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a guest
Dec 15th, 2019
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  1. <template>
  2. <div id="ordering">
  3. <img class="examplePanel" src="@/assets/colorsplash.jpg">
  4. <section class="leftSection">
  5. <div id="menuButtons">
  6. <button id = "bigButtons" v-on:click="changeCategory(1); showBurger(true); showOrder(true)"><img src="@/assets/hamburger.png" width=200px></button>
  8. <div class="hamburgerIngredients" v-if="hamburgerButtons">
  9. <button :class="['menu-button', {'focused-category' : currentCategory === 1}]" v-on:click="changeCategory(1)"> {{ uiLabels.protein }} </button>
  10. <button :class="['menu-button', {'focused-category' : currentCategory === 2}]" v-on:click="changeCategory(2)"> {{ uiLabels.toppings }} </button>
  11. <button :class="['menu-button', {'focused-category' : currentCategory === 3}]" v-on:click="changeCategory(3)"> {{ uiLabels.sauce }} </button>
  12. <button :class="['menu-button', {'focused-category' : currentCategory === 4}]" v-on:click="changeCategory(4)"> {{ uiLabels.bread }} </button>
  13. </div>
  14. <button id = "bigButtons" v-on:click="changeCategory(5); showBurger(false); showOrder(true)"><img src="@/assets/fries.png" width=200px></button>
  15. <button id = "bigButtons" v-on:click="changeCategory(6); showBurger(false); showOrder(true)"><img src="@/assets/drink.png" width=200px></button>
  16. <div class="popupClass">
  17. <button id="checkoutButton" v-on:click=" showOrder(false); showPlaceOrder(true);showBurger(false)"> {{ uiLabels.checkout }} </button>
  18. </div>
  19. </div>
  20. </section>
  22. <section class="header">
  23. <h1> Crusty Burgers </h1>
  24. </section>
  26. <section class="middleSection" >
  27. <div id="welcomePage" v-if="buttonIsPressed == false">
  28. {{ uiLabels.welcome}} <br>
  29. <img src="@/assets/welcome.jpg" width=400px >
  30. </div>
  31. <div v-else>
  32. <div v-if="displayOrder">
  33. <h1 v-if="this.currentCategory==1">{{ uiLabels.protein}}</h1>
  34. <h1 v-if="this.currentCategory==2">{{ uiLabels.toppings}}</h1>
  35. <h1 v-if="this.currentCategory==3">{{ uiLabels.sauce}}</h1>
  36. <h1 v-if="this.currentCategory==4">{{ uiLabels.bread}}</h1>
  37. <h1 v-if="this.currentCategory==5">{{ uiLabels.extras}}</h1>
  38. <h1 v-if="this.currentCategory==6">{{ uiLabels.drinks}}</h1>
  39. <div v-if="this.currentCategory<=3" class="ingdiv">
  40. <Ingredient
  41. ref="ingredient"
  42. v-for= "item in ingredients"
  43. v-show="item.category==currentCategory"
  44. v-on:increment="createBurger(item)"
  45. v-on:deincrement="removeIngredientNumber(item)"
  46. :item="item"
  47. :lang="lang"
  48. :currentCategory=currentCategory
  49. :key="item.ingredient_id">
  50. </Ingredient>
  51. </div>
  52. <div v-else="this.currentCategory>=4" class="ingdiv2">
  53. <Ingredient
  54. ref="ingredient"
  55. v-for= "item in ingredients"
  56. v-show="item.category==currentCategory"
  57. v-on:increment="createBurger(item)"
  58. v-on:deincrement="removeIngredientNumber(item)"
  59. :item="item"
  60. :lang="lang"
  61. :currentCategory=currentCategory
  62. :key="item.ingredient_id">
  63. </Ingredient>
  64. </div> <br> <br>
  65. </div>
  66. <div v-if="hamburgerButtons">
  67. <div v-if="currentCategory >= 2">
  68. <button v-on:click="previousPage()" style="float: left;"><img src="@/assets/backArrow.png" width = 40> {{ uiLabels.previous }}</button>
  69. </div>
  70. <div v-if="currentCategory <= 3">
  71. <button v-on:click="nextPage()" style="float: left;"><img src="@/assets/frontArrow.png" width = 40> {{ }}</button>
  72. </div>
  73. </div>
  74. <div id="addOrderButton" v-if="displayOrder">
