Sep 18th, 2022
This is comment for paste The school sissy
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  1. Disclaimer: i do not support gun threats. This is also in a senario that i dont like abdl stuff. I know it's detailed but this plan took me like 5-10 mins to think up. This is also factoring in how he would probably rather go to jail than that continue...
  2. But to avoid that shame the next day (as in next day after because i'd escape from the school at recess, escape since i was kept over night) I would come to school the next day with a gun in my pants and a bullhorn and knife in my bag. I would first go to the the kindergarden teacher's class and she'll probably go to me to see if im diapered due to yesterday and if she didnt i'll go to her and whisper "I have a gun if you dont want any one to die you'll do what I say, now tell the kids you need to step outside" (in order to not panic them because I'm not really gunna shoot 5 yrs) then we'd go, durring classtime as to not draw a croud yet, to find that girl who drugged me, Then I'd tell the kindergarden teacher to "peak her head in and call the girl outside, no funny buisness or else." Once she's outside i'd show her my gun and bring her to the 1st grade teacher and then the first teacher. (Repeat what I did with the girl). Then I'd bring them outside the front of the school then get out the bull horn to get everyone's attention. Then I'd start telling my side of the story that everyone ignored. Starting with how that girl drugged me (it never gave a name or reason to how it started so based on her later actions she most likely drugged him before dressing him up because 1. How would a 16 yr boy lose to a 7th grade girl? 2.If she used enough violence to knock him out there'd be bruises 3. She probably used laxitives causing him to wet himself in the 1st grade class as well as something to make him blackout). Then about how the first teacher refused to listen and mocked me. Then to how the 1st grade teacher treated me including how she punished me for how I drank an entire juicebox when she didnt give me any other food. Then how i reacted to seeing the girl that drugged me. Then to how she came to the kindergarden classroom and how she threw babyfood all over me and when i tried to explain she glared at me and how she didn't find the fact that a 7th grade girl brought a 2nd lunch filled with babyfood and a bottle odd AT ALLπŸ˜‘. Then to how she made me go to the bathroom with that crazy girl, where she admitted that she'd drugged the food with muscle relaxers and how she forcibly changed me. Then how the first teacher laughed and mocked at a person who'd been drugged and how she treated me me after that. Before the cops arrived which they would after the commotion I'd shoot the girl and first teacher in the kneecaps and cut their achilles tendons so they'd never walk again and say "How about you 2 crawl like babies" then start cry/lauching psychotically. Then when I'd arrested i'd plead temporary insanity, when interogated, i'd explain what they did to me. How i was drugged by her and how the teacher's along with her forced me to wear girl clothes and referred to me as a girl. How I felt violated by how I was exposed and humiliated in front of hundreds of people. Then start having a breakdown in front of them so that they can see how hurt I was by it and hoe broken my mental state is. I'd either be convicted of assault or admitted to a psychiatric hospital for some time and have to go through therapy. Either way would still be better than constant humiliation day in day out.
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