
Text Adventure Chapter 16 Log

May 31st, 2014
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  1. >With a sultry look from Zecora, you reluctantly get yourself up.
  2. >You try to be careful as to not wake Redheart, who was still fast asleep.
  3. >Something tells you that you were going to regret not getting any rest, but this was too important not to do.
  4. >You join Zecora, who had been preparing the pre-cook for the fire enchantment throughout the night.
  5. >”Just let me finish this delicate part, and we’ll go outside to learn the art of the dart.”
  6. “...Can I just say I really admire your talents?”
  7. >She looks up for a moment with a small smile, silently flattered.
  8. “Seriously, if it weren’t for you, we’d probably have no idea what the hell we’d be doing right now, with no way of knowing how to stop this shadow thing, Never would’ve found the castle and I wouldn’t have found that… tree thing. Not to mention you have some really versatile skills with your alchemy and all that. I guess what I’m trying to say is, well… You’re really cool, Zecora.”
  9. >”Such praise from simply helping you meet an end, but I’m glad you think of me like that, friend.”
  10. “I hope we are after all the shit we’ve been through.”
  11. >You raise up a fist, and she looks at it for a second in confusion.
  12. >”..Er..”
  13. “Oh, it’s a sign of friendship from my world, we just bump fists. In uuh, this case, it’d be fist and hoof.”
  14. >Zecora got what you were saying and she tentatively bumps your fist with her hoof.
  15. >You restrained yourself from going full sperg and screaming brohoof, however.
  16. >”Alright… I can let it sit for now. Now, if I teach you my technique, secrecy you must vow.”
  17. “Okay, fine. … By the way, have you been able to make sleeping darts for the Manticore?”
  18. >”Indeed.”
  19. >She was working overtime herself, it seems.
  20. “Got clippers for that claw?”
  21. >”I have something that will take care of it, do not fret.”
  22. >You and Zecora then begin your native training throughout the night, excluding sleep from your schedule to further your abilities.
  23. >You learned just how many things you had to keep track of when you were aiming to shoot a blowdart, whether it be the position of your lips, the wind, the weight of the dart, and the strength of your blow, it all combined to make it feel like an artform.
  24. >She managed to teach you quite well in that verse, and the rest of the night afterwards was dedicated to teaching you the very basics of alchemy, and a quick dummy’s guide to making a healing potion, the only recipe besides the sleeping darts you were able to get written down.
  25. >Just as Celestia’s sun was rising, she had set up your very own potion-making kit, but decided not to charge you anything due to your kind words earlier.
  26. >Guess she wasn’t a jewpone after all, just a zigger.
  27. >...What?
  28. >She’s a good zigger!
  33. [Party rested to full health, all status effects gone!]
  34. [Anonymous is exhausted. (Status effect: -25% combat effectiveness until rest is acquired.)]
  36. >...
  38. >Morning has arrived!
  39. >You wish you could die.
  40. >You found yourself slumped over Zecora’s cauldron, letting the steam of the boiling potion hit your tired-ass face.
  41. >You didn’t even budge when Zecora rang her gong, a loud guttural vibration rocking the hut and the eardrums of everyone inside.
  42. >Pinkie jumped through the ceiling and was hanging like a party decoration, while the rest were simply startled and trying to wake up.
  43. >Except Berry, who didn’t even stir.
  44. >”Rise and shine, my little ponies. Or should I say Anon’s cronies?”
  45. >Applejack finishes wiping her eyes and looks around for whatever had caused the horrible wake-up call, until they set upon Pinkie’s dangling form.
  46. >”Oh, for Celestia’s sake..”
  47. >She got up and started pulling her out of the ceiling like it was an everyday situation.
  48. >Of course, for Pinkie, it probably was.
  49. >Redheart yawned and rubbed her nose, walking up next to you and sticking her face in the pot by your side.
  50. >”Are you doing alright, babe?”
  51. “Mrrnn.”
  52. >”Wow, were you up all night?”
  53. “Mhrnnn.”
  54. >Zecora appears behind you and Red, proceeding to pull your heads out of her work, then stirring the concoction.
  55. >”I believe that fault is mine, forgive me. I had him learning under my wing, as he believed my profession was key.”
  56. >”Oh, that’s alright. I’ll make sure he doesn’t fall into anymore pits.”
  57. “Only if I don’t get pushed.”
  58. >”What, like this?”
  59. >Red playfully nudges you, but you hug her back instead.
  60. “Anyways, everyone awake? We should probably get going after a quick breakfast.”
  61. >Pinkie finally falls out of the ceiling with AJ’s assistance as you said this, and she shakes the wood out of her hair by nodding frantically.
  62. >”I could really really REALLY use some food in my tummy!”
  63. >Zecora is one step ahead of them, however, as during your slump of semi-consciousness, she had made some quick grub for them.
  64. >While they were eating, you try to catch up on sleep.
  65. >It doesn’t work well.
  66. >With the party’s stomachs filled and the sun shining, there is nothing to procrastinate with any longer.
  67. >So you sludge around your stench of insomnia and stand on your two feet, prepping with everyone else.
  68. “Alright, we all ready? Pinkie?”
  69. >”Okey-dokey-lokey!”
  70. “AJ?”
  71. >”Yeah-huh!”
  72. “Berry?”
  73. >She is still stuffing her muzzle, so she just raises a hoof.
  74. “Red?”
  75. >”All ready!”
  76. “Zecora?”
  77. >”I’m afraid I must watch this brew, so I can no longer travel with you.”
  78. >The entire party voiced sadness at this revelation.
  79. “Are you sure it can’t sit for a while?”
  80. >”A potion this volatile cannot wait, lest I give my dwelling a fiery fate.”
  81. “Alright… It was fun, though.
  82. >She smiles again, a bit more wide.
  83. >”I did have plenty of fun, so maybe in the future I might join another one.”
  84. [Zecora has left the party.]
  85. >Pinkie abruptly materializes next to Zecora and hugs her tightly.
  86. >”I’m gonna miss you sooooo much!”
  87. “Pinkie, we’re going to see her again, she’s just not coming with us right now.”
  88. >She looks at you for a moment until Zecora pushes her off politely.
  89. >”You all must get going, so I can add the claw before the pot is glowing.”
  90. “How long will that be?”
  91. >”It will not take more than an hour, but who knows when things may go sour.”
  92. “True. Everyone ready?”
  93. >The party says yes in unison, and you depart from Zecora’s hut, waving goodbye to her.
  94. >You look around at the now familiar forest.