  75. <button v-on:click="addButtonK(); showPlaceOrder(true)" style="float: right;"><img src="@/assets/cart.png" width = 40> {{ uiLabels.addOrder }}</button>
  76. </div>
  77. <div id="currentOrder" v-if="displayOrder == false">
  78. <h1>{{ uiLabels.yourOrder }}</h1>
  79. <div v-for="ab, index in outputOrderText">
  80. {{ ab}} &nbsp;
  81. <button v-on:click="removeItem(index)" id= "index" > X </button>
  82. <br>
  83. </div>
  84. <div id="totalPrice">
  85. {{uiLabels.totalPriceLang}} {{totalOrderPrice}} :-
  86. </div>
  87. <div v-if="placeOrderBoolean">
  88. <button id="placeOrderButton" v-on:click="placeOrder(); popupFunction()" style="float: right;"> {{uiLabels.placeOrder}} </button>
  89. <span class="popuptext" id="myPopup"> </span>
  90. </div>
  91. </div>
  92. </div>
  93. </section>
  96. <section class="rightSection">
  97. <button id="langButton" v-if="this.langBoolData" v-on:click="switchLang(); langBool(false)"><img src="@/assets/Sverige.png" width=100%></button>
  98. <button id="langButton" v-if="this.langBoolData==false" v-on:click="switchLang(); langBool(true)"><img src="@/assets/Storbritannien.png" width=100%></button>
  99. <div id="infoAllergy">
  100. <span id="milk"> L </span> = {{ uiLabels.contains }} {{ uiLabels.lactose }} <br>
  101. <span id="gluten">G</span> = {{ uiLabels.contains }} {{ uiLabels.gluten }} <br>
  102. <span id="vegan">V</span> = {{ uiLabels.vegan }}
  103. </div>
  104. <div class="rightInfo">
  105. <div id="secondRightBox">
  106. <div v-if="hamburgerButtons">
  107. <h1>{{ uiLabels.order }}</h1>
  108. <h4>{{uiLabels.protein}} </h4>
  109. <span v-for="ingri in this.burgerIngredients">
  110. <li v-if="ingri.category==1">{{ ingri["ingredient_"+lang] }}, </li>
  111. </span>
  112. <h4>{{ uiLabels.toppings }}</h4>
  113. <span v-for="ingri in this.burgerIngredients">
  114. <li v-if="ingri.category==2">{{ ingri["ingredient_"+lang] }}</li>
  115. </span>
  116. <h4>{{ uiLabels.sauce }}</h4>
  117. <span v-for="ingri in this.burgerIngredients">
  118. <li v-if="ingri.category==3">{{ ingri["ingredient_"+lang] }}, </li>
  119. </span>
  120. <h4>{{ uiLabels.bread }}</h4>
  121. <li v-if="isbreadin()!==true"> {{uiLabels.breaddemand}} </li>
  122. <span v-if="isbreadin()" v-for="ingri in this.burgerIngredients">
  123. <li v-if="ingri.category==4">{{ ingri["ingredient_"+lang] }} </li>
  124. </span>
  125. <h4>{{uiLabels.burgerprice}} {{ price }} kr </h4>
  126. </div>
  127. <h1>{{ uiLabels.ordersInQueue }}</h1>
  128. <div>
  129. <OrderItem
  130. v-for="(order, key) in orders"
  131. v-if="order.status !== 'done'"
  132. :order-id="key"
  133. :order="order"
  134. :ui-labels="uiLabels"
  135. :lang="lang"
  136. :key="key">
  137. </OrderItem>
  138. </div>
  139. </div>
  140. </div>
  142. </section>
  143. </div>
  144. </template>
  145. <script>
  147. //import the components that are used in the template, the name that you
  148. //use for importing will be used in the template above and also below in
  149. //components
  150. import Ingredient from '@/components/Ingredient.vue'
  151. import OrderItem from '@/components/OrderItem.vue'
  153. //import methods and data that are shared between ordering and kitchen views
  154. import sharedVueStuff from '@/components/sharedVueStuff.js'
  156. /* instead of defining a Vue instance, export default allows the only
  157. necessary Vue instance (found in main.js) to import your data and methods */
  158. export default {
  159. name: 'Ordering',
  160. components: {
  161. Ingredient,
  162. OrderItem
  163. },
  164. mixins: [sharedVueStuff], // include stuff that is used in both
  165. // the ordering system and the kitchen
  166. data: function() { //Not that data is a function!
