
boats n hoes

Jul 11th, 2017
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  1. I missed #pastebinmonday but whatever, gonna do the GDQ paste anyway! This year's SGDQ was particularly stressful, and to tell you the truth, I've never felt more uncomfortable at a GDQ, but I'm just going to focus on the positive things that happened, rather than all of the negative, which I will explain at a later time maybe.
  3. Everything outside of the marathon this year was incredible. I reconnected with a lot of old friends, and I made some new ones. I had a lot of fans come up to me during the course of the marathon, asking for pictures, and wanting to talk, but I'm really sorry if I seemed a little standoffish, as there were things involving GDQ and a lot of other really bad shit that was a pretty big weight on my shoulders this year. But I got to sign a Macho Man Randy Savage DVD, which was pretty friggin sweet. There were a few people who wanted to meet up and things didn't really work out, for that I'm sorry~ maybe we can meet up next year.
  5. So I wanted to spend more time with a lot of people this SGDQ, but that didn't really happen. Partying isn't really my thing. So I spent this SGDQ with Golden, Cloud, Eggman, and Elehex mostly. Golden and Cloud are ALWAYS a pleasure to see, I hadn't spent too much time with Eggman in the past, but it was awesome to hang with him and get to know him better. I really like him a lot and he's one hell of a nice dude. I hadn't really had any interaction with Elehex before the event, but he was super nice and we did some hardcore memeing together. This group was pretty awesome, and I enjoyed every moment I spent with these dudes. Thanks for taking my mind off of a lot of bullshit and making my stay in America a pleasant one! You guys are the best <3
  6. I even saw Daze, who I haven't seen since SGDQ 2013, and it was awesome to catch up with him again! I really hope I see him more often, he's a really amazing dude! (If you don't know who I'm talking about, he's a fellow Canadian from the DooDooDoo Crew days~)
  7. I was even interviewed once by ESL with ppotdot1 and that was pretty sweet. Whether or not they use any content of mine is another question entirely, but it was pretty cool.
  9. To my fellow dudes who were on the Silent Hill 2 couch, when I heard that there were only three mics for couch, I shouldn't have even gone, but wanted to support my boy Tekkie for his awesome SH2 run~ sorry for whatever negativity may have spread from that. If there's a next time, hopefully it'll be better :(
  11. As for some of the best things during the marathon, here's a list;
  13. meme of the marathon: oh ma gawd lady / every time you see a friend, you say "sup babe" and every time you leave, you say "duty calls"
  14. most comfy: watching mirror's edge catalyst with buds in #2509
  15. best eatery: probably that bar where we were introduced to the one, the only, pro bowler CHRIS BARNES *pop off*
  16. best interactions: so one night I got the bright idea to start blasting Wii SHOP CHANNEL around the marathon and in the elevators, and received generally favourable reviews from my various audiences, including gdq attendees and random people, but most notably getting called out by some rando in the elevator for telling a woman that the 10 hour version of Wii SHOP CHANNEL is "the longest song in human history", which Cloud really liked lmao
  17. best trip: putter there was good but a little less entertaining than last time, I might have to go with Spiderman Homecoming cuz that movie was tight as fuck~! But again, even though the movie was super good, Jordan's concert was friggin amazing~ you're so talented and an inspiration to many, love you dude!
  18. best party game: drawful and golden's rendition of a "broken flamethrower"
  19. best casino game: Flinstones' Slots with Spikevegeta, everybody being down a shitload of money but coming out on top in the end!
  20. least liked meme: group fidget spinners
  22. I would also really like to thank my roommates Jordan and Patty for being really awesome roomies and helping me through some shit. Thanks a bunch dudes! Going to GDQs always inspires me to pick up new games! I'm working on getting a new computer right now, as you may have seen on Twitter (cuz this laptop won't cut it for the full time streaming plans I have), so once it's all built, I'm gonna go hard on the Jak 100%, Resistance 2, SM64 70 star, Paper Mario Glitchless (hopefully), and maybe Super Mario Land 2 for a shorter easier run~! Can't wait to full time stream for you guys, but I wanna wait for the new computer before I start that. Thanks for being patient and I'll see you on Twitch soon!
  24. Btw, working on some speedrun plans with Jordan and possibly some indie co-op stuff with Patty! Something to look forward to!
  25. Golden, Cloud, Eggman, Elehex, Jordan, Patty, and all my other Collective buds and new friends, thanks for being awesome. Hopefully I'll see you guys at the next GDQ!
  27. PS. Glad everyone liked the slowmo Golden vape sesh, wanna make more videos with various speedrun friends again! Editing funny videos is always a pleasure. <3
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