
Babysitter Anon short

Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. >Filly Twilight, with baby spike hot on her hoofs, rushes up behind her brother Shining Armor. "You can't do this! Mom and Dad said you had to watch over us!"
  2. >Shining, preocupied with brushing his mane, doesn't even bother to look away from the mirror. "Ya, but Cadence wants to hang out tonight!"
  3. >Twilight collapses next to him and grabs onto his tail. "So stay here! We can all play pictionary and and and read books!"
  4. >Ignoring her, Shining trots toward the front door, with Twi in toe, and swings it open. "Don't worry, I've already arranged someone to watch over you."
  5. >Twilight starts rolling around on the ground. "Noooooo, I don't wanna be watched by one of your dorky friends!"
  6. >Shining rolls his eyes. "Ya cause you're totally not a dork of the highest caliber..."
  7. >Twilight continues to throw her tantrum. "I'm just well read! You're being mean! I'm gonna tell mom and dad when they get home!"
  8. >Shining stamps his foot down, blocking Twilight from rolling around. "Come on Twily..."
  9. >Twilight shakes her head. "No, I don't even need a sitter! Spike and me are great on our own!"
  10. >Spikegigles and belches fire, lighting up Twilight's mane.
  11. >"AH"
  12. >With practiced ease Shining magicly chucks a glass of water at her, putting out the flames instantly.
  13. >Frowning, Shining looks down at his little sister. "Come on Twi... be cool about this... I'm sure you're gonna like Anon, he's a really cool dude."
  14. >"Who's Anon?"
  15. >Shining shrugs. "Some guy I met in music class, he's pretty chill."
  16. >"Wait... you just met him!? How do you know he's not crazy?!"
  17. >Shrining's face scrunches up. "No no... he's..." Shining looks away. "He's totally got a trusting face."
  18. >“You don’t even know him!”
  19. >Suddenly the ground beneath them quakes ever so slightly.
  20. >Shining looks out the door. “Oh there he is now.”
  21. >Alarmed, Twilight hops to her hooves and takes a quick look outside to see a giant biped wearing all black clothing with spiky bits all over rushing toward their house.
  22. >She whips her head toward Shining. “HES GOING TO EAT ME!”
  23. >Shining just shakes his head. “Don’t be like that..” he turns toward Anon. “HEY ANON!”
  24. >Anon completely ignores them and instead hurls himself through the closed window just to the right of them.
  25. Landing with a crash Anon pulls out his spiky bladed guitar and does a quick solo. “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ANON IN THE HOUSE!”
  26. >Shocked, Twilight turns to Shining. “Please don’t go.” but it’s already too late. Shining started running the second Anon showed up. She yells after him, “YOU BIG JERK!”
  27. >Trembling, Twilight turns toward Anon, who’s already got Spike dancing on his massive shoulders while breathing fire.
  28. “YAAAAAA You ROCK LITTLE DUDE!” Anon hammers his guitar with another bitching solo.
  29. >Twilight slinks up to him. “S..Si…Sir?
  30. Anon whips around to face her. “SIR?! Sir IS MY DAD! I’m ANON! GOD OF ROCK!” His fingers fly across his guitar and rouckous music fills the house. Spike laughs and belches another flame.
  31. >“Are you really a teenager?”
  32. Anon drops his guitar and glares at her. “Go to bed…”
  33. >“But its only 4pm!”
  34. Anon just points down the hallway.
  35. >Twilight pouts as she follows his direction. “That’s not even where my room is…”
  36. “Get!”
  37. Shaking his head he turns to Spike. “Ok little dude, now that the squares been dealt with, lets ROCK ON!!!”
  38. >Spike raises his little claws and giggles happily.
  39. “Ya you know what I’m talking about! Slap me some skin!” Anon high fives the little dragons claw.
  41. >The ponice showed up twenty minutes later citing noise complaints. Anon apologised but then later blamed it on Spike.
  42. >Twilight, unable to sleep, played dictionary with her doll, she won almost flawlessly.
  43. >Shining totally scored. [spoiler]With Chrysalis, who had incepted him on the way to Cadences.[/spoiler]
  44. >Anon escaped the house before Mr and Mrs Sparkle got home and didn’t have to explain the broken window, it was later blamed on Spike.
  45. >Spike grew up to be wicked awesome.
  46. I have no idea where I was going with this. Hope someone out there enjoyed.
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