Guest User


a guest
Jun 23rd, 2017
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  1. <?php
  2. $page = "Character Management";
  3. include("main_header.php");
  4. ?>
  5. <div class="grid_8 alpha" id="left-column">
  6. <div class="left-column-full">
  7. <h1>Character Management</h1>
  8. <?php
  9. if($pun_user['is_guest']){
  10. echo "You must be logged in to view this page.";
  11. } else {
  12. $totalchars = $db->num_rows($db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_players WHERE owner = '" . $pun_user['id'] . "'"));
  13. $switchAct = isset($_GET['act']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['act'])) : null;
  14. $cmsPre = "CMS Response<br />";
  15. $cmsSuf = "";
  16. echo "All characters on a single forum account share the same bank. You are limited to 10 characters per forum account. You will be unable to multi-log two characters on the same forum account.";
  17. if(empty($pun_user['del_pin']) && $switchAct != 'set_pin'){
  18. echo "<br /><br />You have not yet set your character deletion pin, would like to set one <a href='?query=cms&act=set_pin'>now</a>?";
  19. }
  21. if($switchAct != 'addnew' && $totalchars < 10){
  22. echo "
  23. <br /><br />Click <a href='?query=cms&act=addnew'>here</a> if you wish to add a new character.
  24. ";
  25. }
  26. if($totalchars >= 10){
  27. echo "<br /><br />Sorry but you currently have 10 characters and can not add more. You must either delete one or make a new forum account.";
  28. }
  29. echo "
  30. </div><div class='left-column-full'>
  31. <h1>My Existing Characters:</h1>";
  32. $fetchCharacters = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_players WHERE owner = '" . $pun_user['id'] . "'");
  33. if($db->num_rows($fetchCharacters) > 0){
  35. echo "
  36. <table style='width:100%;'>
  37. <tr>
  38. <td><strong>Character</strong></td>
  39. <td><strong>Password</strong></td>
  40. <td><strong>Highscores</strong></td>
  41. <td><strong>Delete</strong></td>
  42. </tr>
  43. ";
  44. while($r = $db->fetch_assoc($fetchCharacters)){
  45. $optCheck = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT highscoreopt FROM pk_experience WHERE user = '" . $r['user'] . "'"));
  46. echo "
  47. <tr>
  48. <td><a href='highscores.php?query=highscores&user=" . $r['username'] . "&type=1'>" . $r['username'] . "</a></td>
  49. <td><a href='?query=cms&act=changepass&char=".$r['user']."'>Change</a></td>
  50. <td>" . (($optCheck['highscoreopt'] == 0) ? "<a href='?query=cms&char=" . $r['user'] . "&act=opt'>Hide</a>" : "<a href='?query=cms&act=opt&char=" . $r['user'] . "'>Show</a>") . "</td>
  51. <td><a href='?query=cms&act=deletecharacter&char=".$r['user']."'>X</a></td>
  52. </tr>";
  53. }
  54. echo "</table>";
  55. } else {
  56. echo "You have not yet <a href='?query=cms&act=addnew'>added a character</a> to this account.";
  57. }
  58. switch($switchAct){
  59. case "set_pin":
  60. if(!empty($pun_user['del_pin'])){
  61. echo createTable("You have already set a PIN.");
  62. } else {
  63. if(isset($_POST['set_pin'])){
  64. $pin1 = isset($_POST['pin_1']) ? (is_numeric($_POST['pin_1']) ? $_POST['pin_1'] : null) : null;
  65. $pin2 = isset($_POST['pin_2']) ? (is_numeric($_POST['pin_2']) ? $_POST['pin_2'] : null) : null;
  66. if($pin1 == null || $pin2 == null){
  67. echo createTable("You need to fill in both pin inputs, and ensure that the pin you entered is numeric.");
  68. } else if ( strlen($pin1) != 4 || strlen($pin2) != 4){
  69. echo createTable("Please ensure that your pin is 4 characters in length.");
  70. } else if ($pin1 != $pin2){
  71. echo createTable("Please ensure that your pins match eachother.");
  72. } else {
  73. $set_pin = $db->query("UPDATE users SET del_pin = '" . $pin1 . "' WHERE id = '" . $pun_user['id'] . "'");
  74. echo createTable("You have successfully set your character management pin. <a href='?query=cms'>Refreshing...</a><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms' />", "Success");
  75. }
  76. }
  77. echo "
  78. </div><div class='left-column-full'>
  79. <form method='post' action='?query=cms&act=set_pin'>
  80. <h1>Set Deletion Pin</h1>
  81. If you are going to set a character deletion pin, please ensure that you can REMEMBER it, as this will become always required in order to delete characters.<br />
  82. Pin:<br />
  83. <input type='password' size='4' maxlength='4' name='pin_1' value='" . (isset($_POST['pin_1']) ? $_POST['pin_1'] : null) . "' /> <input type='password' size='4' maxlength='4' name='pin_2' value='" . (isset($_POST['pin_2']) ? $_POST['pin_2'] : null) . "' /><br />
  84. <input style='margin-top: 10px' type='submit' name='set_pin' value='Set My Pin' />
  85. <a href='?query=cms'>Cancel</a>
