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Thrive log

a guest
Nov 14th, 2022
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  1. Godot Engine v3.5.stable.mono.thrive.d2ad79a40 -
  2. OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: GeForce 310M/PCIe/SSE2
  4. Mono: Log file is: 'C:/Users/EgorChertkov/AppData/Roaming/Thrive/mono/mono_logs/2022-11-13_22.30.59_4004.log'
  5. This is Thrive version: see below for exact build info
  6. Unhandled exception logger attached
  7. Startup C# locale is: ru-RU Godot locale is: ru_RU
  8. user:// directory is: C:/Users/EgorChertkov/AppData/Roaming/Thrive
  9. Game logs are written to: C:/Users/EgorChertkov/AppData/Roaming/Thrive\logs latest log is 'log.txt'
  10. Doing delayed apply for some settings
  11. Set audio output device to: Default
  12. Set C# locale to: ru-RU Godot locale is: ru
  13. No SteamClient class found, not initializing Steam
  14. SimulationParameters are good
  15. This version of Thrive was built at Saturday, 24 September 2022 08:15:28 from commit ca967a194b4183e393bcd8aba70c84467aa02eeb on branch master
  16. Jukebox now playing from: Menu
  17. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  18. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  19. Loading mod Nodes into the scene tree
  20. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/main-menu-theme-1.ogg position: 0
  21. TaskExecutor started with parallel job count: 2
  22. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/main-menu-theme-2.ogg position: 0
  23. Starting load of save: 1.thrivesave
  24. 1 | shader_type canvas_item;
  25. 2 |
  26. 3 | uniform float MAX_DIST_PX;
  27. 4 |
  28. 5 | // Shader adapted from:
  29. 6 |
  30. 7 | float remap(float t, float a, float b)
  31. 8 | {
  32. 9 | return clamp((t - a) / (b - a), 0.0, 1.0);
  33. 10 | }
  34. 11 |
  35. 12 | vec2 remapVec(vec2 t, vec2 a, vec2 b)
  36. 13 | {
  37. 14 | return clamp( (t - a) / (b - a), 0.0, 1.0 );
  38. 15 | }
  39. 16 |
  40. 17 | // note: input [0;1]
  41. 18 | vec3 spectrum_offset_rgb(float t)
  42. 19 | {
  43. 20 | // note: optimisation from
  44. 21 | float t0 = 3.0 * t - 1.5;
  45. 22 | vec3 ret = clamp(vec3(-t0, 1.0-abs(t0), t0), 0.0, 1.0);
  46. 23 |
  47. 24 | return ret;
  48. 25 | }
  49. 26 |
  50. 27 | const float gamma = 2.2;
  51. 28 | vec3 lin2srgb(vec3 c)
  52. 29 | {
  53. 30 | return pow(c, vec3(gamma));
  54. 31 | }
  55. 32 | vec3 srgb2lin(vec3 c)
  56. 33 | {
  57. 34 | return pow(c, vec3(1.0/gamma));
  58. 35 | }
  59. 36 |
  60. 37 | vec3 yCgCo2rgb(vec3 ycc)
  61. 38 | {
  62. 39 | float R = ycc.x - ycc.y + ycc.z;
  63. 40 | float G = ycc.x + ycc.y;
  64. 41 | float B = ycc.x - ycc.y - ycc.z;
  65. 42 | return vec3(R,G,B);
  66. 43 | }
  67. 44 |
  68. 45 | vec3 spectrum_offset_ycgco(float t)
  69. 46 | {
  70. 47 | // vec3 ygo = vec3( 1.0, 1.5*t, 0.0 ); //green-pink
  71. 48 | // vec3 ygo = vec3( 1.0, -1.5*t, 0.0 ); //green-purple
  72. 49 | vec3 ygo = vec3(1.0, 0.0, -1.25*t); //cyan-orange
  73. 50 | // vec3 ygo = vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 1.5*t ); //brownyello-blue
  74. 51 | return yCgCo2rgb(ygo);
  75. 52 | }
  76. 53 |
  77. 54 | vec3 yuv2rgb(vec3 yuv)
  78. 55 | {
  79. 56 | vec3 rgb;
  80. 57 | rgb.r = yuv.x + yuv.z * 1.13983;
  81. 58 | rgb.g = yuv.x + dot(vec2(-0.39465, -0.58060), yuv.yz);
  82. 59 | rgb.b = yuv.x + yuv.y * 2.03211;
  83. 60 | return rgb;
  84. 61 | }
  85. 62 |
  86. 63 | // ====
  87. 64 |
  88. 65 | // note: from
  89. 66 | vec2 radialdistort(vec2 coord, vec2 amt)
  90. 67 | {
  91. 68 | vec2 cc = coord - 0.5;
  92. 69 | return coord + 2.0 * cc * amt;
  93. 70 | }
  94. 71 |
  95. 72 | // Given a vec2 in [-1,+1], generate a texture coord in [0,+1]
  96. 73 | vec2 barrelDistortion(vec2 p, vec2 amt)
  97. 74 | {
  98. 75 | p = 2.0 * p - 1.0;
  99. 76 |
  100. 77 | return p * 0.5 + 0.5;
  101. 78 | }
  102. 79 |
  103. 80 | // note: from
  104. 81 | vec2 brownConradyDistortion(vec2 uv, float dist)
  105. 82 | {
  106. 83 | uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
  107. 84 | // positive values of K1 give barrel distortion, negative give pincushion
  108. 85 | float barrelDistortion1 = 0.1 * dist; // K1 in text books
  109. 86 | float barrelDistortion2 = -0.025 * dist; // K2 in text books
  110. 87 |
  111. 88 | float r2 = dot(uv,uv);
  112. 89 | uv *= 1.0 + barrelDistortion1 * r2 + barrelDistortion2 * r2 * r2;
  113. 90 |
  114. 91 | // tangential distortion (due to off center lens elements)
  115. 92 | // is not modeled in this function, but if it was, the terms would go here
  116. 93 | return uv * 0.5 + 0.5;
  117. 94 | }
  118. 95 |
  119. 96 | vec2 distort(vec2 uv, float t, vec2 min_distort, vec2 max_distort)
  120. 97 | {
  121. 98 | vec2 dist = mix(min_distort, max_distort, t);
  122. 99 | return brownConradyDistortion(uv, 75.0 * dist.x);
  123. 100 | }
  124. 101 |
  125. 102 | // ====
  126. 103 |
  127. 104 | vec3 spectrum_offset_yuv(float t)
  128. 105 | {
  129. 106 | // vec3 yuv = vec3( 1.0, 3.0*t, 0.0 ); //purple-green
  130. 107 | // vec3 yuv = vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 2.0*t ); //purple-green
  131. 108 | vec3 yuv = vec3(1.0, 0.0, -1.0*t); //cyan-orange
  132. 109 | // vec3 yuv = vec3( 1.0, -0.75*t, 0.0 ); //brownyello-blue
  133. 110 | return yuv2rgb(yuv);
  134. 111 | }
  135. 112 |
  136. 113 | vec3 spectrum_offset(float t)
  137. 114 | {
  138. 115 | return spectrum_offset_rgb(t);
  139. 116 | }
  140. 117 |
  141. 118 | vec3 render(vec2 uv, sampler2D tex)
