
RingMaster 04.2

Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. <RingMaster> (Rp?)
  2. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((sure))
  3. <RingMaster> "We have an extra special thing for all you! Tonigh our favorite deer shall fight for his life!"
  4. <RingMaster> Austin finds himself on murself world. There are several screen of furry like creatures looking at him. All of the savouring him
  5. <AustinWolfclaw_> Me? fight? I'm not a good fighter....
  6. <RingMaster> "Who will be the luck to battle this *snicker* valiant soul this night!!"
  7. * AustinWolfclaw_ looks around....
  8. <RingMaster> The arena is like a classic gladiator arena. In fact too close to it. There are arms around the place and the soil it's just a bunch of sand.
  9. * RingMaster takes out a numbre from a little box that LITERALLY poped out from nowhere. "Our winner is..."
  10. <RingMaster> (Any characters in particulat to DIVILER pain?)
  11. * AustinWolfclaw_ looks at the random arms around the arena... ((Diviler))
  12. <AustinWolfclaw_> ?
  13. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((Diviler?))
  14. <RingMaster> (Deliver)
  15. <RingMaster> (Bring?)
  16. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((oh... your choice.... maybe some animals? ))
  17. <RingMaster>
  18. <RingMaster> (That one?)
  19. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((hmmm i might be able to beat her lol))
  20. <RingMaster> (WOuld you like that?)
  21. <RingMaster> (Mhh...F it' YOu are battling a cocodrille woman)
  22. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((sure but based on the weapons i got, she may wind up dying hungry))
  23. <RingMaster> (Oh! Ok)
  24. <RingMaster> "The winner is...CHIMERA!"
  25. <RingMaster> (yt)
  26. * AustinWolfclaw_ sighs and decides to get this over with...he picks up a bastard sword and waits for his opponent
  27. <RingMaster> (my?)
  28. <RingMaster> (my turn?)
  29. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((yt, yes, i posted, yt))
  30. <RingMaster> The chimera runs his pars all over her fur and giggles. "Come here boy....Show me what you got"
  31. <RingMaster> (yt)
  32. * AustinWolfclaw_ gulps and shouts "You first..."
  33. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  34. <RingMaster> "My preasure!" Her eyes turn red and her wings flap. She grabs a spiked club from the wall and head straigh to Austin flyin at a quite fast speed
  35. <RingMaster> (yt)
  36. * AustinWolfclaw_ grits his teeth and clenches his sword tight, keeping his eyes on the anthro chimera.
  37. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  38. <RingMaster> The chimera swings her club at Austin while still charging at him
  39. <RingMaster> (yt)
  40. * AustinWolfclaw_ grrRRRRAAAAHS and blocks the swinging club with his sword!!!!
  41. <AustinWolfclaw_> (YT))
  42. <RingMaster> The chimera giggles and swings her club again at again at Austin. She keeps her distance by being relatively up high from Austin
  43. <RingMaster> (yt)
  44. * AustinWolfclaw_ graaahs and blocks the swing again! "Hehe..."
  45. <AustinWolfclaw_> (YT))
  46. <RingMaster> The Chimera lands and keeps swinging her clun at Austin. Little does he knows that she twister her tail behind him so he trips
  47. <RingMaster> (yt)
  48. * AustinWolfclaw_ blocks and blocks and doesnt see the tail....he loses his footing and falls!
  49. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((YT))
  50. <RingMaster> The chimera swings her club at the fallen deer. Again a trap for him no way of defence. So she can stomps him on the gut
  51. <RingMaster> (yt)
  52. * AustinWolfclaw_ blocks with the sword again and is stomped on the gut... "Ow...."
  53. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  54. <RingMaster> The chimera grabs Austins Hands and bites them so he drops his sword
  55. <RingMaster> (yt)
  56. * AustinWolfclaw_ acks as he is bit, he drops his sword but delivers a kick to the chim's crotch...he still has fight in him, somwhat...
  57. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((yt))
  58. <RingMaster> "Kyyy!" The chemera covers her sensitve area after the kicks. She rubs it. "N-Noo Fair!"
