""
  319. message "&6-----------------------------------------------------"
  322. #========================================================#
  323. #
  324. # I hope you like my skript.
  325. # Please don't steal the code.
  326. # Thank you. :)
  327. #========================================================#
  329. function getJSON(item: item, name: text, message: text) :: text:
  330. set {_nbt} to "%nbt of {_item}%"
  331. if {_nbt} is "{}":
  332. set {_nbt} to ""
  333. else:
  334. set {_nbt} to ", tag: %{_nbt}%"
  335. replace all "'" with "" in {_nbt}
  336. replace all """" with "" in {_nbt}
  337. replace all "%{_message}%" with "&e»&r %{_name}% &e«&r" in {_message}
  338. #set {_message} to convert text {_message} to unicode
  339. set {_json} to "{""text"": ""%{_message}%"", ""hoverEvent"": {""action"": ""show_item"", ""value"": ""{id: %minecraft id of {_item}%, Damage: %data of {_item}%%{_nbt}%}""}}"
  340. return {_json}
  342. on chat:
  343. if message contains "[hand]", "[offhand]", "[helmet]", "[chestplate]", "[leggings]", "[boots]" or "[slot:]":
  344. if message contains "[hand]":
  345. add player's current hotbar slot to {_items::*}
  346. add "[hand]" to {_keywords::*}
  347. if message contains "[offhand]":
  348. if "%bukkit version%" doesn't contain "1.8":
  349. add 40 to {_items::*}
  350. add "[offhand]" to {_keywords::*}
  351. if message contains "[helmet]":
  352. add 39 to {_items::*}
  353. add "[helmet]" to {_keywords::*}
  354. if message contains "[chestplate]":
  355. add 38 to {_items::*}
  356. add "[chestplate]" to {_keywords::*}
  357. if message contains "[leggings]":
  358. add 37 to {_items::*}
  359. add "[leggings]" to {_keywords::*}
  360. if message contains "[boots]":
  361. add 36 to {_items::*}
  362. add "[boots]" to {_keywords::*}
  363. if size of {_keywords::*} > 0:
  364. cancel event
  365. loop {_keywords::*}:
  366. set {_keyword} to loop-value
  367. set {_rawMessages::*} to message split at "%{_keyword}%"
  368. set {_temp} to {_rawMessages::1}
  369. delete {_rawMessages::1}
  370. set {_rawMessage} to "%{_temp}%%{_keyword}%%join {_rawMessages::*} with """"%"
  371. set message to {_rawMessage}
  372. loop {_keywords::*}:
  373. set {_index} to "{I2C}:{%loop-index%}:{I2C}"
  374. replace all loop-value with {_index} in message
  375. set {_rawMessages::*} to message split at "{I2C}"
  376. loop {_rawMessages::*}:
  377. if "%loop-value%" doesn't contain ":{1}:", ":{2}:", ":{3}:", ":{4}:", ":{5}:" or ":{6}:":
  378. set {_rawMessages::%loop-index%} to "{""text"": ""%loop-value%""}"
  379. set {_rawMessage} to join {_rawMessages::*} with ", "
  380. loop {_items::*}:
  381. delete {_name}
  382. set {_slot} to loop-value
  383. set {_item} to slot {_slot} of player's inventory
  384. if {_item} is not air:
  385. set {_name} to name of slot {_slot} of player's inventory
  386. if {_name} is not set:
  387. set {_name} to "%minecraft id of {_item}%"
  388. replace all "minecraft:" with "" in {_name}
  389. replace all "_" with " " in {_name}
  390. set {_name} to 1st char in each word of {_name} to caps
  391. set {_json} to getJSON({_item}, {_name}, {_keywords::%loop-index%})
  392. replace all ":{%loop-index%}:" with {_json} in {_rawMessage}
  393. else:
  394. replace all ":{%loop-index%}:" with "{""text"": ""%{_keywords::%loop-index%}%""}" in {_rawMessage}
  395. set {_message::*} to message format split at "%%2$s"
  396. replace all "%%1$s" with player's display name in {_message::1}
  397. set {_message::1} to convert string {_message::1} to unicode
  398. execute console command "tellraw @a [{""text"": ""%{_message::1}%""}, %{_rawMessage}%]"
  400. options:
  401. tbl2: "&c█&a████████"
  402. tbl3: "&a█&c█&a███████"
  403. tbl4: "&a██&c█&a██████"
  404. tbl5: "&a███&c█&a█████"
  405. tbl6: "&a████&c█&a████"
  406. tbl7: "&a█████&c█&a███"
  407. tbl8: "&a██████&c█&a██"
  408. tbl9: "&a███████&c█&a█"
  409. tbl10: "&a████████&c█"
  410. tbl11: "&a███████&c█&a█"
  411. tbl12: "&a██████&c█&a██"
  412. tbl13: "&a█████&c█&a███"
  413. tbl14: "&a████&c█&a████"
  414. tbl15: "&a███&c█&a█████"
  415. tbl16: "&a██&c█&a██████"
  416. tbl17: "&a█&c█&a███████"
  417. tbl18: "&c█&a████████"
  418. tbl19: "&a█&c█&a███████"
  419. tbl20: "&a██&c█&a██████"
  420. tbl21: "&a███&c█&a█████"
  421. tbl22: "&a████&c█&a████"
  422. tbl23: "&a█████&c█&a███"
  423. tbl24: "&a██████&c█&a██"
  424. tbl25: "&a███████&c█&a█"
  425. tbl26: "&a████████&c█"
  426. tbl27: "&a███████&c█&a█"
  427. tbl28: "&a██████&c█&a██"
  428. tbl29: "&a█████&c█&a███"
  429. tbl30: "&a████&c█&a████"
  430. tbl31: "&a███&c█&a█████"
  431. tbl32: "&a██&c█&a██████"