  142. 119 | {
  143. 120 | return srgb2lin(texture(tex, uv).rgb);
  144. 121 | }
  145. 122 |
  146. 123 | void fragment()
  147. 124 | {
  148. 125 | vec4 px = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV);
  149. 126 | vec2 uv = SCREEN_UV;
  150. 127 | vec3 col =;
  151. 128 |
  152. 129 | vec2 iResolution = 1.0f / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE;
  153. 130 | float max_distort_px = MAX_DIST_PX;
  154. 131 | vec2 max_distort = vec2(max_distort_px) / iResolution.xy;
  155. 132 | vec2 min_distort = 0.5 * max_distort;
  156. 133 |
  157. 134 | vec2 oversiz = distort(vec2(1.0), 1.0, min_distort, max_distort);
  158. 135 | uv = remapVec(uv, 1.0-oversiz, oversiz );
  159. 136 |
  160. 137 | const int num_iter = 7;
  161. 138 | const float stepsiz = 1.0 / (float(num_iter)-1.0);
  162. 139 | float rnd = fract(1.61803398875 + texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE,
  163. E 140-> FRAGCOORD.xy/vec2(textureSize(SCREEN_TEXTURE,0)), -10.0 ).x); // nrand( uv + fract(iTime) );
  164. 141 | float t = rnd * stepsiz;
  165. 142 |
  166. 143 | vec3 sumcol = vec3(0.0);
  167. 144 | vec3 sumw = vec3(0.0);
  168. 145 |
  169. 146 | for (int i=0; i<num_iter; ++i)
  170. 147 | {
  171. 148 | vec3 w = spectrum_offset(t);
  172. 149 | sumw += w;
  173. 150 | vec2 uvd = distort(uv, t, min_distort, max_distort);
  174. 151 | sumcol += w * render(uvd, SCREEN_TEXTURE);
  175. 152 | t += stepsiz;
  176. 153 | }
  177. 154 | sumcol.rgb /= sumw;
  178. 155 |
  179. 156 | vec3 outcol = sumcol.rgb;
  180. 157 | outcol = lin2srgb(outcol);
  181. 158 | outcol += rnd/255.0;
  182. 159 |
  183. 160 | COLOR = vec4(outcol,1.0);
  184. 161 | }
  185. 162 |
  186. SHADER ERROR: Built-in function "textureSize(sampler2D, int)" is only supported on the GLES3 backend, but your project is using GLES2.
  187. at: (null) (:140) - Built-in function "textureSize(sampler2D, int)" is only supported on the GLES3 backend, but your project is using GLES2.
  188. Ignoring save property at: MicrobeStage.DynamicEntities[4].engulfedObjects[0].Object.NodeGroups
  189. Player Microbe spawned
  190. World generation settings: [LAWK: True, Difficulty: normal preset, Life origin: Vent, Seed: 1295754667, Map type: Procedural, Include Multicellular: True, Easter eggs: True]
  191. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  192. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  193. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  194. Registering new spawner: Name: ammonia density: 0,6
  195. Registering new spawner: Name: glucose density: 0,32
  196. Registering new spawner: Name: phosphates density: 0,6
  197. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  198. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  199. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  200. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  201. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  202. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  203. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  204. Registering new spawner: Name: FLOATING_HAZARD density: 1
  205. Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,5
  206. Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,5
  207. Registering new spawner: Name: MARINE_SNOW density: 0,4
  208. Registering new spawner: Name: GOOGLY_EYE_CELL density: 0,001
  209. Number of species in this patch = 3
  210. Registering new spawner: Name: 2 density: 0,2310662
  211. Registering new spawner: Name: 3 density: 0,2254552
  212. Primum thrivium population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  213. load finished, success: True message: Загрузка завершена elapsed: 00:00:07.0009239
  214. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-7.ogg position: 0
  215. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience-3.ogg position: 0
  216. The player has died
  217. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  218. Previous patch (Aceson Морское дно) different to current patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) despawning all entities.
  219. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  220. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  221. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,8
  222. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,32 to 0,2048
  223. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,8
  224. Registering new spawner: Name: hydrogensulfide density: 0,8
  225. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  226. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  227. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  228. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  229. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  230. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  231. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  232. Changing spawn density of BIG_IRON_CHUNK from 0,5 to 0,8
  233. Number of species in this patch = 2
  234. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2310662 to 0,2778229
  235. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,2619613
  236. Removed MARINE_SNOW spawner.
  237. Removed 3 spawner.
  238. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  239. Player Microbe spawned
  240. ERROR: Index p_shape_index = 8 is out of bounds (total_subshapes = 6).
  241. at: shape_find_owner (scene/3d/collision_object.cpp:529) - Index p_shape_index = 8 is out of bounds (total_subshapes = 6).
