

Jan 22nd, 2021
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  1. 『It’s a curse, you know, one from a legendary-class Magic Item! It’s so powerful that it can’t be purified no matter how many gold coins you pile up at the Church!』(Borkus)
  3. 「That is right! The High Priest-sama and Bishop-sama who I cannot even be compared to, and even the【Saint】Jeena-sama, could not purify such curses! Never mind purifying it, what would we do if you were to become cursed yourself, Holy Son?!」(Nuaza)
  5. From the point of view of Nuaza and Borkus, Vandalieu was saying the impossible, so their reaction was only natural.
  7. 「Yes, I did it before… I was forced to do it, so I think I can. It’s a curse after all, isn’t it?」(Vandalieu)
  9. However, from Vandalieu’s point of view, it was only natural that curses could be broken, so he hadn’t the slightest idea why the two of them were so confused.
  11. Well, judging from their behavior, he had at least realized that in Lambda, curses were probably not something that could be so easily removed.
  13. 「Curses are basically Status Effects caused by Mana, aren’t they? Depending on the curse, malice or hatred might be at the core of the curse, but the specific effects… Causing incurable illness, bringing misfortune or sealing certain actions – Mana is necessary to cause those kinds of Status Effects.」(Vandalieu)
  15. Mana is fundamentally essential for curses to manifest their specific effects.
  17. For instance, sending a doll that has been torn to shreds to a hated person is nothing more than a psychological attack. If that person has nerves of steel or doesn’t fear anything, then this will have no effect at all.
  19. Mana is necessary to turn a curse into something more than just a superstitious charm. Mana needs to be embedded into it through a ritual, chant, a sacrificial offering or something of that sort.
  21. This was the definition of a curse in the world of Origin, in which science and magic had co-existed.
  23. 「Death-attribute magic is capable of absorbing energy, including Mana, to extinguish it. So if the Mana that makes up the curse is extinguished, the curse can be removed.」(Vandalieu)
  25. Vandalieu repeated the exact words that the researchers had once told him.
  27. Curses had previously been incredibly difficult to remove in Origin back then. Vandalieu remembered how loud the excited researchers had been when the experiment had succeeded.
  29. Well, the success of the experiments hadn’t improved the way Vandalieu had been treated, nor would the researchers grant him any wishes, so Vandalieu had never appreciated how amazing it actually was to be able to remove… erase curses.
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