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a guest
Sep 21st, 2017
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  1. server starts up
  2. On Start up => Plugin Loads
  3. Plugin Checks for config file in directory
  4. config file does exist
  5. config is loaded
  6. config file does not exist
  7. config file directory is created
  8. config file is created within directory with default values
  9. config file is loaded
  10. Plugin Checks config to see if we are using mysql
  11. We are using mysql
  12. Plugin checks config to see what modules are in use
  13. commissions module is in use
  14. check if commission table exists
  15. table does exist
  16. table does not exist
  17. create table with needed columns
  18. commissions module is not in use
  19. do nothing
  20. newprotection module is not in use
  21. do nothing
  22. stattracker module is not in use
  23. do nothing
  24. Announce Plugin is Loaded Successfully and Listening.
  26. PlayerJoin
  27. ONJOIN check if player dat file exists
  28. if player dat file does not exist we have a first time visitor
  29. create dat file
  30. spawn at new player location
  31. **insert other new player funcitons here**
  32. Update dbComTable PLAYER = player.getName() and DATEJOIN = Now() and RECENTLOGIN = Now() and RECENTLOGOUT = null and AVGPLAYTIME = null and INFRACTIONS = 0;
  33. if player dat file does exist we have a return player
  34. check if player has record in dbComTable
  35. if player does not have a record in the table
  36. create a new record
  37. if player does have a record in the table
  38. check if players DATEJOIN was after x/x/xxxx
  39. if players join date was after x/x/xxxx
  40. eligible for referral = true
  41. if players join date was before x/x/xxxx
  42. eligible for referral = false
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