
Something Flutterghost anon ded

Nov 26th, 2016
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  1. >"No..."
  2. >"It can't be...Anon..."
  3. >Inside her cottage Fluttershy stood doting next to Anon who lay on the bed.
  4. >Recently the shy yellow equine had taken Anon in after one day finding him in the Everfree Forest.
  5. >Surprisingly he had gotten along quite well with her other pets, and Fluttershy found him to be a charming addition to the family who spent everyday spreading cheer and making her day that much brighter.
  6. >Unfortunately, this was not one of those days.
  7. >"I'm sorry, Flutters. He's gone."
  8. >The words sent a cold but incredibly sharp shiver down her spine.
  9. >Her legs weakened and she had trouble keeping her balance
  10. >The poor girl could barely stand up with her legs trembling so and her face amidst with tears.
  11. >With a few sniffles and snorts, she manages to speak again
  12. >Of course, it's not like she could say anything greater than some simple words
  13. >Words like: ...not fair..., ...but I loved..., and could... were the only words that could escape her mouth
  14. >Again the words she heard previously echoed through her skull
  15. >"I'm sorry, Flutters. He's gone."
  16. >They were the worst words she had ever heard.
  17. >At least, they would have been if uttered by anyone else.
  18. >You had thought by now that she would catch on, but...
  19. >You didn't mean anything by it really, just a little tomfoolery.
  20. >But really, how dense can this pony be?
  21. >...No, that's rude
  22. >You should be happy that she cares this much about you.
  23. >....
  24. >......
  25. >You're beginning to realize that this was a mistake.
  26. >You just wanted a bit more time to sleep is all, not anything like this.
  27. >...
  28. >Fluttershy continues to sob at your bedside.
  29. "...Fluttershy..."
  30. >Your words were weak and soft.
  31. >"Oh dear, I'm already hearing his voice..."
  32. >Great, she didn't get it.
  33. >You decide to be a bit more assertive.
  34. "Fluttershy, please, there's no need for tears..."
  35. >"Don't say that Anon, of course you're worth shedding tears over!"
  36. >"...-Eeek!"
  37. "Finally, looks like she-"
  38. >"Oh my, now I'm even talking to myself!"
  39. >Wither her recent outburst Fluttershy had bolted out her door proclaiming about how she needed psychiatric help
  40. >By then you had gotten out of the bed to yell at her, but it was too late
  41. >With a sigh you fully stand up and start walking toward the living room
  42. >You mindlessly pick up some framed photos of her and her friends and put them back on the mantle.
  43. >You yawn some more and plop yourself down on the couch
  44. >There isn't much now then to wait for her to come back.
  45. >Angle had even bounded towards you, begging to be pampered.
  46. >You pet him as you think about your recent happenings.
  47. >You think about what your previous life must have been like, you were sure that you had one.
  48. >Whatever that was wasn't as important as the day that Fluttershy found you though.
  49. >Her soft hoof that she extended out to you, her calm and serene words...
  50. >"There are better places to take a nap then lying on the ground"
  51. >You could tell how much she must have cared for you, and all creatures that day.
  52. >The next day she would constantly check up on you, to make sure you weren't hurt.
  53. >True you had some scratches and bruised the first day, but you've been perfectly healthy every other.
  54. >Part of you thinks that she just liked getting a good look at you.
  55. >With this though firmly placed in your mind you walk over to the mirror to examine yourself.
  56. "Just as handsome as ever!"
  57. >The line was rather ironic when you said it, but at least nothing about has changed from what you knew originally.
  58. >Same exact height, same muscle build, same yellow pony standing behind you.
  59. >...wait
  60. >Before you had a moment to think you heard a giant shriek and a slamming of the door.
  61. >You turned around to face the door and even started walking closer
  62. >Sure enough though, the door started to creek open yet again.
  63. >"Anon?"
  64. >She looked confused, and even a little sad you thought.
  65. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry about today, I just-"
  66. >"Oh Anon, I can't believe it!"
  67. "Yes Fluttershy, I apologize but-"
  68. >"You've become a ghost!"
  69. >What
  70. "What"
  71. >"I've only ever heard of this happening in special occasions, but you are a human"
  72. >"Truth be told I don't know that much about humans, so really"
  73. "Fluttershy."
  74. >"Eeep!"
  75. >In case her previous mumbling had made you think her mind had completely shifted focus, her surprise her could tell you she was still the same genuine pony you know
  76. "Fluttershy, you needn't be so ridiculous, I mean look at me!"
  77. >Despite her shocked demeanor, she could still humor your antics.
  78. >For she did indeed take the time to inspect you thouroughly/
  79. >...
  80. >"Yep, you really are a ghost aren't you?"
  81. >What
  82. "Fluttershy, I'm not a ghost!"
