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- /*********************
- * My Solution Explane:
- *
- * 1) We can first preprocess all numbers [1 <-> 1000000]
- *
- * 2) We have an observation (By see the results of preprocessing):
- * The maximum length between [1 <-> 1000000] = 525.
- * So we can make a loop from 1 -> 1000000 and store the
- * length of cycle that start with i in array caled "len[MaxInput]"
- *
- * 3) Now we have all lengths before reading any input.
- *
- * 4) We can using "Segment_Tree" or "Sparse Table" To get the
- * Range Maximum Query (RMQ) between i and j (input numbers).
- * Note:
- * - I'm using segment tree because the number of test cases
- * is unknown from the problem statement.
- * - Maybe it can get accepted using brute force only ,
- * if the number of test cases is less than 100.
- * - using Segment tree can get the ans of query in O(logN)
- *
- * Thanks for the great competition AmesCom.
- *
- * Author: Ismaeil Al-refaey.
- ***************************/
- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- const int N = 1e6 + 4e1;
- /// Array that have in index i the
- /// length of cycle that start with i
- int len[N];
- /// --- SegmentTree for RMQ (Range Maximum Query) --- ///
- class SegTree
- {
- #define lf (p << 1) // left child
- #define rg (lf | 1) // right child
- private:
- vector< int > Seg;
- void compain(int &res ,int l , int r)
- {
- res = max(l ,r);
- }
- void BLD(int p ,int L ,int R)
- {
- if( L == R )
- {
- Seg[p] = len[L];
- return;
- }
- int Mid = (L + R) >> 1;
- BLD(lf ,L ,Mid);
- BLD(rg ,Mid + 1 ,R);
- compain(Seg[p] ,Seg[lf] ,Seg[rg]);
- }
- int QRY(int i ,int j ,int p ,int L ,int R)
- {
- if( R < i || L > j ) return INT_MIN;
- if( i <= L && R <= j ) return Seg[p];
- int Mid = (L + R) >> 1 ,res;
- int LF = QRY(i ,j ,lf ,L ,Mid);
- int RG = QRY(i ,j ,rg ,Mid + 1 ,R);
- compain(res ,LF ,RG);
- return res;
- }
- public:
- SegTree(int n)
- {
- Seg.assign(4 * n ,INT_MIN);
- }
- void BLD()
- {
- BLD(1 ,1 ,N - 1);
- }
- /// --- Function to get RMQ between (i ,j)
- int QRY(int i ,int j)
- {
- return QRY(i ,j ,1 ,1 ,N - 1);
- }
- };
- /// --- This function calc the length of cycle that start with n --- ///
- int getLen(int64_t n)
- {
- int lenOfSequence = 1;
- /// --- Implement the operations --- ///
- while( n > 1 )
- {
- if( n <= 1 ) break;
- if( n & 1 )
- {
- n *= 3;
- n += 1;
- }
- else n /= 2;
- lenOfSequence += 1;
- }
- return lenOfSequence;
- }
- int main()
- {
- /// --- PreProcessing lengths --- ///
- for(int i = 1 ; i < N ; i++) len[i] = getLen(i);
- /// --- Maximum Segment Tree --- ///
- SegTree st(N + 1);
- st.BLD();
- int i ,j;
- /// --- Querys processing --- ///
- while( scanf("%d%d" ,&i ,&j) != EOF )
- {
- /// --- print the correct i,j --- ///
- printf("%d %d " ,i ,j);
- if( i > j ) swap(i ,j);
- /// --- Get the max length between i and j using segment tree --- ///
- int maxLen = st.QRY(i ,j);
- /// --- Output --- ///
- printf("%d\n" ,maxLen);
- }
- }
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