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- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <sdf version="1.5">
- <model name="DepthCam">
- <pose>0 0 0.036 0 0 0</pose>
- <link name="link">
- <inertial>
- <mass>0.1</mass>
- </inertial>
- <collision name="collision">
- <geometry>
- <box>
- <size>0.073000 0.276000 0.072000</size>
- </box>
- </geometry>
- </collision>
- <visual name="visual">
- <geometry>
- <mesh>
- <uri>model://kinect/meshes/kinect.dae</uri>
- </mesh>
- </geometry>
- </visual>
- <sensor name="camera" type="depth">
- <update_rate>20</update_rate>
- <camera>
- <horizontal_fov>1.047198</horizontal_fov>
- <image>
- <width>640</width>
- <height>480</height>
- <format>R8G8B8</format>
- </image>
- <clip>
- <near>0.05</near>
- <far>3</far>
- </clip>
- </camera>
- <plugin name="camera_plugin" filename="">
- <baseline>0.2</baseline>
- <alwaysOn>true</alwaysOn>
- <!-- Keep this zero, update_rate in the parent <sensor> tag
- will control the frame rate. -->
- <updateRate>0.0</updateRate>
- <cameraName>camera_ir</cameraName>parsebin
- <imageTopicName>/camera/depth/image_raw</imageTopicName>parsebin
- <cameraInfoTopicName>/camera/depth/camera_info</cameraInfoToparsebinpicName>
- <depthImageTopicName>/camera/depth/image_raw</depthImageTopicName>
- <depthImageInfoTopicName>/camera/depth/camera_info</depthImageInfoTopicName>
- <pointCloudTopicName>/camera/depth/points</pointCloudTopicName>
- <frameName>camera_link</frameName>
- <pointCloudCutoff>0.05</pointCloudCutoff>
- <distortionK1>0</distortionK1>
- <distortionK2>0</distortionK2>
- <distortionK3>0</distortionK3>
- <distortionT1>0</distortionT1>
- <distortionT2>0</distortionT2>
- <CxPrime>0</CxPrime>
- <Cx>0</Cx>
- <Cy>0</Cy>
- <focalLength>0</focalLength>
- <hackBaseline>0</hackBaseline>
- </plugin>
- </sensor>
- </link>
- </model>
- </sdf>
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