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Jul 16th, 2019
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text 23.79 KB | None | 0 0
  1. InspectorControls = wp.editor;
  2. InspectorControls = wp.editor.InspectorControls;
  3. InspectorControls = wp.blocks;
  4. InspectorControls = wp.blocks.InspectorControls;
  5. InspectorControls = wp.components;
  6. InspectorControls = wp.components.InspectorControls;
  8. let el = wp.element.createElement,
  9. registerBlockType = wp.blocks.registerBlockType,
  10. ServerSideRender = wp.components.ServerSideRender,
  11. TextControl = wp.components.TextControl,
  12. TextareaControl = wp.components.TextareaControl,
  13. InspectorControls = wp.editor;
  15. registerBlockType( 'mir-shortcodes-plugin/msc-rotating-icon-circle', {
  16. title: 'Rotating icon circle',
  17. category: 'msc-shortcodes',
  19. attributes: {
  20. 'icon': {
  21. type: 'string',
  22. default: "arrows-alt"
  23. },
  24. 'icon_style': {
  25. type: 'string',
  26. default: "fas"
  27. }
  28. },
  30. edit: (props) => {
  32. if(props.isSelected){
  33. // do something...
  34. //console.debug(props.attributes);
  35. };
  37. return [
  38. /**
  39. * Server side render
  40. */
  41. el("div", {
  42. className: "mb-editor-container",
  43. style: {textAlign: "center"}
  44. },
  45. el( ServerSideRender, {
  46. block: 'mir-shortcodes-plugin/msc-rotating-icon-circle',
  47. attributes: props.attributes
  48. } )
  49. ),
  51. /**
  52. * Inspector
  53. */
  54. el( InspectorControls,
  55. {}, [
  56. el( "hr", {
  57. style: {marginTop:20}
  58. }),
  60. el( TextControl, {
  61. label: 'Icon',
  62. value: props.attributes.icon,
  63. onChange: ( value ) => {
  64. props.setAttributes( { icon: value } );
  65. }
  66. } ),
  68. el( TextControl, {
  69. label: 'Icon color',
  70. value: props.attributes.icon_color,
  71. onChange: ( value ) => {
  72. props.setAttributes( { icon_color: value } );
  73. }
  74. } ),
  75. ]
  76. )
  77. ]
  78. },
  80. save: () => {
  81. /** this is resolved server side */
  82. return null
  83. }
  84. } );
  86. [Error] Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.
  88. Check the render method of `edit`.
  89. in edit (created by Edit)
  90. in Edit (created by WithToolbarControls(Edit))
  91. in WithToolbarControls(Edit) (created by WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))
  92. in WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)) (created by WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit))))
  93. in WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))
  94. in Unknown (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  95. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  96. in WithDispatch(Component) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  97. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  98. in WithMultipleValidation(WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))) (created by WithFilters(Edit))
  99. in WithFilters(Edit) (created by BlockEdit)
  100. in BlockEdit (created by HoverArea)
  101. in BlockCrashBoundary (created by HoverArea)
  102. in div (created by IgnoreNestedEvents)
  103. in IgnoreNestedEvents (created by ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents))
  104. in ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents) (created by HoverArea)
  105. in div (created by HoverArea)
  106. in div (created by IgnoreNestedEvents)
  107. in IgnoreNestedEvents (created by ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents))
  108. in ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents) (created by HoverArea)
  109. in HoverArea (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  110. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  111. in WithSelect(HoverArea) (created by BlockListBlock)
  112. in BlockListBlock
  113. in Unknown (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  114. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  115. in (BlockListBlock) (created by WithFilters(BlockListBlock))
  116. in WithFilters(BlockListBlock) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  117. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  118. in WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock)) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  119. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  120. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  121. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  122. in WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock)))) (created by Pure(WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))))))
  123. in Pure(WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))))) (created by BlockList)
  124. in div (created by BlockList)
  125. in BlockList (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  126. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  127. in WithDispatch(BlockList) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  128. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  129. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(BlockList))
  130. in Unknown (created by VisualEditor)
  131. in div (created by CopyHandler)
  132. in CopyHandler (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  133. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  134. in WithDispatch(CopyHandler) (created by VisualEditor)
  135. in div (created by ObserveTyping)
  136. in ObserveTyping (created by WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping))
  137. in WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  138. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  139. in WithDispatch(WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping)) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  140. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  141. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping))) (created by VisualEditor)
  142. in div (created by WritingFlow)
  143. in div (created by WritingFlow)
  144. in WritingFlow (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  145. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  146. in WithDispatch(WritingFlow) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  147. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  148. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WritingFlow)) (created by VisualEditor)
  149. in div (created by BlockSelectionClearer)