  242. Move to editor pressed
  243. Starting microbe editor with: 6 organelles in the microbe
  244. Elapsing time on editor entry
  245. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 400000000
  246. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:00.2236921
  247. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  248. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  249. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.0111563
  250. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-4.ogg position: 0
  251. Placing organelle 'chemoSynthesizingProteins' at: 1, -1
  252. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  253. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  254. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  255. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  256. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  257. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  258. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  259. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  260. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,2048 to 0,16384
  261. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  262. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  263. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  264. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  265. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  266. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  267. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  268. Number of species in this patch = 3
  269. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2778229 to 0,2804039
  270. Changing spawn density of 1 from 0,2619613 to 0,2588481
  271. Registering new spawner: Name: 3 density: 0,2179591
  272. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  273. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  274. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  275. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:01.9037320
  276. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-7.ogg position: 271,7722
  277. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience-3.ogg position: 271,6561
  278. ERROR: Index p_shape_index = 9 is out of bounds (total_subshapes = 7).
  279. at: shape_find_owner (scene/3d/collision_object.cpp:529) - Index p_shape_index = 9 is out of bounds (total_subshapes = 7).
  280. Move to editor pressed
  281. Starting microbe editor with: 7 organelles in the microbe
  282. Elapsing time on editor entry
  283. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 500000000
  284. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:00.0721025
  285. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  286. Creating a save with name: auto_save_4.thrivesave
  287. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:01.6521096
  288. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-4.ogg position: 122,8394
  289. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  290. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  291. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  292. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  293. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  294. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  295. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  296. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  297. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  298. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  299. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  300. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  301. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  302. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  303. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  304. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  305. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  306. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-5.ogg position: 0
  307. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  308. SPECIES_POPULATION chart missing datasets, aborting plotting data
  309. Placing organelle 'flagellum' at: 0, 2
  310. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  311. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  312. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  313. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Морское дно
  314. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  315. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  316. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  317. Previous patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) different to current patch (Aceson Морское дно) despawning all entities.
  318. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  319. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  320. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,8 to 0,6
  321. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,16384 to 0,2048
  322. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,8 to 0,6
  323. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  324. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  325. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  326. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  327. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  328. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  329. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  330. Changing spawn density of BIG_IRON_CHUNK from 0,8 to 0,5
  331. Registering new spawner: Name: MARINE_SNOW density: 0,4
  332. Number of species in this patch = 3
  333. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2804039 to 0,2358876
  334. Changing spawn density of 3 from 0,2179591 to 0,185424
  335. Primum thrivium population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  336. Removed hydrogensulfide spawner.
  337. Removed 1 spawner.
  338. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  339. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  340. Creating a save with name: auto_save_5.thrivesave
  341. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.3489578
  342. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-7.ogg position: 427,7
  343. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience-3.ogg position: 427,5839
  344. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 0
  345. The player has died
  346. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  347. Previous patch (Aceson Морское дно) different to current patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) despawning all entities.
  348. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  349. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  350. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,8
  351. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,2048 to 0,131072
  352. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,8
  353. Registering new spawner: Name: hydrogensulfide density: 0,8
  354. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  355. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  356. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  357. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  358. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  359. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  360. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  361. Changing spawn density of BIG_IRON_CHUNK from 0,5 to 0,8
  362. Number of species in this patch = 3
  363. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2358876 to 0,2788031
  364. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,2618572
  365. Changing spawn density of 3 from 0,185424 to 0,2085681
  366. Removed MARINE_SNOW spawner.
  367. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  368. Player Microbe spawned
  369. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 0
  370. The player has died
  371. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  372. Player Microbe spawned
  373. The player has died
  374. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  375. Player Microbe spawned
  376. The player has died
  377. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  378. Player Microbe spawned
  379. Move to editor pressed
  380. Starting microbe editor with: 8 organelles in the microbe
  381. Elapsing time on editor entry
  382. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 600000000
  383. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:00.2250399
  384. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  385. Creating a save with name: auto_save_1.thrivesave
  386. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:01.6449273
  387. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-5.ogg position: 107,7
  388. Placing organelle 'pilus' at: 0, -3
  389. Placing organelle 'pilus' at: 1, -3
  390. Placing organelle 'pilus' at: -1, -2
  391. Placing organelle 'rusticyanin' at: -1, -2
  392. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  393. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  394. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  395. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  396. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  397. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  398. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  399. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  400. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,131072 to 0,1048576
  401. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  402. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  403. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  404. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  405. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  406. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  407. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  408. Number of species in this patch = 3
  409. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2788031 to 0,2787115
  410. Changing spawn density of 1 from 0,2618572 to 0,2312916
  411. Changing spawn density of 3 from 0,2085681 to 0,2219793
  412. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  413. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  414. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  415. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.0150285
  416. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 290,0463
  417. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 317,6316
  418. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-5.ogg position: 0
  419. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 0
  420. Move to editor pressed
  421. Starting microbe editor with: 10 organelles in the microbe
  422. Elapsing time on editor entry
  423. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 700000000
  424. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:00.2651085
  425. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  426. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  427. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:01.7464447
  428. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-5.ogg position: 163,9677
  429. Placing organelle 'rusticyanin' at: 1, -2
  430. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 0
  431. Placing organelle 'pilus' at: -2, -1
  432. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  433. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  434. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  435. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  436. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  437. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  438. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  439. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  440. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,1048576 to 0,08388608
  441. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  442. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  443. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  444. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  445. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  446. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  447. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  448. Number of species in this patch = 3
  449. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2787115 to 0,2786283
  450. Changing spawn density of 1 from 0,2312916 to 0,235766
  451. Registering new spawner: Name: 7 density: 0,2072711
  452. Removed 3 spawner.
  453. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  454. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  455. Creating a save with name: auto_save_4.thrivesave
  456. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.0581110
  457. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-5.ogg position: 64,37152
  458. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 52,64544
  459. The player has died
  460. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  461. Player Microbe spawned
  462. Move to editor pressed
  463. Starting microbe editor with: 12 organelles in the microbe
  464. Elapsing time on editor entry
  465. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 800000000
  466. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:00.4560054
  467. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  468. Creating a save with name: auto_save_5.thrivesave
  469. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:01.9013766
  470. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 35,71809
  471. Placing organelle 'flagellum' at: 1, 2
  472. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  473. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  474. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  475. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Морское дно
  476. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  477. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  478. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  479. Previous patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) different to current patch (Aceson Морское дно) despawning all entities.