  86. </form>
  87. ";
  88. }
  89. break;
  90. case "opt":
  91. $cleanChar = (is_numeric($_GET['char']) && $_GET['char'] > 0) ? trim($_GET['char']) : null;
  92. if(isset($cleanChar)){
  93. $findInfo = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_players WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($cleanChar) . "'"));
  94. if($findInfo['owner'] == $pun_user['id']){
  95. $expSelect = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_experience WHERE user = '" . $findInfo['user'] . "'"));
  96. if($expSelect['highscoreopt'] == 0){
  97. $db->query("UPDATE pk_experience SET highscoreopt = '1' WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($cleanChar) . "'") or die();
  98. #echo "Setting to hide";echo "<a href='?query=cms'>Refreshing...</a><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms' />";
  99. } else {
  100. #echo "Setting to show";echo "<a href='?query=cms'>Refreshing...</a><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms' />";
  101. $db->query("UPDATE pk_experience SET highscoreopt = '0' WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($cleanChar) . "'") or die();
  102. }
  103. }
  104. }
  105. break;
  106. case "addnew":
  107. if($totalchars >= 10){
  108. echo $cmsPre . "Sorry but you have 10 characters and can not create anymore." . $cmsSuf;
  109. } else {
  110. if(isset($_POST['submit_add_char'])){
  111. $char_username = isset($_POST['char_username']) ? pun_trim($_POST['char_username']) : null;
  112. $char_password_1 = isset($_POST['char_password_1']) ? $_POST['char_password_1'] : null;
  113. $char_password_2 = isset($_POST['char_password_2']) ? $_POST['char_password_2'] : null;
  114. if($char_username == null || $char_password_1 == null || $char_password_2 == null){
  115. echo $cmsPre . "Please fill in every field." . $cmsSuf;
  116. } else if (preg_match('/^Mod\s+/i', $char_username) || preg_match('/^Admin\s+/i', $char_username)){
  117. echo $cmsPre . "Sorry, but you can not create a character that begins with \"Mod\" or \"Admin\"" . $cmsSuf;
  118. } else if (strlen($char_username) < 2 || strlen($char_username) > 10){
  119. echo $cmsPre . "Please make sure your username is 2-10 characters in length." . $cmsSuf;
  120. } else if(!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+?$/i",$char_username)){
  121. echo $cmsPre . "Your username contained an invalid character." . $cmsSuf;
  122. } else if(strlen($char_password_1) < 5 || strlen($char_password_2) > 16){
  123. echo $cmsPre . "Your password must be from 5-16 characters in length." . $cmsSuf;
  124. } else if($char_password_1 != $char_password_2){
  125. echo $cmsPre. "Your passwords did not match." . $cmsSuf;
  126. } else {
  127. $now=time();
  128. #//Create IGN-Profile
  129. $char_encode = encode_username($char_username);
  130. $char_decode = $char_username;
  131. $dbCheck = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_players WHERE username = '" . $db->escape($char_decode) . "'");
  132. if($db->num_rows($dbCheck) > 0){
  133. echo $cmsPre . "Sorry but the username '" . $char_decode . "' is already in use." . $cmsSuf;
  134. } else {
  135. $db->query("INSERT INTO pk_curstats (user) VALUES ('" . $db->escape($char_encode) . "');");
  136. $db->query("INSERT INTO pk_experience (user) VALUES ('" . $db->escape($char_encode) . "');");
  137. $db->query("INSERT INTO pk_players (user,username,owner,pass,creation_date,creation_ip) VALUES ('" . $char_encode . "', '" . $db->escape($char_decode) . "', '" . $pun_user['id'] . "', '" . md5($char_password_1) . "', '".$now."', '". $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ."');");
  138. // Below adds Sleeping Bag, Klanks, Ruby Ammy, I2h
  139. $db->query("INSERT INTO pk_bank (user,id,amount,slot) VALUES
  140. ('" . $char_encode . "', '60', '3', '0'),
  141. ('" . $char_encode . "', '190', '100', '1'),
  142. ('" . $char_encode . "', '235', '2', '2'),
  143. ('" . $char_encode . "', '314', '2', '3'),
  144. ('" . $char_encode . "', '316', '2', '4'),
  145. ('" . $char_encode . "', '317', '2', '5'),
  146. ('" . $char_encode . "', '388', '2', '6'),
  147. ('" . $char_encode . "', '389', '2', '7'),
  148. ('" . $char_encode . "', '33', '100', '8'),
  149. ('" . $char_encode . "', '31', '100', '9'),
  150. ('" . $char_encode . "', '35', '100', '10'),
  151. ('" . $char_encode . "', '370', '50000', '11');");
  152. echo $cmsPre . "<style type='text/css'>#createNewChar{display:none;}</style><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms' />Your new character '".$char_decode."' has been added, <a href='?query=cms'>refreshing momentarily</a>." . $cmsSuf;
  153. }
  154. }
  155. }
  156. echo "
  157. </div><div class='left-column-full'>
  158. <form method='post' id='createNewChar'>