  95. >To the left is the path you went yesterday, to the right leads back to Ponyville, and the short path into the denser area will invariably lead to the Manticore.
  96. >Which way do you go, and what would you like to do?
  97. >Speak to ponk, “Are you good at sneaking?”
  99. >Party members [5/7]: (* means not currently with Anon/party)
  100. Known recipes:
  101. Sleeping Darts [3 red herbs, 2 blue herbs]
  102. Healing potion [1 wisp weed, 2 lifeleaf, 1 rizzleberry bunch]
  105. HP: 105/105 [Exhausted]
  106. MP: 10/10
  108. Inventory: Medical Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Medical Book (Diseases), Wallet, Bit pouch (empty), Almost full roll of duct tape, Lube, Rope, Book about Dark Magic (Including potential info about the shadow), Small mechanism, Potion-making Kit, Blowdart, Sleeping darts (x3), clippers, Red herb (1)
  110. >Current questlog (6/10 total):
  111. [Investigate Shadow]
  112. [Become a doctor]- Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (Epic item, 0/1)
  113. [Get Pinkie to slap your ass]
  114. [Sexy Shopping List] - Lube (1/1), An assorted dildo set (0/1), Rope (1/1), Bane mask <or one that looks close enough> (0/1), Rubber duck: (0/1)
  115. [Zecora’s Shopping List]- Ounce of Mortified Ember (1/1); Wisp’s Weed (3/3); Manticore Claw (0/1)
  116. [Firepower] - Metal Pipes (0/4), Wooden Handle (0/1), Small Mechanism (1/1), Gunpowder (0/1) , Reusable Ignition (0/1)
  118. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Beginner medical use (+25% first aid kit effectiveness), Beginner veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Ogre Dance (1-4 fail, 5-9 succeed, confuses enemy), Moderate spear combat (+5 dmg), Very High Magical Defense (+20 magical armor), basic knowledge of Everfree weeds, {S.S.S. - Synchronized Spear Strike, +10 dmg with Anonymous’ and Red’s separate damage. 5 turn CD}, Shoot dart, Brew potion (non-combat), Mega Buster (2 MP, Good attack, 3 turn CD), Saber Slash (1 MP, +15 magic dmg, 75% hit chance, 2 turn CD)
  120. Equipped: Jeans/underwear, Sneakers, Spear, Mysterious markings
  122. >REDHEART
  123. HP: 130/130
  124. Abilities: Expert use of medical supplies (+75% first aid kit effectiveness), {S.S.S. - Synchronized Spear Strike, +10 dmg with Anonymous’ and Red’s separate damage. 5 turn CD}
  125. Inventory: First Aid Kit (1), Knife
  126. Equipped: Royal Guard Medic-issued armor (+2 armor), Spear
  128. >PINKIE PIE
  129. HP: 105/105
  130. Abilities: Highly energetic attacks (Basic attack, hits twice), Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD)
  131. Inventory: Party Cannon, various sweets, ??? (“Hammerspace, Nonny!”)
  132. Equipped: Dual-wield daggers (+2.5 dmg per)
  135. HP: 205/205
  136. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon (1.2x multiplier, 2x against wood), Fisticuffs (Basic attack)
  137. Inventory: Flask, Box of matches (9)
  138. Equipped: Forehoof Horseshoes (+5 dmg), Royal Guard armor (+2 armor)
  140. >APPLEJACK*
  141. HP: 225/225
  142. Abilities: Treekicker (x2 damage, 3 turn CD), Lasso (Immobilizes enemy for 3 turns)
  143. Inventory: Flask (Apple cider), tri-braid rope, apples (3), iPhone
  144. Equipped: Stetson hat
  147. >Right before you leave, Zecora gives you the clippers she was going to use on the Manticore.
  149. >You stand there for a moment, trying to formulate a plan for what you wanted to do. There was just… so much to do…
  150. >
  151. “APPLEJACK!”
  152. >”WH-AAHAA, what?!”
  153. “Er, sorry, I need you to do me a big favor.”
  154. >”Okay, sure. Just don’t be shoutin’ my name in the middle of an awkward silence again, okay?”
  155. “Right. Uuh, do you have a good memory?”
  156. >She blows some air to raise her hat off her eyes.
  157. >”I remember what I ate for dinner three weeks ago, Anon, gimme all you got!”
  158. >It was probably apples, but you weren’t about to say that out loud.
  159. “I’m giving you my bits and gems, along with Berry’s bits because she’s gonna want liquor if you’re going, but I need you to go into Ponyville and get us some supplies while we take care of the Manticore. This way, we can save time, sound good so far?”
  160. >”Well, I’m not too thrilled about missin’ the action, but I can see why you picked me to go, hah.”
  161. “Alright, here.”
  162. [You give Applejack 35 bits.]
  163. [You give Applejack 3 small gems.]
  164. [Berry Punch gives Applejack 12 bits.]
  165. >She didn’t like doing that, but it’s for her own boozy goodness, so she didn’t protest.
  166. “We need medkits, liquor, matches, and uuh, see if you can find any mana potions, I’ll probably need those now, and healing too- no, scratch that, I can just make that now on the way. Uh, Also, could you use the gems to pay off a Blacksmith and see if you can get him to make a really big spear, like twice the size of this one I got here, and maybe make it double-sided for extra balance, okay? Now this might seem like a bit much, but if you could pay off the extra, I’m good for it, I’ll definitely pay you back as soon as humanly possible.”
  167. >”Humanly? I dunno, that seems pretty slow, partner.”
  168. “Watch it. Anyways, also could you find some sort of shirt, or jacket or something that might fit me? These tattoos are great, but I could use a bit of protection, even if just cloth.”
  169. >”How long were you thinking about this plan, Anon?”
  170. “It just sort of popped up, but anyways, after the shop and the blacksmith, I’ll also need you to stop by the library and find a few books, too. Anything on veterinary practices, alchemy, engineering, and if you can find it, healing spells.”
  171. >”...Okay, I know my memory is solid, but I might need a list after all.”
  172. “Hmm… Oh! Take this.”
  173. >You take out your phone and type everything into a note, then you hand it to her carefully.
  174. [You give Applejack your phone.]
  175. “Careful with it. Press that button, then swipe the bottom of the screen with… uh, try your nose I guess, and you’ll see the list. It’s fragile, so please use caution.”
  176. >”I got it, I got it…”
  177. >She stows the phone in her bag along with the bits and gems, waving to the party as they say goodbyes.
  178. >”I’ll be back at Zecora’s hut when I get done!”