  480. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  481. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  482. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,8 to 0,6
  483. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,08388608 to 0,1048576
  484. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,8 to 0,6
  485. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  486. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  487. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  488. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  489. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  490. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  491. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  492. Changing spawn density of BIG_IRON_CHUNK from 0,8 to 0,5
  493. Registering new spawner: Name: MARINE_SNOW density: 0,4
  494. Number of species in this patch = 4
  495. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2786283 to 0,2148761
  496. Registering new spawner: Name: 12 density: 0,1993094
  497. Registering new spawner: Name: 3 density: 0,1889693
  498. Primum thrivium population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  499. Removed hydrogensulfide spawner.
  500. Removed 1 spawner.
  501. Removed 7 spawner.
  502. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  503. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  504. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  505. at: godot_icall_0_7 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:66) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  506. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  507. at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  508. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  509. at: godot_icall_1_24 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:227) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  510. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  511. at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  512. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  513. at: godot_icall_0_7 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:66) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  514. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  515. at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  516. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  517. at: godot_icall_1_24 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:227) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  518. ERROR: Parameter "ptr" is null.
  519. at: godot_icall_1_15 (modules/mono/glue/mono_glue.gen.cpp:137) - Parameter "ptr" is null.
  520. Creating a save with name: auto_save_1.thrivesave
  521. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.4459459
  522. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-5.ogg position: 268,7826
  523. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 257,0565
  524. The player has died
  525. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  526. Previous patch (Aceson Морское дно) different to current patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) despawning all entities.
  527. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  528. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  529. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,8
  530. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,1048576 to 0,06710886
  531. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,8
  532. Registering new spawner: Name: hydrogensulfide density: 0,8
  533. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  534. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  535. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  536. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  537. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  538. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  539. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  540. Changing spawn density of BIG_IRON_CHUNK from 0,5 to 0,8
  541. Number of species in this patch = 4
  542. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2148761 to 0,2782124
  543. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,2296313
  544. Changing spawn density of 3 from 0,1889693 to 0,1930655
  545. Registering new spawner: Name: 7 density: 0,1710006
  546. Removed MARINE_SNOW spawner.
  547. Removed 12 spawner.
  548. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  549. Player Microbe spawned
  550. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 0
  551. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 0
  552. Move to editor pressed
  553. Starting microbe editor with: 11 organelles in the microbe
  554. Elapsing time on editor entry
  555. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 900000000
  556. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:00.9046840
  557. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  558. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  559. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.0453578
  560. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 78,23964
  561. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: -2, 0
  562. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: -2, 1
  563. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: 2, -2
  564. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: 2, -1
  565. Placing organelle 'metabolosome' at: -2, 1
  566. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: -2, 0
  567. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: -2, 1
  568. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: 2, -2
  569. Placing organelle 'cytoplasm' at: 2, -1
  570. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  571. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  572. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  573. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  574. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  575. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  576. Applying patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) settings
  577. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  578. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,06710886 to 0,05368709
  579. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  580. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  581. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  582. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  583. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  584. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  585. MARINE_SNOW spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  586. Number of species in this patch = 4
  587. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2782124 to 0,2799683
  588. Changing spawn density of 1 from 0,2296313 to 0,228388
  589. Registering new spawner: Name: 12 density: 0,187488
  590. Registering new spawner: Name: 20 density: 0,1723479
  591. Removed 3 spawner.
  592. Removed 7 spawner.
  593. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  594. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  595. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  596. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.4209757
  597. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 88,49706
  598. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 14,91302
  599. The player has died
  600. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  601. Player Microbe spawned
  602. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-3.ogg position: 0
  603. Move to editor pressed
  604. Starting microbe editor with: 15 organelles in the microbe
  605. Elapsing time on editor entry
  606. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1000000000
  607. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:01.4994638
  608. Extinct species Oeminopsis cemenensis (7) had an external effect, ignoring the effect
  609. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  610. Creating a save with name: auto_save_4.thrivesave
  611. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.1772601
  612. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 132,882
  613. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-4.ogg position: 0
  614. Placing organelle 'rusticyanin' at: -1, 2
  615. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  616. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  617. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  618. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Морское дно
  619. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  620. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  621. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  622. Previous patch (Aceson Вулканическое жерло) different to current patch (Aceson Морское дно) despawning all entities.
  623. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  624. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  625. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,8 to 0,6
  626. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,05368709 to 0,06710886
  627. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,8 to 0,6
  628. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  629. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  630. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  631. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  632. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  633. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  634. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  635. Changing spawn density of BIG_IRON_CHUNK from 0,8 to 0,5
  636. Registering new spawner: Name: MARINE_SNOW density: 0,4
  637. Number of species in this patch = 4
  638. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2799683 to 0,2311867
  639. Registering new spawner: Name: 3 density: 0,1982616
  640. Changing spawn density of 12 from 0,187488 to 0,1766833
  641. Primum thrivium population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  642. Removed hydrogensulfide spawner.
