
TE:C: Sagittarius

Jul 9th, 2021
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  1. Area 1-2: Sagittarius
  2. Continuing our attempt to liberate the Tetrimidion, the next constellation took a physical form: Sagittarius, the archer. Seeing as we had an archer in our trio, this fight was bound to be interesting.
  4. However, things immediately took a bad turn as the archer immediately nocked and released his first arrow. As it began to glide through the air, it split into three beams of light, shooting between us. We were effectively separated from each other, the beams of light acting as dangerous walls.
  6. We did all we could to defend ourselves from the arrows that Sagittarius fired at us. Unlike the first volley, the next set of arrows seemed fairly normal, while others felt as if they slowed down time around it. It was around then when I realized that these constellations would fare much more difficult, and that Pisces was basically a pushover.
  8. As soon as the lasers faded away and we were reunited, we prepared ourselves to enter the Zone. We quickly ran towards each other, joined hands yet again, and closed our eyes. As we started to prepare the attack, we felt as the archer's projectiles bounced off our barrier.
  10. We felt the fear of Sagittarius. We felt the futility of his actions. We were ready to take him out to free him from the evil grasp of the void.
  12. As Sagittarius fired one last laser in desperation towards us, the Zone attack was ready, shooting at him much like his own weapons would at us. The beam enveloped the archer before he vanished entirely out of sight.
  14. The next shockwave that Tetrimidion produced was much stronger than the one before. It seems that things will keep getting worse...
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