
Evemek: Malevolent Mischief

Apr 9th, 2016
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  1. Stomping into Tilandre, his anger still present as he grows angrier and angrier at the new construction of the churchs of Kraus, the betrayal of his people. Stomping around he will get the the market where HErmonie is supposibly normally at.
  3. "WHERE IS THIS SHE BITCH OF TILANDRE! Where is the betrayer of my people the counciller of Tilandre! I will speak to her now! She will not hide from this rightous judgement! I shall tear down any nest she has hidden away."
  5. His aura flareing with sacred water, sacred light, sacred flames, and sacred earth. The smells of charcoal, burning apple wood, a river, and the smell of the earth after a rain wich the feelings of working at a forge, the love of his work at a forge, the change undergone under a hammer at the forge, and the patience needed to work one. His smithing hammer in hand as it sparks with sacred power. Sacred flames shooting forth from his nose with each exhale. Jaw of Sacred water snapping at nearby passerbys who get too close.
  9. His foot crashing down causes Pillars of Sacred Earth to form around him, spelling out curses in Urayan against Hermonie.
  10. (Gabriel Maltak)
  12. Huxley following Gabriel towards Tilandre, He was hoping this won't result into a huge fight some how. As he had a choice. He was A protector Of flud...So that means he would protect people and if it had too he had a choice who to protect if it came to that.
  14. "Just make sure you don't do anything too wreckless." He spoke as he'd followed him into the city when he began to rant off about his mother with all the names. He wasn't sure if she was gonna come out or not.
  17. "Hey uhh around?" He'd asked silently not really wanting to be as loud as him but trying to get her out normally
  18. (Huxley Augustine)
  20. Wilson went to pull the rucksack. Wandering aroudn in Tilandre, and stretching his arms out. letting out a yawn. Then he turns to look right, and left. Scratching his jawline to get rid of some itches. He kind of slept alright. Not great. Not worst. Just kind of alright. Sliding himself across the stonetile. Awaiting for his application paperwork to be approved by the Arbitators.
  22. Then his eyebrow twitch when he hears screaming. Aggressive screaming. He lets out a sigh. Walking around the building to notice the familiar priest of Eraer. Who is now summoning pillars, and such. The yougn lad draws a looong sigh. Time to put down the word. The young lad strides toward the sacred pillar.
  24. He then rises his fist. Knocking against the rocky pillar, "Gabe! Enough of ya ruckus, or else I'll need to remind ya of what happen when Elaedac deals with screaming folks! Stand down, or may Davos remind ya of laws! Are you losing the sense gifted by Chuchifer himself, or what?!" The young man proclaim loudly. Speaking toward the priest of Eraer. Resting his hand onto his waist.
  26. "If you're pissed off at Councilor of Tilandre - Don't go around screaming. File the complaint, and deliever it to corruption office, and they'll sincerely go thorough the woman's role! Elaedac don't wanna pass her judgement onto ya for being dim-wit! Now will ya stand down, or what!"
  27. (Wilson Alsworth)
  29. Upon the end of which a clapping was heard and with that clapping the woman would turn around and give a narrowed gaze to the UNHURT man who had tricked her once, but he would not fool her again, that being said, she looked at Gabriel with the ruckus he was making and immediately pinched her nose and gazed at him, a trait that her father had passed down on her. She would then walk toward the angry man and sigh giving a singular word to him.
  31. "Cease and desist, You are in no position to be screaming and giving such curses. I understand my mother is a damned bigot, but this is not the way to get through to her, trust me in that regard. There are several ways to deal with this, but blind fury is not one of them and as a Leyworshipper and acquaintance, I would urge you to think for a second and make sure you aren't doing anything rash, friend..."
  33. She would give a one minute gesture to Evemek, but her eyes were settled on gabriel and even with the speech happening, there was sure to be a group of arbitrators gathering and converging upon the square as the girl spoke.
  35. "You are bordering on treason. So please, can I urge you to calm down and find another way to deal with these unchecked emotion?"
  36. (Circe A. Saleja)
  38. He'd slowly walked up to her sister by her side. Seems he was taking her sister's side as well as his mother's techinally she was right. If he sided with Gabriel it could end him up in a cell. He wasn't sure for how long but didn't wanna find out.