  643. Removed 1 spawner.
  644. Removed 20 spawner.
  645. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  646. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  647. Creating a save with name: auto_save_5.thrivesave
  648. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.6861072
  649. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-3.ogg position: 15,02912
  650. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 297,5985
  651. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 0
  652. Move to editor pressed
  653. Starting microbe editor with: 15 organelles in the microbe
  654. Elapsing time on editor entry
  655. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1100000000
  656. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:02.6706280
  657. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  658. Creating a save with name: auto_save_1.thrivesave
  659. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.1834759
  660. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-4.ogg position: 29,72735
  661. Placing organelle 'flagellum' at: 1, 1
  662. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  663. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  664. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  665. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  666. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  667. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  668. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  669. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  670. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,06710886 to 0,05368709
  671. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  672. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  673. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  674. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  675. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  676. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  677. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  678. Number of species in this patch = 5
  679. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2311867 to 0,2232646
  680. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1742258
  681. Registering new spawner: Name: 5 density: 0,1723479
  682. Changing spawn density of 3 from 0,1982616 to 0,1677631
  683. Changing spawn density of 12 from 0,1766833 to 0,110234
  684. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  685. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  686. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  687. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.0808988
  688. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-3.ogg position: 160,1596
  689. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 22,62204
  690. The player has died
  691. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  692. Player Microbe spawned
  693. Move to editor pressed
  694. Starting microbe editor with: 16 organelles in the microbe
  695. Elapsing time on editor entry
  696. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1200000000
  697. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:04.2574588
  698. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  699. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  700. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.3694967
  701. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-4.ogg position: 95,3063
  702. Placing organelle 'flagellum' at: -1, 2
  703. Placing organelle 'metabolosome' at: -2, 2
  704. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  705. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  706. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  707. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  708. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  709. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  710. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  711. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  712. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,05368709 to 0,04294967
  713. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  714. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  715. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  716. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  717. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  718. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  719. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  720. Number of species in this patch = 3
  721. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2232646 to 0,2009717
  722. Registering new spawner: Name: 34 density: 0,1921107
  723. Changing spawn density of 1 from 0,1742258 to 0,1785677
  724. Removed 12 spawner.
  725. Removed 3 spawner.
  726. Removed 5 spawner.
  727. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  728. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  729. Creating a save with name: auto_save_4.thrivesave
  730. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-7.ogg position: 0
  731. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 0
  732. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.1479014
  733. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-3.ogg position: 391,0879
  734. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 253,5503
  735. The player has died
  736. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  737. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 0
  738. Player Microbe spawned
  739. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience-3.ogg position: 0
  740. Move to editor pressed
  741. Starting microbe editor with: 18 organelles in the microbe
  742. Elapsing time on editor entry
  743. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1300000000
  744. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:07.9103052
  745. Extinct species Skula vipolera (12) had an external effect, ignoring the effect
  746. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  747. Creating a save with name: auto_save_5.thrivesave
  748. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.7198394
  749. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 0
  750. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-1.ogg position: 0
  751. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  752. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  753. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  754. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Абиссопелагический
  755. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  756. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  757. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  758. Previous patch (Aceson Морское дно) different to current patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) despawning all entities.
  759. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  760. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  761. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,4
  762. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,04294967 to 0,05368709
  763. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,5
  764. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  765. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  766. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  767. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  768. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  769. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  770. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  771. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  772. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  773. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,4 to 0,6
  774. Number of species in this patch = 6
  775. Registering new spawner: Name: 4 density: 0,2007931
  776. Changing spawn density of 34 from 0,1921107 to 0,178403
  777. Registering new spawner: Name: 55 density: 0,1729919
  778. Registering new spawner: Name: 3 density: 0,172129
  779. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2009717 to 0,1535617
  780. Primum thrivium population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  781. Removed SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  782. Removed BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  783. Removed 1 spawner.
  784. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  785. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  786. Creating a save with name: auto_save_1.thrivesave
  787. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.3341797
  788. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 138,4664
  789. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience-3.ogg position: 19,02295
  790. The player has died
  791. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  792. Previous patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Морское дно) despawning all entities.
  793. Applying patch (Aceson Морское дно) settings
  794. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  795. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,4 to 0,6
  796. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,05368709 to 0,03435974
  797. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,5 to 0,6
  798. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  799. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  800. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  801. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  802. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  803. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  804. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  805. Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,5
  806. Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,5
  807. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,6 to 0,4
  808. Number of species in this patch = 3
  809. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,1535617 to 0,2059401
  810. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1826062
  811. Registering new spawner: Name: 40 density: 0,1714589
  812. Removed 34 spawner.
  813. Removed 4 spawner.
  814. Removed 55 spawner.
  815. Removed 3 spawner.
  816. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  817. Player Microbe spawned
  818. The player has died
  819. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  820. Player Microbe spawned
  821. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 0
  822. Move to editor pressed
  823. Starting microbe editor with: 9 organelles in the microbe
  824. Elapsing time on editor entry
  825. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1400000000
  826. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:13.7505197
  827. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  828. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  829. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.5682009
  830. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-1.ogg position: 15,07556
  831. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  832. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  833. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  834. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Абиссопелагический
  835. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  836. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  837. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  838. Previous patch (Aceson Морское дно) different to current patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) despawning all entities.
  839. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  840. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  841. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,4
  842. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,03435974 to 0,04294967
  843. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,5
  844. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  845. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  846. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  847. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  848. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  849. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  850. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  851. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  852. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  853. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,4 to 0,6
  854. Number of species in this patch = 5
  855. Registering new spawner: Name: 4 density: 0,1940619
  856. Registering new spawner: Name: 59 density: 0,1729919
  857. Registering new spawner: Name: 55 density: 0,1605211
  858. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,2059401 to 0,1441238
  859. Primum thrivium population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  860. Removed SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  861. Removed BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  862. Removed 1 spawner.
