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Nov 4th, 2015
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  1. * pwright (504821d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #11BX1371cypher
  2. <fonix232> pwright?
  3. <DarkEnergyMatter> Hello
  4. <d0gMa_> .....
  5. <pwright> Hello, Chosen Ones
  6. <Janushka> trololol
  7. <DarkEnergyMatter> Hello pwright
  8. <pwright> A little birdie says you uncovered something... big, yet small
  9. <d0gMa_> right, DarkEnergyMatter that trace is running
  10. <d0gMa_> :P
  11. <DarkEnergyMatter> Hard to say.
  12. <DarkEnergyMatter> Inconclusive data
  13. <DarkEnergyMatter> Why so many versions of the video ?
  14. <DarkEnergyMatter> Why not a single source?
  15. <Janushka> There are 3, aren't there?
  16. <d0gMa_> everyone at once should type repeatedly and anyone who doesnt type is a suspect
  17. <DarkEnergyMatter> So, please give us some direction.
  18. <DarkEnergyMatter> Not asking for the solution
  19. <DarkEnergyMatter> To much out there is turing out to be disinformation
  20. * pwright_ (504821d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #11BX1371cypher
  21. <pwright_> #TheChosenOnes you think so highly of yourselves. Let's see if you can get to the final clue in time! Tick tock, the clock is ticking, 12 hours and time is slipping...
  22. <pwright_> Eight little megabytes of data... But what is needed, what is not? And then there were none...
  23. * pwright_ has quit (Client Quit)
  24. * pwright has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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