

Sep 9th, 2015
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  1. 9/9/2015 Community Requests - Tribes Ascend
  2. Tribes:Ascend Community Requests
  3. 9/9/2015
  4. Please note:
  5. This document is the Hi-Rez acknowledged community list of feedback. It is not a list of items we are currently working on. Nor is it a promise that every item will be completed exactly as listed. We wanted to share this list to make it clear that we are keeping an active list of community feedback/ideas. Thank you all for taking the time write up feedback and share ideas on how to make Tribes:Ascend better. If you see something missing you want to talk about or hate an item listed speak up! I’ll see you on PTS very soon.
  6. Thanks,
  7. Sean McBride
  8. Balance:
  9. Automatic Weapons
  10. Automatic weapons vs. projectile weapon balance is off.
  11. Reduce fire rate of automatic weapons.
  12. Increase falloff on automatic weapons.
  13. Balance chaingun with chain cannon.
  14. Add speed or heat up mechanic to automatic weapons that increases spread if moving at a low speed.
  15. Deployable Explosives / Belt Items
  16. [Highly requested] Lower damage on deployable explosives.
  17. [Highly requested] Remove 1500 damage explosion at the end of fractals.
  18. [Highly requested] Smoke grenades are too strong.
  19. Increase impulse from deployable explosives.
  20. Grenade belt items are too strong
  21. Mines can be replaced too quickly and easily.
  22. Mines are too hard to see.
  23. Reduce deployable numbers for turrets, mines, and shields by having team limits.
  24. Make all grenades available to all classes.
  25. Remove Quick/Short fuse grenade variants. These are too strong in duels.
  26. Hitbox Sizes
  27. Reduce hitbox size on throwing knives.
  28. Reduce hitbox size on all rapid fire weapons.
  29. Reduce hitbox size on plasma gun/plasma cannon to size of disks.
  30. Reduce titan launcher hitbox size.
  31. Reduce detection difference on the prox grenades
  32. Light hitbox should be smaller than Medium hitbox.
  33. Perks and Packs
  34. [Highly requested] Quickswitch is a required perk, instead make all weapons passive ~30% faster. Remove quickswitch perk.
  35. Perks should be redesigned. Some required, some useless.
  36. Give everyone Egocentric, Light weight, and quickdraw by default.
  37. Safety third shouldn’t make belt items stronger
  38. Adjust Reach, it can be broken for some positions.
  39. Pathfinder energy pack is useless.
  40. Shocklance + close combat perk damage is too high.
  41. Sonic punch perk is so strong it’s considered broken by some.
  42. Remove safety third perk
  43. Rage and Lightweight should get a buff.
  44. Quickdraw, Reach, and Pilot should be adjusted and integrated into armor.
  45. Sniper Rifles
  46. Nerf sniping, especially in pubs. Multiple sniper shut down cappers too effectively.
  47. BXT-1a is flat out better than the BXT-1. This should not be the case.
  48. Increase falloff on snipers.
  49. Add a warmup tracer to the sniper rifle.
  50. Add a shield for cappers that protects from sniping, this would sap energy first, then deal damage after the shield has been depleted.
  51. Stealth Pack
  52. [PTS] [Highly requested] Stealth pack should play a sound while active.
  53. [Highly requested] Rework, or remove stealth pack, current version is way too strong.
  54. Add a timer after coming out of stealth that prevents the flag from being picked up for X seconds.
  55. Stealth pack could be replaced with a light jammer pack.
  56. When stealth pack/shield pack/jammer pack active disable health regen.
  57. Shouldn’t be able to pick up the flag while stealthed.
  58. Shouldn’t be able to shoot high damage single hit weapons out of stealth.
  59. General Balance
  60. [Competitive] Light, medium, and heavy should have equal stat spinfusors.
  61. Compress weapon classes into a single weapon that is balanced. Then use alternate visuals as skins.
  62. Thumper DX is statistically better than Thumper D
  63. Holdout shotgun is better than the normal shotgun
  64. Dueling spinfusor is prefered to the regular one
  65. Devastator spinfusor is prefered to the regular one
  66. EMP XL area of effect is too big
  67. Nerf plasma gun fire rate and make it click to fire (semi-automatic).
  68. Grenade launchers feel less usable than previous Tribes games.
  69. Damaging players while under the effects of a shield pack should stop health regen.
  70. Shocklance should always give backstab damage bonus. May need to rebalance damage.
  71. Sentinel skin is viewed as an unfair advantage and harder to see.
  72. Bugs:
  73. Launcher
  74. [Steam Patch] [PTS] [Highly requested] Launcher is broken, especially via steam.