  150. in BlockSelectionClearer (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  151. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  152. in WithDispatch(BlockSelectionClearer) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  153. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  154. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(BlockSelectionClearer)) (created by VisualEditor)
  155. in VisualEditor (created by Layout)
  156. in div (created by Layout)
  157. in div (created by FocusReturnProvider)
  158. in FocusReturnProvider (created by Layout)
  159. in Layout (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  160. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  161. in WithViewportMatch(Layout) (created by NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))
  162. in div (created by NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))
  163. in NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  164. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  165. in WithDispatch(NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout))) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  166. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  167. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))) (created by Editor)
  168. in ErrorBoundary (created by Editor)
  169. in div (created by DropZoneProvider)
  170. in DropZoneProvider (created by BlockEditorProvider)
  171. in SlotFillProvider (created by BlockEditorProvider)
  172. in BlockEditorProvider (created by Context.Consumer)
  173. in WithRegistry(BlockEditorProvider) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  174. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  175. in WithDispatch(WithRegistry(BlockEditorProvider)) (created by EditorProvider)
  176. in EditorProvider (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  177. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  178. in WithDispatch(EditorProvider) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  179. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  180. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(EditorProvider)) (created by Editor)
  181. in StrictMode (created by Editor)
  182. in Editor (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  183. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  184. in WithSelect(Editor)
  185. warningWithoutStack (react.js:276)
  186. warning (react.js:1791)
  187. createElementWithValidation (react.js:3023)
  188. edit (index.js:74)
  189. renderWithHooks (react-dom.js:13027)
  190. mountIndeterminateComponent (react-dom.js:15109)
  191. performUnitOfWork (react-dom.js:19401)
  192. workLoop (react-dom.js:19441)
  193. renderRoot (react-dom.js:19524)
  194. performWorkOnRoot (react-dom.js:20431)
  195. performWork (react-dom.js:20343)
  196. performSyncWork (react-dom.js:20317)
  197. interactiveUpdates$1 (react-dom.js:20584)
  198. dispatchInteractiveEvent (react-dom.js:4985)
  199. dispatchInteractiveEvent
  200. [Error] Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.
  202. Check the render method of `edit`.
  203. in edit (created by Edit)
  204. in Edit (created by WithToolbarControls(Edit))
  205. in WithToolbarControls(Edit) (created by WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))
  206. in WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)) (created by WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit))))
  207. in WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))
  208. in Unknown (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  209. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  210. in WithDispatch(Component) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  211. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  212. in WithMultipleValidation(WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))) (created by WithFilters(Edit))
  213. in WithFilters(Edit) (created by BlockEdit)
  214. in BlockEdit (created by HoverArea)
  215. in BlockCrashBoundary (created by HoverArea)
  216. in div (created by IgnoreNestedEvents)
  217. in IgnoreNestedEvents (created by ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents))
  218. in ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents) (created by HoverArea)
  219. in div (created by HoverArea)
  220. in div (created by IgnoreNestedEvents)
  221. in IgnoreNestedEvents (created by ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents))
  222. in ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents) (created by HoverArea)
  223. in HoverArea (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  224. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  225. in WithSelect(HoverArea) (created by BlockListBlock)
  226. in BlockListBlock
  227. in Unknown (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  228. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  229. in (BlockListBlock) (created by WithFilters(BlockListBlock))
  230. in WithFilters(BlockListBlock) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  231. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  232. in WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock)) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  233. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  234. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  235. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  236. in WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock)))) (created by Pure(WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))))))
  237. in Pure(WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))))) (created by BlockList)
  238. in div (created by BlockList)
  239. in BlockList (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  240. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  241. in WithDispatch(BlockList) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  242. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  243. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(BlockList))
  244. in Unknown (created by VisualEditor)
  245. in div (created by CopyHandler)
  246. in CopyHandler (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  247. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  248. in WithDispatch(CopyHandler) (created by VisualEditor)
  249. in div (created by ObserveTyping)
  250. in ObserveTyping (created by WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping))