  179. [Applejack has left the party.*]
  180. >Making sure she was safe as she left, you look down the path.
  181. “Let’s go.”
  182. >You walk into the dark forest down the path, and as you do this you begin to search for herbs that will help make sleeping darts.
  183. [SEARCHING…]
  185. Loot:
  186. [BATTLEGROUND]: You have found 1 red herb.
  187. [Your search ends as you find nothing else of interest.]
  188. >You managed to get a little bit, but there wasn’t too much in this small beaten path.
  189. >As your walking towards your destination, you fall back towards Pinkie.
  190. “Hey, are you good at sneaking, by any chance?”
  191. >”Ooh, I sneak up on ponies all the time! Some of them are so jumpy around me they run away when I say hi, it’s sort of sad because I don’t get to talk to them but I’m super duper good at sneaking--”
  192. “Good! We’ll need that skill when we get here. I want to avoid any confrontation, so I was hoping you’d help me get the drop on this thing.”
  193. >”Sure thing, Nonny!”
  194. “Okay, stick with me at the front of the group.
  195. >Before you know it, the dark path slowly began to widen into a large clearing, a fast rushing river in the distance and a few stone structures to the side, but no sign of any manticores.
  196. >This is where Zecora said they’d be, so you might need to look around some.
  197. >What do you do?
  203. >You beckon Pinkie to stay near you, and you keep your footsteps light.
  204. >She follows you as you begin to sneak around behind the various stone structures and bushes out in the clearing, blowdart loaded and ready.
  205. >While doing this, you look around and inspect the area.
  206. >It was a large clearing with a few bushes and stone structures, sort of like doorways but standalone. On the far side was a rushing, mighty river, and the sun was shining.
  207. >However, upon inspecting further, you found a bit of ruffling on the ground, shredded grass and leaves as if something had made a bed.
  208. >There was a small pile of meat sitting there at the edge, and you felt your stomach rumble.
  209. >You were hungry and tired, so you had to rely on Pinkie’s skills to see if there were any threats nearby.
  210. “Pinkie.”
  211. >”Nonny?”
  212. “Go check that edge of the forest where the nest is.”
  213. >”Kay…”
  214. >She makes an exaggerated show of sneaking, taking feathery steps on her back legs as she moves around like a mime, beginning to inspect the bushes at the edge of the clearing.
  215. >You look back while she does this and see that the rest of your party took care to stay at the entrance to the clearing, thankfully.
  216. >It looked like Berry was insistently trying to spank Redheart again, but to no avail. At least they weren’t making noise.
  217. >All of a sudden, Pinkie jumped back with a yelp as the bushes and trees began to rustle furiously.
  218. >Do you take the shot, or retreat?
  222. >You run forward, using every bit of strength you had to get to Pinkie, and you push her out of the way just as a momentously huge lion’s paw crashed the ground with a large rumble.
  223. >You ready your blowdart as Pinkie hid behind you in actual fear, and you fire just as its head rears out of the foliage.
  224. >... No!
  226. >The manticore raises its jaw and a loud roar echoes across the forests, it apparently being aware what you tried to do.
  227. >Berry and Redheart run to your side as it runs out of the foliage, charging your party!
  232. Anon: [HP: 105/105 (Exhausted)]
  233. Red: [HP: 130/130]
  234. Berry: [HP: 205/205]
  235. Pinkie: [HP: 105/105]
  237. Manticore: [HP: 500/500 (Enraged)]
  240. [ANONYMOUS]
  241. >Attacks with Mega Buster!
  242. >54!< (-25% exhaustion) = >40< [-2 MP][3 turn CD]
  243. [MC +5 magical defense]
  244. [MC: HP: 465/500]
  245. [REDHEART]
  246. >Attacks with Basic spear attack
  247. >8<
  248. [MC +5 physical defense]
  249. [MC: HP: 462/500]
  250. [BERRY PUNCH]
  251. >Attacks with Drunk Dragon [3 turn CD]
  252. >7< (x1.2) = >9< [-1 match]
  253. [MC: HP: 453/500]
  254. [PINKIE PIE]
  255. >Attacks with Party Cannon [5 turn CD]
  256. >6< (x3) = >18<
  257. [MC: HP: 435/500]
  259. 1
  260. >Manticore attacks the party with Lion’s Roar!
  261. >5< (x2.5) = >13, spread<
  262. Anon is afraid! [HP: 101/105 (Exhausted, Fearful)]
  263. Berry is afraid! [HP: 202/205 (Fearful)]
  264. Red is afraid! [HP: 127/130 (Fearful)]
  265. Pinkie is afraid! [HP: 102/105 (Fearful)]
  269. >Both attack with {S.S.S.}! [5 turn CD]
  270. >6 (+5) = 11 (-50%) = >6<
  271. >4 (x2) = 8 (-25%) = >6<
  272. +10 Synch
  273. >22<
  274. [MC +5 p. defense]
  275. [MC: HP: 413/500]
  276. [BERRY PUNCH]
  277. >Attacks with Fisticuffs
  278. >5 (+5) (x2) = >20<
  279. [MC +5 pd]
  280. [MC: HP: 398/500]
  281. [PINKIE PIE]
  282. >Attacks with Highly energetic attacks
  283. >1/1 (+2.5/2.5) = >7<
  284. [MC +5 pd]
  285. [MC: HP: 396/500]
  287. 2
  288. >Manticore attacks the party with FLYING TAIL SLAM!
  289. >Manticore flies into the air, preparing something.
  292. [ANONYMOUS]
  293. >Attacks with Ogre Dance
  294. >You start dancing around like an ogre and an asshole, but it had no effect on the Manticore whatsoever.
  295. [MC: HP: 396/500]
  296. [REDHEART]
  297. >Defends!
  298. [+5 defense (-25%) = +2]
  299. [BERRY PUNCH]
  300. >Attacks with Throw Beer Bottle!
  301. >2<
  302. [MC +5 pd]
  303. [MC: HP: 396/500]
  304. [PINKIE PIE]
  305. >Defends!
