

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. CET: I'm wondering if after the handoff to Exodus Rei is still going to be 'energized' >_>
  2. CAR: ?
  4. CET: IIRC she and Kishi were going to have sexytimes, then have Exodus and maybe Nyx take care of dealing with Kishi's... fluid problems?
  5. CET: I may be misremembering
  7. CVL: Er no
  8. CVL: No to the sexytimes anyways
  9. CVL: Nyx shows up before that can happen
  10. CET: ah
  11. CVL: As was discussed vefore
  13. CVL: (Though I have no idea if Rei will follow or look for qb again)
  15. CET: (*shrug* was something I recall Nevi whimsically speculating on as a possibility)
  16. CAR: *Nyx opens door. Gets dragged into make-out session by a Rei and Koishi tentacle and procedes to get double teamed?*
  17. CVL: (What do you mean, qb? I never seen him talk about that)
  18. CET: (aww, having so much fun without me :P)
  19. CET: (er, yeah, this was in a PM thing on the IRC)
  21. CVL: I see
  22. CET: we usually talk about stuff and things, relating to variousness
  23. CVL: I was going to ask why I wasn't told but I think that would be rude
  24. CET: minorly yes
  25. CET: since Nevi and I are friendish, sometimes we talk to each other about things, and sometimes the conversations touch upon 'current events' so to speak
  26. CVL: And I don't know about that proto, you would invite an unamused Exodus in if that happened or Than. I dont think anything needs to be said about Jolon.
  27. CVL: I know
  28. CVL: But if something that relates to me that isn't supposed to be private is talked about, I kinda of get upset.
  29. CET: it only tangentially relates to you :/
  30. CET: insofar as it's Exodus's castle that said purely hypothetical events happen in
  32. CVL: It relates to me because me and nev planned it
  33. CET: ...
  34. CET: if you mean you planned what proto's and my characters do
  35. CVL: No
  36. CET: I'm gonna say that's very prone to failure-states
  37. CET: then why are you upset about me and Nevi speculating about what *might hypothetically* happen involving characters that *aren't yours* on a *whim*
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