  863. Removed 40 spawner.
  864. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  865. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  866. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  867. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.2091228
  868. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 92,07292
  869. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience-3.ogg position: 353,2103
  870. Running extinction step in patch Iitic Эпипелагический. Total count:13
  871. Forced extinction of species Lolarus squtus in patch Iitic Эпипелагический.
  872. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 0
  873. Move to editor pressed
  874. Starting microbe editor with: 9 organelles in the microbe
  875. Elapsing time on editor entry
  876. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1500000000
  877. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:24.7010348
  878. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  879. Creating a save with name: auto_save_4.thrivesave
  880. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.4902675
  881. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-1.ogg position: 32,35701
  882. Placing organelle 'metabolosome' at: 0, 1
  883. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  884. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  885. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  886. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  887. Edited species name is now Primum thrivium
  888. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: Primum thrivium
  889. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  890. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  891. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,04294967 to 0,03435974
  892. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  893. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  894. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  895. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  896. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  897. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  898. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  899. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  900. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  901. Number of species in this patch = 4
  902. Registering new spawner: Name: 34 density: 0,1775599
  903. Registering new spawner: Name: 68 density: 0,1581617
  904. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1568798
  905. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,1441238 to 0,1397961
  906. Removed 4 spawner.
  907. Removed 59 spawner.
  908. Removed 55 spawner.
  909. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  910. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  911. Creating a save with name: auto_save_5.thrivesave
  912. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.5850269
  913. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 233,5811
  914. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 28,70567
  915. Running extinction step in patch Iitic Эпипелагический. Total count:14
  916. Forced extinction of species Phion mecanus in patch Iitic Эпипелагический.
  917. Forced extinction of species Cyehiux mequito in patch Iitic Эпипелагический.
  918. The player has died
  919. Applying immediate population effect to Primum thrivium (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  920. Player Microbe spawned
  921. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 0
  922. Move to editor pressed
  923. Starting microbe editor with: 9 organelles in the microbe
  924. Elapsing time on editor entry
  925. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1600000000
  926. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:37.4529185
  927. Extinct species Tucys nopus (59) had an external effect, ignoring the effect
  928. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  929. Creating a save with name: auto_save_1.thrivesave
  930. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.6824439
  931. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-1.ogg position: 87,48698
  932. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  933. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  934. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  935. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Батипелагический
  936. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  937. Edited species name is now RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  938. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  939. Previous patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Батипелагический) despawning all entities.
  940. Applying patch (Aceson Батипелагический) settings
  941. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  942. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,4 to 0,6
  943. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,03435974 to 0,04294967
  944. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,5 to 0,6
  945. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  946. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  947. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  948. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  949. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  950. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  951. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  952. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 1 to 0,7
  953. Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,6
  954. Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,3
  955. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,6 to 1
  956. Number of species in this patch = 11
  957. Registering new spawner: Name: 75 density: 0,1929804
  958. Registering new spawner: Name: 85 density: 0,187268
  959. Registering new spawner: Name: 4 density: 0,1828778
  960. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,1397961 to 0,1798435
  961. Registering new spawner: Name: 8 density: 0,1790549
  962. Changing spawn density of 68 from 0,1581617 to 0,1775599
  963. Registering new spawner: Name: 40 density: 0,1763227
  964. Registering new spawner: Name: 15 density: 0,1716846
  965. Registering new spawner: Name: 6 density: 0,1693167
  966. Registering new spawner: Name: 30 density: 0,1685536
  967. RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  968. Removed 34 spawner.
  969. Removed 1 spawner.
  970. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  971. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  972. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  973. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.8933496
  974. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 82,2741
  975. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience.ogg position: 233,4186
  976. Running extinction step in patch Aceson Эпипелагический. Total count:13
  977. Forced extinction of species Cyupion uncuppiun in patch Aceson Эпипелагический.
  978. Running extinction step in patch Galtuin Устье реки. Total count:14
  979. Forced extinction of species Vupicpian pluvis in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  980. Forced extinction of species Wemafgua eten in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  981. Running extinction step in patch Barimin Прибрежный. Total count:13
  982. Forced extinction of species Nemansia epeum in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  983. The player has died
  984. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  985. Previous patch (Aceson Батипелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) despawning all entities.
  986. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  987. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  988. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,4
  989. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,04294967 to 0,02748779
  990. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,5
  991. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  992. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  993. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  994. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  995. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  996. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  997. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  998. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 0,7 to 1
  999. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1000. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1001. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 1 to 0,6
  1002. Number of species in this patch = 2
  1003. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1672199
  1004. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,1798435 to 0,1456416
  1005. Removed SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1006. Removed BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1007. Removed 68 spawner.
  1008. Removed 75 spawner.
  1009. Removed 85 spawner.
  1010. Removed 4 spawner.
  1011. Removed 8 spawner.
  1012. Removed 40 spawner.
  1013. Removed 15 spawner.
  1014. Removed 6 spawner.
  1015. Removed 30 spawner.
  1016. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  1017. Player Microbe spawned
  1018. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 0
  1019. Move to editor pressed
  1020. Starting microbe editor with: 9 organelles in the microbe
  1021. Elapsing time on editor entry
  1022. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1700000000
  1023. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:00:59.8821852
  1024. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  1025. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  1026. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:02.7912426
  1027. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-1.ogg position: 225,7908
  1028. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 0
  1029. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  1030. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  1031. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  1032. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Батипелагический
  1033. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  1034. Edited species name is now RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  1035. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  1036. Previous patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Батипелагический) despawning all entities.
  1037. Applying patch (Aceson Батипелагический) settings
  1038. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  1039. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,4 to 0,6
  1040. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,02748779 to 0,03435974
  1041. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,5 to 0,6
  1042. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1043. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1044. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1045. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1046. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1047. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1048. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  1049. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 1 to 0,7
  1050. Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,6
  1051. Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,3
  1052. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,6 to 1
  1053. Number of species in this patch = 11
  1054. Registering new spawner: Name: 75 density: 0,1875972
  1055. Registering new spawner: Name: 4 density: 0,1868213
  1056. Registering new spawner: Name: 15 density: 0,1840601
  1057. Registering new spawner: Name: 6 density: 0,1698111
  1058. Registering new spawner: Name: 85 density: 0,166379
  1059. Registering new spawner: Name: 68 density: 0,1658
  1060. Registering new spawner: Name: 40 density: 0,1608908
  1061. Registering new spawner: Name: 8 density: 0,1605211
  1062. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,1456416 to 0,1577426
  1063. Registering new spawner: Name: 30 density: 0,1550454
  1064. RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  1065. Removed 1 spawner.
  1066. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  1067. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  1068. Creating a save with name: auto_save_4.thrivesave
  1069. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.2653685
  1070. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-6.ogg position: 287,5443