  306. [+5 defense (-25%) = +2]
  308. 3
  309. >Manticore flies down and hits the party with his tail, an earth-shattering explosion from the sheer force and a wide wave of poison flying out of the stinger! (8 turn CD)
  310. >6< (+20) = >26 each<
  311. (Fear effect -25% defense, 2 turns left) >33<
  312. Anon: [HP: 62/105 (E, F)]
  313. Redheart is poisoned! [HP: 94/130 (F, P)]
  314. Berry Punch is poisoned! [HP: 169/205 (F, P)]
  315. Pinkie: [HP: 69/105 (F)]
  320. [ANONYMOUS]
  321. >Attacks with Mega Buster! [-2 MP, 3 turn CD]
  322. >53< (-50% F/E) = >27<
  323. [MC +5 md] >22<
  324. [MC: HP: 374/500]
  325. [REDHEART]
  326. >Attacks with Basic spear combat
  327. >5< (-25%)~
  328. [MC +5pd]
  329. [MC: HP: 374/500]
  330. [BERRY PUNCH]
  331. >Attacks with Drunk Dragon
  332. >8< (x1.2)(-25%) = >8< [-1 match]
  333. [MC: HP: 366/500]
  334. [PINKIE PIE]
  335. >Attacks with Highly energetic attacks
  336. >5/5 (+2.5/2.5) (-25%) = >13<
  337. [MC +5 pd]
  338. [MC: HP: 358/500]
  340. 4
  341. >Manticore attacks Berry with Bite!
  342. >3< (+5) = >8<
  344. >5 each<
  345. Anon: [HP: 62/105 (E,F)]|[MP: 6/10]
  346. Red: [HP: 89/130 (F,P)]
  347. Berry: [HP: 156/205 (F,P)]
  348. Pinkie: [HP: 69/105 (F)]
  351. [ANONYMOUS]
  352. >Attacks with Saber Slash!
  353. >4 (+15 magic dmg) (+5) (-50%) = >12<
  354. [MC: HP: 346/500]
  355. [REDHEART][Abilities: Bite (+5), Mantislash (x2, 2tcd), Lion’s Roar (x2.5 AoE, 5tcd, causes fear once, dmg spr), Flying Tail Slam (Poison AoE, +20, 2tcu, 8tcd)]
  356. >Attacks with Basic spear combat
  357. >6< (-25%) = >5<
  358. [MC +5 pd]
  359. [MC: HP: 346/500]
  360. [BERRY PUNCH]
  361. >Attacks with Fisticuffs
  362. >1 (+5) (-25%) = >5<
  363. [MC +5 pd]
  364. [MC: HP: 346/500]
  365. [PINKIE PIE]
  366. >Gives Anon a sweet! [A small frosted cupcake, +1 HP]
  367. Anon: [HP: 63/105 (E,F)]
  369. 5
  370. >Manticore attacks Pinkie Pie with Mantislash! [2 turn CD]
  371. >4< (x2) = >8<
  372. [Anon is no longer afraid!]
  373. [Red is no longer afraid!]
  374. [Berry is no longer afraid!]
  375. [Pinkie is no longer afraid!]
  376. [Red and Berry are hurt by poison!]
  377. >5 each<
  378. Anon: [HP: 63/105 (E)][MP: 5/10]
  379. Red: [HP: 84/130 (P)]
  380. Berry: [HP: 151/205 (P)]
  381. Pinkie: [HP: 61/105]
  384. [ANONYMOUS]
  385. >Attacks with Ogre Dance
  386. >You start dancing around like an ogre and an asshole, but it had no effect on the Manticore whatsoever.
  387. [MC: HP: 346/500]
  388. [REDHEART]
  389. >Uses medkit on entire party (heal spread)
  390. [Berry and Redheart are no longer poisoned.]
  391. Anon: [HP: 89/105 (E)][MP: 5/10]
  392. Red: [HP: 117/130]
  393. Berry: [HP: 202/205]
  394. Pinkie: [HP: 87/105]
  395. [BERRY PUNCH]
  396. >Attacks with Fisticuffs
  397. >6 (+5)< = >11<
  398. [MC +5 pd]
  399. [MC: HP: 340/500]
  400. [PINKIE PIE]
  401. >Attack with Party Cannon! [5 turn CD]
  402. >6 (x3) = >18<
  403. [MC: HP: 322/500]
  405. 6
  406. >Manticore attacks Berry with Bite!
  407. >1 (+5) (x2 doubles) = >12<
  408. Anon: [HP: 89/105 (E)][MP: 5/10]
  409. Red: [HP: 117/130]
  410. Berry: [HP: 190/205]
  411. Pinkie: [HP: 87/105]
  414. [ANONYMOUS]
  415. >Attack with Saber Slash!
  416. >6 (+5)(+15 md) (-25%) = >21<
  417. [MC: HP: 301/500]
  418. [REDHEART]
  419. >Attack with Basic spear combat
  420. >5<
  421. [MC +5 pd]
  422. [MC: HP: 301/500]
  424. >Attack with Fisticuffs [Enraged!]
  425. >6 (+5) (+5 enraged!) = >11<
  426. [MC +5 pd]
  427. [Manticore has gotten tired over the presence of injures, lowering his defenses!]
  428. [MC: HP: 290/500]
  429. [PINKIE PIE] “Wow, I’ve never seen Berber so mad before! Teehee!”
  430. >Attack with Highly energetic attacks
  431. >5/5 (+2.5/2.5) = >15<
  432. [MC: HP: 275/500]
  434. 7
  435. >Manticore attacks Berry with Bite!
  436. >5 (+5) = >10<
  437. Anon: [HP: 89/105 (E)][MP: 4/10]
  438. Red: [HP: 117/130]
  439. Berry: [HP: 180/205]
  440. Pinkie: [HP: 87/105]
  441. [S.S.S. REFRESHED!]
  445. [ANONYMOUS]
  446. >Attacks with Mega Buster! [-2 MP][3 turn CD]
  447. >63< (-25%) = >47<
  448. [MC: HP: 227/500]
  449. [REDHEART]
  450. >Attacks with Basic spear combat
  451. >0<
  452. [MC: HP: 227/500]
  453. [BERRY PUNCH]
  454. >Attacks with Drunk Dragon [-1 match][3 turn CD]
  455. >3 (1.2x) = >4<
  456. [MC: HP: 223/500]
  457. [PINKIE PIE]
  458. >Inspect Pinkie’s various sweets
  459. >”I have a sweet tooth, silly filly! I carry sweets around with me wherever I go! Sometimes I have cupcakes, others I have pie or muffins or even Cake! I bet some are yummier (and healthier) than others, haha!”
  460. >Attacks with Highly energetic attacks
  461. >9/9 (+2.5/2.5) = >23<
  462. [MC: HP: 200/500]
  464. 8
  465. >Manticore attacks the party with Lion’s Roar!
