
JJOCT7 R2M4 Jojolity

Mar 26th, 2024
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  1. Judge Gates of Hell (Logic)
  3. The Jojolity of both strats warranted some internal debate from Judges, with “fighting spirit” defined as a kind of tenacity, but both strats playing somewhat in accordance with what would be expected from the matchup in the abstract. Of course, as I’ve expressed through T6, counterfactuals (“would this be the same strat without the Jojolity”) are a flawed form of analysis. Ultimately, Alex’s reckless charging and Yankee’s measured gunplay are idiosyncratic and integrated throughout the strategy, earning another pair of [7]s.
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  6. Judge Death Valley (Extra)
  8. Starting with Alex, what hurts the most here is a lack of definition. Alex is already a very bombastic and hot-blooded character, which in some ways makes the Jojolity easier and in some ways makes it harder. The strategy itself drips with tenacity and grit, but it's less from any specific throughline than from just Alex being Alex. Without a clear idea of what "fighting spirit" means in the context of the strategy, a clear judgement becomes much more difficult. In the end, considering how much spirit Alex embodies naturally, I'm going to give this a **6.**
  10. Moving to Yankee, the definition is given from the opening notes, which is, perhaps unsurprisingly for him, tenacity and grit. Funny how that works out. There's definitely both on display here; frankly, even getting within 5 feet of Alex is a show of courage considering she has a solid advantage in a CQC setting. Yankee plays it professional; he sets up his kill box and pushes Alex into it little by little, trying to force her to give up ground inch by inch. Finally, when he has her right where he wants her, he delivers a gambit out of nowhere to lock her in place for even a moment. A fine display of guts and grit that warrants a well-deserved **8.**
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  13. Judge Superdeep Borehole (Flamechar)
  15. For Jojolity, players had to “Show [their] fighting spirit!”, and both did do as much: flavor combined with strategies fitting both the character and Stand as well as being integrated throughout their strats (Alex’s unpredictable movements into a reckless charge, and Yankee’s calmer tactics centered on his will to keep going no matter what) - a **7** to each.
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