  41. "Y-yeaeh..your sorta already going with....S-s-sedition." He stuttered a bit nervous as it was his first time telling someone this. He was an Aribriator himself and he needs To handle this.
  44. "S-so I have to give you an order." He spoke and claered his throat. "You will stand down now..By the order of the Republic or face the consquences..." He spoke standing by his sister's side. As he'd started over at her and back at him.
  45. (Huxley Augustine)
  47. Things were running so smoothly for him... He was able to trick one with his magic save for one abnormality prior... And so, with the relentless drive to pursue tests and challenges for his talents, what else could he commit to? What more could he do prove prove to himself that his powers were growing potent? And as the pondered on such subject, he heard the voice of, perhaps the angriest Urayan he'd ever come across in his life.
  49. His presence seemed to be quite well-timed however, screaming out claims that borderlined treason. Magi grouped about the scene, all of which focused on one whom screamed out for Urayan rights. A beauty in its own art-- How one relished in the chaotic twist of mischief; It wasn't quite as satisfying as appeasing the violent tendencies wrought unto him by the Rune of Vengeance, but he'd be sated by it nonetheless.
  51. All this needed was the right push... And how was one to commit to the right nudge over the hill that this figurative boulder needed to cause damage? Soon, a threat from the Republic, against another persona fighting for rights? Hearing that alone was enough inspiration as to what he could do-- And with a scouring gaze, each individual at the scene was encapsulated in his gander-- All of which targetted by his occular-delivered spell.
  53. The realism in this cast, was intended, not to merely distract... But to incite. To Gabriel's aid, came a meager denizen of Tilandre, likely in support of the Uray faith. They'd have to be... Why else would they stand by his side?
  54. "WE WILL NOT STAND DOWN!" claimed a passionate supporter of the blacksmith.
  55. "THE MAN'S RIGHT, SHE HAS GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME!" They claimed further, earning support slowly, with the occasional person joining Gabriel's party.
  57. It wasn't sudden, but it was fast...
  58. With each individual, their chants praising that of the Maltak's claims proved boisterious; A fabricated variant of reality intended for the most realistic of qualities found in man. That of passion in their voices, and courage in the wake of a leading persona.
  61. A conjuration of such a mass scale was indeed taxing on Evemek... But it didn't stop the endeavor nonetheless... All he wished to see, was progression of the scenario. With his own means of dabbling, he could finally see it under the effect of his amplification... Assuming everything went according to his whilm.
  62. (Evemek)
  64. Anger continues to cloud what reason Gabriel has. His wrath growing by the moment and is further fueled on by the support given to him by the faithful around him. Snorting sacred flames out of his nostrils. His hands spreading wide as gobles of sacred earth falling from them.
  66. "Calm down? Treason? YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF TREASON! After all that the urayans have sacrificed for Tilandre, for the republic. AFTER I HAVE HELP MAKE THE GEAR YOU POINT AT ME? After my years of service helping the arbirators?"
  68. Turning to glare at Wilson, spitting on the ground in the form of Sacred water, that forms jaws and snaps at Wilson.
  70. "You speak of Elaedac? But I feel her wrath coursing through me even now. At this injustice I see every day brought on by Hermonies actions? On how when a Urayan dies for the defense of Tilandre and instead she rewards the church of Kraus and the church of Ryujin. How she insults me and my brothers and sisters of the faith in front of my home and workplace in Danarium, where she has no sway."
  72. Glareing at Circe and Huxley, stamping his feet as sacred flames bubble from his eyes as his fury grows..
  74. "When we have sacrificed much for Valmasia, dieing in the thousands in the flames of the occult and depraved. What do we get instead? A leader who hates her own children because of their faith. Her husband too cowed to do anything to defend his brothers. He stood by as his wife insulted me in front of my unborn children."
  76. A scream of pure rage spilling from his lips as he howels to the skies. Sacred flames exiting his mouth in a long plume.