  466. >6< (x2.5 spread) = >14<
  467. Anon: [HP: 85/105 (E)][MP: 2/10]
  468. Red: [HP: 113/130]
  469. Berry: [HP: 177/205]
  470. Pinkie: [HP: 85/105]
  474. >Attacks with {S.S.S.}! [5 turn CD]
  475. >6 (+5) = >11<
  476. >3 (x2) = >6<
  477. +10 Synch
  478. >27<
  479. [MC: HP: 177/500]
  480. [BERRY PUNCH]
  481. >Attacks with Fisticuffs
  482. >6 (+5) = >11<
  483. [MC: HP: 166/500]
  484. [PINKIE PIE]
  485. >Attacks with Highly energetic attacks!
  486. >1/1 (+2.5/2.5) = >7<
  487. [MC: HP: 159/500]
  488. [S.S.S. Upgraded! The real-life experience and practice now allows +15 damage!]
  490. 9
  491. >Manticore attacks Berry with Bite.
  492. >6 (+5) = >11<
  493. Anon: [HP: 85/105 (E)][MP: 2/10]
  494. Red: [HP: 113/130]
  495. Berry: [HP: 177/205] “This guy is really bitey, isn’t he? I think he’s going for my flanks!”
  496. Pinkie: [HP: 85/105]
  498. [ANONYMOUS]
  499. >Attacks with Moderate spear combat
  500. >3 (+5) = >8<
  501. [MC: HP: 151/500]
  502. [REDHEART]
  503. >Attacks with Basic spear combat
  504. >4<
  505. [MC: HP: 147/500]
  506. [BERRY PUNCH]
  507. >Attacks with Fisticuffs
  508. >8 (+5) = >13<
  509. [MC: HP: 134/500]
  510. [PINKIE PIE] [spoiler]I rolled a 100, no joke[/spoiler]
  511. >Uses sweets on Anon [A big, bountiful cake! Eat up, Nonny!]
  512. [+25 HP]
  513. Anon: [HP: 105/105 (E)]
  517. 10
  518. >Manticore attacks Anonymous with Mantislash! [2 turn CD]
  519. >7< (x3) = >21<
  520. Anon: [HP: 91/105 (E)]|[MP: 2/10]
  521. Red: [HP: 113/130]
  522. Berry: [HP: 177/205]
  523. Pinkie: [HP: 85/105]
  525. [ANONYMOUS]
  526. >Attacks with Mega Buster! [-2 MP][3 turn CD]
  528. >55 (x2 doubles Override) = >110<
  529. [MC: HP: 24/500]
  530. [REDHEART]
  531. >Attacks with Basic spear combat
  532. >3<
  533. [MC: HP: 21/500]
  534. [BERRY PUNCH]
  535. >Attacks with Drunk Dragon
  536. >6 (x1.2) = >8<
  537. [MC: HP: 13/500]
  538. [PINKIE PIE]
  539. >Attacks with Highly energetic attacks
  540. >6/6 (+2.5/2.5) = >17<
  541. [MC: HP: -4/500]
  542. [Manticore has died.]
  545. Loot:
  546. [MANTICORE]: You found 3 blue herbs, and a metal squareshield (Basic quality)!
  547. [BATTLEGROUND]: Nothing of note.
  550. >You and Pinkie had mainly finished off the beast with some well-placed dagger stabs and… something weird that happened to you.
  551. >You’ve definitely used the last of your magic, but maybe the but end of it was more powerful than the rest, because you just fucking smoked that shit.
  552. >It left you totally exhausted on top of your sleep deprivation, however.
  553. >You fall backwards on the ground, loving the fact you didn’t have to stand anymore.
  554. >Redheart and Berry walk over to you and fill your vision with their worried countenances.
  555. >”Babe… Are you alright?”
  556. >”That last spell was wicked, Anon! How’d you do that?”
  557. “I… I don’t know…
  558. >Pinkie returned from the Manticore’s corpse and pushed you up from your rest, despite your protests.
  559. >”Nonny! Get the claws before you forget, so we didn’t do all of that for nothing, we made him have boo-boos!”
  560. “Er, Pinkie… He has more than boo-boos…”
  561. >”Sssh, you’ll wake him! Now get the claws!”
  562. >You didn’t want to argue with her right now, so you took out Zecora’s claws, and got to work.
  563. >You snipped each and every claw off, just to make sure she was well-stocked in the future, and well, this Manticore wasn’t going to need them, that’s for sure.
  565. [QUEST: Z.F.E.L. COMPLETE!]
  567. Reward: Return to Zecora to get a fire enchantment on your weapon that can take down Bane!
  569. “What’s this…?”
  570. >You had tangled the clippers in the Manticore’s mane, but when you got it out, something square fell out of it.
  571. >Redheart’s attention was caught by the noise it made on the ground, and she came over to investigate just as you picked it up.
  572. >”Anon, that’s a shield, where’d you find it?”
  573. “In its mane. That’s weird…”
  574. >Looking over it, it was a nice silver squareshield with the emblem of Equestria on it. A bit burnt, but in decent condition.
  575. >Hmm…
  576. >Your party could use the extra defense.
  577. >Who do you give the shield to?:
  578. -Anonymous
  579. -Redheart
  580. -Berry Punch
  581. -Pinkie Pie
  582. -Save it for AJ
  583. -Store in Inventory
  587. >You looked at the shield, then at Red, who was eyeing the shield with an intriguing curiosity.
  588. >With everything you’ve learned and received from the journey, most of your party hasn’t gotten nearly the same treatment.
  589. >Especially Redheart.
  590. >You hold out the shield to her.
  591. >”Wait… Are you giving it to me?”
  592. “Yeah. You need it more than I do, besides, it’s made for a pony. Go full spartan, Red!”
  593. >”Spartan?”
  594. “Er… It’s a warrior that specializes with spear and shield.”
  595. >”Oh… Well, thank you Anonymous. I hope I put it to good use.”
  596. [Redheart receives shield!]
  598. >She puts it on nice and snug on her off arm, and she gives you a wide smile.
  599. >The party was tired and silent, as were you.
  600. >You decide to search around the clearing a little bit, and look for any treasures you might’ve missed, like in the cave.
  601. >Unfortunately, luck didn’t shine for you in that aspect, but you get a sudden thought.
  602. >Maybe the treasure was right there in front of you.
  603. >That hide on the Manticore was tough as nails, the blades could barely get through it.
  604. >And Redheart has a knife.
  605. >Do you want to skin the Manticore, or head back to Zecora’s?
  607. >NEW QUEST: [Experiment with magical abilities: Learn Levitation (0/1); Learn Light spell (0/1); Discover one new magical ability (0/1)]
  608. >MODIFIED QUEST: [Become a Doctor: Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemy knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1)]
  610. >It would make ending its life useful if you took its hide for use, at least.