  432. tbl33: "&a█&c█&a███████"
  433. speed: 2
  434. loopspeed: 34
  435. command /asaddline:
  436. permission: animatedsign.addline
  437. trigger:
  438. add location of target block to {animatedsign::*}
  439. message "&a&lANIMATEDSIGN &f» &7You Successfully Added."
  440. command /asremoveline:
  441. permission: animatedsign.removeline
  442. trigger:
  443. set {_loc} to location of target block
  444. remove {_loc} from {animatedsign::*}
  445. message "&a&lANIMATEDSIGN &f» &7You Successfully Removed."
  446. every {@loopspeed} ticks:
  447. loop {animatedsign::*}:
  448. set {_loc} to loop-value
  449. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl2}
  450. wait {@speed} ticks
  451. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl3}
  452. wait {@speed} ticks
  453. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl4}
  454. wait {@speed} ticks
  455. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl5}
  456. wait {@speed} ticks
  457. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl6}
  458. wait {@speed} ticks
  459. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl7}
  460. wait {@speed} ticks
  461. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl8}
  462. wait {@speed} ticks
  463. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl9}
  464. wait {@speed} ticks
  465. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl10}
  466. wait {@speed} ticks
  467. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl11}
  468. wait {@speed} ticks
  469. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl12}
  470. wait {@speed} ticks
  471. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl13}
  472. wait {@speed} ticks
  473. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl14}
  474. wait {@speed} ticks
  475. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl15}
  476. wait {@speed} ticks
  477. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl16}
  478. wait {@speed} ticks
  479. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl17}
  480. wait {@speed} ticks
  481. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl18}
  482. wait {@speed} ticks
  483. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl19}
  484. wait {@speed} ticks
  485. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl20}
  486. wait {@speed} ticks
  487. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl21}
  488. wait {@speed} ticks
  489. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl22}
  490. wait {@speed} ticks
  491. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl23}
  492. wait {@speed} ticks
  493. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl24}
  494. wait {@speed} ticks
  495. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl25}
  496. wait {@speed} ticks
  497. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl26}
  498. wait {@speed} ticks
  499. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl27}
  500. wait {@speed} ticks
  501. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl28}
  502. wait {@speed} ticks
  503. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl29}
  504. wait {@speed} ticks
  505. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl30}
  506. wait {@speed} ticks
  507. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl31}
  508. wait {@speed} ticks
  509. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl32}
  510. wait {@speed} ticks
  511. set line 1 of block at {_loc} to {@tbl33}
  512. wait {@speed} ticks
  514. options:
  515. world: FFA
  516. on join:
  517. set join message to "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &a&l%player%"
  518. wipe player's sidebar
  519. set name of sidebar of player to "&8» &2Z&aomies &8«"
  520. set score "&7" in sidebar of player to 3
  521. set score "&2L&aebende &2Z&aombies&2:" in sidebar of player to 2
  522. if {} is higher than 0:
  523. set score "&7&l%{}%" in sidebar of player to 1
  524. else:
  525. set score "&7&l0" in sidebar of player to 1
  526. set score "&8" in sidebar of player to 0
  527. on first join:
  528. set join message to "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &a&l%player%"
  529. on quit:
  530. set leave message to "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &c&l%player%"
  531. command /zombie [<text>] [<number>] [<text>]:
  532. trigger:
  533. if arg 1 is set:
  534. if arg 1 is "setapocalypse" or "seta":
  535. if player has permission "zombie.setapoc":
  536. if arg 2 is set:
  537. if arg 2 is 1:
  538. set {Zombie.Apocalypse.1} to location of player
  539. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Du hast die Apocalypse &61 &7Gesetzt!"