  251. in WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  252. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  253. in WithDispatch(WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping)) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  254. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  255. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping))) (created by VisualEditor)
  256. in div (created by WritingFlow)
  257. in div (created by WritingFlow)
  258. in WritingFlow (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  259. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  260. in WithDispatch(WritingFlow) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  261. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  262. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WritingFlow)) (created by VisualEditor)
  263. in div (created by BlockSelectionClearer)
  264. in BlockSelectionClearer (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  265. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  266. in WithDispatch(BlockSelectionClearer) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  267. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  268. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(BlockSelectionClearer)) (created by VisualEditor)
  269. in VisualEditor (created by Layout)
  270. in div (created by Layout)
  271. in div (created by FocusReturnProvider)
  272. in FocusReturnProvider (created by Layout)
  273. in Layout (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  274. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  275. in WithViewportMatch(Layout) (created by NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))
  276. in div (created by NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))
  277. in NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  278. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  279. in WithDispatch(NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout))) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  280. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  281. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))) (created by Editor)
  282. in ErrorBoundary (created by Editor)
  283. in div (created by DropZoneProvider)
  284. in DropZoneProvider (created by BlockEditorProvider)
  285. in SlotFillProvider (created by BlockEditorProvider)
  286. in BlockEditorProvider (created by Context.Consumer)
  287. in WithRegistry(BlockEditorProvider) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  288. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  289. in WithDispatch(WithRegistry(BlockEditorProvider)) (created by EditorProvider)
  290. in EditorProvider (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  291. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  292. in WithDispatch(EditorProvider) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  293. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  294. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(EditorProvider)) (created by Editor)
  295. in StrictMode (created by Editor)
  296. in Editor (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  297. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  298. in WithSelect(Editor)
  299. warningWithoutStack (react.js:276)
  300. warning (react.js:1791)
  301. createElementWithValidation (react.js:3023)
  302. edit (index.js:74)
  303. renderWithHooks (react-dom.js:13027)
  304. mountIndeterminateComponent (react-dom.js:15109)
  305. performUnitOfWork (react-dom.js:19401)
  306. workLoop (react-dom.js:19441)
  307. callCallback (react-dom.js:143)
  308. dispatchEvent
  309. invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.js:193)
  310. invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.js:250)
  311. replayUnitOfWork (react-dom.js:18667)
  312. renderRoot (react-dom.js:19557)
  313. performWorkOnRoot (react-dom.js:20431)
  314. performWork (react-dom.js:20343)
  315. performSyncWork (react-dom.js:20317)
  316. interactiveUpdates$1 (react-dom.js:20584)
  317. dispatchInteractiveEvent (react-dom.js:4985)
  318. dispatchInteractiveEvent
  319. [Error] Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.
  321. Check the render method of `edit`.
  322. invariant (react-dom.js:56)
  323. createFiberFromTypeAndProps (react-dom.js:10314)
  324. createFiberFromElement (react-dom.js:10335)
  325. createChild (react-dom.js:12114)
  326. reconcileChildrenArray (react-dom.js:12365)
  327. reconcileChildren (react-dom.js:14491)
  328. mountIndeterminateComponent (react-dom.js:15153)
  329. performUnitOfWork (react-dom.js:19401)
  330. workLoop (react-dom.js:19441)
  331. callCallback (react-dom.js:143)
  332. dispatchEvent
  333. invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.js:193)
  334. invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.js:250)
  335. replayUnitOfWork (react-dom.js:18667)
  336. renderRoot (react-dom.js:19557)
  337. performWorkOnRoot (react-dom.js:20431)
  338. performWork (react-dom.js:20343)
  339. performSyncWork (react-dom.js:20317)
  340. interactiveUpdates$1 (react-dom.js:20584)
  341. dispatchInteractiveEvent (react-dom.js:4985)
  342. dispatchInteractiveEvent
  343. [Error] The above error occurred in the <edit> component:
  344. in edit (created by Edit)
  345. in Edit (created by WithToolbarControls(Edit))
  346. in WithToolbarControls(Edit) (created by WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))
  347. in WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)) (created by WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit))))
  348. in WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))
  349. in Unknown (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  350. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  351. in WithDispatch(Component) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  352. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  353. in WithMultipleValidation(WithInspectorControl(WithInspectorControl(WithToolbarControls(Edit)))) (created by WithFilters(Edit))
  354. in WithFilters(Edit) (created by BlockEdit)
  355. in BlockEdit (created by HoverArea)
  356. in BlockCrashBoundary (created by HoverArea)
  357. in div (created by IgnoreNestedEvents)
  358. in IgnoreNestedEvents (created by ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents))
  359. in ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents) (created by HoverArea)
  360. in div (created by HoverArea)
  361. in div (created by IgnoreNestedEvents)
  362. in IgnoreNestedEvents (created by ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents))