  1071. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 18,65143
  1072. Running extinction step in patch Aceson Эпипелагический. Total count:14
  1073. Forced extinction of species Nemansia adeim in patch Aceson Эпипелагический.
  1074. Forced extinction of species Prinsonhin abotmia in patch Aceson Эпипелагический.
  1075. Running extinction step in patch Galtuin Устье реки. Total count:18
  1076. Forced extinction of species Inion cymion in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1077. Forced extinction of species Wemafgua cyiyes in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1078. Forced extinction of species Nemansia thinsonhin in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1079. Forced extinction of species Vitrum leheatgis in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1080. Forced extinction of species Unola sohiian in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1081. Forced extinction of species Nemansia pelella in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1082. Running extinction step in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн. Total count:18
  1083. Forced extinction of species Wemafgua cyiyes in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1084. Forced extinction of species Lamunula occivdae in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1085. Forced extinction of species Lamunula fjtwaa in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1086. Forced extinction of species Lamunula notus in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1087. Forced extinction of species Lamunula moquito in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1088. Forced extinction of species Lamunula spetpiun in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1089. Running extinction step in patch Barimin Прибрежный. Total count:15
  1090. Forced extinction of species Chucoian eniom in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  1091. Forced extinction of species Lolarus ssutos in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  1092. Forced extinction of species Wemafgua cyiyes in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  1093. Running extinction step in patch Larmosean Прибрежный. Total count:14
  1094. Forced extinction of species Prinsonhin esun in patch Larmosean Прибрежный.
  1095. Forced extinction of species Vupien kymex in patch Larmosean Прибрежный.
  1096. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 0
  1097. The player has died
  1098. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  1099. Previous patch (Aceson Батипелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) despawning all entities.
  1100. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  1101. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  1102. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,4
  1103. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,03435974 to 0,02199023
  1104. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,5
  1105. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1106. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1107. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1108. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1109. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1110. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1111. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  1112. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 0,7 to 1
  1113. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1114. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1115. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 1 to 0,6
  1116. Number of species in this patch = 3
  1117. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1787313
  1118. Changing spawn density of 4 from 0,1868213 to 0,1688109
  1119. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,1577426 to 0,159373
  1120. Removed SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1121. Removed BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1122. Removed 75 spawner.
  1123. Removed 15 spawner.
  1124. Removed 6 spawner.
  1125. Removed 85 spawner.
  1126. Removed 68 spawner.
  1127. Removed 40 spawner.
  1128. Removed 8 spawner.
  1129. Removed 30 spawner.
  1130. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  1131. Player Microbe spawned
  1132. Move to editor pressed
  1133. Starting microbe editor with: 8 organelles in the microbe
  1134. Elapsing time on editor entry
  1135. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1800000000
  1136. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:01:19.0983897
  1137. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  1138. Creating a save with name: auto_save_5.thrivesave
  1139. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.1194553
  1140. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 55,89624
  1141. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  1142. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  1143. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  1144. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Батипелагический
  1145. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  1146. Edited species name is now RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  1147. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  1148. Previous patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Батипелагический) despawning all entities.
  1149. Applying patch (Aceson Батипелагический) settings
  1150. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  1151. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,4 to 0,6
  1152. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,02199023 to 0,02748779
  1153. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,5 to 0,6
  1154. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1155. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1156. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1157. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1158. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1159. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1160. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  1161. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 1 to 0,7
  1162. Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,6
  1163. Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,3
  1164. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,6 to 1
  1165. Number of species in this patch = 11
  1166. Registering new spawner: Name: 75 density: 0,1782369
  1167. Registering new spawner: Name: 15 density: 0,1773874
  1168. Registering new spawner: Name: 136 density: 0,1740249
  1169. Registering new spawner: Name: 40 density: 0,1688109
  1170. Registering new spawner: Name: 30 density: 0,1658
  1171. Registering new spawner: Name: 85 density: 0,1642822
  1172. Registering new spawner: Name: 8 density: 0,1540674
  1173. Changing spawn density of 2 from 0,159373 to 0,1508422
  1174. Registering new spawner: Name: 6 density: 0,1490329
  1175. Registering new spawner: Name: 68 density: 0,1416305
  1176. RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  1177. Removed 4 spawner.
  1178. Removed 1 spawner.
  1179. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  1180. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  1181. Creating a save with name: auto_save_1.thrivesave
  1182. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.3208020
  1183. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-1.ogg position: 227,0737
  1184. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 338,814
  1185. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 0
  1186. The player has died
  1187. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  1188. Running extinction step in patch Galtuin Прибрежный. Total count:18
  1189. Forced extinction of species Vitrum kytonsis in patch Galtuin Прибрежный.
  1190. Forced extinction of species Plimumium vepian in patch Galtuin Прибрежный.
  1191. Forced extinction of species Wemafgua cyiyes in patch Galtuin Прибрежный.
  1192. Forced extinction of species Plotuniom hyipsis in patch Galtuin Прибрежный.
  1193. Forced extinction of species Nemansia clalotrum in patch Galtuin Прибрежный.
  1194. Forced extinction of species Minien chalosia in patch Galtuin Прибрежный.
  1195. Running extinction step in patch Galtuin Устье реки. Total count:13
  1196. Forced extinction of species Tuliux nocan in patch Galtuin Устье реки.
  1197. Running extinction step in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн. Total count:13
  1198. Forced extinction of species Minien chalosia in patch Galtuin Приливный бассейн.
  1199. Running extinction step in patch Barimin Прибрежный. Total count:15
  1200. Forced extinction of species Acagtrum toxafpian in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  1201. Forced extinction of species Tuliux abysotster in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  1202. Forced extinction of species Chucoian eniom in patch Barimin Прибрежный.