  83. >"But you died this morning Anon!"
  84. "I was just tired!"
  85. >"I'm tired too Anon, of all hits stress that you're putting me through!"
  86. "For God's sake!"
  87. >You forcibly lift up her leg and proceed to jab it into you, repeatedly.
  89. >"...well...maybe..."
  90. >You give a cold stare.
  91. >"What if human ghost are different?"
  92. >You couldn't believe your ears
  93. >This pony was dead set on proving you, well, dead.
  94. >You try to reason with her with credibility now rather than logic.
  95. "Fluttershy, if anyone knew aoubt this, don't you have a friend that-"
  96. >"Oh yes! Twilight will know, I'll go talk to her!"
  97. >"You'll accompany me, right Anon?
  98. >"Oh no, that's right. You're a ghost!"
  99. >"Can't have you burning up in the sun!"
  100. >"I'll bring Twilight back here, just stay put."
  101. >Again she practically shoots right out the front door, you've never seen her so fast before.
  102. >You tried to yell to her that it was vampires who died in the sun, but even if she was with you it probably wouldn't have done you any good.
  103. >And so you were back to waiting.
  104. >The wait wasn't too bad, at least you could be sure you were getting a logical pony in here
  105. >At least, that was what you had thought before
  106. >"Well Flutter shy, I think I have to agree.
  107. >"Your 'Anon' here is clearly belonging to some otherworldly being."
  108. >Fluttershy gives you a smug look
  109. >If she wasn't so cute right now you would swear you could punch her in the face
  110. >You decide to take your attention to the pruple pony who had been performing test on you non-stop.
  111. >You took off whatever scientific helmet you had on, and addresed her
  112. "Twilight, surely you don't really believe this?"
  113. >"I'm sorry Anonymous, but all logic seems to point towards that conclusion."
  114. >"Your magical pulse has been flat-lining for over an hour now, nobody can live without magic!"
  115. "But I'm living right now!"
  116. >"Well evidently you're not!"
  117. "..."
  118. "So are you really saying that I'm, dead?"
  119. >"It would seem so, under Equestrian law, any magically bankrupt being is to be declared dead"
  120. "There are laws about this?"
  121. >Twilight solemnly nods and levitates you over some books on the subject
  122. >You tried to skim through it, but instead your attention kept focusing on Fluttershy, who now seemed to be...blushing?
  123. >When you brought your eyes up to meet her she looked away instantly
  124. >You were about to say something to her, but before you could your book flipped open to a specific page
  125. >Twilight, who had walked up next to you started to explain the law to you
  126. >Overall it was pretty clear cut lawyery stuff, but then Twilight had said something that had interested you.
  127. >"From this point the non magical being shall formally choose a location to reside, and an owner to haunt."
  128. >You can't believe this, now you're expected to haunt people?
  129. >"Well Anonymous, what are your choices?"
  130. "Wait Twilight, I don't want to haunt anyone!"
  131. >"Well too bad should have thought of that before you went and got yourself killed."
  132. >"You're going to have to choose who to hug, boop, and cuddle against their will for all eternity."
  133. >You hear Fluttershy chime in from the background
  134. >"The boops are the worst!"
  135. >Again, your attention fixated to Twilight.
  136. >"You have to make this decision Anon, and while you should not take it lightly it would make me that much happier if you could finish quickly."
  137. >With everything you knew know, you didn't really have much other choices.
  138. >Still, you had to make sure.
  139. "So the cuddling and hugs, they're mandatory?"
  140. >"Of course Anon, though that's just the bare minimum."
  141. >"Other actions are a bit more...well..."
  142. >You see her purple cheeks turn a bright pink.
  143. >You forcibly put a hand down onto her wither and give her a stern look
  144. >You give a nod
  145. >You then turn to Fluttershy and again give a nod
  146. >It was a heavy task but you think that you can handle it.
  147. "I choose Fluttershy"
  148. "After all, I think she's probably the one who killed me anyway."
  149. >From hence forth the legend of Anon the cuddle monster made itself known.
  150. >You, being the first ghost Equestria ever had, took your job quite seriously.
  151. >Ponies the town over would tell stories about the ghastly moans they heard erupting from the cottage.
  152. >On dark nights you even had some mares show up to prove their courage.
  153. >Like a rocket though your always sprang forth finger first, and landed your target right on their nose.
  154. >The ponies would scrunch their face and quickly run away screaming
  155. >They never could handle a full haunting though.
  156. >Hell, Fluttershy could barely keep up.
  157. >She felt truly sorry about you though, and powered through each tickle, snuggle, kiss, and ear scratch you had to give.
  158. >She truly had a large amount of will power, you can only hope that she can make it through the next "session" you have planned.
  159. >Which by the way, was happening very soon.
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