  75. Gameplay
  76. [Highly requested] Ping dependant rate of fire should be fixed.
  77. [Highly requested] No footsteps while knives are equipped.
  78. [Highly requested] West coast servers crash/drop players on rotate to next map.
  79. [Highly requested] Player names/tags should be alphanumeric limited and \n should not create a new line.
  80. Creativity wall deadstops
  81. Modifying server physics causes flag bounce issues.
  82. Fix the alt-tab terrain tearing issues
  83. Shrike ram hitbox size is too large.
  84. Grenade launchers sometimes don’t register midairs
  85. Rage sometimes doesn’t prevent damage it should have.
  86. Rage overlay effect is hidden by the jammer overlay effect.
  87. Mid Air accolade does not work for beowulf.
  88. Fix booster exploit in blueshift (flag can be put inside boosters)
  89. Servers - Players warp at low and high speeds.
  90. Tap zoom for further character icon visibility.
  91. In roam map all base assets have no lighting.
  92. Players sometimes bounce off of other players, like a rock bounce, instead of being body blocked and stopping.
  93. Fix fraytown’s collision issues.
  94. UI
  95. [PTS] Fix the XP bar on max level players.
  96. Main menu will load incorrect data. Seems that the twitch stream/video stuff is displayed on first load and after clicking through it fixes itself. You have to click “Watch Brumaj” to see the server browser.
  97. Servers sometimes report incorrect player numbers.
  98. ‘ in the loading screen is an invalid character for that font.
  99. Party menu doesn’t work.
  100. Hide full servers doesn’t hide overcapacity servers.
  101. Spectator stats don’t always show stats for currently selected character. (Wrong info)
  102. Flag defense / Flag Cap stats are incorrect, and seem to be sharing the same info.
  103. Content:
  104. General:
  105. New Maps
  106. Bring back broadside, see TAMods community broadside map.
  107. More stuff to spend XP on, dedicated players have loads of it.
  108. Player Customization:
  109. Jetpack trails
  110. Spinfusor trails
  111. Weapon skins/colors
  112. Player skins
  113. Taunt animations
  114. Features:
  115. General
  116. [Highly requested] [Competitive] A real first person spectator mode.
  117. [Highly requested] [Competitive] Demo recording
  118. Add a ranked queue.
  119. In Game voice chat, Curse voice a possibility?
  120. Customization:
  121. [Highly requested] Allow players to create new maps and host them on on a privately run dedicated server.
  122. [Highly requested] User hosted custom servers, joinable through a server browser.
  123. [Highly requested] Option to turn off crosshairs, Add ability to replace crosshairs per weapon based on a local file.
  124. [Highly requested] Gameplay modding access.
  125. Dedicated server should have config files that include physics adjustments and gameplay settings.
  126. Introduce a way to select ini presets from popular community ini’s.
  127. Server option for per class/role limits.
  128. Option to turn off 1p weapon.
  129. Bring back:
  130. [Highly requested] Add command map from former tribes games.
  131. [Highly requested] Selectable spawns through a command map.
  132. Deployable packs, such as inventory stations that can be carried and placed.
  133. Team Rabbit
  134. Training:
  135. Set spawn in roam map.
  136. Route recording in practice
  137. Bots that run these recorded routes.
  138. Stopwatch/Timer
  139. Ping delay simulation on target practice (local map play)
  140. Gameplay Changes:
  141. Bring Back:
  142. [Highly requested] No health regen, replace with health kits.
  143. Hard borders aren’t good, instead replace with an OOB soft border.
  144. Bring back the Havoc (troop transport)
  145. Bring back the real laser targeter.
  146. Bring back flares for both player loadout and vehicles.
  147. Make shrikes fly like they use to.
  148. Shrikes should have energy shields that are used up by boosting.
  149. Bring back base turret customization. Plasma, Mortar, AA, Ect.
  150. Turrets should be pilotable through a command map.
  151. Allow turrets to be placeable on walls and ceiling.
  152. Physics:
  153. [Highly requested] Remove flag drag.
  154. [Highly requested] [PTS] Remove impulse from hitscan weapons.
  155. [Highly requested] Increase impulse from all explosive weapons.
  156. [Highly requested] Togglable or customizable weapon inheritance - 50% - 75% - 100%
  157. [Highly requested] Remove any speed cap.
