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- EDIT: Nearly all this information is now contained here:
- Essential gameplay mods:
- Principia (purple noodle gang rise up)
- ROKerbalism (Transformative mod, use if you like fun)
- TestLite (In all ways better than TestFlight; use deterministic mode if you don't like to deal with randomness)
- RealAntennas (Infinitely superior)
- StageRecovery (Not everybody likes its simplicity but I do)
- RSS DateTime Formatter (So you don't look like an idiot on the discord asking why it's not 1951)
- RSSRunwayFix (I like planes that don't blow up a tenth of the way down the tarmac)
- Really important utilities:
- Mechjeb (duh)
- KRASH (Super duper important)
- kOS (My most beloved <3)
- Project Manager (Simple little thing but absolutely a hidden gem)
- JanitorsCloset (Use alt+click to hide individual parts, like jet engines in the VAB)
- Kerbal Alarm Clock (God this thing is helpful)
- KER (Not as reliable as MJ so don't rely on it for dV calculations, but the overlays are fantastic)
- Super Duper Necessary Parts Packs:
- ROTanks/ROEngines/ROCapsules (So, so, beautiful and good, ignore if you love ugly rockets and lame shit in general)
- B9 Proc Wings Fork (Your sounding rockets are hella nerfed if you can't make tiny fins)
- Procedural Fairings + Procedural Fairings for Everything (Essential, basically required)
- Procedural Parts (Not as required if you're using ROTanks, but still really good)
- Other High-quality Parts Packs:
- Taerobee
- ReStock
- Real Scale Boosters
- RaiderNicks's US/Soviet Solar Panels, Soviet Probes, US Probes
- Near Future Construction, Solar, Propulsion
- Coatl Areospace aka ProbesPlus!
- Hullcam
- NEBULA Decals + TweakScale (Don't use tweakscale with anything but the decals, it's not supported)
- Procedural Parts texture packs: MainSailor's complete, Ven's Revamp Style, Saturn/Nova pack, Hazard Tanks, Freedom Textures, Basic Procedural Textures, Freedom Textures
- InternalRCS
- Universal Storage II
- Tokamak Industries
- Modular Launch Pads
- GPU-melting Graphical (and CPU-melting Audio) Mods:
- Scatterer + RSSVE
- PlanetShine
- KSP-EngineLight (don't use Engine Lighting Relit, it produces terrible log spam)
- KS3P
- Distant Object Enhancement RSS Conf
- CollisionFX-Updated
- Oinker's Skybox
- Kronal Vessel Viewer
- Audio Muffler
- Rocket Sound Enhancement
- Various Other Mods:
- Kerbal Renamer
- KSC Switcher
- RCS Build Aid
- Semi-Saturable Reaction Wheels
- Extended information about scientific experiments in VAB
- Ship Manifest
- Hanger Extender
- Connected Living Space
- Editor Extensions
- Camera Tools
- * The install instructions below were written for my personal reference in setting up my own installs. If it helps you, that's great! But this is not official documentation--the only place that exists is the RP-0 github wiki. Make sure you've read all that.
- * Make sure you have a FRESH and BRAND SPANKING NEW 1.6.1 install before you begin.
- * NEVER install the "recommended" or "suggested" mods CKAN offers. Just stick to the plan.
- STEP 1: Main instructions:
- Follow steps 1-12 of
- STEP 2: Install from CKAN (you can do these all at the same time):
- B9 Proc Wings Fork
- Camera Tools
- CollisionFX-Updated
- Connected Living Space
- Distant Object Enhancement RSS Conf
- Editor Extensions
- Extended information about scientific experiments in VAB
- Hanger Extender
- Hullcam
- InternalRCS
- JanitorsCloset
- Kerbal Alarm Clock
- Kerbal Renamer
- kOS
- KSC Switcher
- Kronal Vessel Viewer
- Mechjeb
- Near Future Construction, Solar, Propulsion
- NEBULA Decals + TweakScale
- Oinker's Skybox
- PlanetShine
- ProbesPlus!
- Procedural Fairings + Procedural Fairings for Everything
- Procedural Parts
- Procedural Parts texture packs: MainSailor's complete, Ven's Revamp Style, Saturn/Nova pack, Hazard Tanks, Freedom Textures, Basic Procedural Textures, Freedom Textures
- Project Manager
- RaiderNicks's US/Soviet Solar Panels, Soviet Probes, US Probes
- RCS Build Aid
- Real Scale Boosters
- RSS DateTime Formatter
- Semi-Saturable Reaction Wheels
- Ship Manifest
- StageRecovery
- Taerobee
- Textures Unlimited
- Tokamak Industries
- Universal Storage II
- STEP 3: Follow these instructions to install Scatterer + RSSVE:
- STEP 4: Manually install:
- ReStock:
- * Note: You will have to replace VSR with this version:
- ROTanks
- ROEngines
- ROCapsules
- Principia
- ROKerbalism
- TestLite
- RealAntennas
- RSSRunwayFix
- Gordon's RocketSoundEnhancement
- Audio Muffler
- KSP-EngineLight
- KS3P (Recommended configuration:
- Modular Launch Pads (Don't replace B9PartSwitch)
- STEP 5: (Optional, don't do unless you know why you need to) Fix locked gimbal from PAW/kOS engine activation
- Replace GameData/RealFuels/Plugins/RealFuels.dll with this one:
- STEP 6: Optional steps
- Copy the RP-1 KRASH settings over (or set as free)
- Copy my personal patch folder over
- TextureUnlimited may need replacing.
- If you get horrible scary TweakScale warnings on the menu screen, you'll need to install the freshest version of STX.
- PatchManager may not have been installed.
- Install NQB for a new RP-1 experience, with a better balanced early game and quarterly funding payouts:
- * I include no historical parts mods because I don't like them. If you do, install BDB, FASA, and Tantares to get yourself started.
- * Special note! Are you trying to be realistic and your parts list is cluttered? Make two empty folders called `NoNonRO` and `NoNonRP0` inside of /GameData and Module Manager will hide all the non-RO and non-RP-1 parts for you in the VAB and SPH.
- * Is your Aerobee Telemetry Unit 2.5 m wide instead of 380 cm? You're not the only one:
- Done? Join the discord: (if that link doesn't work, there's one in the sidebar here: It's where all the cool kids hang out, and the fantastic and helpful devs. Hit me up if you've got questions, my discord username is @neph#5159.
- Can't survive your first career? This might help:
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