
Quince on Turn 1

Feb 20th, 2015
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  1. [9:58] FoxyDaisy27: who do you think the best person is against quince?
  2. [9:58] Juushichi: Persephone is pretty strong against quince.
  3. [9:58] Juushichi: Valerie
  4. [9:59] Juushichi: hm...
  5. [9:59] Juushichi: Zane, Gwen, Grave...
  6. [10:00] Juushichi: I think for the most part there are a lot of characters that have good gameplans vs Quince
  7. [10:00] FoxyDaisy27: I feel like Zane is good against everyone
  8. [10:00] Juushichi: Zane isn't as great vs Onimaru, Troq, Grave and Lum-ish I guess?
  9. [10:00] Juushichi: Valerie is also even.
  10. [10:01] Juushichi: But back to Quince, hm...
  11. [10:01] Juushichi: it's more that you're better off if you can think through his mixups
  12. [10:01] FoxyDaisy27: How do mixups evenwork? Those confuse me so much
  13. [10:01] Juushichi: That is the intention really...
  14. [10:02] FoxyDaisy27: Oh. Great.
  15. [10:02] enomus: Know his setups
  16. [10:02] Juushichi: I wish I had a better way to explain how to get through the information you have to glean when he reveals.
  17. [10:02] enomus: Which ones the Quince player likes to go for
  18. [10:03] Juushichi: but the quick and easy way to say it is exactly how enomus has
  19. [10:03] enomus: And at which points he's more likely to use them
  20. [10:03] Juushichi: more than anything, you have to eat them with your face--- to go with a humorous saying
  21. [10:03] FoxyDaisy27: lol.
  22. [10:03] Juushichi: or experience it with you body if you're into the anime description thing
  23. [10:03] FoxyDaisy27: So...take his mixups and annilate him the rest of the time?
  24. [10:04] Juushichi: once you've eaten the mixup enough times, you can sorta get a feeling of what the quince players (not necessarily) want
  25. [10:04] Juushichi: ideally, you'll never be put in a situation where you have to eat the mixup
  26. [10:04] Juushichi: i mention before that every character has the tools to combat quince
  27. [10:04] FoxyDaisy27: yes.
  28. [10:04] Juushichi: and this is by design, for the most time, his neutral cards are awful
  29. [10:05] Bob199: just poke him
  30. [10:05] Bob199: disrespect is his weakness
  31. [10:05] Juushichi: yep, the thing that you probably want to do the most
  32. [10:05] Juushichi: is get him to waste resources
  33. [10:05] Juushichi: resources = cards in this case
  34. [10:06] Juushichi: or if you have counters, his abilities lol
  35. [10:06] Juushichi: one of the things that i did when i was younger (see: greener) in this game
  36. [10:06] Juushichi: was to take everything i saw from turn 1
  37. [10:06] Juushichi: and what i mean by this
  38. [10:07] Juushichi: is to see what sort of move would allow my opponent to get the highest payoff
  39. [10:07] Juushichi: for quince, i would say in general that it's attack (5/6, A, Q) all fulfill that
  40. [10:07] Juushichi: 5/6 arguably have the highest payoff because it immediately puts him at card neutral for damage payoff
  41. [10:08] Juushichi: (it also shakes opponents confidence, but please ignore this phase for now)
  42. [10:08] Juushichi: A gives him a knockdown and immediately starts his offense
  43. [10:08] Juushichi: however, if he chooses to use patriot mirror he is going to be burning a lot of resources (cards)
  44. [10:09] Juushichi: losing at least 1 in the mixup and already having an ace is discard
  45. [10:09] Juushichi: Q is kinda the same, but lower value and probably has another face behind it for the spit
  46. [10:09] Juushichi: this is why generally i think if a quince hits you with an A, they'll take the 10 damage, KD and a favorable spin
  47. [10:09] Juushichi: *turn 1
  48. [10:10] Juushichi: otherwise, his good payoff thing is throw
  49. [10:10] Juushichi: which basically does what Q and A do, but with less damage
  50. [10:10] Juushichi: functionally you can probably treat them mostly the same
  51. [10:10] Juushichi: (this ties all the way back to what bob#'s says by "just poke him")
  52. [10:11] Juushichi: dodge does the same thing, but ties back into this option tree loop i mentioned before
  53. [10:11] Juushichi: with quince down by a few cards
  54. [10:12] Juushichi: but this is just turn 1
  55. [10:13] Juushichi: it really seems like a lot to internalize, but idk it kinda comes after a while
  56. [10:13] Juushichi: and to be honest, i didn't even really think it out that much until just now
  57. [10:13] Juushichi: go figure, right?
  58. [10:13] FoxyDaisy27: lol i guess you don't think out you just execute
  59. [10:13] FoxyDaisy27: until you have to explain
  60. [10:15] Juushichi: yep
  61. [10:16] Juushichi: there is a lot more to speak about, like looking at his abilities and how to interact with them...
  62. [10:16] Juushichi: but again, it's probably better to experience them for yourself and think your way out of it
  63. [10:16] Juushichi: a general guideline is that for the spins:
  64. [10:16] Juushichi: J has the least amount of payoff
  65. [10:16] Juushichi: K is a pretty standard payoff vs risk
  66. [10:16] Juushichi: Q is high risk, rather high reward
  67. [10:16] Juushichi: if you only stick to the information offered by the card
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