  78. "I have had enough of standing around while the other councillers let this happen. I have enough standing around and letting the sacrifices of my brothers and sisters be ignored. I have had enough of persecution, of being called a heretic and ignorant by the very people who are supposed to protect our rights. I call out your mother. The counciller of Tilandre as unjust! I call out the counciller of Tilandre as someone who lets hate rule them. Who would rather honor someone who did not even fight than honor someone who died in the defeance of the people of Valmasia. Because of our faith and because of sacrifice. Of not wishing to inflict our beliefs on others, to give people a choice. Instead we let that woman and people like her walk over us. She is the reason we have no homeland anymore. She represents why the church of Kraus is corrupt. She represents how we cow under the lash in this land. She has cowed you two, one of whom can hear the voice of Flud into submission."
  80. Stamping on the ground again in rage, his holy symbol of Eraer sparking in anger along with him.
  82. "If I am accused of Treason then it is because I have been betrayed by the republic. Arrest me then, prove me right on how corrupt you all are. Cowed under the bootheel of not your rightful masters the Gods, but under the heel of a tyrant who even her own children agree she is bigitod. I will not remain here any longer to be insulted. For the temples to be destroyed, for my family in the faith to be lynched. I will not fight against you, but you prove me right!"
  83. (Gabriel Maltak)
  85. Circe being the woman she was stared at the Maltak closely, eyes like the brimstone of hellfire that was her will, Eyes were what burned into the urayan priest's eyes in contact, the other treasonous peoples being ignored as she held her hands up and looked at Gabriel with a rather contemptuous gaze
  87. "Injustice or no, I am here to serve Tilandre, not my mother and if you are to cause such Civil unrest in this city you are terribly wrong, I hold the highest regard for the church before me and even aspired once to become one of the sacred knights of Caendr, if you believe I hold contempt because my mother likes to insult the faith... You are wrong, but every single action you make right now is deciding whether or not you bring innocent people into this, Do you not know that?"
  89. The woman was enraged by the sheer ignorance of the people supporting this, she would note that there were several Arbitrators in the square at this point all to protect the city and suppress a riot, this was not a drill at all and it was more of an annoyance than anything else to the woman, she was actually about to deal with a troublemaker and all of this happens.
  91. "Your rage is very warranted, but the way you are using it is not, I understand you helped make these tools we use, and that your people have sacrificed to have their place here, I am not the one to be held responsible and even so innocence should not be endangered because of it. Faith and belief are irrelevent in the eyes of the law if you are acting on treasonous thoughts it isn't accusations, it is the blind truth of the law. Now CEASE AND DESIST!!! She called to not only Gabriel Maltak, but all of the surrounding unruly citizenry.
  93. "If you have a problem, please take it up with hermione herself in a nonviolent way or take it to the corruption office of the Republic."
  94. (Circe A. Saleja)
  96. An elder tolerates only so much, and as an already dutifully tired out Leonard approached upon the scene of the main square, only a solemn sigh, perhaps of annoyance, of disgust, can be heard. Gabriel had a point he had to make, one that was so adamantly ingrained in him that it felt as truth. As he approached, sacred lightning welled about him, matching the same corridors of motion of common lightning magic, only in the form of sacred power.
  98. The Marshall of the Sacred Knights, and an all-gods himself? Leonard Andeous, sparked in, coming to stand between Circe and Gabriel, face to face with the male of the two. "Enough. . ." He'd only just arrived, and had heard enough, no display of force as of yet was made, however, this was perhaps the most high of authority ally Gabriel might have present. Knight of Tilandre, Marshall of the Sacred Knights, and at that an All-gods.
  100. "Gabriel Maltak, first your wife puts up fliers questioning each and every councillor's activity, their presence in the republic, and whether or not they actually earn their position as councillor over their city, and now I see you come around, causing trouble in the city I am the Knight of? I don't care what this matter is about, but if the word treason is being tossed about so flippantly in it, I know that my daughter's words ring out as a warning. I cannot agree more with her, if you do not cease this action immediately, you will do something you regret." What was that? a warning or a promise? There was a pith of unpleasant memory, thinking back long past, to his last arguement with Tarrant, prior to the one where the woman he was bad mouthing was dead, and Leonard had to tell him such.
  102. Bright side being he wasn't deliverring news of some one's passing today, however Leonard's entirely golden eyes simply just glared at Gabriel, he was uprooting much of what'd been done over the last few decades, not a full century from whence Athena's essentially anti-Urayan campaign was a side-show to the anti-evil campaign.
