
Adventure story dramatis

May 14th, 2014
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  1. Dramatis Personae:
  3. *Crew of the Sunmaid*
  5. Whistler - Protagonist pegasus from Cloudsdale. Naiive, but willing to prove himself to the Crew of the Sunmaid. Cutie mark of a map, as he is a treasure hunter. Named Whistler for affinity for birdcalls. Has a map to a special Treasure. Is very neutral good, and isn't in the business of piracy. He didn't entirely know what he signed up for.
  7. Captain Solar "Sunny" Flair - captain of the airship "Sunmaid," the thirty-something pegasus from Baltimare seeks treasure to support his family, who rely on him in port. Vain to a fault, he's wise beyond his years and know just about everything there is to know about flying an airship. Despite this, he's fallen on hard times, and the crew has resorted to piracy, since privateering has been outlawed for a few decades.
  9. Mr. Brackish Water - Captain Sunny's navigator. The old Earth pony has a hard visage, and seldom smiles, but is knows the skies and waters better than any pony or griffon alive. His daughter, Seiya, vexes him. He's not much a fan of working on a pirate ship, but he's loyal to the ship and its crew.
  11. Seiya Water - Hippogriff disposed to be coy and flirtatious, but is truly a tease and enjoys getting an, ahem, *rise* out of males. She's the Sunmaid's loblolly under Lady Copper. She's rather enchanted by the idea of thievery and piracy.
  13. Lady Copper - the Sunmaid's doctor, she is an estranged unicorn noble from Canterlot who acts rather motherly to the crew. Boisterous, yet responsible, she often has to reel in Smilin' Jack from his escapades. Sometimes called "Mama Doc," or "Doctor Lady Copper." She either doesn't care that she's complicit in piracy, or is woefully oblivious.
  15. Smilin' Jack Sedari - sellsword griffon seeking his fortune aboard the Sunmaid. Vain, egotistical, and in love with his own wit, he does exude a certain charm that makes the crew like him. Skilled with a sword, gauntlets, and even cannoneering, the buccaneer is the main fighting force of the Sunmaid's crew. He's always got a grin or smug smirk plastered on his beak, hence "Smilin' Jack." He is quite at home with piracy, being perhaps the best of the lot at sneaking, thieving, and fighting.
  17. Lord Chutney - the Sunmaid's galley chef. Another estranged unicorn noble, he is Lady Copper's husband. A little more ribald than his wife, he is seldom seen on deck, ironically being frightened of heights. He's rather happy his crew has turned pirate, since he's been wronged somehow in Equestria, the Griffon Kingdom, *and* Prester.
  20. *Other Dramatis Personae*
  22. Wilykat of Wildcat Canyon - Berserker griffon that is fabled to live in the famous desert gorge, Wildcat Canyon. Fights King Bull, wins, and then subsequently loses to Smilin' Jack.
  24. King Bull Sedari - the Biggest, baddest, roughest, toughest griffon in all of Stormalong Bay. He is known to be the best wrestler, fisherbird, eater, drinker, and gambler in Stormalong. Also happens to be Smilin' Jack's brother. Extremely boisterous and fond of patting people on the back.
  26. Councillor Silver Mirror - head mare of the loose merchant cartel that runs Prester's economy. She's quite stern and harsh, until you engage her outside of business hours, at which time she becomes friendly, sympathetic, and motherly. Pertinent to council business, though, she is a very hardline fascist, and is quite socially conservative. Sometimes called "The Queen of Cunts" for her forced curfew, popularly known as "Fascist Bedtime."
  28. Screech and Roar - the most famous and feared pirates to ever live; the terrors of the cartels. they are famous folklore figures, two griffons who only prey on nobility, instead of middle class shipping. Unkown, but they are lovers; hinted to be Chirp and Twitter.
  30. *Dramatis Affectus*
  32. Prester is a small mercantile nation made up of a loosely organized league of economic cartels. They benefit from being the intermediate between the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria, having been created as a buffer zone to discourage war between both parties. Populated by both griffons and ponies, and some hippogriffs, Prester is quite wealthy, though has lost a major source of income lately due to a series of poor cash crop harvest (later discovered to be the doing of none other than Silver Mirror herself).
  34. Prester's currency is the silver shekel (commonly called "sheks"), but sees quite a lot of circulation of Equestria's bit as well as the griffon kingdom's feng.
  36. Prester is home to a variety of biomes, including desert, rainforest, and temperate forest. The nation's famous Wetwood is the thickest jungle in the world, and the infamous Wildcat Canyon is considered suicide to trek to because of the heat and barren landscape. The cooler Sanctuary Forest lies to the east, towards Equestria, and is populated by the more feudal cartels. The thicker, more wild Wetwood is north of the capitol, Stormalong, which boasts the biggest harbor for airships in the world.
  38. The Sunmaid, an interceptor-class airship, is one of the fastest around. Sad to say it doesn't have much room for cargo, rendering it useless as an attack vessel for military use or as a transport for goods. It is extremely fast, however, making it ideal for quickly boarding a ship and running away. It's quite large, despite all this, and, having been named for a young Celestia (who has since matured and become the princess we know today), is the butt of many jokes. It's joked to be roughly one-third the size of Celestia's flank, or, closer to home, roughly one third the size of Smilin' Jack's ego. Simply called "the 'Maid" or "that tough old bitch," it's been in service for a few liftimes, and doesn't show any signs of slowing down or being outclassed.
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