  167. return {
  168. itemprice: 0,
  169. langBoolData:true,
  170. chosenIngredients: [],
  171. burgerIngredients: [],
  172. drinksAndExtras: [],
  173. outputOrderText: [],
  174. tempFoodObjekt:"",
  175. price: 0,
  176. totalOrderPrice: 0,
  177. orderNumber: "",
  178. currentCategory: 1,
  179. buttonIsPressed: false,
  180. hamburgerButtons: false,
  181. displayOrder: false,
  182. isburger: false,
  183. placeOrderBoolean: false,
  184. aBurger: {
  185. bread: null,
  186. meat: [],
  187. additionals:[],
  188. sauce: [],
  189. price: 0
  190. },
  191. aDrinkOrExtra: {
  192. size: "Small",
  193. name: {},
  194. price: 0
  195. }
  196. }
  197. },
  198. created: function () {
  199. this.$store.state.socket.on('orderNumber', function (data) {
  200. this.orderNumber = data;
  201. }.bind(this));
  202. },
  203. methods: {
  204. createBurger: function (item) {
  205. if (this.currentCategory<=4){
  206. this.burgerIngredients.push(item);
  207. this.price += +item.selling_price;
  208. }
  209. else if (this.currentCategory>=5) {
  210. this.drinksAndExtras.push(item);
  211. }
  213. },
  214. addToOrder: function () {
  215. this.addToBurger();
  216. this.addToDrinkOrExtra();
  217. this.createOutputOrderText();
  218. //this.chosenIngredients = this.chosenIngredients.concat(this.burgerIngredients).concat(this.drinksAndExtras);
  219. this.burgerIngredients = [];
  220. this.drinksAndExtras = [];
  221. this.price=0;
  222. },
  224. addButtonK: function(){
  225. if(this.isbreadin()){
  226. console.log("test1");
  227. this.addToOrder()
  228. this.showBurger(false)
  229. this.showOrder(false)
  230. }
  232. else if (this.isNotBurger()) {
  233. console.log("test 2")
  234. this.addToOrder();
  235. this.showBurger(false);
  236. this.showOrder(false);
  237. }
  238. else {
  239. }
  240. },
  242. addToBurger: function(){
  243. var i;
  244. for (i=0; i < this.burgerIngredients.length; i++){
  245. if (this.burgerIngredients[i].category == 1) {
  246. this.aBurger.meat.push(this.burgerIngredients[i]);
  247. }
  248. else if (this.burgerIngredients[i].category == 2) {
  249. this.aBurger.additionals.push(this.burgerIngredients[i]);
  250. }
  251. else if (this.burgerIngredients[i].category == 3) {
  252. this.aBurger.sauce.push(this.burgerIngredients[i]);
  253. }
  254. else if (this.burgerIngredients[i].category == 4)
  255. { this.isBurger=true;
  256. this.aBurger.bread = this.burgerIngredients[i];
  257. }
  258. }
  259. if(this.isBurger){
  260. this.getpriceofburger(this.aBurger)
  261. this.chosenIngredients.push({bread:this.aBurger.bread, meat:this.aBurger.meat,
  262. additionals:this.aBurger.additionals, sauce:this.aBurger.sauce, price:this.itemprice});
  263. this.itemprice=0;
  264. this.aBurger.bread=null;
  265. this.aBurger.meat=[];
  266. this.aBurger.additionals=[];
  267. this.aBurger.sauce=[]
  268. this.isBurger=false;
  269. }
  270. //this.chosenIngredients.push(this.aBurger);
  271. },
  272. addToDrinkOrExtra: function(){
  273. var j;
  274. for (j=0; j< this.drinksAndExtras.length; j++){
  275. if (this.drinksAndExtras[j].category >= 5){
  276. this.getpriceofburger(this.drinksAndExtras[j])
  277. console.log(this.itemprice)
  278. = this.drinksAndExtras[j]
  279. this.chosenIngredients.push({, size:this.aDrinkOrExtra.size, price:this.itemprice});
  280. this.itemprice=0;
  282. this.aDrinkOrExtra.size="Small";
  283. }
  284. }
  285. },
  286. placeOrder: function () {
  287. var i,
  288. //Wrap the order in an object
  289. order = {
  290. ingredients: this.outputOrderText,
  291. price: this.price
  292. };
  293. // make use of's magic to send the stuff to the kitchen via the server (app.js)
  294. this.$store.state.socket.emit('order', {order: order});
