Guest User


a guest
Mar 15th, 2018
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  1. update_interval 1
  2. total_run_times 0
  3. net_avg_samples 1
  4. cpu_avg_samples 1
  5. imlib_cache_size 0
  6. double_buffer yes
  7. no_buffers yes
  8. format_human_readable
  9. use_xft yes
  10. xftfont Existence:size=8
  11. override_utf8_locale yes
  12. text_buffer_size 2048
  13. own_window_class Conky
  14. own_window yes
  15. own_window_type override
  16. own_window_transparent yes
  17. own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
  18. alignment bottom_right
  19. gap_x 800
  20. gap_y 10
  21. minimum_size 290 200
  22. draw_shades no
  23. default_color ffffff
  24. TEXT
  25. ${voffset 15}${offset 143}${font Quicksand Light:pixelsize=120}${time %H|%M}
  26. ${voffset 30}${offset 155}${font Existence:pixelsize=30}${alignc}${time %Y %A, %B %d}
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