  611. “Hey Redheart, can I see the knife I gave you before?”
  612. >Still busy playing around with her new shield, she took a moment to look up at you.
  613. >”Oh, uh, yes. Here.”
  614. [Redheart gives you a Knife.]
  615. “Thanks. HEY PINKIE!”
  616. >Pinkie was talking with Berry about the big fight with a small frown on her muzzle, probably having been told of the Manticore’s true condition. She bounds over to you nonetheless, still as erratic as ever.
  617. >”Hi Nonny, what is it?”
  618. “I need you to do something for me. You were the pony that took this guy down, even if I just helped, so you should reap your reward, right?”
  619. >Ponk gives you a puzzled stare.
  620. “Well, you said before metal armor would just slow you down, right? Well this stuff that the Manticore’s made of, his hide? That’s really tough, but really light and flexible. I’d like you to skin his hide so we can make you some proper armor for the journey ahead.”
  621. >For the second time since you’ve known her, she stopped bouncing to remain perfectly still.
  622. >”..Uh… Skin him? B-but..”
  623. “Pinkie, hey, listen real quick.”
  624. >You kneel down to her height and look her straight in the eyes.
  625. “He’s gone because we were just defending ourselves, okay? Nothing’s going to bring him back, so we need to make sure that he gets a proper goodbye from Equestria by preserving him in some form. By making armor out of his hide, you’re keeping his memory alive!”
  626. >She was like an innocent child, er, filly, with the way she looked at you.
  627. “Trust me, we’ll send the rest of him off like a true Manticore would be, down the river. But keep him in memory, as a ferocious beast that will protect you in your future adventures. Besides, he won’t feel a thing, he’s already up in a happier place, okay?”
  628. >She sniffles and nods, slowly regaining her happy demeanor.
  629. >”Okay Nonny, but, there’s still a problem.”
  630. >You had stood up as she said this, looking back down at her.
  631. “What?”
  632. >”I don’t know how to skin, silly filly! We’ve never had any reason to before!”
  633. “Redheart and I will help you, you’ll be fine. Here.”
  634. [You give Pinkie a Knife.]
  635. >She got to work starting from the head, and while you gave her tips, made conversation with Red.
  636. “Hey, since you got a nice little shield now, it’d probably be a good idea to learn how to bash things with it. If you knock something with a solid piece of metal, it’ll always slow down.”
  637. >”I was just thinking about that, actually, but I’m really not sure about having the strength to do it. I’m just a nurse, after all.”
  638. >Red giggles a little bit to lighten the sentence, but you weren’t having that.
  639. “ ‘Just a nurse’... You’re a lot more than that Red, especially to me.”
  640. >Hey eyes began to glisten with love and affection…
  641. >Then manticore blood sprayed over both your faces.
  642. >Wow, that was a potent moodkiller.
  643. >...
  644. >Pinkie proceeded to finish skinning the Manticore with your careful aid and Redheart’s knowledge, until a nice, well-cleaned hide was in her bag, ready for armorization.
  646. >With the help of the entire party, you shoved the remains of the Manticore into the rushing river, sending his body off to the wilds unknown.
  647. >After that bit of hard work combined with the long battle, it was already nearing noon, and today’s train leaves at 3 P.M. according to what Twilight had previously told the party.
  648. >You decide there was nothing else to look for here, so you took a victorious retreat from the clearing-turned-battleground.
  649. >You were now walking back to Zecora’s hut through the dense forest.
  650. >Would you like to do anything during the return?
  655. Loot:
  656. [BATTLEGROUND]: You have found 1 blue herb and 2 red herbs!
  657. [You find nothing else of interest.]
  659. >As well as finding a few herbs, you manage to find a small but bright dandelion, freshly bloomed.
  660. >You pick it as you return to the party, and walk up next to Redheart.
  661. >With a rub of her withers, you slip the dandelion behind her ear, letting the fresh smell waft over her nose.
  662. >”Oh, thank you Anon. That’s really nice…”
  663. “Only nice for the nicest pony around, Red.”
  664. >She nuzzles your side, walking closely with you through the forest as Berry and Pinkie were arguing about something small.
  665. >”You’re too kind, sometimes. I really don’t deserve it.”
  666. “Don’t even joke like that, babe. You are quite possibly the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
  667. >”Hey.”
  668. >You look back, seeing she wanted something, so you bent down.
  669. >Redheart kisses you intently, stopping both of you in your tracks as you lose yourselves in the passion and fervor.
  670. >Before it could go on, however, Berry’s voice rang out through the forest like a cone into your eardrums.
  671. >”LOVEBIRDS! We need to get back to Zecora and AJ!”
  672. >Red broke the kiss with an apple red blush on her snowy cheeks, but you stole one more quick peck before straightening, which turned into a stretch and yawn.
  673. >Holy hell, you were tired.
  674. >”Coming! Dr. Anon here needs to take a sabbatical anyways.”
  675. >Dr. Anon… That’ll be the day.
  676. >...
  677. >The party eventually gets back to Zecora’s hut at high noon, with you in the lead, ready for bed.
  678. >A quick knock on the door and you walk in, waving to Zecora, who… Wasn’t looking all that well.
  679. >”Claw, pot, now!”
  680. >...Holy shit.
  681. >You scrounge the claws out of your bag and throw one in the glowing amber chamberpot, and it suddenly erupts into flames of white and red.
  682. >Zecora was prepared for this apparently, because she was back at it in a flash with cool-colored powders that she began to sprinkle into the pot, dying down the flames, and turning the pot a pulsing red.
  683. >After a few more minutes of silent viewing as she works, she finally sets herself down and wipes her mane back into place.
  684. >”You are lucky you came at the potion’s glow, as it was about to blow.”
  685. “Damn… Guess we were close…”
  686. >A yawn interrupts you.
  687. “Where’s AJ, anyways?
  688. >Zecora looks at your party, her expression clueless.
  689. >”She is not with you?”
  690. >Redheart shakes her head, and you feel her beginning to push you towards Zecora’s cot.
  691. >”She must not be here yet. Let’s get you to bed, mister, you can still get a few hours of sleep.”
  692. “Ugrgh.”
  693. >Should you go to sleep, or wait for AJ to return and get first dibs on items?
  697. >Redheart’s insistence was pretty convincing, but you had just one condition.
  698. “Hey, you’re still pretty banged up.. Come rest with me.”
  699. >She sits you on the cot, and after a second of hesitation, gets up on it with you.