  59. <RingMaster> (yt)
  60. * AustinWolfclaw_ Acks as he is freed, he picks up sword, and raises it over his head and yells, as he swings down toward your head...
  61. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  62. <RingMaster> (You attacking the ring master or the chimera?)
  63. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((chim))
  64. <RingMaster> The chimera barely managues to evade the attack but part of her winf is cut. She screams in anger and pain. She runs towards the wall to try and grab another weapon
  65. <RingMaster> (yt)
  66. * AustinWolfclaw_ sees a bow with a quiver of arrows near a portcullis and rushes toward it...
  67. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  68. <RingMaster> The chimera managus to grab a pair of shields she weirld with both hands. She rushes towards Austin trying to catch him before he grabs the arrows.
  69. <RingMaster> (yt)
  70. * AustinWolfclaw_ dives toward the bow and arrows and inadvertantly kicks the lever that operates the portcullis and the thing slams down in front of the chim's face. He is about the puill the lever again then sees the situtation. "HA! Gotcha....i tihnk..."
  71. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  72. <RingMaster> Chimera slides down the wall dizzy and in pain. her nose is full of blood. "Uuuh..."
  73. <RingMaster> (yt)
  74. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((it's not a wall its a kinda like a cage door thingy...))
  75. * AustinWolfclaw_ smiles "Hmmm what should i do, eh?"
  76. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  77. <RingMaster> (She smashed agaist it anyway~)
  78. <RingMaster> Chiera grabs the cell bar and rises herself up. Still bleeding from her nose. Her cutted winf not helping in the matter of blood lust. "Laugh while you can"
  79. <RingMaster> (yt)
  80. * AustinWolfclaw_ smiles as he loads an arrow.... "I'm just smiling now..."*takes aim* "I'm not a good fighter but for some odd reason i'm a pretty good archer... any last words?"
  81. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  82. <RingMaster> "Uuh..No! No!" The chimera looks in frenzy as she tries to scape her cague. She presses the bars. Looks around for anything to help her to no avail
  83. <RingMaster> (yt)
  84. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((you're in the arena, i'm in the cage, ))
  85. <RingMaster> ((What?))
  86. <RingMaster> Ok, Red con...Or somethin))
  87. <RingMaster> The chimera grabs one of the shields she dropped earlier "I'll eat you whole pretty boy!"
  88. <RingMaster> (yt)
  89. * AustinWolfclaw_ smiles. "Been there, done that." *fires an arrow at you.*
  90. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  91. <RingMaster> The chimera put's the shield up to her face. However it hits her shoulder she let's go out of the shield while screaming in pain
  92. <RingMaster> (yt)
  93. * AustinWolfclaw_ quickly loads anoother arrow and fires...he repeats this process about three more times. 9 arrows left....
  94. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((yt))
  95. <RingMaster> The chimera get hit. First again on her shoulder her arm is gone for good. Then her good wing. Her stomach. her Rib, her tighs and her leg are next she falls to the groun panthing and whinning. Tears come out of her eyes
  96. <RingMaster> (yt)
  97. * AustinWolfclaw_ loads another arrow...and kicks the lever opening the portcullis. he exits, and surrounds his prey....waiting for any movement...
  98. <AustinWolfclaw_> (yt)
  99. <RingMaster> The chimera doesn't seems to be moving. She is breathing heavily pleasding for her life as Austin circles around her. Her mane is spreaded acroos the groun. Same are her wings trying to flap and get out of there.
  100. <RingMaster> "Please...No...Nooo"
  101. <RingMaster> (yt)
  102. <AustinWolfclaw_> Yes...YES...OOOH YES *he fires an arrow at your chest, hoping to hit your heart....* "You're gonna die hungry tonight!"
  103. <AustinWolfclaw_> ((BRB))
  104. * AustinWolfclaw_ se ha marchado (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  105. <RingMaster> The chimera screams as her heart is pierced. Like a deer after a hunt she bleed and cries on the floor as she sloly loses all movement.
