
The First Life Taken

Jan 12th, 2021
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  1. [18:58] Miyuki exclaims, "Im back!"
  2. [18:58] Miyuki asks, "You..ready?"
  3. [18:58] Zeno Laskaris says, "Welcome back."
  4. [18:58] Zeno Laskaris says, "I am indeed."
  5. [19:00] Miyuki asks, "Where we going?"
  6. [19:01] Zeno Laskaris exclaims, "The home I have!"
  7. [19:01] Zeno Laskaris says, "It'd be nice and cute to sit in"
  8. [19:01] Miyuki says, "Ohhhhhhh."
  9. [19:01] Miyuki says, "Woooow."
  10. [19:01] Miyuki says, "....."
  11. [19:01] Miyuki says, "This is...even nicer..."
  12. [19:07] As he floated into the house he lead her, to the main hallway. Her hand held tightly within his grasp. He released her hand with a look of great contentment. His expression seemed happier than usual. Oddly enough. --He let go of her hand and did a brief spin around spreading his arm out. Taking on a bit more of a childish demeanor. --His mismatched hues fell onto her once more. Starting longingly into her one sole true eye. He floated up and grasped onto her hand with both of his. Pressing it against his chest. She could feel the excited thump of his heart. He was grinning ear to ear.
  14. "Its not that impressive in all honesty. However I'm glad you like it! --Now would you care to have some tea or a meal? I'll allow you to decide."
  16. He gave her the choice of the matter, all the while he took out a small letter and began writing upon it. Sending it out not long after. Having the Pidgeon flutter its way out of the home to some unknown location.
  17. (Zeno Laskaris)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [19:14] {LONG DISTANCE TO: Peppy}: I have her in the residence. Don't come quite yet unless you really want to. But I'd rather allow her to feel some sort of facade up to the last moments. Where I get to see her fall completely into despair. Give me about an hour or until I send another letter. If you wish to wait on by call.
  21. [19:17] Miyuki floated in the air gracefully while he lead her to his house. So many things she still didn't know about him, as he released his hand, he looked rather content. She didn't mind it, but she did wonder why.
  23. If only he was always like this, she tilted her head when he spins around, spreading his arm out. She took his hand again, he was just so happy or maybe in a really good mood. Heck, who was she to even complain about that? Although she kept wondering why, it couldn't just be because they were on a date.
  25. As he pressed her hand against his chest, she could feel his heart beating pretty fast, although the Kitsune girl was pretty excited herself, just not as badly as he was, grinning ear to ear.
  27. "Ohhh, I love it..So..majestic looking..I wish I had such a impressive home myself. At least I live in a way cooler room now and with such amazing roommates." she grins while she gazed into his eyes. "Oh, food..Uhm...Im not hungry yet but I can have some tea sure!" she giggled while her cheeks were turning rosy, tilting her head at the pigeon that was fluttering out of the house and somewhere else.
  28. (Miyuki)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [19:26] The ecstatic young boy leads his little vixen over to the table. Pulling the chair back like a proper gentleman, leading her to take a seat. Scooting her in as he floats over to his chair. --Snakes slithered all around the floor, crawling almost silently. As they assembled the arrangement on behalf of the two of them. Having fresh tea boiled not long ago resting in front of them.
  33. He crossed his legs and leaned forward. Pressing his elbow against the table. Cupping his cheek in the palm of his hand. Tilting his head forty-five degree or so. His soft humming started up again, one more melancholic then usual. As his joy filled eyes just never break from hers.
  35. "Perhaps one day you will get to have such an amazing home~... But I'm glad you enjoy my and Peppy's company so. --But that's not what matters right now."
  37. The tone towards the end took on a more intrigued, fascinated sound.
  39. "Since I was never able to ask you this. How wasit? --Your first kill, how did it feel, what emotions did it evoke; Love, hatred, despair, perhaps a lust of more?"
  41. His eyes flared up, with a burning passion at the topic.
  43. "I'm curious~."