  104. The idle experssion on Leonards face, it was an annoyed one, more so that this was the second time he was getting up in arms over it, whatever 'it' really was. Hermione wasn't the best of people, but if Leonard was truly unhappy, he'd have broken it off by now, would he not?
  106. Circe and Huxley might be well aware of the hard line that Leonard was being forced to traipse, between family and family, of one sense and the other.
  107. (Leonard Andeous)
  109. Wilson moves to slide his hand. Raising his hand to rest it onto Gabriel's shoulder. He leans a bit. Tilting his ocean-coloured eyes to look at the man. He's slightly upset he might have to go ahead, and mention one individual; "Beside - I don't think Clem'll like to hear her friend is in prison about Hermione's behaviour becoming more aggressive toward us Urayans. We can't do shit about her goings." The lad withdraws his hand away from the shoulder. Folding his arms.
  111. Letting out a sigh at the entire commotion being forged. Raising to prod the man's back, "And I must agree with Keeper. You'll end up doing something you'll really regret." The young intiate turns to look at the roaring crowds that surrond them. He isn't sure how they just came to be, or where they just came up from. Nor is he really going to bother dealing with the random bystandesr who's just coming in to support the priest.
  113. He then turns to look at the priest once more. "Keeper - While I am not with Gabe. I'm certainly must openly admit, Hermione needs a look-over. Considering her actions mostly seem to be playing some sort of favortism." The young lad openly admits about the opinion of the woman. He don't care much about her promoting kraus religion, or anything. . . .
  115. Just that she's just promoting them, and demoting urayan gods in somewhat subtle form. . .From what I witnessed so far anyway. The boy thought. Quite convinced of having a poor image of Hermione so far. He just don't truly know what Hermione really is. But the image she painted infront of someone like Wilson, make him quite convinced that perhap they needs a new chouncilor to replace. Afterall - Old people are quite hard to change, right? The boy really much need something. He hums somewhat in an Urayan hymmn. Singing about but maintaining it on a low volume.
  117. Patiently waiting for the next results. And this kid gonna need to train some few folks after this. Just he wish everyone would stop, and do things civilized. ..At the very least!
  118. (Wilson Alsworth)
  120. He gazed over at Gaberial in a bit of anger at the other people. "Please people...Calm down now." He spoke as his sacred aura began to boom about. "This is not your buisness leave now or you shall also end up in the cells."
  122. He had no intention of harming anyone, unless it had to resort to that. He had never been in a riot before or ever expierenced one but there's always a time for everything.
  124. He'd gazed over at his sister and then his father's arrival. He didn't know how well this was gonna go at all he just made sure to keep an arm on his weaponn at all times...Just incase.
  125. (Huxley Augustine)
  127. Things weren't going over the edge he was vying for-- The illusion was upheld, subsuming a gargantuan party in support of Gabriel; However, it wasn't enough. There needed to be just a bit more to get this scene moving for a much more entertaining turn.
  128. To one's request to 'calm down', the fabricated crowd cried out in uproar. There was no sating the pseudo-beast dubbed society. They kept to chanting the Maltak's claims, in absolute support despite the risks.
  130. -- But one thing was certain, this Urayan was surrounded by advarsaries. If one wanted to bring upon trouble, it'd be impossible to earn a show via forcing so many to gather up on a single foe. It was time to evolve from the mischievious antics to took to, to something far more malign. He was the puppeteer playing with his strings, and Tilandre's marketplace was his stage.
  132. "WE CAN'T HAVE THESE URAYAN SCOUNDRELS RUINING OUR GLORIOUS CITY! HAVE THEM, FLUSHED OUT!" It was a voice, aside from the grouping at Gabriel's side, likely from the larger gawking peoples watching on in awe and shock at the breaking news occuring before their very eyes.
  133. The magics were moreoff honed on the Maltak more than anyone else, focused on his eyes and mind beyond it. Perception as he knew it was assailed, but not via phantasmal blows to his vessel-- It'd be too obvious... No, he needed something more believable.
  135. Through the crowd at the Urayan's side, rushed a person shrouded in black-- It was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Their speed, was impressive; Their person, armed with something small and metallic, hidden within the cloak of their character. Despite one's knowledge, the fabricated entity amongst fabricated entity was the visualization to a pending mental assault on his mind!