  700. >You take the opportunity to take her and lay her at the end comfortably, pat her side, then rest your head next to hers.
  701. >”Having fun there, babe?”
  702. “Mmmmh, yeah. Wake me up when… she gets here...”
  703. >”Only because you’re delusional from lack of sleep… Mhn.”
  704. >She cuddles up next to you, letting you use her as a pillow.
  705. >The outside world seemed to melt away, no sound nor light, as you fell into a blissful slumber with your sweetheart.
  706. >...
  707. >Something slams into your chest, knocking the wind out of you.
  708. “HUUGH--... Ow...”
  709. >You open your crusty, unwilling eyes and the light seems to blind you, as you feel a throbbing pain in your stomach and something stirring behind your head.
  710. >When your senses finally come to, you felt a little better.
  711. [Anon and Redheart fully healed, all status effects removed!]
  712. >...And there was a huge-ass spear on you, with a sweaty-looking Applejack giving you a death glare.
  713. >”You. Owe. Me.”
  714. >You looked out into the hut, seeing the rest of the party giggling at your misfortune, and Redheart’s hooves suddenly wrap around the spear laying on you.
  715. >”Wow… Anon, have you looked at this, yet?”
  716. >You shake your head to get rid of the dizziness, and take a solid look at your new spear.
  717. >Solid oak wood for the handle, it looks like. Reinforced… Double-ended, and just your size, too!
  719. >You take it up and strap it where your old spear was as you look at what AJ had gotten.
  720. >It’s a huge fucking sack that you’re doubtful even you can lift, and most of them have their fill.
  721. >You take your share handily as you give AJ an apologetic look.
  722. [Berry received a bottle of hard liquor! (Increases Drunk Dragon multiplier by .8x)]
  723. [Berry received a box of matches! (12)]
  724. [Redheart received medkits! (5)]
  725. [Redheart receives extra gauze!]
  726. [You receive medkits! (5)]
  727. [You receive mana potions! (2) (Heals 5 mp each)]
  728. [You receive literature! (Alchemy 102: Pony’s Guide to Transmogrification; Practical Engineering for Practical Problems)]
  729. [Applejack has received apples! (9)
  730. >”I couldn’t find nothin’ about no healing spells, I was told you were lucky to get those mana potions, only ones they had in town!”
  731. “How much did this all cost, anyways?”
  732. >”Too much.”
  733. >AJ sits far away from the boiling cauldron, resting on her own cot as she waves her face with her hat.
  734. “Are you alright?”
  735. >”I had to lug that stuff all the way over here, and they’re lot heavier than a cartload of apples, that’s for sure. It was mainly that spear, though, got everything else in no more than 20 minutes, but I had to stay with the smithy to make sure he did everything ya wanted. Like I said, you owe me big, Anon.”
  736. >Berry finishes filling her flask while she cuts in.
  737. >”Oh c’mon AJ, loosen up a little bit. I’ll get you back when the time comes.”
  738. >AJ doesn’t even look at her.
  739. >What the fuck comes next?”Can you get me back 78 bits?”
  740. >Berry drops her jaw, looking at you for a second.
  741. >”You’re on your own, dude.”
  742. “That much?”
  743. >”The three gems you gave me were with like 40 each, but the spear was over 200 because of the extra metal or something.”
  744. “Wow, damn. Sorry, I’ll go with you next time, and I’ll definitely pay you.”
  745. [You are currently 78 bits in debt to AJ.]
  746. >Zecora taps her pot a few times with her hoof, and the entire party gets surprised at the radical change that they didn’t notice before.
  747. >The contents were completely gone, sans a powder that was forming in the center of the pot, creating some sort of ethereal substance that defied gravity.
  748. >”The enchantment is ready to be applied, so let magic and blade collide.”
  749. >You look at your new spear, and the ready enchantment.
  750. >The party had split away from the pot to allow you clear passage to the pot, looking expectantly at you.
  751. [WARNING: This is a one-time enchantment that is very possibly the only thing that can stop the Shadow, and must be treated with caution. It can be enchanted on any viable weapon.]
  752. >Do you wish to enchant your new spear? Y/N
  753. >Inspect Double-Blade Spear
  754. [High-level basic quality spear, +10 base physical damage, grants ability Parry]
  755. >Parry: Attempts to block an incoming attack by deflecting it. (Physical and low-level magic only, 50% success rate)
  756. >Inspect Enchantment
  757. >From what you know about this enchantment, it is fire-based and will grant an intense amount of magical damage to your attacks, as well as make it possible to attack beings like the Shadow. You may only use/apply this enchantment once, to one weapon, and Zecora cannot make a second one.
  761. >You walk forward, the decision having already been made.
  762. >New spear in hand, you walk up to the pot, when you realize something.
  763. “Uh… How exactly do I do this?”
  764. >”Let your blades connect with the magic, and it will bond like wax with a wick.”
  765. >You sort of understood what she meant, but you had two blades now.
  766. >Coming up close, you raise your spear, and start swirling it around, edging it closely to the ethereal orb.
  767. >A few painful agonizing seconds later, you swing both blades into the orb, which latched onto both sides like a fly to glue.
  768. >You stop spinning it so you didn’t accidentally chop somepony’s head off.
  769. >There isn’t any big boom like there was when it was being made, however, as when you did this it tints the blades’ edges a sheen, metallic red, and… that’s it.
  770. >You feel a slight bit of heat from it, but it seems the enchantment has been successfully applied.
  771. [Spear has been enchanted. Upgraded to Rare quality.]
  772. >”Exercise caution during combat, as you will injure yourself or others treating it like a bat.”
  773. “Yeah, probably shouldn’t touch the blades at all, got it. Thank you, Zecora, I’ll do my best to get done what needs to be done. Also, AJ, I won’t just pay you back, but if you ever need any favors, whether its labor or helping you with the flu, I’m your man.”
  774. >You smile at her, with a shine in your teeth and everything.
  775. >AJ smiles back, and tips her hat.
  776. >”Thank ya kindly, I truly appreciate that.”
  777. >Pinkie looks at her watch.
  778. >...Wait, she has a w--
  779. >”I think we’re gonna be late for the train, guys!”
  780. >She is even more shaky than usual, so she’s serious about that.
  781. >The party gets ready, helping Zecora clean up since they crashed there for the night and made a mess.
  782. >Before long, you were prepared to head out and bid Zecora a final farewell.
  783. >In face, you were just about to say something, but AJ suddenly cuts you off.
  784. >”Oh wait, I forgot somethin’!”