  44. (Zeno Laskaris)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [19:38] The Kitsune girl smiled while he leads her over to the table and then pulled the chair back for her, that was something she wasn't used to, but it didn't bother her. She watched him float to his chair while snakes slithered all around the floor, crawling around silently, assembling the arrangement for the two. She tilted her head the floor, he seemed to always fascinate her with his magic.
  49. Miyuki sat down on the chair properly with her legs crossed and feeling a bit nervous now, he was all manners and she didn't really know much about, so she just placed her hands on the table, reaching for his hand. Hearing him hum along made her feel more comfortable while she gazed into his eyes filled with joy, still focused on hers.
  51. "Oh, yes. I will for sure. Peppy has been nice. She even enchanted my armor and I do give her stuff. But yes you're right. Oh?" she scratched the back of her head when he mentioned about her first kill.
  53. "Eh, it felt..amazing...empowering and the same time...I still..remember the thud of his head hitting the sand near the water by the boat up from the mines. And..the never ending blood pool...I...don't remember how long I had been staring at his body, but I think seeing all that blood.." She didn't know what it was but she felt the hatred consume her and lost herself gazing at the blood pool. Who knew how long she had been staring for.
  55. "A lot of hatred...I felt like something just unleashed from me to him...I..cant wait until I can feel like that again..Is that wrong? I was told it is very wrong to feel like this at such young age..." she kept her gaze onto his while her eyes were radiating the more she spoke about the first kill.
  56. (Miyuki)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [19:52] His attentive gaze was unwavering as she told her story. How it felt for her, the power... it brought a content smile to his face. In fact it made him want to stand up once more. However he didn't. It'd be all to odd to just sit down then get right back up. It was a shame though.
  61. "Is that so? --Well... no killing isn't wrong if you have the right reason. Everything can be justified. Not one thing in this world is wrong unless some morality you bind yourself to is present. If you let nothing hold you down. Well the world is your oyster."
  63. His tone seemed refined and thought out. Yet the sinister like aspect of it showcased out from his words. Like he was saying something to her in a cryptic manner. Perhaps she got it, or she may not. It didn't matter to him. --One thing to note, his voice shifted a bit. The darker underlining tone shifting to be in the light. Shown to her, as he spoke.
  65. "Much like your my little oyster, my little vixen~..."
  67. As he said that, the binding he held on her started to drain her more. Like her mana was siphoning off to him. Her body got rather heavily, weighed down. --Her skin felt as if it were crawling, literally. Like slimy snakes rolled under her skin. The flesh shifting out of the way. Her bones feeling as if they were cracking under the unknown pressure.
  69. He tapped his chin with his leather-bound hand, as he relaxed off of it. His humming remaining... getting clearer in fact.
  71. "On another note, how much have you enjoyed your life thus far?"
  73. Zeno asked, as she felt a cold metal slide around her throat. Coiling around her neck, constricting softly. Much like that one night. Just it wasn't hurting her outright this time. Just it sat there, as his eyes became the odd imposing serpentine gaze. As he licked his lips again...
  74. (Zeno Laskaris)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [20:07] The Kitsune girl tilted her head at him and then snickered for a moment. "You're funny. And I know. I don't regret one single bit of what I did. Heh. And now my mother can live a happy life and do what she always wanted to pursue before she got herself trapped. I went to talk to her, but she doesn't know he is dead. She seemed relieved. Anyways enough of this talk hah. Soooo, tell me more about yourself." she giggled while she leaned over to the table to poke his nose. She just loved every chance she had to poke him.
  79. Miyuki raised her eyebrow at the tone of his voice, something was always different about him but she shrugged it off since she was clueless of a lot of things. When she heard the name he called her, she snickered. "Oyster?..Haha, you're too funny, my little shrimp." she just couldn't help but burst into laughter, falling to the ground as she felt the levitation potion wearing off, almost falling off of her chair.
