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Oct 8th, 2019
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  1. Remember Whitney Wisconsin? It turns out that she was right. As it turns out, women would rather have sex with dogs over human males. They just haven't fully realized it, because it requires a bit of sexual exploration. Sexually, you never even stood a chance. It is the ultimate redpill. Now, let me tell you a secret. I was just an ordinary male, just like you, who was repulsed by the idea of a woman having sex with a dog. Every time these "viral" videos would show up on my Facebook timeline, I would also ponder why a woman would do such a horrid thing. After all, any virgin on this planet would do anything to have sex with a woman; they would just have to tell us or show interest. However, in the midst of my shock, I was also sort of aroused by what I was seeing. It was only natural, as I'm attracted to women. This caused confusion and disgust at the same time. The idea of a dog having sex with a woman made me sick to my stomach.
  3. Now, fast forward to today. I now can say that I'm not repulsed by the idea, nor aroused. I'm immune to the idea, but rather convinced that women are not only naturally drawn to a beast, human males never stood a chance.
  5. Through countless testimonies from women online, across different forums and boards, I was quickly able to mark observations which would get me hooked on bestiality porn.
  7. The first set of testimonies from little girls which apparently allowed their dogs to lick their vaginas. Don't believe me? Head over to Google and type in: "isitnormal dog licks my vagina".
  9. This first discovery serves as the foundation for how women start out in exploring bestiality.
  11. Now, surely most of these testominies are just male LARPers with a fetish for dog sex, am I right? Wrong.
  13. Digging deeper into the internet only reveals the truth. I will leave it to you to find videos of girls getting licked by their dogs, and you be the judge. No, in fact, I will give you a few sites to explore: Pornsocket, luxuretv, bestialitygirls, bestialitylovers, pornfay, petsex, pornbraze.
  15. That's not all, bestiality sex is not just about licking. Remember what I said earlier about licking merely being the first step of the exploration, and about males never standing a chance?
  17. Of course, males can easily lick their partner's vagina, so these women are just pretty desperate for something that they can easily get.
  19. But what if I were to tell you that there's more to it than just licking?
  21. Now, if you've visited any of those websites then I dare you to look up any of the videos by Zooskool or Art of Zoo in the search bar, and especially compilations, and then come back. These videos serve as evidence of what I'm about to describe.
  23. You must be amazed, and you must be in shock, and so was I when I was exposed to such videos. Never had I witnessed such beautiful women having sex with dogs, and not only that, moaning in ecstasy. Moaning, the likes of which I'd never heard before. Moaning, which were not only the most realistic and intense experience that I've heard from a woman, but clearly never before heard in any porn video. If you've ever heard a woman moan before, it was more than likely the generic back and forth robotic noise that you hear in both amateur and professional porn videos alike. Never, have you heard what sounds like a woman reaching constant climax, losing her breath and making intense groans of both pain and pleasure...
  25. What you've witnessed is completely legit, beautiful women having sex with their dogs and not only enjoying the throbbing, but also enjoying the red rocket pumping infinite sums of cum into their womb while it it stuck in their vagina. As the woman's vagina gets filled with this cum, the woman goes into a state of ectasy which is not mirrored by the cheap porn you find on normie sites. A state of ectasy which perhaps rivals the drug itself and other drugs, at the doggy cock seems to be a stimulant.
  27. Now, what do I have to prove or show for what I've just described? Surely, these are just Hollywood actresses, am I correct? Wrong again.
  29. I would normally advise you to just use Google in this case, but hear me out. Zoophiless are being censored out by the the powerhouses of the internet, and many powerful testimonies are gone. That does not mean that it's impossible to find the testimonies, but that you're probably going to have a hard time with Google. It's better to use Duckduckgo in this situation, just type in :"All women can feel a knot thru their tummy with their hands", then you'll get one testimony posted into pastebin. Read the entire thing.
  31. You can also try Googling "why do women knot their dog" to find the pastebin, but only Duckduckgo will return the pastebin through keywords. With that Google search, you can also find other sites which explore the question.
  33. Since dog sex is a lot more shameful and extreme than just licking, you won't find much in isitnormal. You can try though.
  35. There used to be a subreddit dedicated to sex with dogs, in which there were many testomonies from females, but it has been removed.
  37. You can also just explore beastforums, the official forum for bestiality, but since the chances of male larping is higher, with every testimony being buried or questionable without more research and hard to find, it's not required.
  39. If you haven't explored the sites throughly or heard a woman moaning while knotted (they all make similar noises), then you probably do not believe what you're reading and brushing it off as a pure fantasy. Once you are manly enough to confront the reality and see it for yourself, welcome to the cruel world of Zoophilia. The world where women, be it any female on the planet, could have sex with dogs, and enjoy it throughly, though they might not have discovered this topic.
  41. Remember the infamous "Rahsarah91"? (Just Google her). While it may have been a troll, there is also a slight chance that the story was real. If one explores this slight chance, you will find that perhaps this woman wasn't lying about reaching climax from her dog.
  43. Now, for the final redpill, of course, according to testomonies from women, when the dog is throbbing their vaginas, the sex feels similar to penis. However, the cock grows out of proportion and then gets stuck on ther vagina. It is at this point that the dog cock surpasses the capabilities of a human cock. No human male is capable of growing their cock past 6-7 inches if their cock is only that long once it gets hard, keep in mind that the average knot is over 9 inches and 6 inches in girth, and that's not even accounting for the human hand knuckle-size knot which sits at the back of the penis. No human male can provide a similar experience.
  45. According to a woman whom did a Q/A on Reddit back in the day, her husband was more like a provider. She cucked her husband in secret. After all, a dog won't pay the bills. In other words, the male was only there to support her economically. In this age of feminism, it is very easy for women to become indepedent and not need a man for financial support.
  47. When asked whether she imagined her husband or even a strong male pumping her when the dog was knotted and she was receiving her "countless orgasms", she mentioned that she thinks of the dog's body instead. While this sounds revolting, it is a fact that can not going unnoticed.
  49. It turns out, that they also do not need a man for sex. This could be why even kikes are terrified by the prospect of women not even considering having sex with humans, so they've started censoring left and right.
  51. A man has been belittled in every way, by his whore of a wife who does not even lust after his physique. All of this was accomplished by a dog. Not just has this husband been cucked, but every single male competitor in general.
  53. Especially if you are virgin, you've never stood a chance against a dog. The dog will always outmatch you in the world of sex. This is a little secret that I've wanted to share with you.
  55. Besides, just think about it. The thought and aspect of not being able to have sex with a woman probably fills you with rage, because you're a nerd, autistic or an outcast. Out of all the things or people who can get to enjoy the prospect of having sex with a beautiful woman, a dog can not only sniff out and enjoy the vaginal juices of a goddess which you've always dreamed of having sex with, it is also doing it on a daily basis on some part of the world. It is filling this beauty with cum and living a healthier sex life than any virgin wanker on this planet, including yourself. Yet, all you can do is just sit there and masturbate to the videos of other dogs doing the same thing.
  57. However, there's also something positive to take out of it.
  59. The next time that you're upset that women are cucking you with other men, don't be so upset. After all, the same men can easily be cucked by a dog, and all it takes is you to introduce the woman to dog sex.
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