  136. Evemek was taking to an outright attack, but not physically... He was no fool, as to allow himself to be blatantly stricken upon. However, granted any careful enough, sensory magi could easily trace it back to him.
  138. He had to be quick about it, and effective with his cast... And thus, he played his game with a wager, making rise to malevolence.
  139. (Evemek)
  141. Well Gabriel is still pissed off, even if the others were starting to calm him down, to his mind Leonard showed up and basically started accusing him of Treason.
  143. "I will not stand by while a whiped cur like you, no matter your position in the faith leactures me. You stood by while your wife insulted not only me, but the people of the faith. Who wanted to alter her daughter to fit her choices and not her own. I will never stand by while you accuse me once more of wrong doing. First you accuse me of harming Master Arryn, now you accuse me that I am a traitor to the republic. Something I have worked for many years."
  145. Looking at Wilson he will snort out another long stream of Sacred flames, starting to look maybe a bit like he actualyl worships Gaizin.
  147. "I will not be taken from this task by the mention of Clementine. She is my family but this is more than about her. This is about the faith and our percecution. I will not stand by as I said anymore. She has moved against the faith too many times. Passive aggressive comments, actions against the faithful. While Our apparent All Gods member stands by and lets her. A whipped dog at the beck and heel of his apparent master. You have forged the chains that bind you to this. You accuse my love and me of treachery when we simply seek a more active rulers in our lives, to know that we are being lead and not by people hideing away."
  149. Glareing at Huxley and Circe as he gestures at the people supporting him.
  151. "And you even say your mother is corrupt, yet here you are for years letting her get her way, letting her-"
  153. The words are inturrpted by the sudden yelling of the man in black, the illusion that convinces gabriel that it is realk, and what the mind feels is real can affect reality. The call of the death of Urayans echos from his lips as the dagger stabs him in the chest, hitting him in the lung, a look of suprise on Gabriel's face as the blade is withdrawn, blood pouring out of the wound that magically appears in his flesh. Spilling over his robes and smiths apron as blood bubbles from his mouth to stain his beard. Sacred power starting to fade along his limbs as it spirals away, giving off the feeling of a forge fire dieing. Even as he tries to summon the sacred waters from Eraer they seem to fade as he tries to overcome the sudden shock of this stabbing.
  155. He will try to speak but all that comes up is bubbles of blood as he starts to fall to the ground, his heavily muscled body loose and relaxed as all tension leaves him from his fadeing mind.
  156. (Gabriel Maltak)
  158. Wilson raises his hand. Trying to pat onto Gabriel. Trying to calm the large bulky smith. Which seemingly to be futile. Turning to notice suddein audience of so-called 'Anti-Urayan'. He clench his teeth firmly against each others. Turning to look around. Letting out a sigh. Only for him to widen in surprise.
  160. Gabriel got stabbed! Wilson went to immediately dart his hand up into the air - His sacred power starts to bleed out. Forging a golden flaming spear. Then he immediately hurl it toward the sky - Leaving sprinkle of golden sparkles. He turn to lower himself. Swinging his hand over to Gabriel. "We have injured. We have injured! Keeper! We have problems. Immediately drag Gabriel away, and try to keep him alive. We do not need another death Urayan - before Hermione starts a WAR on her own hand!" The lad shouts out at the Keeper. Turning right and left fanatically. Gripping onto the priest's shoulderpads. Trying to drag him to the sideline for his own protection.
  162. Then the young lad swing his hand away from the armour. The spark of sacred light forms over his palm - Creating a protective barrier over the small group. Mostly Leonard, Gabriel, and Wilson themselves to prevent any incoming invaders. Lowering himself to press his knees against the tile. Turning to look right, and left. Then tilts his head to look the Attacker who stabbed Gabriel!
  163. (Wilson Alsworth)
  164. [22:17:48] Circe pushed past her father and called the arbitrators she had some semblance of help with the ensuing grouping that had surged forward due to the stabbing of the urayan, she was not one to unerstand if he was going to die or not, but she was there to apply pressure to Gabriel as she was to begin the arrests that were needed.
  166. "Everyone... We need to make sure the people around don't get unruly, keep the peace, we need people to heal this man!"
