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Dec 5th, 2019
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  1. My eyes are soft in ton and hue, greyish blue color.  My hair cleanly goes down past my shoulders. With a nice wavy touch and no bangs draping down the front. A bright brunette color.  Height is about 6'0, my bone structure isn't dainty, but it holds a strong feminine shape with a subtle curvature. Displaying easy to miss, toned muscles that can easily go unnoticed. With a bolstered posture. Speaking with a voice that, while soft. Is still very strong, and matured in tone. The fur is long like a collies but its neatly trimmed neatly where it still has length but doesn't get in the way.  With a muzzle that isn't quite full length simply because  I'm not a full animal.The color was white with brown patches that matched the color of her hair. The only place I  allowed fur to grow out long was my tail. Which was smoothed out and made wavy. It measures in at about 4'5 in length, and keeps off the ground despite it's length. 
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