  106. <RingMaster> (yt)
  107. * AustinWolfclaw grabs the shield you dropped and bashes your head repeatedly.
  108. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  109. <RingMaster> The chimera twiches on the ground as her blood is sprayed all over the place. Austin can only hear "Uuh...Uuhh...." as her head is about to explote
  110. <RingMaster> (yt)
  111. * AustinWolfclaw grabs a nearby dagger and starts stabbing you in the heart repeatedly..."DIE YOU CUNT DIEEEEEEEE!!!"
  112. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  113. AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  114. <RingMaster> The chimera was long gone. Ring Master smiles at this.
  115. <RingMaster> "Nice...Nice..."
  116. * AustinWolfclaw drops his weapons..."Whew..."
  117. <RingMaster> "I was hopping for your feral instic to come out. Now...Let's see ..."
  118. <RingMaster> (Want to continue?)
  119. <AustinWolfclaw> (YES))
  120. <AustinWolfclaw> ((if the pred is right i might let it have me....))
  121. <RingMaster> "Next up...A little number we grabbed on the street to our little *Ahem* patrocinator"
  122. <RingMaster>
  123. <RingMaster> "FiFiii!"
  124. <RingMaster> (yt)
  125. <RingMaster> (If you defeat her it's the tiger next!)
  126. * AustinWolfclaw grabs his bastard sword and dagger then his bow, and looks for more arrows. He now has 20 arrows in his quiver, and has his bow and arrow aimed at the predator about to make her entrance... "Ready! Do your WORST..."
  127. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt while i wait for fifi to load on a dial up connection))
  128. <RingMaster> Fifi grabs an armor and a couple of fist kuckles. She looks at Austin she looks at him with somewhat of an admiration maybe. She shakes her head and takes a crossbow with her and a shield.
  129. <RingMaster> "Look like we have a honorable warrior here. Those are always fun to see dying!"
  130. <RingMaster> (yt)
  131. * AustinWolfclaw erks and puts on chain mail and equips a shield. "You think you're gonna eat me? you're a lowly PREY ANIMAL!"
  132. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  133. <RingMaster> Fifi smiles. "It's always fun to see a predator fall" she saya with a smile on her face.
  134. <RingMaster> "Let's go!" Fifi fires her crossbow at Austin
  135. <RingMaster> (yt)
  136. * AustinWolfclaw blocks the bolts with the shield and tries to keep his distance from the skunk "I'm NO PREDATOR. But i still fight..."
  137. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  138. <RingMaster> "Your eyes glare like one. You want blood, This place has gotten into you"
  139. <RingMaster> Fifi jumps aat Austin with her iron knuckles and tries to punch him
  140. <RingMaster> (yt)
  141. * AustinWolfclaw tries to block with the shield while slashing at fifi with the dagger... "GggggYYAAH Damn you're swift..."
  142. * Notify: Idoro is offline (
  143. <RingMaster> Fifi managues to catch Austin's hands and struggle with him. She licks Austin's cheeck. "Nice of you to notice"
  144. <RingMaster> (yt)
  145. * AustinWolfclaw struggles with her gritting his teeth "You call yourself a pred?" *KICKS you in crotch after 15 secs of struggling...*
  146. <RingMaster> "Kyaaah!" Fifi smiles. Ive gotten worse thing happened down there. She uses her only weapon she brought with herself. Her odor.
  147. <RingMaster> (yt)
  148. * AustinWolfclaw gets his bastard sword and attempts to thrust it into her chest.... "DIE BITCH!!!"
  149. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  150. <RingMaster> Fifi barely managues to evade it in fact. It get's stuck on her shoulder she screams her head out in pain
  151. <RingMaster> (yt)
  152. * AustinWolfclaw grrrs and pulls out and drives it in again! "You're DEAD! You're NO PREDATOR!!!"