  295. //set all counters to 0. Notice the use of $refs
  296. for (i = 0; i < this.$refs.ingredient.length; i += 1) {
  297. this.$refs.ingredient[i].resetCounter();
  298. }
  299. this.price = 0;
  300. this.totalOrderPrice = 0;
  301. this.chosenIngredients = [];
  302. },
  304. createOutputOrderText: function(){
  305. var i
  306. var j
  307. this.outputOrderText=[];
  308. this.totalOrderPrice=0;
  309. for (i=0; i <this.chosenIngredients.length; i++){
  310. if(this.chosenIngredients[i].bread != null){
  311. this.tempFoodObjekt= (i+1) +": " + this.chosenIngredients[i].bread["ingredient_" + this.lang]
  312. for (j=0; j < this.chosenIngredients[i].meat.length; j++){
  313. this.tempFoodObjekt=this.tempFoodObjekt + ", " + this.chosenIngredients[i].meat[j]["ingredient_" + this.lang]
  314. }
  315. for (j=0; j < this.chosenIngredients[i].additionals.length; j++){
  316. this.tempFoodObjekt=this.tempFoodObjekt + ", " + this.chosenIngredients[i].additionals[j]["ingredient_" + this.lang]
  317. }
  318. for (j=0; j < this.chosenIngredients[i].sauce.length; j++){
  319. this.tempFoodObjekt=this.tempFoodObjekt + ", " + this.chosenIngredients[i].sauce[j]["ingredient_" + this.lang]
  320. }
  321. this.tempFoodObjekt=this.tempFoodObjekt+", " + this.chosenIngredients[i].price + ":-";
  322. this.outputOrderText.push(this.tempFoodObjekt);
  323. this.tempFoodObjekt = "";
  324. this.totalOrderPrice+=this.chosenIngredients[i].price
  325. }
  326. else {
  327. this.tempFoodObjekt= (i+1) + ": " + this.chosenIngredients[i].name["ingredient_" + this.lang] + ", " + this.chosenIngredients[i].size + ", " + this.chosenIngredients[i].price + ":-";
  328. this.outputOrderText.push(this.tempFoodObjekt);
  329. this.tempFoodObjekt = "";
  330. console.log(this.chosenIngredients[i].price)
  331. this.totalOrderPrice+=this.chosenIngredients[i].price
  332. }
  333. }
  334. },
  335. changeCategory: function(int) {
  336. this.currentCategory = int;
  337. },
  339. showBurger: function(boolean) {
  340. this.hamburgerButtons = boolean;
  341. this.buttonIsPressed=true;
  342. },
  343. showOrder: function(boolean) {
  344. this.displayOrder = boolean;
  345. },
  346. langBool: function(boolean){
  347. this.langBoolData=boolean;
  348. },
  349. showPlaceOrder: function(boolean){
  350. this.placeOrderBoolean = boolean;
  351. },
  353. getpriceofburger: function(item){
  354. var j
  355. if(item.bread!=null){
  356. this.itemprice=parseInt(item.bread.selling_price);
  357. for (j=0; j < item.meat.length; j++){
  358. this.itemprice+=parseInt(item.meat[j].selling_price);
  359. }
  360. for (j=0; j < item.additionals.length; j++){
  361. this.itemprice+=parseInt(item.additionals[j].selling_price);
  363. }
  364. for (j=0; j < item.sauce.length; j++){
  365. this.itemprice+=parseInt(item.sauce[j].selling_price);
  367. }
  368. }
  369. else {
  370. this.itemprice=parseInt(item.selling_price);
  371. }
  372. },
  374. removeItem: function(index){
  375. this.chosenIngredients.splice(index,1);
  376. console.log(this.chosenIngredients[index])
  377. this.createOutputOrderText();
  378. },
  380. getbreadindex: function(ingri){
  381. if(ingri.category==4){
  382. return ingri
  383. }
  384. },
  386. isbreadin:function(){
  387. var i
  388. for(i=0; i <this.burgerIngredients.length; i++){
  390. if (this.burgerIngredients[i].category==4){
  391. return true
  392. }
  393. }
  394. return false
  395. },
  397. isNotBurger:function(){
  398. var i
  399. for(i=0; i <this.drinksAndExtras.length; i++){
  400. if (this.drinksAndExtras[i].category>4){
  401. return true
  402. }}
  403. return false
  404. },
  406. removeIngredientNumber: function(item){
  407. if (this.currentCategory <= 3){
  408. this.burgerIngredients.splice( this.burgerIngredients.indexOf(item),1);