  1203. Running extinction step in patch Iitic Эпипелагический. Total count:15
  1204. Forced extinction of species Butrum elinsis in patch Iitic Эпипелагический.
  1205. Forced extinction of species Vitrum nostir in patch Iitic Эпипелагический.
  1206. Forced extinction of species Nemansia thinsonhin in patch Iitic Эпипелагический.
  1207. Running extinction step in patch Larmosean Прибрежный. Total count:13
  1208. Forced extinction of species Vupien kymex in patch Larmosean Прибрежный.
  1209. Previous patch (Aceson Батипелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) despawning all entities.
  1210. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  1211. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  1212. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,4
  1213. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,02748779 to 0,01759219
  1214. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,5
  1215. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1216. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1217. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1218. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1219. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1220. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1221. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  1222. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 0,7 to 1
  1223. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1224. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1225. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 1 to 0,6
  1226. Number of species in this patch = 2
  1227. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1768615
  1228. Changing spawn density of 75 from 0,1782369 to 0,1636444
  1229. Removed SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1230. Removed BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1231. Removed 2 spawner.
  1232. Removed 15 spawner.
  1233. Removed 136 spawner.
  1234. Removed 40 spawner.
  1235. Removed 30 spawner.
  1236. Removed 85 spawner.
  1237. Removed 8 spawner.
  1238. Removed 6 spawner.
  1239. Removed 68 spawner.
  1240. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  1241. Player Microbe spawned
  1242. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-4.ogg position: 0
  1243. Move to editor pressed
  1244. Starting microbe editor with: 8 organelles in the microbe
  1245. Elapsing time on editor entry
  1246. TimedWorldOperations: running effects. elapsed: 1 total passed: 1900000000
  1247. Applying auto-evo results. Auto-evo run took: 00:01:41.4941347
  1248. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeEditor
  1249. Creating a save with name: auto_save_2.thrivesave
  1250. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.3219967
  1251. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-editor-theme-3.ogg position: 76,19628
  1252. MicrobeEditor: applying changes to edited Species
  1253. MicrobeEditorReportComponent: applying changes of component
  1254. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying changes of component
  1255. MicrobeEditorPatchMap: applying player move to patch: Aceson Батипелагический
  1256. CellEditorComponent: applying changes of component
  1257. Edited species name is now RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  1258. MicrobeEditor: updated organelles for species: RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH
  1259. Previous patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Батипелагический) despawning all entities.
  1260. Applying patch (Aceson Батипелагический) settings
  1261. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  1262. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,4 to 0,6
  1263. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,01759219 to 0,02199023
  1264. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,5 to 0,6
  1265. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1266. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1267. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1268. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1269. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1270. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1271. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  1272. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 1 to 0,7
  1273. Registering new spawner: Name: SMALL_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,6
  1274. Registering new spawner: Name: BIG_IRON_CHUNK density: 0,3
  1275. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 0,6 to 1
  1276. Number of species in this patch = 10
  1277. Registering new spawner: Name: 136 density: 0,1793737
  1278. Changing spawn density of 75 from 0,1636444 to 0,1736175
  1279. Registering new spawner: Name: 15 density: 0,1734109
  1280. Registering new spawner: Name: 8 density: 0,1612545
  1281. Registering new spawner: Name: 85 density: 0,1605211
  1282. Registering new spawner: Name: 6 density: 0,1525138
  1283. Registering new spawner: Name: 2 density: 0,1483952
  1284. Registering new spawner: Name: 40 density: 0,110234
  1285. Registering new spawner: Name: 30 density: 0,09498474
  1286. RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH population <= 0. Skipping Cell Spawn in patch.
  1287. Removed 1 spawner.
  1288. Jukebox now playing from: MicrobeStage
  1289. Compound: Type not specified in bbcode
  1290. Creating a save with name: auto_save_3.thrivesave
  1291. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.3657921
  1292. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/microbe-theme-4.ogg position: 105,8888
  1293. Jukebox: starting track: res://assets/sounds/soundeffects/microbe-ambience2.ogg position: 153,6755
  1294. The player has died
  1295. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -20, coefficient: 0,6666667, reason: игрок умер
  1296. Previous patch (Aceson Батипелагический) different to current patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) despawning all entities.
  1297. Applying patch (Aceson Абиссопелагический) settings
  1298. Number of clouds in this patch = 9
  1299. Changing spawn density of ammonia from 0,6 to 0,4
  1300. Changing spawn density of glucose from 0,02199023 to 0,01407375
  1301. Changing spawn density of phosphates from 0,6 to 0,5
  1302. hydrogensulfide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1303. oxygen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1304. carbondioxide spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1305. nitrogen spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1306. sunlight spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1307. temperature spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1308. Number of chunks in this patch = 5
  1309. Changing spawn density of FLOATING_HAZARD from 0,7 to 1
  1310. SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1311. BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawn density is 0. It won't spawn
  1312. Changing spawn density of MARINE_SNOW from 1 to 0,6
  1313. Number of species in this patch = 1
  1314. Registering new spawner: Name: 1 density: 0,1841877
  1315. Removed SMALL_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1316. Removed BIG_IRON_CHUNK spawner.
  1317. Removed 75 spawner.
  1318. Removed 136 spawner.
  1319. Removed 15 spawner.
  1320. Removed 8 spawner.
  1321. Removed 85 spawner.
  1322. Removed 6 spawner.
  1323. Removed 2 spawner.
  1324. Removed 40 spawner.
  1325. Removed 30 spawner.
  1326. Applying immediate population effect to RZNMBR DZIRINDIVICH (1), constant: -35, coefficient: 0,8333333, reason: Вымерли в биоме
  1327. Player Microbe spawned
  1328. Creating a save with name: RZNMBR_DZIRINDIVICH.thrivesave
  1329. save finished, success: True message: Сохранение успешно elapsed: 00:00:03.4420996
  1330. ERROR: Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
  1331. at: ~List (./core/self_list.h:108) - Condition "_first != nullptr" is true.
  1332. WARNING: ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
  1333. at: cleanup (core/object.cpp:2070) - ObjectDB instances leaked at exit (run with --verbose for details).
  1334. ERROR: Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).
  1335. at: clear (core/resource.cpp:417) - Resources still in use at exit (run with --verbose for details).
  1336. ERROR: There are still MemoryPool allocs in use at exit!
  1337. at: cleanup (core/pool_vector.cpp:63) - Condition "allocs_used > 0" is true.
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