  159. <h1>Add Character</h1>
  160. Username:<br />
  161. <input type='text' name='char_username' value='" . (isset($_POST['char_username']) ? $_POST['char_username'] : null) . "' maxlength='11' /><br />
  162. Password:<br />
  163. <input type='password' name='char_password_1' value='" . (isset($_POST['char_password_1']) ? $_POST['char_password_1'] : null) . "' maxlength='16' />
  164. <input type='password' name='char_password_2' value='" . (isset($_POST['char_password_2']) ? $_POST['char_password_2'] : null) . "' maxlength='16' /><br />
  165. <input style='margin-top: 10px;' type='submit' value='Add Character' name='submit_add_char' />
  166. <a href='?query=cms'>Cancel</a>
  167. </form>
  168. ";
  169. }
  170. break;
  171. case "changepass":
  172. $grab_char_id = isset($_GET['char']) ? $_GET['char'] : null;
  173. if(is_numeric($grab_char_id)){
  174. $lookupinfo = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_players WHERE user = '".$db->escape($grab_char_id)."'"));
  175. if($lookupinfo['owner'] == $pun_user['id']){
  176. if(isset($_POST['changepass'])){
  177. $password1 = $_POST['char_password_1'];
  178. $password2 = $_POST['char_password_2'];
  179. if(strlen($password1) < 5 || strlen($password2) > 16){
  180. echo $cmsPre . "Password must be from 5-16 characters in length." . $cmsSuf;
  181. } else if ($password1 != $password2){
  182. echo $cmsPre . "Your passwords did not match." . $cmsSuf;
  183. } else {
  184. $db->query("UPDATE pk_players SET pass = '" . md5($password1) . "' WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'");
  185. echo $cmsPre . "Password successfully updated." . $cmsSuf;
  186. }
  187. } else {
  188. echo "</div>
  189. <div class='left-column-full'>
  190. <form method='post'>
  191. <h1>Change Password</h1>
  192. Enter Password<br />
  193. <input type='password' name='char_password_1' maxlength='16' /> <input type='password' name='char_password_2' maxlength='16' /><br />
  194. <input style='margin-top: 10px;' type='submit' value='Change Password' name='changepass' />
  195. <a href='?query=cms'>Cancel</a>
  196. </form>
  197. ";
  198. }
  199. } else {
  200. echo $cmsPre . "This is not your character." . $cmsSuf;
  201. }
  202. } else {
  203. echo $cmsPre . "Invalid Character ID." . $cmsSuf;
  204. }
  205. break;
  206. case "deletecharacter":
  207. $grab_char_id = isset($_GET['char']) ? $_GET['char'] : null;
  208. if(is_numeric($grab_char_id)){
  209. $checkdata = $db->fetch_assoc($db->query("SELECT * FROM pk_players WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'"));
  210. if($checkdata['owner'] == $pun_user['id']){
  211. if(isset($_POST['deletechar'])){
  212. if(!empty($pun_user['del_pin']) && $_POST['deletion_pin'] != $pun_user['del_pin']){
  213. echo createTable("The pin you entered was incorrect... <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms'><a href='?query=cms'>refreshing momentarily</a>.");
  214. return;
  215. }
  216. $db->query("DELETE FROM pk_players WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'");
  217. $db->query("DELETE FROM pk_curstats WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'");
  218. $db->query("DELETE FROM pk_experience WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'");
  219. $db->query("DELETE FROM pk_invitems WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id). "'");
  220. $db->query("DELETE FROM pk_logins WHERE user = '" . $db->escape($grab_char_id) . "'");
  221. #echo $cmsPre . "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=?query=cms'>Your character has been successfully deleted, <a href='?query=cms'>refreshing momentarily</a>." . $cmsSuf;
  222. } else {
  223. echo "</div><div class='left-column-full'>
  224. <form method='post'>
  225. Delete confirmation for '".$checkdata['username']."'
  226. Are you sure you wish to delete this character? This action is totally irreversible! <br />
  227. ";
  228. if(isset($pun_user['del_pin'])){
  229. echo "
  230. Enter Deletion Pin:<br />
  231. <input type='password' name='deletion_pin' value='' size='4' maxlength='4' /><br />
  232. ";
  233. }
  234. echo "
  235. <input style='margin-top:10px;' type='submit' value='Delete Character' name='deletechar' />
  236. <a href='?query=cms'>Cancel</a>
  237. </form>
  238. ";
  239. }
  240. } else {
  241. echo $cmsPre . "This is not your character." . $cmsSuf;
  242. }
  243. } else {
  244. echo $cmsPre . "Invalid Character ID." . $cmsSuf;
  245. }
  246. break;
  247. default:
  248. break;
  249. }
  251. echo "
  252. <br />";
  253. }
  256. ?>
  258. </div>
  259. </div>
  260. <?php
  261. include("main_footer.php");
  262. ?>
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