  158. Conduits should pull you in the correct direction regardless of your momentum
  159. Increase friction at high speeds, but increase impulse from explosions.
  160. Shrike needs dynamic ramming damage based on the velocity of the two objects colliding.
  161. Call-in’s:
  162. Remove call-in system.
  163. Increase team wide cooldown on strikes
  164. Increase price on orbital strike, or remove it entirely.
  165. Weapons:
  166. New Weapon Light Grenade Launcher: Faster projectile, bigger mag, larger splash but less damage. Chasing weapon.
  167. EMP and EMP-XL grenades should have their energy damage falloff like damage.
  168. Allow players to drop weapons and pick up dead player weapons in the field.
  169. Allow repair guns to heal players, and yourself.
  170. Hacking base assets via the repair tool.
  171. General:
  172. [PTS] [Highly requested] Remove upgrade system.
  173. [PTS] [Highly requested] At least 9 loadouts per armor type.
  174. [Highly requested] Remove or revisit shields on base assets. Currently too strong.
  175. Get rid of injects.
  176. A role based system where players can pick a role to avoid too many people sniping, capping, etc.
  177. Grinding to level 50, dull and a pain.
  178. Raise the level cap.
  179. Fix “Orbital Routes” - no info provided.
  180. Suggested fix to splash damage, don’t clamp low/high values, instead let falloff to 0
  181. Increase time to repair base assets.
  182. Increase shocklance distances. Like T2
  183. Increase time for turrets to lock onto players, they should be dumbed down a bit.
  184. Adjust spawns on Arx, they aren’t symmetrical.
  185. Base Turrets shouldn’t be able to shoot at you during sandstorm in Bella Omega.
  186. Force Fields should bounce players off (like rock bounce) instead of dealing damage.
  187. Reduce the damage of force fields by 50% so that lights have a chance to survive.
  188. Make jet trails harder to spot.
  189. Spawn Naked.
  190. Lose all remote information hud features when sensors are down
  191. Built in jammer in bases that reveals stealthed enemies if the gens are up.
  192. Add “NoSplash” to server options for hardcore discing servers.
  193. Ability to disable base turrets on custom servers.
  194. Quality of Life:
  195. Cheats:
  196. [PTS] [Highly requested] Hitbox toggling exploit
  197. [PTS] [Highly requested] Flash ini exploit
  198. [Highly requested] Infinite energy hack
  199. [Highly requested] Hitscan impulse hacks, can increase impulse to insane values.
  200. Instant weapon swap cheat
  201. Hitscan aimbot hacks
  202. 3rd team exploit in TDM
  203. General:
  204. [Highly requested] Add vote next map feature.
  205. [Highly requested] Performance optimizations.
  206. [Highly requested] Projectile/Ping offset, incorporate magic-chain inject into Tribes:Ascend.
  207. [Highly requested] Hard to get your friends on your team when joining a server together.
  208. Bring back /stat net
  209. Display frame time in addition to FPS.
  210. Allow disabling of VGS audio, but still display chat messages.
  211. Fix camera position for third person while playing a heavy class.
  212. Remove respawn timer from roam map.
  213. Allow players to load different ini files while running the game to tweak performance.
  214. Saying Help, or Give me the Flag should put an indicator on the screen, like spotting.
  215. Ability to waypoint friendly, could tie in to “Help” vgs. (VFF, VFG, VVH, VDC, VNC… etc) Command map dependant.
  216. Graphics:
  217. Add an option for anti-aliasing.
  218. Colorblind adjustments.
  219. Greifing:
  220. [PTS] [Highly requested] Lock low level servers so high level players can’t invade and crush new players.
  221. [Highly requested] Want votekicking to succeed more often so hackers are kickable.
  222. Want ability to mute other players
  223. Muting players should stick, and preferably have a list of muted players.
  224. UI:
  225. [Highly requested] UI scaling (see TAMods)
  226. Toggleable icons, too much screen clutter around bases. Mainly deployables.
  227. Rework the out of match UI. It’s cumbersome and confusing.
  228. Bigger notification on when the flag is picked up, and where it is. Flag distance indication on screen.
  229. After the round is over, the chat should be visible.
  230. Social menu is lacking and hard to use.
  231. Auto sort servers by ping by default, then allow the player to change sorting.
  232. Ability to hide credit counter without hiding accolades.
  233. Weapon Icons in killfeed instead of generic ones.
  234. Customizable damage number colors.
  235. Customizable chat colors.
  236. Ability to hide crosshair without hiding hit indicators.
  237. A new loading screens.
  238. Add UI support for features like Mute/Report/Chat instead of using console
  239. Published by Google Drive–Report Abuse–Updated automatically every 5 minutes
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