

Mar 18th, 2018
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  1. on damage:
  2. victim and attacker is player
  3. damage cause is attack
  4. cancel event
  5. if {play.%victim%} is true:
  6. if {oni.%attacker%} is true:
  7. set {oni.%attacker%} to false
  8. set {oni.%victim%} to true
  9. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %victim% add oni"
  10. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %attacker% remove oni"
  11. broadcast "&c&l%victim%さんが鬼になりました!"
  12. execute console command "nte player %victim% prefix &4"
  13. execute console command "nte player %attacker% prefix &a"
  14. stop
  15. else:
  16. stop
  17. else:
  18. stop
  20. command /first:
  21. executable by: console
  22. trigger:
  23. set {start} to true
  24. broadcast "&a&l抽選中..."
  25. wait 5 seconds
  26. loop {play::*}:
  27. set {_oni} to random element of {play::*}
  28. broadcast "&b%{_oni}%"さんが鬼になりました!"
  29. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %{_oni}% add oni"
  30. execute console command "tellraw @a ["""",{""selector"":""@a[tag=oni]"",""color"":""aqua""},{""text"":""さんが鬼になりました!"",""color"":""yellow""}]"
  31. execute console command "start"
  33. command /play:
  34. trigger:
  35. if {start} is false:
  36. set {play::%player%} to true
  37. add 1 to {play}
  38. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %player% add play"
  39. broadcast "&a%player%さんが参加しました!"
  40. if {play} is 2:
  41. broadcast "&aあと15秒で抽選を開始します!抽選開始以降は参加できません。"
  42. wait 15 seconds
  43. execute console command "first"
  44. stop
  45. else:
  46. message "&c途中参加はできません。"
  48. command /start:
  49. executable by: console
  50. trigger:
  51. execute console command "gamemode adventure @a[tag=play]"
  52. execute console command "tp @a[tag=!oni] 492 4 175"
  53. broadcast "&b20秒後に鬼が解放されます..."
  54. wait 20 seconds
  55. execute console command "tp @a[tag=oni] 492 4 175"
  56. broadcast "&b&l鬼が解放されました!"
  57. wait 30 seconds
  58. broadcast "&a残り一分..."
  59. wait 30 seconds
  60. broadcast "&a残り三十秒..."
  61. wait 15 seconds
  62. broadcast "&a残り十五秒..."
  63. wait 12 seconds
  64. broadcast "&a3"
  65. wait 1 seconds
  66. broadcast "&a2"
  67. wait 1 seconds
  68. broadcast "&a1"
  69. wait 1 seconds
  70. broadcast "&b&l終了!"
  71. execute console command "end"
  73. command /end:
  74. executable by: console
  75. trigger:
  76. execute console command "tp @a 467 4 192"
  77. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove oni"
  78. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove play"
  79. delete {play}
  80. loop all players:
  81. delete {play.%loop-player%}
  82. set {start} to false
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