  81. "I'm sorry. I tried, that just..that sounds too weird. I guess I am not so good like you, hehehe. Oh, I', having a lot of fun now, lets not talk about my life in the past. I was told, the past is the past so screw it. I just want to get stronger and be the most powerful mage in Esshar. I want people to fear me, like that boy at the restaurant who was shaking when I got too close to him for getting me annoyed." she says, grinning ear from ear.
  83. Maybe it was her first skill or something else that just got her wanting more, although she did promise Fleurosa and Catherine to be good, it was just so hard, all she wanted is to fight new challenges and make herself known out there.
  85. "Now, now. Enough about me. Tell me more about yourself." she says while she stretched her arms quickly and then just leaned back on the table, gazing at him, waiting to hear more about him, he was like a mysterious box. One she was going to unravel one day.
  86. (Miyuki)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [20:16] {Item} You picked up Fizzy Pop. Dropped by Miyuki..
  90. [20:17] Miyuki says, "For you.~"
  91. [20:26] He listened to her words. Like granting a pet the utmost attention. Which she was to him. Her life was enjoyed, that was good to hear. Least now that she had gotten away from all her pain. --He floated up and out of his seat. Moving around to behind her chair. Wrapping his arms around her. Holding her tightly. He rubbed his cheek against hers. A tender loving display of affection. One that he leaned into.
  93. "I'm glad to hear that your content now. --And about me~? I guess I could tell you more."
  95. He said in a question attitude. Like he didn't really wish to tell her anything yet, he decided that perhaps he should. Just as he goes to speak on at length about himself. His embrace broke, as he fiddled around with something in his back. Which once the sound ceased she could feel another snake like object crawl up her torso and around her neck. Mixing with the other one. As she would hear a clink. Her mana snapped, fully. Restricting the bond the body had with the essence in her.
  97. A magic restrain collar, would be bound to her should she not resist him.
  99. Even should it fail he would lean in and whisper into her ear. Softly...
  101. "I'm a person with high desires with the world. I plan to shift the world at large with my wants... I will usher the world into a new era feeling the fear as they walk. The nightmare kids will dream about. A deranged person, looking for something more. To attain the power I seek."
  103. He ran his hand up her cheek, caressing it gingerly. Right underneath her properly working eye. Which he moved to stare at, glare into.
  105. "I want you... I need you."
  107. An addicted sounding voice seeped from his lips. With a faint uneasy chuckle, that of a deranged mad man.
  109. Zeno left the gift on the table for now. Focusing on the main task at hand. As one could hear scribbles across the room. As another letter flies out. (If the collar was accepted.)
  112. (Zeno Laskaris)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [20:45] Miyuki smiled when he got out of his chair and wrapped his arms around her, being affectionate, something she always loved. Her cheeks turns rosy when he rubbed his cheek against hers. She giggled and goes to squeeze his cheeks, making him look really goofy probably, smirking at him after.
  117. "Mhmmmm, Im glad I came to the Academy. Yes, yes, tell me m-" She paused for a moment after he broke his embrace and fiddled with something. She tilted her head at him only to feel a snake like object crawl up her torso and around her neck. "Huh?..Oh?" she reached for her neck while it was mixing with the other one, hearing a clink and her mana snapped quickly and fully restricting the bond the body had with the essence in her. The Kitsune girl didn't resist at all, she had no reason to.
  119. "Mmm.." She stopped speaking while he leaned in and whispered in her ear softly. "Mmm, that sounds pretty amazing. You will never scare me though. Your snakes are just too adorable, I just want to keep on with me at all times to remind me of you. Maybe I will.~" She snickered until he ran his hand up her cheek, caressing it, staring at her.
  121. "I am yours. Always.." she felt hypnotised when she spoke to her, grabbing the gift, although she wondered where all these letters were flying out and such. She tilted her head while she looked at him.
  122. (Miyuki)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [20:52] {LONG DISTANCE TO: Peppy}: Peppy, I have the collar on her. She can't leave the house anymore. She is our prisoner. Going as I planned it to be. --If you want to show up and start playing a bit with her before I remove her eye and kill her. You may.