  785. >Redheart is straightening her bag as she speaks.
  786. >”What did you forget, and I hope you can still find it after cleaning?”
  787. >AJ went to where the bag she had was stored, and pulled something pristinely white out of the very bottom of it.
  788. >”I took an extra stop at the hospital, which just added to my time, so sorry about that, uuh, here.”
  789. >She hands it to you, and you unravel it.
  790. [Applejack gives you a Doctor’s Trenchcoat.]
  791. “..Whoa…”
  792. >”Biggest size they had. I couldn’t find anything remotely close to your size anywhere else, but you’re always talkin’ about how Red here inspires you to be a doctor, so I figured I’d humor ya.”
  793. >You had already been undoing your shit to put it on, and indeed it fit, even if the back bowed out backwards slightly.
  794. >It looks pretty fly, actually, and it fits nice.
  795. >Setting your stuff on top of that, you still have your tats showing on your palms, but now you had a nice, pristine jacket with straps and all for all your little potion-making kits and darts.
  796. >You see the red plus sign on the back too, and you make a mental note to see if you could add some hearts to it for a little symbolism.
  797. >Redheart herself is eyeing you very intently.
  798. >”My my, it fits you so well… I’m not talking about the size, either.”
  799. >It’s a nice feeling when your marefriend makes you blush.
  800. >Berry interjects at this point, pointing at Pinkie who looks like she is about to explode.
  801. >”I think she wants us to get a move on, so let’s do so before she blows a gasket.”
  802. >Before leaving, you turn back to Zecora.
  803. “You’re always welcome to join us still, if you want?”
  804. >Zecora shook her head.
  805. >”The journey is much too far for me. Go and stop that shadow, ‘Nonny’.”
  806. >Yeah, she’s been hanging around Pinkie too much, time to leave.
  807. >It was afternoon, and the train leaves at 3 o’clock.
  808. >According to Pinkie’s apparent watch, you have a little under an hour to get to the train station.
  809. >What would you like to do?
  813. >One more thing…
  814. “Zecora, is there anything else you can part with that could help us out?”
  815. >She looks around her shelves, but then rummages through her bag.
  816. >”Aah, there is one thing, I meant to give. If you hadn’t reminded me, it might’ve been more difficult to live.”
  817. >She hands you a familiar-looking vial, except this one was larger and much more viral.
  818. >”It forever imbues with energy to last longer, choose wisely.”
  819. [Hidden Bonus: Become best friends with Zecora - Complete]
  820. [ACQUIRED VIRALITY POTION (Permanently raises one party member’s HP by 20)]
  821. “Thanks a million. Alright, let’s get going…”
  822. >You couldn’t help it.
  823. >You walk up to Zecora and give her a tight embrace, to which she reciprocates with enthusiasm.
  824. >”Come back again another time, and we’ll catch up. Maybe spend a few days that are not in peril. I wish you luck, Anonymous.”
  825. >Looks like when she’s being genuine, there’s no rhymes to go with it.
  826. >The two of you part, and then the rest of the party suddenly rushes from behind you and hugs you both in the center.
  827. “Oooh, Okay, that’s crushing my pelvis, OW… I NEED THAT!”
  828. >They let go, Redheart giggling a little louder than the rest.
  829. >With nothing left to stall leaving, you and your party wave goodbye to Zecora, who waves back, and exit her hut, traveling down the road to Ponyville with haste.
  830. >It’s not long before you were out of the forest, back in the clean plains.
  831. >Would you like to do anything on the way to the Train station?
  835. >During the long road ahead, you needed to make some conversation, and you knew just how to do that.
  836. >You adjust your gait to walk alongside AJ.
  837. “Hey, AJ?”
  838. >”How’s it hangin’, Anon?”
  839. “Pretty low, just gotta get excited.”
  840. >She’s silent for a moment, trying to hide a smile.
  841. >”Come up with that all by yourself?”
  842. “Easy now, I’m trying.”
  843. >This time she laughed out loud a bit.
  844. >”At least you’re active, that’s fine in my book. Now, what did ya’ll need?”
  845. “Well, just wanted to ask you something. When we get some extra bits on our side to gear us up a little more, what kind of armor and weapon were you looking for? Considering the journey we’re taking, we’re gonna need it.”
  846. >She looks ahead for a moment, simply pondering during the stroll down the dirt road, admiring the cool summer breeze flowing through her mane.
  847. >”I guess if you had to ask me, I’m more pow than zap, if you get me. Make a hit count, and don’t worry about hittin’ again. Something big, something two handed, maybe for a weapon if I needed it… and I don’t care, any armor would do, it’s not like I’m gonna need to move around as fast as Pinkie does, boy howdy.”
  848. >Do I hate niggers. … Shit, where the hell did that come from?
  849. >Anyways, you give her a nod, noting what her preferences were in case you needed to buy for her for any reason.
  850. >You take this lull in conversation to think about that virality potion.
  851. >The party had resigned to leave you to your decision, because it was a gift to you from Zecora.
  852. >You thought about drinking it yourself, but there were so many conflicting thoughts in your head, you thought it best to simply keep it for now, just in case.
  853. >After that, on the last leg of the journey, you look at the markings on your palms as you lag behind the group, trying to ponder about the fact that you had magic…
  854. >...But the only thing you’ve been able to do is use it like a DBZ character.
  855. >You’ve seen Twilight and Rarity move things around without even looking at them, and it caused no strain to them at all, and that was straight up levitation, right?
  856. >It couldn’t be that hard, at least not like healing with all that manipulation.
  857. >You see a stray rock on the road, and as you pass by, you raise a hand out to it, trying to think about the fact that you can move that shit with your mind.
  858. >...Nothing happens.
  859. >Figures.
  860. >Another rock passes by, and you try the thought of talking to it, asking it to move…
  861. >Nope.
  862. >...
  863. >The time seems to fly by, and the Train station was now under your feet, feeling wooden floors for the first time in days.
  864. >You didn’t make much progress with your magic, but you did learn something.
  865. >Actively channeling your magic like you were was hard work, but that was the point.
  866. >You realize that magic was just another muscle in your body, just not a physical one.
  867. >It is exercisable just like any portion of your body, and you had done that quite a bit without actually using any of it. Maybe it is a form of meditation?
  868. [You have gained 2 MP.]
  869. >You and your party arrive at the train station, the clock saying 2:50, and the train isn’t here yet.
  870. >As of right now, there aren’t many others at all on the train station, most having taken yesterday’s train.
  871. >What would you like to do?
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