  168. The entire situation was a fiasco if she had ever seen one and with that being said, she would hold the bearded male and frown. "You won't go now... I understand you are angry... But I don't believe my mother is corrupt... I can only know one thing for certain, the law stands above all and maintains everything."
  170. She would then nod and make sure he was breathing, still had a pulse and had a lack of broken bones, which would be he worst.
  171. (Circe A. Saleja)
  173. He'd nervously shook a bit as he was speaking hoping it was working, but no out of the blue he heard Someoen shout and...then..Gabriel was stabbed..." W-what...?"
  176. He was in shock he couldn't move, just the fact that he saw that happen and din't do anything at the moment to stop it..Shaking his head he quickly rushed to Gabriel's side pushing everyone out of his way as he'd began to try to help him.
  178. "W-what should I do? S-should I st-stop the bleeding?" He'd asked as he looked up at his Sister with a worried face.
  179. (Huxley Augustine)
  181. Leonard's actions to ensue brought forth a spark of sacred lightning, nothing lethal, however it would strike the assailant's ankle, and he knew how much force was put into the bolt, as this was a common tactic for the Urayan, to strike a foe with just enough to cause shock and temporary paralysis within the limb, and the way the lightning would have arced? Frankly would demonstrate a stern amount of control, coming off and away from the body after just enough shock was administerred for a temporary debilitation. "ENOUGH I SAID BY THE GODS!" He now yelled, nearly at the point of flaying out sacred lightning in enough directions to cover the entirety of the crowd in this muscle numbing bolt.
  183. Sacred power was something that was ever under his control as he simply glared at the crowd now. "Disperse NOW, and see to it that one gets home, if anyone around is a friend of his." The male simply barked regarding whatever the Illusion at hand would leave of the non-existant man. He wasn't concerned about the well being of an attempetd murderer, they could be paralyzed for life for all Leonard could care.
  185. The otherwise kind and gentle Urayan was furious, the hostile vigor was real, as he had now to contain the damages done, before they could escalate, how did the arbitrators miss one derranged man with a knife? It was beyond him, however he did now bark an order at Circe. "Take him into our home, Circe." He pointed south and beckoned his kids to follow him, the Urayan was very annoyed, livid even. He wasn't going to take much shit from anybody, if his patience extended beyond just a few inches.
  186. (Leonard Andeous)
  188. From the way things were looking here, he was confident his work here was done-- He had incited things, just enough to feel confident that conflict was afoot. It was akin to planting the seeds, now all he needed to do was watch them grow. Means of dispersing the fabricated populace had gone underway, and thus they'd scatter, soon to vacant the streets; Amongst them, having observed the entirety of his works, Evemek took to his departure.
  190. In the shuffle of so many personas at once, it'd only take a body's passing to leave his image outright omitted. Not invisible, but replaced with that of another common plebean midst the crowded streets, wandering off back home... Or rather, elsewhere in the city.
  192. The crowd, soon moved out the notable line of sight, were outright dispelled; The pain Gabriel felt was forced upon him only by his mind, tricked into believing that what he saw and felt for an instant was true-- Perpetuated only by his own senses for as long as it'd take before he was able to dispell it. Though, before he could make much distance, before he could proclaim his victory internally with a euphoric mannerism, the penance rune had wrought him to a rude recollection of his curse.
  194. It took to its sapphire gleam, tethering his malign endeavor to his very own vessel to leave him crippled with that of Gabriel's pain as well! He didn't get too far before he was forced to a slow, knees buckling before he'd fallen to them, crunched over on the cobblestone as the civillain bystanders took to their flight-- Leaving him behind on the ground in the same predicament as the Maltak. They were linked, at least through this temporal status...
  195. Evemek, damned to suffer from any pain he'd induce upon an other particular soul, drifting him to a state near unconsciousness right there-- Just yards away from Gabriel himself.
  197. ... Which could've left one pondering... Could he have been an innocent victim to another assault in his attempted departure? Was he struck by the magic in-works to disperse the populace? What the others would think, was entirely up to them... But as of the moment, he wasn't in any position to make flight away from the scene... At least, as he drifted to sleep... He could think on it, relishing on his accomplishment thus far.
  198. (Evemek)
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