  540. stop
  541. if arg 2 is 2:
  542. set {Zombie.Apocalypse.2} to location of player
  543. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Du hast die Apocalypse &62 &7Gesetzt!"
  544. stop
  545. if arg 2 is 3:
  546. set {Zombie.Apocalypse.3} to location of player
  547. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Du hast die Apocalypse &63 &7Gesetzt!"
  548. stop
  549. if arg 2 is 4:
  550. set {Zombie.Apocalypse.4} to location of player
  551. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Du hast die Apocalypse &64 &7Gesetzt!"
  552. stop
  553. if arg 2 is 5:
  554. set {Zombie.Apocalypse.5} to location of player
  555. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Du hast die Apocalypse &65 &7Gesetzt!"
  556. stop
  557. if arg 2 is not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
  558. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Setapocalypse 1-5"
  559. stop
  560. else:
  561. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Setapocalypse 1-5"
  562. stop
  563. else:
  564. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Dazu bist du nicht Berechtigt!"
  565. stop
  566. if arg 1 is "apocalypse" or "apoc":
  567. if player has permission "zombie.apoc":
  568. add 25 to {}
  569. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  570. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  571. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  572. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  573. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  574. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  575. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  576. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  577. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  578. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  579. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  580. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  581. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  582. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  583. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  584. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  585. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  586. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  587. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  588. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  589. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  590. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  591. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  592. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  593. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  594. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  595. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Es wurden &e25 &7Gespawnt!"
  596. broadcast " "
  597. broadcast " &aEs ist eine Neue Zombie Welle mit &225 &aZomies Ausgebrochen!"
  598. broadcast " "
  599. invoke "scoreboard"
  600. stop
  601. else:
  602. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Dazu bist du nicht Berechtigt!"
  603. stop
  604. if arg 1 is "kill" or "clear":
  605. if player has permission "zombie.clear":
  606. set {} to 0
  607. kill all zombies
  608. invoke "scoreboard"
  609. else:
  610. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Dazu bist du nicht Berechtigt!"
  611. stop
  612. if arg 1 is not "kill" or "clear" or "apocalypse" or "apoc" or "setapocalypse" or "seta":
  613. if player has permission "":
  614. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7"
  615. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Setapocalypse 1-5 &8| &eSetzte die Spawns fuer die Apocalypsen"
  616. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Apocalypse &8| &eLasse eine Zombie Welle Ausbrechen."
  617. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Clear &8| &eToete die ganzen Zombies."
  618. stop
  619. else:
  620. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Dieser Commands exestiert nicht!"
  621. stop
  622. else:
  623. if player has permission "":
  624. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7"
  625. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Setapocalypse 1-5 &8| &eSetzte die Spawns fuer die Apocalypsen"
  626. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Apocalypse &8| &eLasse eine Zombie Welle Ausbrechen."
  627. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7/Zombie Clear &8| &eToete die ganzen Zombies."
  628. stop
  629. else:
  630. send "&8| &2Z&aombie &8» &7Dieser Commands exestiert nicht!"
  631. stop
  632. every minute:
  633. add 25 to {}
  634. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  635. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  636. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  637. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  638. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  639. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.1}
  640. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  641. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  642. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  643. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  644. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.2}
  645. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  646. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  647. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  648. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  649. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.3}
  650. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  651. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  652. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  653. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  654. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.4}
  655. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  656. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  657. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  658. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  659. spawn a zombie at location of {Zombie.Apocalypse.5}
  660. broadcast " "
  661. broadcast " &aEs ist eine Neue Zombie Welle mit &225 &aZomies Ausgebrochen!"
  662. broadcast " "
  663. invoke "scoreboard"
  664. on death of zombie:
  665. if victim is in world "{@world}":
  666. clear drops
  667. remove 1 from {}
  668. invoke "scoreboard"
  669. stop
  670. else:
  671. stop
  672. on npc right click:
  673. if citizen is named "&eShop":
  674. open chest with 3 rows named "&2Z&aombie &8- &7Shop" to player
  675. wait 1 tick
  676. set slot 0 of player's current inventory to diamond sword of sharpness 5, knockback 3
  677. stop
  678. sub "scoreboard":
  679. loop all players:
  680. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  681. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&8» &2Z&aomies &8«"
  682. set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  683. set score "&2L&aebende &2Z&aombies&2:" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  684. if {} is higher than 0:
  685. set score "&7&l%{}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  686. else:
  687. set score "&7&l0" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  688. set score "&8" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  689. command /ping:
  690. trigger:
  691. set {_ping} to player's ping
  692. send player title "&2%{_ping}%" for 1 second
  693. stop
  694. on hunger meter change:
  695. cancel event
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