  126. [21:11] Peppy says, "I am here, sorry in advance."
  127. [21:11] Miyuki says, "Oh hey."
  128. [21:11] It was rather easy to get her to do as he wished. A lamb ready following the shepherd. The trust she had for him was amusing. He made his loving smile to more sinister. --As he gazed into her eye. A hand raising up to caress the top of her head. Softly rubbing the follicles. Pulling her head back, as he rose above her.
  130. "Good. Now its about time for the main act thing I suppose."
  132. He leaned in to place a tender kiss upon her lips. Resting it there for a moment to pull back and look over to the new arrival to the scene. His sinister grin deepened. As he floated back, giving a few feet of distance. --His hand gestured to his little vixen.
  134. "Your toy for the next couple of hours. --I can't wait to see what you have planned for her. Just remember no killing~."
  136. Zeno waggled his finger in a playful manner to her. Just before his tone darkened heavily. As he looked back to Miyuki.
  138. "Do remain strong... it'd be a shame if you broke super easily. --That ruins the fun of it all~."
  140. A laugh escaped his lips, maniacal in nature. He really did enjoy this all. He was finally able to do what he wanted in life. His goal was starting up. Once the ball got rolling, it would be hard to stop his progress. She happened to be the first step.
  141. (Zeno Laskaris)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [21:19] The Kitsune girl was looking at him while he acted all loving until he floated back away from her and Peppy shows up. She tilted her head at him and then at Peppy, confused for a moment, not really understanding what was going on.
  146. Maybe she was going to spend time with Peppy? She remained clueless until he spoke again, a maniacal laugh escaping his lips.
  148. "What? What do you mean?.." she frowns at him and then at Peppy. Could he had played with her this whole time? She just couldn't believe it, yet.
  149. (Miyuki)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [21:26] Peppy's eyes glowed bright red, her devious smile widened almost monstrous. Truly an image to create nightmares. Her eyes would glow but behind the glow Miyuki could finally tell those eyes were soulless...lifeless. She removed her gloves exposing her sharpened claws, as sharp as scalpels.
  154. "I know you have only been kind to me... unfortunately I have only plans to make you suffer." her words slightly distorted not quite her regular voice. The albino rat leaned in grabbing her arm with her rat talons.
  156. "It is only fair I will tell you what I am going to do." she said in a raspy voice. A menu made only for the sickest of people, catered specifically for miyuki.
  158. "For your appetizer I will cut you open... collect some of your blood in these tiny vials mine! You will be number five if you are interested on knowing. Entrée, Your flesh will be played and contorted with." she gestured to Miyuki's precious fingers.
  160. "Those will be cut and grown back if I would succeed. Finally dessert... I will offer you to Helheim as an offering." a tasteful menu one that miyuki was sure to hate.
  162. Peppy licked her lips, she was grotesque. Inhuman. A monster.
  164. Her nails digging into the fax's arm.
  165. (Peppy)
  166. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  168. [21:30] Miyuki was pissed now, she was definitely fooled. She should of not accepted his gift but how could she know that he was playing her this whole time? She thought he was her best friend but yet he was just planning it all along with his roommate, Peppy.
  170. She looked at her and frowns at her, she wasn't going to let do anything without fighting, even though the collar Zeno gave her was probably going to zap her quick enough.
  172. " hate you both." she just stared at them both while she prepared to unleash her might on them, if she could anyways.
  173. (Miyuki)
  174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. [21:40] Her body started to contort and bend against her movement. Making it extremely difficult to move on her own. It was like her mind was fighting against her on body. A internal struggle as she started to barely muster the strength to manifest her magick. His body erupted in a blue flame. Encasing himself and his gear formed around him like usual.
  178. The crazed kid seemed happy at the fact she was wanting to fight him. A challenge. Part of him wanted her to win so she may escape. However if that happened it wouldn't bring anything but issues upon him. That little devil on his shoulder wanted his life to be much harder. He wasn't going to fall into it.
