
Face Recognition Test - r1 crash log

Mar 27th, 2016
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  1. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.318 DEBUG [main] Capturing frame #23...
  2. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.319 DEBUG [main] Got frame #23: shape=(480, 640, 3)
  3. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.319 DEBUG [main] Saving frame #23 as 'images/frame_0023.png'
  4. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.335 DEBUG [main] Processing frame #23...
  5. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.335 DEBUG [process_frame] Resized frame: shape=(240, 320, 3)
  6. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.335 DEBUG [process_frame] Detecting faces...
  7. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.349 DEBUG [process_frame] Got 1 matches.
  8. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.349 DEBUG [process_frame] Match #0: pos=(x=72, y=76) size=(w=144, h=144)
  9. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.349 DEBUG [process_frame] Scaled bounding box: pos=(x=72, y=61) size=(w=144, h=201)
  10. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.349 DEBUG [process_frame] Frame ROI: shape=(179, 144, 3)
  11. 2016-03-27 20:45:48.351 DEBUG [process_frame] Resized face mask: shape=(201, 144, 3)
  13. OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (mask.size == src1.size) in cv::binary_op, file ..\..\..\modules\core\src\arithm.cpp, line 1036
  14. Traceback (most recent call last):
  15. File "", line 185, in <module>
  16. main()
  17. File "", line 159, in main
  18. processed = process_frame(frame_number, frame, face_cascade, face_mask, SCALING_FACTOR)
  19. File "", line 108, in process_frame
  20. masked_frame = cv2.bitwise_and(frame_roi, frame_roi, mask=mask_inv)
  21. cv2.error: ..\..\..\modules\core\src\arithm.cpp:1036: error: (-215) mask.size == src1.size in function cv::binary_op
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