  410. this.price += -item.selling_price;
  411. }
  412. else if (this.currentCategory == 4){
  413. var bread_index;
  414. if(this.isbreadin()){
  415. bread_index=this.burgerIngredients.findIndex(this.getbreadindex);
  416. this.price += -this.burgerIngredients[bread_index].selling_price;
  417. this.burgerIngredients.splice(bread_index,1);
  419. }
  420. }
  421. else {
  422. this.drinksAndExtras.splice( this.drinksAndExtras.indexOf(item),1);
  423. this.price += -item.selling_price;
  424. }
  425. },
  427. nextPage: function(){
  428. this.currentCategory += 1;
  429. },
  430. previousPage: function(){
  431. this.currentCategory = this.currentCategory - 1;
  432. },
  434. popupFunction: function(){
  435. if (confirm("Place order")){
  436. this.placeOrder()
  437. };
  438. }
  440. }
  441. }
  442. </script>
  443. <style scoped>
  444. /* scoped in the style tag means that these rules will only apply to elements, classes and ids in this template and no other templates. */
  445. @media all and (max-width: 700px) {
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  453. z-index: -2;
  454. }
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  456. .examplePanel {
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  458. background-size: cover;
  459. width: 100%;
  460. left: 0;
  461. top: 0;
  462. z-index: -2;
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  467. grid-gap: 15px;
  468. grid-template-columns: 20% 60% 20%;
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  497. #bigButtons {
  498. background-color: white;
  499. border: 4px groove #ccd;
  500. display: inline-block;
  501. }
  502. .hamburgerIngredients {
  503. text-align: center;
  504. }
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  507. grid-column: 2;
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  509. border: 4px groove #ccd;
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  521. #totalPrice{
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  523. border: 2px solid;
  524. padding-left: 10px;
  525. margin-right: 500px;
  526. margin-top: 30px;
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  544. overflow-y:scroll;
  545. height:50vh;
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  552. background-color: white;
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  556. display: grid;
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  562. font-size: 30px;
  563. font-family: "Comic Sans MS";
  564. background-color: LightSkyBlue;
  565. border: 2px solid;
  566. }
  567. #addOrderButton {
  568. font-size: 50em;
  569. }
  570. #checkoutButton {
  571. width: 270px;
  572. height: 80px;
  573. margin-top: 10px;
  574. font-size: 18px;
  575. font-family: "Comic Sans MS";
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  577. }
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  583. width: 198px;
  585. }
  587. #secondRightBox {
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  589. }
  591. #milk {
  592. color: blue;
  593. }
  595. #gluten {
  596. color: brown;
  597. }
  599. #vegan {
  600. color: green;
  601. }
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  603. background-color: OrangeRed;
  604. font-size: 0.9em;
  605. font-weight: bold;
  606. border: 2px solid;
  607. height:0.95;
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  609. .focused-category {
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  611. color: white;
  612. }
  614. .example-panel {
  615. position: fixed;
  616. left:0;
  617. top:0;
  618. z-index: -2;
  619. }
  620. .ingredient {
  621. border: 1px solid #ccd;
  622. padding: 1em;
  623. background-color: white;
  624. }
  626. </style>
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