  180. "Good. You should hate us. What you should hate more is how gullible you are. The fact that you followed me around willingly, and become my pet. Allowing me to get you here. To your death."
  182. He readied himself for combat.
  183. (Zeno Laskaris)
  184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. [21:44] {Won Dangerous RPB against Miyuki}
  187. [21:44] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  188. [21:44] ** Zeno Laskaris has inflicted an injury upon Miyuki. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)") **
  189. [21:59] Peppy watched the battle unfold, she wasn't one to get her hands dirty. She went ahead and started working quickly as she was still breathing and living. Can't work on a dead lifeless corpse. She dug her nails deep into her arm, her muscles contorting against her nails. The throbbing was soothing to her.
  191. As the blood dripped down she collected it in a vial, seemingly pre prepared with her name on it. The monster closed the lid once it was filled, maybe one day she will be able to be a great addition to her undead army.
  193. Quickly work Quickly. She took out her back a knife... a very rusty dull one. She started sawing away at her fingers one by one. Index... thumb...middle finger...ring... pinky. What a beautiful display laid out before her. The blood squirting onto the poor wooden floors.. that will leave a stain for sure.
  195. "Amazing." she said in a breathy tone, she was in love. Her hands made contact with her arm both their mana circuits linked. Just like in the class she started regenerating the fingers, at first blobby flesh masses the turning into full fledge fingers.
  197. "Almost done~ then you can have peace in HEL." her voice distorting once more. Peppys tail got drenched in her blood, she started dragging it onto the floor making a circle round her. "I desire to be feared, and I will give the lord an offering to accomplish that."
  199. Her eyes shifted from red to entirely black, she was manifesting once more. "Helheim take my offering and provide me with what I crave.. power. fear." she regained consciousness turning to Zeno.
  201. "Finish it. Complete the ritual."
  202. (Peppy)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [22:11] They combated against each other. While the odds were stacked against her. The very body she was birthed with fighting against her. As she combated Zeno. Even still the fight was rather even luckily for her yet she still ultimately failed. Falling into his grasp. Where a snake slithered around her body, after binding her and digging its teeth around her eye. Surgically removing it, and partially devouring it. Where it came back over to the mad kid. Dropping it in his palm. He started to smiled, and laughed. Finally getting one of the objects he craved so. An eye... if only he was able to get both of them. Yet she sadly went off and lost one.
  207. He waved dismissively to Peppy as she did her thing. Letting him enjoy the time of keeping hold of her eye. Feeling it and loving the lifeless gaze it gave. The glossed over look it held after being removed from her body. --Which to preserve its integrity he took out a small jar, dropping it within. He had plans for it later, just not yet...
  209. After a while she gave him the go ahead. --He walked over cupping her chin, pulling her up. Staring into the one fake eye she had left.
  211. "I told you my love hurts... --Enjoy the last thing you see... the eyes of the person you loved."
  213. Which he kept her there letting her eyes lock with hers. The glare of a sinister snake, as her throat constricted. Squeezing harder and harder. Until eventually...
  215. Crack
  217. Her neck snapped under the pressure. One last faint chuckle left his lips. --That was the end of it. Her life over, just like that...
  218. (Zeno Laskaris)
  219. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. [22:21] {Item} You picked up Miyuki's Eye. Dropped by Peppy..
  222. [22:22] Peppy asks, "Ok... so... This trash?"
  223. [22:22] Zeno Laskaris says, "I need to try and get her body to the shadow mire..."
  224. [22:22] Zeno Laskaris says, "I want her to be left outside the place"
  225. [22:23] Peppy says, "right."
  226. [22:24] Peppy says, "How do we get there without going through school"
  227. [22:24] Zeno Laskaris says, "Hmmm... I don't know"
  228. [22:25] Zeno Laskaris says, "Perhaps we can leave her outside the shrine"
  229. [22:25] Peppy says, "that would be easy."
  230. [22:25] Peppy says, "Lets go."
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