  363. in ForwardRef(IgnoreNestedEvents) (created by HoverArea)
  364. in HoverArea (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  365. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  366. in WithSelect(HoverArea) (created by BlockListBlock)
  367. in BlockListBlock
  368. in Unknown (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  369. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  370. in (BlockListBlock) (created by WithFilters(BlockListBlock))
  371. in WithFilters(BlockListBlock) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  372. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  373. in WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock)) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  374. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  375. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  376. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  377. in WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock)))) (created by Pure(WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))))))
  378. in Pure(WithViewportMatch(WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithFilters(BlockListBlock))))) (created by BlockList)
  379. in div (created by BlockList)
  380. in BlockList (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  381. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  382. in WithDispatch(BlockList) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  383. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  384. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(BlockList))
  385. in Unknown (created by VisualEditor)
  386. in div (created by CopyHandler)
  387. in CopyHandler (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  388. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  389. in WithDispatch(CopyHandler) (created by VisualEditor)
  390. in div (created by ObserveTyping)
  391. in ObserveTyping (created by WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping))
  392. in WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  393. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  394. in WithDispatch(WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping)) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  395. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  396. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WithSafeTimeout(ObserveTyping))) (created by VisualEditor)
  397. in div (created by WritingFlow)
  398. in div (created by WritingFlow)
  399. in WritingFlow (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  400. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  401. in WithDispatch(WritingFlow) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  402. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  403. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(WritingFlow)) (created by VisualEditor)
  404. in div (created by BlockSelectionClearer)
  405. in BlockSelectionClearer (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  406. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  407. in WithDispatch(BlockSelectionClearer) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  408. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  409. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(BlockSelectionClearer)) (created by VisualEditor)
  410. in VisualEditor (created by Layout)
  411. in div (created by Layout)
  412. in div (created by FocusReturnProvider)
  413. in FocusReturnProvider (created by Layout)
  414. in Layout (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  415. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  416. in WithViewportMatch(Layout) (created by NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))
  417. in div (created by NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))
  418. in NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  419. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  420. in WithDispatch(NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout))) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  421. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  422. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(NavigateRegions(WithViewportMatch(Layout)))) (created by Editor)
  423. in ErrorBoundary (created by Editor)
  424. in div (created by DropZoneProvider)
  425. in DropZoneProvider (created by BlockEditorProvider)
  426. in SlotFillProvider (created by BlockEditorProvider)
  427. in BlockEditorProvider (created by Context.Consumer)
  428. in WithRegistry(BlockEditorProvider) (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  429. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  430. in WithDispatch(WithRegistry(BlockEditorProvider)) (created by EditorProvider)
  431. in EditorProvider (created by ComponentWithDispatch)
  432. in ComponentWithDispatch (created by Context.Consumer)
  433. in WithDispatch(EditorProvider) (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  434. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  435. in WithSelect(WithDispatch(EditorProvider)) (created by Editor)
  436. in StrictMode (created by Editor)
  437. in Editor (created by ComponentWithSelect)
  438. in ComponentWithSelect (created by Context.Consumer)
  439. in WithSelect(Editor)
  441. React will try to recreate this component tree from scratch using the error boundary you provided, BlockCrashBoundary.
  442. logCapturedError (react-dom.js:17206)
  443. logError (react-dom.js:17242)
  444. callback (react-dom.js:18183)
  445. callCallback (react-dom.js:16522)
  446. commitUpdateEffects (react-dom.js:16561)
  447. commitUpdateQueue (react-dom.js:16552)
  448. commitLifeCycles (react-dom.js:17453)
  449. commitAllLifeCycles (react-dom.js:18825)
  450. callCallback (react-dom.js:143)
  451. dispatchEvent
  452. invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.js:193)
  453. invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.js:250)
  454. commitRoot (react-dom.js:19037)
  455. (anonyme Funktion) (react-dom.js:20507)
  456. unstable_runWithPriority (react.js:735)
  457. completeRoot (react-dom.js:20506)
  458. performWorkOnRoot (react-dom.js:20435)
  459. performWork (react-dom.js:20343)
  460. performSyncWork (react-dom.js:20317)
  461. interactiveUpdates$1 (react-dom.js:20584)
  462. dispatchInteractiveEvent (react-dom.js:4985)
  463. dispatchInteractiveEvent
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