

Feb 23rd, 2017
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  1. The Council of Venice is currently collecting information on an unidentified illness spreading throughout Ealdwic. Currently designated Y-116 by the Council of Venice's committee on eldritch diseases, the exact pathology of this illness is unknown, though reported incidents appear to be increasing. Individuals afflicted with Y-116 may initially experience, fever, coughing, tiredness, irritability and a general lack of energy before developing, swollen eyelids and sore, red eyes that may be sensitive to light. Individuals in the later stages of Y-116 may experience, vivid auditory hallucinations, Somatic delusions and delusions of reference as well as increased aggression towards others. The most noticeable symptom of late stage Y-116 though is a thick neon yellow discharge from the gums and eyes. This substance has not yet been identified, but the committee on eldritch diseases has confirmed that it is infectious. Most reported cases of Y-116 have been reported in Individuals between the ages of 5 and 16, though adults who have come into contact with the yellow discharge have contracted Y-116. If you have observed any individuals exhibiting symptoms of Y-116 at any stage, please contact your local faction representative and submit a report to Envoy Yuuko Shirakawa.
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