  153. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  154. <RingMaster> Blood comes out from Fifi's mouth "Uuuh...Uuh.." She tries to land a punch on Austins's face
  155. <RingMaster> (yt)
  156. * AustinWolfclaw dodges the weak punch! "You know if you were a cool pred, i might have let you have me...but you arent a cool're not even a pred!" *he gets out his dagger and slashes at your throat!*
  157. <RingMaster> Fifi's eyes are full of tears. Her throat spills blood all over the place.
  158. <AustinWolfclaw> Hehehe niiice... *Stabs your boobs a few times and stabs your heart as well*
  159. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  160. <RingMaster> The quick slices managued to pierce her hear. She can no longer scream only blled.She falls on her knees and blees more and more.Eventually she falls back to the floor and her eyes are wide open. Fifi has fallen.
  161. * RingMaster claps
  162. <RingMaster> (yt)
  163. * AustinWolfclaw stomps on your body a dozen times then kicks you away. "Weird...i havent used my antlers once"
  164. <AustinWolfclaw> ((kicks fifi))
  165. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  166. <RingMaster> "Well folks. I guess he has earned it. His finnall opponet it's no other than our very own tiger. He usus this arena to play with his prey but he has gotten tired of easy challangues. This guy is worthy. Up next:
  167. <RingMaster> The real king of the jungle, The master of massacre. We all know im and are afraid of him. Black Tiger!"
  168. <AustinWolfclaw> Your tiger? Really? *gets out his bow and arrow*
  169. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  170. <RingMaster> *A tiger with black fur and white stripes jumps out of the booth. He anthropomorpich indeed. His growl makes the grounds shake. "They tell me you are more than lowly prey...Show me!"
  171. <RingMaster> (yt)
  172. <AustinWolfclaw> *shoots a couple arrows at your chest* "Already am..."
  173. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  174. <RingMaster> The tiger catches some. Other's stick on his scarred chest. "Impresive...My turn!" The tiger get's on his four paws and runs circles around Austin
  175. <RingMaster> (yt)
  176. * AustinWolfclaw gets out his bastard sword and tries to swing at the tiger running circles around him! This beast was fast! Maybe this would be the beast that would get him....*
  177. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  178. <RingMaster> The tiger crouches and slashes with his bare claws Austin's chest. Then he retrats waiting for him to make his move
  179. <RingMaster> (yt)
  180. * AustinWolfclaw screams as his chest is slashed! he clutches his chest and falls to the ground dropping his weapons.. he bleed out, staining his already red shirt with a darker shade of crimson.
  181. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  182. <RingMaster> The tiger puts his leg up to Austins's chest pushing him further down. He then started to slash him like a maniac. Tearing his clothes. Armor and skin appart
  183. <RingMaster> (yt)
  184. * AustinWolfclaw screams as his armor, shirt and the upper part of his pant are torn off him, he is now a bloody mess, but still alive, luckily...
  185. <AustinWolfclaw> ((yt, i'm liking this now..))
  186. <RingMaster> The tiger lifts him up by the hair. He smiled and bits Austin's shoulder
  187. <RingMaster> (yt)
  188. * AustinWolfclaw yelps in sheer pain as his tasty shoulder is bit into.... he takes the opportunity to kick at the tiger's crotch as hard as he can.....
  189. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  190. <RingMaster> The tiger reels a little. However he does not let go of Austin. Enfuriated he slams Austin's body into the ground
  191. <RingMaster> "You will be a tasty prey~"
  192. <RingMaster> (yt)
  193. * AustinWolfclaw ACKS as he is slammed into the ground. The deer tries to rake the eyes of the tiger. He bleeds, the scent of the blood wafting throught the randomly placed portcullises, as the deer fights for his life against a menacing Black Tiger anthro...or was it a weretiger?
  194. <AustinWolfclaw> ((yt))
  195. <RingMaster> The tiger grabbed Austin by his anthler and kicked him on the face several times. His legs had also sharp claws so they teared Austin faces
  196. <RingMaster> (yt)
  197. * AustinWolfclaw acks as he his kicked...his vision gets blurry and by the time the kicks were over, the deer was unconcious.
  198. <AustinWolfclaw> (he is kicked) (YT)
  199. <AustinWolfclaw> ((you think the blood may attract other predators?))
  200. <RingMaster> The tiger growls as she proclaims his victory.
  201. <RingMaster> (I'll going to go Mortal Kombat on your ass since I need too do some stuff))
  202. <RingMaster> ((Mmmhh....Being devoured by many? If ya like it)
  203. * AustinWolfclaw lies in a bloody heap, the smell of fresh meat overwhelming... ((Do some stuff? Like what?)
  204. <RingMaster> (HomeWork. Do some work since I've been fallin behind this week)
  205. <AustinWolfclaw> ((i've been devoured by many preds in many different rps. i've been known to do extreme stuff))
  206. <AustinWolfclaw> (yt)
  207. <RingMaster> The tiger bites Austin's neck and takes a good chunk out of it. Making sure to mark this as his kill.
  208. <RingMaster> The then with his paw brakes Austin anthlers in half.
  209. <RingMaster> He dig deep into his chest and eates his sides.
  210. <RingMaster> His carcass was not done yet. Since Ring Master popes out of nowhere and takes the legs. Then with a knife splits them in half. He drops one to the grounds so Murderlworl is feed by this new prey. Beside Fifi and the Chimera.
  211. <AustinWolfclaw> *the body twitches as a huge chunk of meat is taken from his neck....his antlers broken the time the tiger digs in to his sides he is dead....((i would pet this kitty if i was still alive))
  212. <RingMaster> The tiger growls but keeps the rest for him. His mouth full of meat and his whiskers full of blood. He dig deep into the sides. He takes out the heart and eats it with in one gulp.
  213. <RingMaster> Blood falls all over the arena. It's of course being obsorved by murderworld. And as state before so are Fifi's and the Chimera as they are gorly absorved by the place.
  214. * RingMaster smiles as this bloody demostration keeps on going.
  215. <AustinWolfclaw> ((mmmm :) ))
  216. <AustinWolfclaw> ((Yep. Leave no meat uneaten. Get as extreme as you like))
  217. <RingMaster> Austin's head falls out from his body givven that there is nothong left to hold it together and it rolls around.
  218. <AustinWolfclaw> ((as a reward for defeating the deer i give you this ))
  219. <AustinWolfclaw> the deer's head gives off a blank stare.... the soul drifts off somewhere...
  220. * RingMaster takes it and smiles. He teleports back to the both were a liones is in chain
  221. * RingMaster throws the head at her like if it was a leftover. In fact it is. "Eat away~ It's the only thing left for you"
  222. <RingMaster> The liones takes outs Austins brains and eats them with a pleasure look on her face. She digs the skull and eats it all away. She skulks the eyes out.
  223. * AustinWolfclaw is tasty
  224. <RingMaster> She then raws through his skull. What's left of the skull anyway since it's only bone down. Meanwhile the tigere takes out the arms he is no interested in that. Only the middle part let this awefully planet have the rest.
  225. <RingMaster> The arms are absorved by murderworld. In fact it's almost like a digestive system it desintegreated the meat and absorves the blood.
  226. * AustinWolfclaw 's soul just watches.....
  227. <RingMaster> The only thing left is Austin crotch. The tiger crunched his sensitce area. He enjoys every bites and tears up the bone. In fact it grinds it so he can eat meat.
  228. <RingMaster> (@_@)
  229. <RingMaster> (Damn Boy! I'm good at this~)
  230. <RingMaster> The tiger swallows the crotch. He picks appart some of Austin's bones from his mouth. The only thing left of the blood thyrty anthler is his skull.
  231. * RingMaster smiles and places it on the wall
  232. <AustinWolfclaw> ((yes you are...)) you're in for a big surprize once the deer is all bones
  233. <AustinWolfclaw> (())
  234. <AustinWolfclaw> ((meant to put all that in ooc quites))
  235. * RingMaster closes the curtain.
  236. <RingMaster> (End)
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